Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Global Success Unit 12 A Closer Look 1

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Global Success Unit 12 A Closer Look 1

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Chỉ từ 300k mua trọn bộ Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Global Success bản word phong cách hiện đại, trình bày đẹp mắt, dễ dàng chỉnh sửa:

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- Daily activities


- Tones in statement.


- Superlative adjectives: short adjectives (smallest, tallest, ect )


- Reading about an Internationa Robot Show.

- Talking about what robots can do.

- Listening about what robots can do.

- Writing a paragraph about a robot you would like to have.

Everyday English

Expressing agreement and disagreement.

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I. OBJECTIVE: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to gain the following things :

1. Knowledge:

- To introduce topic of the lesson Robots . To teach some new words related to Robots can do or cannot do. To practse saying falling tone in statements.

+ Vocabulary: - Use the words for daily activities;

- Say statements with correct tones;

- Expressing agreement and disagreement about something;

- New words: do the dishes; iron clothes; do the washing; make meals; repair; broken machines…

+ Grammar: - Superlative adjectives: short adjectives (smallest, tallest, ect )

- Compare people and things using superlative adjectives;

2. Competence: Students will be able to learn some new words related to Robots can do or cannot do. To practse saying falling tone in statements.

3. Quality/ behavior : The awareness of doing daily activities. Having good attitude to doing the housework. Having serious attitude to working in groups, individual work, cooperative learning and working.


- Teacher: Text book, laptop, louspeaker, projector…

- Students : Text books, studying equipments….

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- Work Arrangements: T_Ss , group works; individual ……



Aims: Vocabulary

- To revise/ teach the names of other daily activities

* Content: Listen and read conversation to get used to the vocabulary; new grammar points.

* Outcome: Reading . Ss learn some new words; become familiar with thenew language items.

* Organisation :Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities


+ Greeting

+ Playing game:

Guessing game

- Revising phrases relating to localtions of houses, Eg. In the sea, in the city; in the counryside…

- Teacher (T) asks guides, gives instructions how to play guessing game.

- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce what they are going to study….

+ Greeting

+ Playing game : - T – Ss . Ss-Ss

Guessing game

Guessing game

- Students (Ss) listen and learn how to do.

- Ss answer.

- Open their book and write .



Aim: To teach/ revise the names of other daily activities.

* Content: Do the matching to revise the names of other daily activities.

* Outcome: Ss learn more some new words and the names of other daily activities.

* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities


1. Match the verbs in column A to the wordr or phrases in column B . Then listen and repeat.

- T – Ss

*) Pre- teach vocabulary:

- Teacher uses different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, realia, translation .....)

+ Follow the steps to teach vocabulary

- Repeat in chorus and individually

+ Check vocabulary

+ Take note

- Have Ss quickly match the verbs in column A to the words / phrases in column B individually. Explain the words / phrases if necessary.

- Play the recording for Ss to check their answers. - Pause the recording after each phrase and ask them to repeat chorally and Individually.

- Correct their pronunciation. With a weaker class, ask for translations to check understanding. With a stronger class, ask some additional questions, e.g. Can you do the washing?, Can your dog understand your feelings? etc.

- Check the answers as a class.

- Give the comments.

1. Match the verbs in column A to the wordr or phrases in column B . Then listen and repeat.

* Vocabulary

- guard (n) bảo vệ

- pick (v) nhặt

- mood (n) tâm trạng

- make meals (v) nấu ăn


- Ss do it

+ Students (Ss) listen to the instructions carefully and learn how to do the tasks.

* Key : 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. e 5. d

Audio script:

1. understand our feelings

2. pick fruit

3. do the washing

4. water plants

5. work as a guard

3. PRACTICE (15’)


Aim: To help Ss practise describing people's abilities, using the modal can / can't and the phrases they have learnt in 1.

* Content: Pair work . Tell the partner the activities in 1 they can or can’t do now.

* Outcome: Telling to practise describing people's abilities, using the modal can / can't.

* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s Student’s activities


2. Work in pairs . tell your partner the activities in 1 you can or can’t do now.

Exanple :

I can pick fruit but I can’t understand your feelings.

- Help Ss recall the use of can to talk about ability in the present and have some Ss give examples.

- Ask a stronger student to tell what activities in 1 he / she can or can't do. Ask Ss to do the same in pairs.

- T may go around to help weaker Ss.

2. Work in pairs . tell your partner the activities in 1 you can or can’t do now.

- Work in pairs

- Listen carefully and learn how to do.

- Ss work independently.

- Give the answers


Aim: To give Ss further practice on asking and answering about abilities, using the modal can and daily activities.

* Content: Read the information . Ask and answer the questions.

* Outcome: Ss further practice on asking and answering about abilities.

* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

3. Work in pairs . Read the information about what V10, a robot , can or can’t do. Ask and answer questions.

- First, model this activity with a stronger student.

- Remind Ss that they only use the information from the table to ask and answer about what the robot V10 can or can't do.

- Then ask Ss to work in pairs.

-Call on some pairs to practise in front of the class.

- T and other Ss give comments.

3. Work in pairs . Read the information about what V10, a robot , can or can’t do. Ask and answer questions

- Ss to work in pairs

- Ss do themselves.

- Add more words

- Copy them


ACTIVITY 4: Falling tone in statements.

Aim: To help Ss identify how to say statements with the correct tone.

* Content: Listen and repeat to know when we use falling tone at the end of a statement.

* Outcome: Ss can say statements using falling tone at the end of a statement.

* Organisation : Teacher’s instructions…

Teacher’s Student’s activities


4. Listen and repeatthe following sentneces .

- Model the statement "I often water plants after school." first, and then askSs to identify the tone. Briefly explain to them that we use falling tone at the end of a statement. Ask Ss to practise falling tone with the example in the Remember! box.

* Remember!

Our voice often goes down at the end of the statement.

Example : We go to school every morning.

- Play the recording and ask Ss to listen and repeat the statements. Play the recording as many times as necessary.

- Ask some Ss to read out the statements and invite comments from other Ss.

4. Listen and repeatthe following sentneces

- T-Ss

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Global Success Unit 12 A Closer Look 1

* Audio script:

1. I often water plants after school.

2. Shifa can do many things like humans.

3. My dad makes delicious meals at weekends.

4. WB2 is the strongest of all the robots.

5. H8 is a home robot.

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