50 Bài tập về Though, Although, In spite of, Despite cực hay có lời giải

Bài viết 50 Bài tập về Though, Although, In spite of, Despite cực hay có lời giải gồm đầy đủ lý thuyết trọng tâm về Though, Although, In spite of, Despite và trên 50 bài tập về Though, Although, In spite of, Despite chọn lọc, có đáp án chi tiết giúp bạn nắm vững cách sử dụng của Though, Although, In spite of, Despite.

50 Bài tập về Though, Although, In spite of, Despite cực hay có lời giải

Phần I. Lý thuyết

1. Although/ Even though/ Though

- Ba liên từ này thường ở đầu câu hoặc giữa hai mệnh đề. Nếu đứng đầu câu thì giữa 2 mệnh đề phải có dấu phẩy

- Although/ though/ even though đều có cùng nghĩa nhưng though khi đứng ở đầu câu giúp câu nói trở nên trang trọng hơn so với khi nó đứng giữa hai mệnh đề còn even though mang nghĩa nhấn mạnh hơn

- Đôi khi trong văn nói, chúng ta thường dùng though ở cuối câu.

Cấu trúc: Although/ though/ even though + S + V….., S + V…

Eg: Although I don’t agree with him, I think he’s honest. (Mặc dù tôi không đồng ý với anh ta nhưng tôi nghĩ anh ta rất thành thật.)

2. In spite of/ Despite

Cấu trúc: In spite of/ Despite + Noun/ Noun phrase/ Gerund phrase

Eg: Despite being ill, Mary still went to school. (Dù bị ốm nhưng Mary vẫn đi học.)

- Despite và in spite of đứng trước một danh từ

- Despite và in spite of đứng trước đại từ (this/ that/ what)

- Despite và in spite of đứng trước V-ing

- Chúng ta có thể sử dụng in spite of và despite với cụm từ “the fact that”

- Cả despite và in spite of có thể được dùng ở mệnh đề đầu hoặc mệnh đề thứ hai đều được

3. Các công thức biến đổi câu với Although sang câu với Despite

*Nếu chủ ngữ của 2 mệnh đề giống nhau thì ta bỏ chủ ngữ rồi lấy động từ thêm –ing:

Although + S + V → In spite of/ Despite + V_ing

Ví dụ: Although he was ill, he still went to school.

⇒ Despite being ill, he still went to school.

*Nếu chủ ngữ là danh từ + be + tính từ thì ta đem tính từ đặt trước danh từ, bỏ to be:

Although + The + N + Be + Adj → In spite of/Despite + The + Adj + N

Ví dụ: Although the car was dirty, he didn’t wash it.

⇒ Despite / in spite of the dirty car, he didn’t wash it.

*Nếu chủ ngữ là đại từ + be + tính từ thì ta đổi đại từ thành sở hữu, đổi tính từ thành danh từ, bỏ be

Although + S + Be + Adj → In spite of/ Despite + His /her/ their + N

Ví dụ: Although he was ill, he still went to school.

⇒ Despite his illness, he still went to school.

*Thêm the fact that trước mệnh đề:

Although + S + V → In spite of/ Despite + The fact that + S + V

Ví dụ: Although I studied very hard, I failed the placement test.

⇒ Despite the fact that I studied very hard, I failed the placement test.

Bổ sung lý thuyết

1 – Cấu trúc Because

Because có nghĩa là bởi vì. Because + 1 mệnh đề có nghĩa là bởi vì điều gì đó đã xảy ra, hay bởi vì ai đó đã làm gì. Sau because luôn là một mệnh đề có chủ ngữ động từ đầy đủ. Bạn cần đặc biệt lưu ý điều này nhé. 

Công thức thành lập câu sử dụng because

Because  + S + V + O, S + V + O  hoặc  S + V + O, because S + V + O 

Ví dụ: 

We stay at our house because it is raining. (Chúng tôi ở trong nhà vì trời đang mưa.) 

We choose that option because it will help us to save marketing cost the most. (Chúng tôi chọn phương án đó vì nó sẽ chúng chúng tôi tiết kiệm chi phí marketing nhất.) 

I like this one cause it is in green, that’s my favorite color. (Tôi thích cái này vì nó màu xanh lá, đó là màu yêu thích của tôi.) 

2 – Cấu trúc because of 

2.1 – Công thức: 

Because of có nghĩa là bởi vì điều gì đó. Ví dụ như là “bởi vì cơn mưa”, “bởi vì việc tắt đường”, “bởi vì việc đi muộn của tôi”…. Nhìn từ các ví dụ này thì bạn cũng có thể đoán được là phia sau because of là các danh từ, đại từ hoặc là các cụm danh động từ đúng không nào? Đây chính là khác biệt lớn nhất của cấu trúc because of và cấu trúc because

Cách dùng because of không hề khó, bạn chỉ cần nắm vũ công thức dưới đây để thành lập câu với because of nhé.

Because of + noun/ pronoun/ noun phrase

Ví dụ: 

Because of the rain, we stay at our house. (Vì cơn mưa mà chúng tôi ở nhà.)  

I decided to stay because of you. (Anh đã quyết định ở lại vì em đó.)

We were late because of the heavy traffic jam. (Chúng tôi đã đến muộn vì tắc đường.)

She broke up with Jimmy because of his jealousy. (Cô ấy đã chia tay Jimmy vì tính ghen tuông của anh ấy.)  

Khi bạn sử dụng thành thạo because of rồi thì có thể bạn sẽ còn “nghiện” cấu trúc này, bởi đặc điểm của nó là rút ngắn được câu. Trong các trường hợp trang trọng hơn thì người bản ngữ cũng ưu tiên dùng because of vì cấu trúc này “che giấu” được chủ thể thực hiện hành động, chỉ nêu cần nêu ra sự việc, giảm đi tính cá nhân, tính công kích.

2.2 – Chuyển mẫu câu từ dùng because sang because of và ngược lại

Khi  chuyển từ cấu trúc ngữ pháp tiếng Anh because sang cấu trúc because of ta phải biến mệnh đề phía sau thành một danh từ, cụm danh từ hay danh động từ bỏ thay thế. Lưu ý rằng nếu sau Because có “to be” hoặc “here, there” thì hãy bỏ nó đi, sau đó tiếp tục xét 6 trường hợp sau đây.  

a – Hai chủ ngữ ở 2 mệnh đề giống nhau 

– Hai chủ ngữ giống nhau: bỏ chủ ngữ ở cấu trúc because, thêm “ing” vào động từ.

I failed the exam because I overslept. 

→ I failed the exam because of oversleeping. 

b – Tân ngữ trong mệnh đề chứa because là một danh từ: 

Trong trường hợp này, chúng ta chỉ cần bỏ đi chủ ngữ, sử dụng danh từ.

Ví dụ: Because there was a heavy traffic jam, we were late.

→ Because of the heavy traffic jam, we were late.

c – Tân ngữ có tính từ đứng trước danh từ

Trong trường hợp này, chúng ta chỉ cần đưa tính từ lên trước danh từ, bỏ đi các phần không cần thiết.

Ví dụ: Because the traffic jam was heavy, we were late.

→ Because of the heavy traffic jam, we were late.

d – Một tính từ: 

Trong trường hợp này, chúng ta đổi tính từ thành danh từ. 

Ví dụ: Because it is raining, I stayed at my house. 

→ Because of the rain, I stayed at my house. 

e – Cách chuyển về dạng sở hữu: dùng danh từ dạng sở hữu.

Ví dụ: Because I was lazy, I failed the exam.

→ Because of my laziness,  I failed the exam.

f – Sử dụng “the fact that” 

Quy tắc chung cho đa số trường hợp: dùng cụm “the fact that ” đặt trước mệnh đề muốn chuyển. Cách làm này chỉ sử dụng khi chúng ta không thể chuyển đổi được bằng các cách trên và đúng cho đa số các trường hợp.

Ví dụ: Because Kim is short, she cannot reach the clock on the wall. 

→ Because of the fact that Kim is short, she cannot reach the clock on the wall.

Phần II. Bài tập

Task 1. Choose the best answer to complete these sentences.

1. _______ he likes chocolate, he tries not to eat it.

A. as


C. since

D. despite

2. _______________ he had enough money, he refused to buy a new car.

A. In spite

B. In spite of

C. Despite

D. Although

3. _______________, he walked to the station.

A. Despite being tired

B. Although to be tired

C. In spite being tired

D. Despite tired

4. ________________ her lack of hard work, she was promoted.

A. Because

B. Even though

C. In spite of

D. Despite of

5. She left him _______________ she still loved him.

A. even if

B. even though

C. in spite of

D. despite

1. B .though

2. D. Although

3. A. Despite being tired

4. C. In spite of

5. B. even though

Task 2. Choose the best answer to complete these sentences.

1. Mr. Ba was late for the meeting though he took a taxi.

A. Even though taking a taxi, Mr. Ba was late for the meeting.

B. In spite of taking a taxi, but Mr. Ba was late for the meeting.

C. Mr. Ba was late for the meeting despite the fact he took a taxi.

D. Mr. Ba was late for the meeting although having taken a taxi.

2. We came to the meeting on time though the traffic was heavy.

A. Despite the traffic was heavy; we came to the meeting on time.

B. In spite of the heavy traffic, we came to the meeting on time.

C. Even though the heavy traffic, we came to the meeting on time.

D. Although the traffic was heavy, but we came to the meeting on time.

3. Although he took a taxi, Bill still arrived late for the concert.

A. Bill arrived late for the concert whether he took a taxi or not.

B. Bill arrived late for the concert because of the taxi.

C. In spite of taking a taxi, Bill arrived late for the concert.

D. Bill took a taxi to the concert, but he couldn’t catch it.

4. Although she is rich, she can’t afford to buy the car.

A. She doesn’t have enough money to buy the car she likes.

B. Rich as she is, she can’t afford to buy the car.

C. The car is too expensive for her to buy.

D. She wants to buy the car but it costs a lot.

5. Although Sue felt tired, she stayed up late talking to Jill.

A. Despite feeling tired, Sue stayed up late talking to Jill.

B. In spite feeling tired, Sue stayed up late talking to Jill.

C. Sue wouldn’t feel tired despite staying up late talking to Jill.

D. Sue stayed up late talking to Jill. As a result, she was tired.

1. C. Mr. Ba was late for the meeting despite the fact he took a taxi.

2. B. In spite of the heavy traffic, we came to the meeting on time.

3. C. In spite of taking a taxi, Bill arrived late for the concert.

4. B. Rich as she is, she can’t afford to buy the car.

5. A. Despite feeling tired, Sue stayed up late talking to Jill.

Task 3. Choose the best answer to complete these sentences.

1. I could not eat ____ I was very hungry.

A. even though

B. in spite

C. despite

D. in spite the fact that

2. In spite _____, the baseball game was not cancelled.

A. the rain

B. of the rain

C. it was raining

D. there was a rain

3. ______ he had enough money, he refused to buy a new car.

A. In spite

B. In spite of

C. Despite

D. Although

4. ______, he walked to the station.

A. Despite being tired

B. Although to be tired

C. In spite being tired

D. Despite tired

5. The children slept well, despite _____.

A. it was noise

B. the noise

C. of the noise

D. noisy

6. She left him __________ she still loved him.

A. even if

B. even though

C. in spite of

D. despite

7. _______ her lack of hard work, she was promoted.

A. In spite

B. Even though

C. in spite of

D. despite of

8. _______ they are brothers, they do not look like.

A. Although

B. Even

C. Despite

D. In spite of

1. A. even though

2. B. of the rain

3. D. Although

4. A. Despite being tired

5. B. the noise

6. B. even though

7. C. in spite of

8. A. Although

Task 4. Viết lại câu.

1. Although Nam is not an intelligent student, he can learn very fast.

⇒ Despite / In spite of .........

2. Because Hoa was rich, she could buy that house.

⇒ Because of ..........

3. Because the rain was so heavy, I couldn't go to school.

⇒ Because of ..........

4. His father asked him to go stay at home because he was sick.

⇒ Because of .........

5. Because there was an accident, I was late.

⇒ Because of ..........

1. Despite / In spite of not being an intelligent student, he can learn very fast.

2. Because of Hoa’s richness, she could buy that house.

3. Because of the heavy rain, I couldn't go to school.

4. Because of his sickness his father asked him to go stay at home.

5. Because of an accident, I was late.

Task 5. Complete the sentences. Use although + a sentence from the box

I didn't speak the language he has a very important job
I had never seen her before we don't like them very much
It was quite cold the heating was on
I'd met her twice before we've known each other a long time

1. Although he has a very important job, he isn't particularly well-paid.

2. .................. , I recognized her from a photograph.

3. She wasn't wearing a coat .........................

4. We thought we'd better invite them to them to the party ...........

5. .................. , I managed to make myself understood.

6. .................. , the room wasn't warm.

7. I didn't recognize her.........................

8. We're not very good friends ...................

2. Although I had never seen her before.

3. Although it was quite cold

4. Although we don't like them very much

5. Although I didn't speak the language

6. Although the heating was on

7. although I'd met her twice before

8. although we've known each other a long time

Task 6. Make one sentence from two. Use the word(s) in brackets in your sentences.

1. I couldn't sleep. I was very tired.

(despite) I couldn't sleep despite being vey tired.

2. They have very little money. They are happy.

(in spite of) ................................

3. My foot was injured. I managed to walk to the nearest village.

(although) ...................................

4. I enjoyed the film. The story was silly.

(in spite of) ................................

5. We live in the same street. We hardly ever see each other.

(despite) ....................................

6. I got very wet in the rain. I was only out for five minutes.

(even though) ................................

2. In spite of having very little money, they are happy.

3. Although my foot was injured, I managed to walk to the nearest village.

4. I enjoyed the film in spite of the silly story.

5. Despite living in the same street we hardly ever see each other.

6. Even though I was only out for five minutes, I got very wet in the rain.

Task 7. Complete the sentences, using although, despite/in spite of. Sometimes, two answers are possible.

1. ______ the story of the film was good, I didn’t like the acting.

2. I went to see the film ______ feeling really tired.

3.I really enjoyed the Water War_____ most of my friends said it wasn’t a very good film.

4. ______ careful preparation, they had a lot of difficulties in making the film.

5. ______ the film was gripping, Tom slept from beginning to end.

1. Although

2. despite/ in spite of

3. although

4. Despite/In spite of

5. Although

Task 8. Rewrite these sentences below withh Althought, Despite, In spite..

1. Although Bean is not an intelligent children, he can speak English very well

⇒ Despite / In spite of .........

2. Because Phuong was tall, she never wear high heals

⇒ Because of .........

3. Because the wind was so heavy, I couldn’t go to home

⇒ Because of .........

4. Her mother asked her to go stay at home because she was headache

⇒ Because of .........

5. Because there was traffic jams, I was late.

⇒ Because of .........

1. Despite not being an intelligent children, he can speak English very well

2. Because of Phuong’s tall, she never wear high heals

3. Because of the heavy wind, I could not go to home

4. Because of headache, her mother asked her to go stay at home.

5. because of the traffic jams, I was late.

Task 9. Viết lại câu.

1. She failed the University entrance exam because her grades were bad.

⇒ Because of .......

2. Although he has a physical handicap, he has become a successful business man.

⇒ Despite .......

3. Because of the cheap price, my wife insists on buying the Tivi.

⇒ Because .......

4. Although it was raining heavily, we still went to school.

⇒ Despite / In spite of .......

5. Because I studied hard, I passed the exam.

⇒ Because of .......

1. She failed the University entrance exam because of her bad grades .

2. Despite his physical handicap, he has become a successful business man.

3. Because the price is cheap, my wife insists on buying the Tivi.

4. Despite / In spite of the heavy rain, we still went to school.

5. Because of studying hard , I passed the exam.

Task 10. Choose the best answer to complete these sentences.

1. Last night we came to the show late _______the traffic was terrible.

A. although

B. despite

C. and

D. because

2. _______there is a lot of noise in the city, I prefer living there.

A. despite

B. in spite of

C. because of

D. though

3. _______ the weather, we went sailing.

A. despite

B. in spite of

C. although

D. A and B

4. _______Hudson led early, he lost the race.

A. though

B. although

C. even though

D. all are correct

5. In spite of not speaking French, Mike decided to settle in Paris.

A. Even though Mike didn’t speak French, but he decided to settle in Paris.

B. Mike decided to settle in Paris despite he didn’t speak French.

C. Mike decided to settle in Paris though the fact that not speaking French.

D. Although Mike didn’t speak French; he decided to settle in Paris.

1. D. because

2. D. though

3. D. A and B

4. D. all are correct

5. D. Although Mike didn’t speak French; he decided to settle in Paris.

Phần III. Bài tập bổ sung

Exercise 1. Rewrite the following sentences as indicated.

1. Although I was late, I didn’t miss the bus.

In spite of _______________________________________.

2. In spite of the rain, they went to the football match.

Although ________________________________________.

3. Kate never learnt Spanish. She lived in Spain for years.

Although ________________________________________.

4. I got very wet in the rain. I had an umbrella.

Although ________________________________________.

5. They have very little money. They are happy.

In spite of _______________________________________.

6. David smokes. He seems to be in good health.

Although _______________________________________.

7. In spite of the high prices, my roommates go to the movies every Saturday.

Although _______________________________________.

8. Even though she had a poor memory, she told interesting stories to the children.

In spite of _______________________________________.

9. In spite of their poverty, they are very generous.

Although _______________________________________.

10. Though she has been absent frequently, he has managed to pass the test.

In spite of _______________________________________.

11. In spite of Lee’s Sadness at losing the contest, she managed to smile.

Although _______________________________________.

12. Although Tom was a poor student, he studied very well.

In spite of _______________________________________.

13. Although the weather was bad, she went to school on time.

In spite of _______________________________________.

14. My mother told me to go to school although I was sick.

In spite of _______________________________________.

15. Although Nam is not a smart student, he learns very hard.

In spite of _______________________________________.

16. Although he has a physical handicap, he has become a successful business man.

In spite of _______________________________________.

17.  Although it was raining heavily, we still went to school.

In spite of _______________________________________.

18. Although his friend was sick, she still went to work yesterday.

In spite of _______________________________________.

19. In spite of the dirty room, Salim didn’t clean it.

Although ________________________________________.

20. In spite of her unkind behavior, we still love her.

Although ________________________________________.

21. Although there was the traffic jam, they went to the post office.

In spite of _______________________________________.

22. In spite of the fact that Tony learnt very hard, he failed this test.

Although ________________________________________.

23. Although my uncle was tired, he still drove a hundred kilometers to the next city.

In spite of ________________________________________.

24. Her brother really enjoyed this job although the salary was very low.

In spite of ________________________________________.

25. The film poster is wonderful. I don’t like to see it.

Although _________________________________________.

Đáp án:

1. In spite of being late, I didn’t miss the bus.

2. Although it rained, they went to the football match.

3. Although Kate lived in Spain for years, she never learnt Spanish.

4. Although I had an umbrella, I got very wet in the rain.

5. In spite of having very little money, they are happy.

6. Although Dave smokes, he seems to be in good health.

7. Although the prices are high, my roommates go to the movies every Saturday.

8. In spite of (having) a poor memory, she told interesting stories to the children.

9. Although they are poor, they are very generous.

10. In spite of her frequent absence, he has managed to pass the test.

11. Although Lee was sad at losing the contest, she managed to smile.

12. In spite of being a poor student, Tom studied very well.

13. In spite of the bad weather, she went to school on time.

14. In spite of my sickness, my mother told me to go to school.

15. In spite of not being smart, he learns very hard.

16. In spite of his physical handicap, he has become a successful business man.

17. In spite of the heavy rain, we still went to school.

18. In spite of the fact that his friend was sick, she still went to work yesterday.

19. Although the room was dirty, Salim didn’t clean it.

20. Although she behaves unkindly, we still love her.

21. In spite of the traffic jam, they went to the post office.

22. Although Tony learnt very hard, he failed this test.

23. In spite of the fact that my uncle was tired, he still drove a hundred kilometers to the next city.

24. In spite of the low salary, her brother really enjoyed this job.

25. Although the film poster is wonderful, I don’t like to see it.

Exercise 2. Choose the correct answers.

1. In spite of his hard work, he could not finish the job.

A. As hard as he work

B. Despite he worked hare

C. Though he worked hard

D. Although hard work

2. In spite of the fact that it rained, we enjoyed our trip.

A. Because of the rain

B. Though it is raining

C. Despite of the heavy rain

D. Though it rained

3. Tom went to work although he didn’t feel very well.

A. that he did not feel very well

B. despite of the fact not feeling well

C. because he didn’t feel very well

D. In spite of not feeling very well

4. Although he is very old, he can walk to the station.

A. In spite of his old age

B. Despite his old age

C. Despite the fact that he is old

D. All are correct

5. I have tried but I can’t earn enough money.

A. Although I have tried hard, but I can’t earn enough money.

B. Although I have tried hard, I can’t earn enough money.

C. In spite of I have tried hard, I can’t earn enough money.

D. Despite I have tried hard, but I can’t earn enough money

Đáp án:

1. C

2. D

3. D

4. D

5. B

Exercise 3. Combine two sentences by using the given words indicated.

1. I couldn't sleep. I was exhausted.

In spite of __________________________________________.

2. They have very little money. They are happy.

In spite of ________________________________________.

3. My foot was hurt. I managed to walk to the nearest market.

Although _________________________________________.

4. I enjoyed the film. The story was boring.

In spite of ________________________________________.

5. We live in the same neighbourhood. We hardly ever see each other.

In spite of ________________________________________.

Đáp án:

1. In spite of being exhausted, I couldn't sleep.

2. In spite of having very little money, they are happy.

3. Although my foot was hurt, I managed to walk to the nearest market.

4. In spite of the boring story, I enjoyed the film.

5. In spite of living in the same neighbourhood, we hardly ever see each other.

Exercise 4. Fill in the blank with [because / because of].

1. My restaurant failed ________ money management

2. My mom bought me a hamburger ________ I’m sick.

3. The air was smokey ________ a wildfire in the nearby forest.

4. He’s misunderstood ________ my bad pronunciation.

5. I exercise a lot ________ it’s healthy.

6. The paint on the outside of my house has really worsened ________ the salt air from the ocean.

7. I go by bus ________ it’s raining.

8. He succeeded ________ his hard work.

9. People work ________ they need money.

10. I need a new washing machine ________ mine is broken.

11. I drink a lot of coffee ________ I love its aroma.

12. He proposed to Sara ________ he loves her so much.

13. Everyone left early ________ Tome and Mary had a big argument.

14. I think our employees have worked for a long time ________ they feel respected.

15. I don’t want you to give it up ________ me.

Đáp án:

1. because of

2. because

3. because of

4. because of

5. because

6. because of

7. because

8. because of

9. because

10. because

11. because

12. because

13. because

14. because

15. because of

Exercise 5: Change the sentences below from the structure “because” to “because of”.

1. Because he won, he feels more confident.

2. She is delighted because I am here.

3. He married Sarah because he loves her.

4. They were angry because their plans were broken.

5. Because there was a severe storm, my internet went down.

6. I like you because you are smart.

7. I want to go to Rome because it’s warm and beautiful.

8. I don’t like Peter because he is short-tempered.

9. My mother got food poisoning because the chicken was undercooked. fates)

10. My husband doesn’t go to the movies because it’s expensive.

11. We could not reach on time because the traffic was terrible.

12. He lost his job because the economic recession happened.

Đáp án:

1. Because of his winning, he feels more confident.

2. Because of my presence, she is delighted.

3. Because of his love, he married Sarah.

4. Because of their broken plans, they were angry.

5. Because of the severe storm, my internet went down.

6. I like you because of your smartness.

7. I want to go to Rome because of its warmness and beauty.

8. I don’t like Peter because of his fiery temper.

9. My mother got food poisoning because of the undercooked chicken.

10. My husband doesn’t go to the movies because of its high price.

11. We could not reach on time because of the terrible traffic.

12. He lost his job because of the recession.

Exercise 6. Rewrite the sentence with [although/ in spite of/ despite].

1. Even though he usually tells lies, many people believe him.

2. Despite the fact that he got a bad grade in the university entrance exam, he was admitted to the university.

3. Although she was out of money, she went shopping

4. In spite of missing the bus, we went to school on time.

5. Although the weather was bad, we had a wonderful holiday with a lot of interesting activities.

Đáp án:

1. Despite the fact that he usually tells lies, many people believe him.

2. Although he got a bad grade in the university entrance exam, he was admitted to the university.

3. Despite being out of money, she went shopping.

4. Although we missed the bus, we went to school on time.

5. Despite the bad weather, we had a wonderful holiday with a lot of interesting activities.

Exercise 7. Complete the sentences below using [although/ despite/ in spite of].

1. ________ the story of the film was good, I didn’t like the acting.

2. I really enjoyed the Water War ________ most of my friends said it wasn’t a very good film.

3. ________ the film was gripping, Tom slept from beginning to end.

4. I went to see the film ________ feeling really tired.

5. ________ careful preparation, they had a lot of difficulties in making the film.

Đáp án:

1. although

2. although

3. although

4. despite

5. in spite of

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