Trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh 7 Global Success Unit 5 Reading có đáp án

Với câu hỏi trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh 7 Global Success Unit 5: Food and drink phần Reading có đáp án và giải thích chi tiết sẽ giúp học sinh lớp 7 ôn trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh 7.

Trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh 7 Global Success Unit 5 Reading có đáp án

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Chỉ 100k mua trọn bộ trắc nghiệm Tiếng Anh 7 Global Success (cả năm) bản word có lời giải chi tiết, trình bày đẹp mắt, dễ dàng chỉnh sửa:

Bài 1: Read the passage and then decide whether the statements are true or false

Quảng cáo

Green tea

Green tea must always be the first to be mentioned whenever one talks about Vietnamese tea. From the middle of the 20th century, green tea has been planted extensively throughout the North and the Middle of Vietnam, gradually becoming a symbol of Vietnamese' everyday life, of the peaceful countryside regions.

Green tea is very amiable to Vietnam' soil and climate, as it can be found widely in not only plain but also highland areas, sometimes right in the family backyard's gardens. With the higher trunk and larger in size of leaves in comparison with other tea plants, green tea can be enjoyed fresh and there is no need to wilt or oxidize; people can enjoy it right after picking the leaves from the tree. Steeping and boiling the tea leaves in hot water, after fifteen minutes, your green tea is ready to be served. Vietnam has been always an agricultural country, since people in rural area earn a living mainly from farming. It is the keeping-cool characteristic that makes green tea a perfect beverage for hot summer days in the tropical land. Besides blowing out the heat from the inside, green tea also helps improving the body's resistance to infection. Unsurprisingly, green tea has been considered an indispensable part of Vietnamese farmers' ordinary life.

Nowadays, acknowledging about Vietnamese ardor for green tea and its positive affects on health, some shrewd producers have convert this folk beverage into canned drink, bringing green tea closer to urban citizens as well as foreigners.

Question 1: From the middle of the 20th century, green tea has been planted extensively throughout the South of Vietnam.

Quảng cáo

Đáp án: F

Thông tin: From the middle of the 20th century, green tea has been planted extensively throughout the North and the Middle of Vietnam.

Từ giữa thế kỷ 20, trà xanh đã được trồng rộng rãi khắp miền Bắc và miền Trung Việt Nam

Question 2: Vietnam's climate is favorable for growth of green tea.

Đáp án: T

Thông tin: Green tea is very amiable to Vietnam' soil and climate.

Trà xanh rất phù hợp với đất đai và khí hậu của Việt Nam

Question 3: Green tea is good for people health.

Đáp án: T

Thông tin: toàn bộ ở đoạn 2 và câu đầu đoạn 3.

Question 4: Nowadays, some producers have converted this folk beverage into canned drink.

Đáp án: T

Thông tin: … some shrewd producers have convert this folk beverage into canned drink.

Một số nhà sản xuất sắc sảo đã chuyển đổi thức uống dân gian này thành đồ uống đóng hộp

Question 5: Green tea is very expensive so only the rich can buy it.

Đáp án: F

Giải thích: Bài đọc không nói đến việc trà xanh thì đắt đỏ chỉ dành cho người giàu.

Quảng cáo

Bài 2.

What do you often do after school? In my school, there are a lot of clubs which students can take part in after school hours.

The club that has the biggest number of members is the swimming club called “Blue Dolphins”. I myself love swimming so I am a member of this club. I go to the swimming pool twice a day and swim for about an hour. I’m really interested in swimming breaststroke because it helps me move as fast as I can. I’m also fond of backstroke. I swim backstroke when I want to relax, breathe and let my body float freely. It’s very relaxing.

The second club I would like to mention is the charity club. Its name is “Golden Heart”. Members of the club often do community service. This month, they are conducting a clean-up campaign to protect the environment around the school. They collect trash, clean the toilet area, and grow plants. I am not a Golden Heart’s member, but I participate in their activities whenever I can.

If you can sing, dance or play musical instruments, the musical club “Heartstrings” is definitely for you. The president of the club is Mike, my best friend. He is not only good-looking but also sings beautifully and plays the guitar very well.

In conclusion, we should do as many activities as possible in our free time to have good health and a fresh mind to prepare for lessons in class. Spending all our time studying is not a good idea.

Hãy ghép các từ với nghĩa tương ứng của chúng.

1. Backstroke A. dịch vụ cộng đồng
2. Breaststroke B. vệ sinh, sự dọn dẹp
3. Clean-up C. bơi ếch
4. Community service D. đẹp trai, ưa nhìn
5. Good-looking E. bơi ngửa
Quảng cáo

Question 1: Backstroke

Đáp án: E. bơi ngửa

Question 2: Breaststroke

Đáp án: C. bơi ếch

Question 3: Clean-up

Đáp án: B. vệ sinh, sự dọn dẹp

Question 4: Community service

Đáp án: A. dịch vụ cộng đồng

Question 5: Good-looking

Đáp án: D. đẹp trai, ưa nhìn

Chọn đáp án chính xác nhất.

Question 6: The writer is interested in swimming breaststroke because ________

A. it makes him relaxed

B. it helps him swim as fast as he can

C. it helps him stay healthy

D. it is the easiest swimming style

Đáp án: B

Thông tin: I’m really interested in swimming breaststroke because it helps me move as fast as I can.

Dịch nghĩa: Tôi thực sự thích bơi ếch vì nó giúp tôi di chuyển nhanh nhất có thể.

Question 7: The writer is fond of backstroke when ________ .

A. he has a competition

B. he is hot

C. he is tired

D. he want to relax

Đáp án: D

Thông tin: I swim backstroke when I want to relax, breathe and let my body float freely.

Dịch nghĩa: Tôi bơi ngửa khi muốn thư giãn, thở và để cơ thể tự do trôi nổi

Question 8: This month, Golden Heart's members ________ .

A. clean classrooms, halls, and the toilet area

B. grow plants, water flowers

C. help elderly people

D. collect trash, clean the toilet area, and grow plants

Đáp án: D

Thông tin: This month, they are conducting a clean-up campaign to protect the environment around the school. They collect trash, clean the toilet area, and grow plants.

Dịch nghĩa: Trong tháng này, họ đang tiến hành một chiến dịch làm sạch để bảo vệ môi trường xung quanh trường học. Họ thu gom rác, dọn dẹp khu vực nhà vệ sinh và trồng cây.

Question 9: The musical club “Heartstrings” is definitely for the students who ________ .

A. can sing and dance

B. can sing, dance, and play musical instruments

C. can write songs

D. can cook

Đáp án: B

Thông tin: If you can sing, dance or play musical instruments, the musical club “Heartstrings” is definitely for you.

Dịch nghĩa: Nếu bạn có thể hát, nhảy hoặc chơi nhạc cụ, câu lạc bộ âm nhạc là Heart Heartingsings chắc chắn dành cho bạn.

Question 10: Spending all the time studying is ________ .

A. unnecessary          B. necessary

C. good          D. important

Đáp án: A

Thông tin: Spending all our time studying is not a good idea.

Dịch nghĩa: Dành tất cả thời gian của chúng ta để nghiên cứu không phải là một ý tưởng tốt

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