Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Global Success Unit 11 Skills 1

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Global Success Unit 11 Skills 1

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Chỉ từ 300k mua trọn bộ Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Global Success bản word phong cách hiện đại, trình bày đẹp mắt, dễ dàng chỉnh sửa:

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- Things that can be reduced, reused and recycled


- Rhythm in sentences


- Articles

- First conditional


- Reading about ways to go green.

- Talking about tips for going green.

- Listening about ideas for a green club.

- Writing a paragraph about ideas for a green club

Everyday English

Giving warnings

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I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to gain the following things :

1. Knowledge:

- To teach reading to develop the skill of guessing the meaning of words/ phrases in context . To practice discussing their opinions about green tips and sharing the ways to reuse things.

+ Vocabulary: use the words for things that can be reduced, reused and recycled;

- say sentences with correct rhythm;

- give warnings;

+ Grammar: - use the articles correctly;

- use the first conditional to talk about possibilities;

2. Competence: By the end of the lesson students will be able to learn how to guess the meaning of words/ phrases in context . To practice discussing their opinions about green tips and sharing the ways to reuse things.

3. Quality/ behavior : The awareness of protecting the environment “go green” (to do more to protect nature and the environment). Having serious attitude to go green ; Having serious attitude to working in groups, individual work, cooperative learning and working.


- Teacher: Text book, laptop, louspeaker, projector…

- Students : Text books, studying equipments….

- Work Arrangements: T_Ss , group works; individual ……

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Aim:Pre - reading

To help Ss understand their knowledge of the topic

- Tell Ss that they are going to read an interview about ways to go green at school.

* Content: Review the previous lesson or have somewarm-up activities to creat a friendly and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.

* Outcome: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..

* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s activities

Student’s activities

+ Greeting

+ Revision

- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions about them and class.

- T revises or asks Ss about last lessons.

- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce what they are going to study….

- T leads in the lesson.

* Teach some new words in contexts if necessary.

- T follows steps to teach new words.

+ Greeting

+ Revision

- T_Ss

- Students (Ss) listen and answer the teacher’s or friend’s questions

- Open their book and write the tittle of the lesson .


ACTIVITY 1: While- reading

Aim: To develop the skill of locating specific words in the text.

* Content: Read the interview. Find the words/ phrases and underline them.

* Outcome: Ss can find the words/ phrases and underline them in the interview to developmskills.

* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities


1. A reporter is interviewing Nam, a member of the 3Rs Club. Read the interview. Find the words or phrases and underline them.

*) Pre- teach vocabulary:

- Teacher uses different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, realia, translation .....)

+ Follow the steps to teach vocabulary

* Vocabulary

- exchange (v) trao đổi

- recycling bin (n) thùng đựng rác tái chế

- charity(n) từ thiện

- tip (n) mẹo, cách

- instead of thay vì

- share (v) chia sẻ

- Repeat in chorus and individually

+ Check vocabulary

+ Take note

* Ask Ss to read the interview quickly and locate the words / phrases from the box in the text.

- Have Ss highlight the words / phrases they have found. Invite some Ss to share where they have found the words / phrases. If T uses slides, show the text with the highlighted words / phrases to prepare for the next activity.

- Check the answers as a class.

- Gve the comment

1. A reporter is interviewing Nam, a member of the 3Rs Club. Read the interview. Find the words or phrases and underline them.

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Global Success Unit 11 Skills 1

- T_Ss; Ss do themselves

+ Students (Ss) listen to the instructions carefully and learn how to do the tasks.

- Give the answers

- Complete the tasks

3. While- reading (18’)


Aim: To develop the skill of guessing the meaning of words / phrases in context.

* Content: Do the matching . Guessing the meaning of words / phrases in context.

* Outcome: Ss can match the words/ phrases with their meanings correctly.

* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities


2. Match the words/ phrases with their meaning.

- Tell Ss how to do the activity. Remind them to look again at the words / phrases that have been highlighted in 1 and read the surrounding sentences carefully to get the meaning of each word / phrase, and then match the word / phrase with the given meaning.

- Have Ss do this exercise individually and then compare their answers with a classmate. Ask for Ss' answers. Confirm the correct answers. Ask Ss to give some examples with the words / phrases.

2. Match the words/ phrases with their meaning.

- T_Ss

- Listen to the teacher’s instructions carefully and learn how to do.

- Check the meaning of the words

- Ss work individually first.

- Compare the answers with partners

- Give the answers


1. e 2. d 3. a 4. b 5. c


Aim: To develop the skill of reading for general and specific information.

* Content: Further practice reading for general and specific information.

* Outcome: Ss understand deeply about the content of the text by answering the questions.

* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities


3. Read the text again. Answer the questions.

- Have Ss read the interview again to answer the questions.

- Ss can underline parts of the text that helped them with the answers.

- Set a strict time limit to ensure Ss read quickly for information.

- Have Ss compare their answers before giving the answers to T.

- Ask them to cite evidence when giving the answers.

- Confirm the correct answers to the class.

3. Read the text again. Answer the questions.

- T_Ss. SS do it

- Listen to the teacher’s instructions carefully and follow them.

- Give the answer .

* Key:

1. Ways to become greener at school

2. Recyclng bins

3. Exchange old uniforms with friends or give them to charity

4. Borrow books from the library

5. Reusable water bottles


ACTIVITY 4: (Follow up activity)Speaking

Aim: To give Ss a chance to discuss their opinions about green tips.

* Content: Discussing to put the tips inorder from the easiest to the most difficult.

* Outcome: Ss can put the tips correctly and can add more tips to the list.

* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

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