Bài tập trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh 11 mới Unit 1 Writing có đáp án

Unit 1: The Generation Gap

Bài tập trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh 11 mới Unit 1 Writing có đáp án

Bài 1. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Quảng cáo

Question 1: Nobody in the class is as tall as Mike.

A. Everybody in the class is taller than Mike.

B. Somebody in the class may be shorter than Mike.

C. Mike is the tallest student in the class.

D. Mike may be taller than most students in the class.

Đáp án: C

Dịch: Không ai trong lớp cao bằng Mike.

Question 2: I haven't got enough money to buy a new car.

A. I need more money to buy a new car.

B. I don't want to spend more money on a new car.

C. A new car is not something I really need.

D. Money is not the most essential issue to buy a new car

Đáp án: A

Dịch: Tôi chưa có đủ tiền để mua một chiếc xe mới.

Question 3: I am really keen on playing sports.

Quảng cáo

A. I am a big fan of sports.

B. Playing sports makes me sick.

C. I am not really into sports.

D. I can't stand sports.

Đáp án: A

Dịch: Tôi thực sự quan tâm đến việc chơi thể thao

Question 4: “I will come back home soon,” he said.

A. He advised to come back home soon.

B. He offered to come back home soon.

C. He promised to come back home soon.

D. He suggested that he should come back home soon.

Đáp án: C

Dịch: “Tôi sẽ trở về nhà sớm thôi” anh nói.

Question 5: . He prevented his close friend from telling the truth.

A. He forbade his close friend to tell the truth.

B. He allowed his close friend to tell the truth.

C. He ordered his close friend to tell the truth.

D. He paid his close friend to tell the truth.

Đáp án: A

Dịch: Anh ngăn người bạn thân của mình nói sự thật.

Quảng cáo

Bài 2. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

Question 6: My brother speaks too loud. It is really annoying.

A. My brother is speaking too loud.

B. My brother likes to speak too loud.

C. My brother feels annoyed when he can't speak too loud.

D. My brother is always speaking too loud.

Đáp án: D

Cấu trúc: S + tobe + always + Ving (phàn nàn ai đó luôn luôn như thế nào)

Dịch: Anh tôi nói quá to. Nó thực sự gây phiền nhiễu.

Question 7: There is always conflict between parents and children. However, they still should talk and share things with each other.

A. Although there is always conflict between parents and children, they still should talk and share things with each other.

B. There is always conflict between parents and children, so they still should talk and share things with each other.

C. Unless there is always conflict between parents and children, they still should talk and share things with each other.

D. Not only there is always conflict between parents and children, but they still should talk and share things with each other.

Quảng cáo

Đáp án: A

Dịch: Mặc dù luôn có xung đột giữa cha mẹ và con cái, họ vẫn nên nói chuyện và chia sẻ mọi thứ với nhau.

Question 8: Your parents will help you with the problem. You should tell them the story.

A. Because your parents will help you with the problem, you should tell them the story.

B. Your parents will help you with the problem since you should tell them the story.

C. If your parents will help you with the problem, you should tell them the story.

D. Your parents will help you with the problem because you should tell them the story.

Đáp án: A

Dịch: Bởi vì cha mẹ của bạn sẽ giúp bạn giải quyết vấn đề, bạn nên kể cho họ nghe câu chuyện.

Question 9: Unemployment rate is high. This makes many children move back to their parents' house.

A. Many children move back to their parents' house, which makes high unemployment rate.

B. High unemployment rate forces many children to move back to their parents' house.

C. Moving back to their parents' house suggests that the unemployment rate is high.

D. It is necessary to move back to your parents' house if unemployment rate is high.

Đáp án: B

Dịch: Tỷ lệ thất nghiệp cao. Điều này khiến nhiều trẻ em trở về nhà của cha mẹ chúng

Question 10: She is an honest person. She is also a very friendly one.

A. She is an honest but friendly person.

B. She is not only an honest but also a very friendly person.

C. Though she is a honest person, she is friendly.

D. Being honest is necessary to become friendly.

Đáp án: B

Not only …. but also …. (không những ….. mà còn …)

Dịch: Cô ấy là một người trung thực. Cô ấy cũng là một người rất thân thiện.

Question 11: "I have never been to Russia. I think I shall go there next year.” said Bill.

A. Bill said that he had never been to Russia and he thought he would go there the next year.

B. Bill said that he would have never been to Russia and he thinks he would go there the next year.

C. Bill said that he had never been to Russia and he thinks he will go there the next year.

D. Bill said that he has never been to Russia and he thinks he would go there the next year.

Đáp án: A

Câu ban đầu: Bill nói “Tôi chưa đến nước Nga bao giờ. Tôi nghĩ tôi sẽ đến đó vào năm tới.”

Đáp án B, C, D đều sai về mặt ngữ pháp vì khong lùi thì động từ “think” khi chuyển từ câu trực tiếp sang gián tiếp.

Question 12: People believed that Jane retired because of her poor health.

A. Jane is believed to have retired because of her poor health.

B. Jane was believed to have retired because of her poor health.

C. It is believed that Jane retired because of her poor health.

D. Jane retired because of her poor health was believed.

Đáp án: B

Câu ban đầu: Mọi người đã tin rằng Jane nghỉ hưu bởi vì sức khỏe yếu của mình.

Câu này đang ở thì quá khứ đơn nên ta loại luôn đáp án A và C (sai thì).

Đáp án D sai ngữ pháp.

Ta chọn đáp án B theo đúng cấu trúc dạng bị động.

Question 13: The government knows the extent of the problem. The government needs to take action soon.

A. The government knows the extent of the problem whereas it needs to take action soon.

B. The government knows the extent of the problem so that it needs to take action soon.

C. Knowing the extent of the problem, the government needs to take action soon.

D. The government knows the extent of the problem, or else it needs to take action soon.

Đáp án: C

Câu ban đầu: Chính phủ biết mức độ của vấn đề. Chính phủ cần hành động sớm.

Đáp án A và B sai ngữ pháp. Cấu trúc bị động với need đằng sau phải là Ving.

Đáp án D sai nghĩa so với câu ban đầu.

Question 14: The substance is very toxic. Protective clothing must be worn at all times.

A. Since the substance is very toxic, so protective clothing must be worn at all times.

B. So toxic is the substance that protective clothing must be worn at all times.

C. The substance is such toxic that protective clothing must be worn at all times.

D. The substance is too toxic to wear protective clothing at all times.

Đáp án: B

Câu ban đầu: Chất này rất độc. quần áo bảo hộ phải mặc bất cứ lúc nào.

Đáp án A vì đầu câu có “since” rồi nên ta không cần dùng “so” nữa và ngược lại. Nhìn chung câu này mắc lỗi ngữ pháp.

Đáp án C dùng sai cấu trúc “ ..... so ....... that ......” thành “such .... that.”

Đáp án D sai nghĩa so với câu ban đầu.

Question 15: John is studying hard. He doesn’t want to fail the exam.

A. John is studying hard in Oder not to fail the next exam

B. John is studying hard in Oder that he not fail the next exam

C. John is studying hard so as to fail the next exam

D. John is studying hard in Oder to not to fail the next exam

Đáp án: A

Cấu trúc: In order (not) to + V = So as (not) to: để (không) làm gì

In order that + Clause

Đáp án B “fail” chưa được chia ở ngôi thử 3 sổ ít

C sai nghĩa của câu

D sai cấu trúc “ In order not to”

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