Tính từ đuôi ing và ed đầy đủ, chi tiết

Tính từ đuôi ing và ed đầy đủ, chi tiết

Tính từ đuôi -ING và -ED là dạng tính từ thông dụng, thường xuyên được sử dụng trong giao tiếp, hay các bài viết, văn bản.

I. Phân biệt tính từ đuôi –ed và tính từ đuôi –ing

Tính từ đuôi -ING dùng để miêu tả tính cách, tính chất, đặc điểm của người, sự vật, hiện tượng.

Eg: The film that I watched on TV last night is interesting. (Bộ phim tôi đã xem trên TV tối qua rất thú vị.)

Tính từ INTERESTING diễn tả tính chất của bộ phim.

Tính từ đuôi -ED dùng để diễn tả cảm xúc, cảm nhận của con người, con vật về một sự vật, hiện tượng, sự việc nào đó.

Eg: I’m interested in the film that I watched on TV last night. (Tôi rất thích thú với bộ phim tôi đã xem trên TV tối qua.)

Tính từ INTERESTED diễn tả cảm nhận của con người về bộ phim.


- I’m confused. (Tôi cảm thấy bối rối.)

- It’s confusing. (Điều đó gây bối rối đấy.)

Tính từ đuôi –ing và đuôi –ed

Mẹo phân biệt tính từ đuôi “ing” và “ed”

Ví dụ

Khi một tính từ bổ nghĩa cho danh từ để tạo thành cụm danh từ (dù danh từ chỉ người hay vật) → Bạn luôn sử dụng tính từ đuôi “ing”.

He is an interesting person. (Anh ấy là một người thú vị.)
It is an amazing topic. (Nó là một chủ đề gây kinh ngạc.)
→ Tạo thành cụm danh từ “một người thú vị” và “một chủ đề gây kinh ngạc” (cụm danh từ theo dạng “tính từ + danh từ”)

Khi trong câu xuất hiện 2 chủ thể khác nhau, và một trong 2 chủ thể có hành động tác động đến chủ thể còn lại → Bạn sẽ sử dụng tính từ đuôi “ed”.

My little brother always makes me worried about his disruptive actions. (Em trai tôi luôn khiến tôi lo lắng vì những trò quậy phá của nó.)

→ Chủ thể “em trai tôi” có hành động gây tác động lên chủ thể “tôi”.

Khi tính từ trong câu có giới từ đi kèm → Bạn sử dụng tính từ đuôi “ed”.

Customers are bored with the service provided by the company. (Khách hàng cảm thấy chán nản với dịch vụ do công ty cung cấp.)

→ Tuân theo cấu trúc “động từ to be + tính từ “ed” + giới từ”.

II. Một số tính từ đuôi –ed và đuôi-ing thường gặp

alarming/alarmed: báo động

depressing/depressed: suy sụp

aggravating/aggravated: tăng nặng thêm

disappointing/disappointed: thất vọng

amusing/amused: thích thú

discouraging/discouraged: chán nản, 

thiếu tự tin

annoying/annoyed: tức giận

disgusting/disgusted: bất mãn

astonishing/astonished: kinh ngạc

disturbing/disturbed: lúng túng

astounding/astounded: kinh hoàng

embarrassing/embarrassed: bối rối, 

ngượng ngùng

boring/bored: chán

entertaining/entertained: tính 

giải trí

captivating/captivated: thu hút

exciting/excited: hào hứng

challenging/challenged: thử thách

exhausting/exhausted: cạn kiệt

charming/charmed: duyên dáng

fascinating/fascinated: quyến rũ

confusing/confused: bối rối

frightening/frightened: khiếp đảm, 

đáng sợ

convincing/convinced: chắc chắn

frustrating/frustrated: bực bội

interesting/interested: thú vị


 choáng ngợp

pleasing/pleased: vui lòng, vừa lòng

satisfying/satisfied: hài lòng

surprising/surprised: ngạc nhiên

terrifying/terrified: sợ hãi, 

khiếp sợ

thrilling/thrilled: hồi hộp

tiring/tired: mệt mỏi

touching/touched: cảm động

worried/worrying: đáng lo lắng

III. Bài tập ứng dụng

Cho dạng đúng của từ trong ngoặc.

1. You should take a rest. You look really (tire) _______.

2. She’s feeling (depress) _______, so I’m suggesting that she should go home, drink warm water, and go to bed early with (relax) _______ music.

3. Mary was (fascinating) _______ by Mandarin at the first time he learned languages. she decided to practise more and now she can speak it fluently.

4. He looked very (confuse) _______ when we told him we had to change the flight because of him.

5. That film was so (depressed) _______! There was no happy ending for any of the characters.

6. It’s so (frustrated) _______! No matter how much I concentrated on his speech I couldn’t understand what he meant.

7. The journey was (bore) _______! Twenty hours by train made us (exhaust) _______.

8. Don’t show my baby photos to others, Mum! It’s so (embarrassing) _______!

9. The little girl was (terrify) _______ when she saw dinosaur model in museum.

10. She got really (annoy) _______ yesterday because someone threw rubbish in front of her house.

Đáp án

1. tired

2. depressed/relaxing

3. fascinated

4. confused

5. depressing

6. frustrating

7. boring/exhausted

8. embarrassing

9. terrified

10. annoyed

IV. Bài tập bổ sung

Exercise 1. Choose the correct word in brackets to complete the following sentences.

1. The movie was _______ (boring / bored) that I fell asleep halfway through.

2. I felt _______ (exhausted / exhausted) after running a marathon.

3. The magician's tricks were _______ (amazing / amazed) and kept the audience entertained.

4. She was _______ (interested / interesting) in the book, unable to put it down.

5. The roller coaster ride was _______ (thrilling / thrilling) and made my heart race.

6. The professor's lecture was _______ (bored / boring) and most of the students struggled to stay awake.

7. The view from the mountaintop was _______ (breathtaking / breathtaked) and left us in awe.

8. The loud noise was _______ (annoying / angry) and made it difficult to concentrate.

9. I was _______ (surprised / surprising) to see my best friend at the party; I didn't expect them to be there.

10. The challenging puzzle was _______ (puzzling / puzzled) and required careful thought to solve.

Đáp án:

1. boring

2. exhausted

3. amazing

4. interested

5. thrilling

6. boring

7. breathtaking

8. annoying

9. surprised

10. puzzling

Exercise 2. Choose the correct word in brackets to complete the following sentences.

1. What’s the matter? You seem (annoyed / annoying) about something.

2. I fell over in the school canteen. It was so (embarrassing / embarrassed)!

3. Ray finds cooking very (satisfying / satisfied).

4. We loved travelling in New Zealand. It was (amazing / amazed).

5. Are you feeling (worrying / worried) about your exams?

6. My sister’s (terrifying / terrified) of spiders, but I’m not.

7. The play was terrible! We all felt very (boring / bored).

8. In my opinion, tattoos look (disgusted / disgusting).

9. Watching television is very (relaxing / relaxed).

10. My brother was very (exciting / excited) about the holiday.

11. My parents were (amazing / amazed) that I passed my exam.

12. We were too late. It was so (disappointing / disappointed).

13. He was such a (charming / charmed) man that everyone liked him.

14. The long walk home made us very (tiring / tired).

Đáp án:

1. annoyed

2. embarrassing

3. satisfying

4. amazing

5. worried

6. terrified

7. bored

8. disgusting

9. relaxing

10. excited

11. amazed

12. disappointing

13. charming

14. tired

Exercise 3. Give the appropriate adjectives.

1. Jenny should take a rest. She looks really (tire) _______.

2. John’s feeling (depress) _______, so his friend is suggesting that John should go home and go to bed early with (relax) _______ music.

3. Peter was (fascinating) _______ by Anna.

4. Kathy looked very (confuse) _______ when I told her that I had to move now.

5. This film was (depressed) _______!

6. It’s so (frustrated) _______that Jane couldn’t understand what I meant.

7. This journey was so (bore) _______! Nine hours by train made me (exhaust) _______.

8. Do not show the baby’s photos to others! It’s (embarrassing) _______!

9. Harry was (terrify) _______ when he saw the dinosaur model in the museum.

10. Peter got really (annoy) _______ today.

Đáp án:

1. tired

2. depressed / relaxing

3. fascinated

4. confused

5. depressing

6. frustrating

7. boring / exhausted

8. embarrassing

9. terrified

10. annoyed

Exercise 4. Choose the correct answer.

1. We were all touching/touched when he cried.

2. It’s sometimes tiring/tired when you need to work all day.

3. I feel embarrassing/embarrassed right now.

4. Your kids are so annoying/annoyed that I cannot sleep.

5.  Please do not make me disappointed/disappointed.

Đáp án:

1. touched

2. tiring

3. embarrassed

4. annoying

5. disappointed

Exercise 5. Give the correct forms.




1. interest



2. bore



3. surprise



4. disappoint



5. excite



6. worry



7. amaze



8. horrify



9. annoy



10. satisfy



11. shock



12. exhaust



Đáp án:



– ED

1. interest (chú ý)



2. bore (nhàm chán)



3. surprise (ngạc nhiên)



4. disappoint (thất vọng)



5. excite (kích thích)



6. worry (lo lắng)



7. amaze (kinh ngạc)



8. horrify (làm khiếp sợ)



9. annoy (làm phiền)



10. satisfy (làm hài lòng)



11. shock (ngạc nhiên)



12. exhaust (kiệt sức)



Exercise 6. Rewrite these sentences.

1. Junior is bored with his job at present.

→ _____________________________________________. (boring)

2. This funny film was entertaining my family.

→ _____________________________________________. (entertained)

3. My elder brother likes playing video games every Sunday.

→ _____________________________________________. (interested)

4. That football match was exciting for me yesterday.

→ _____________________________________________. (excited)

5. Her children are interested in swimming in the morning every summer.

→ _____________________________________________. (keen on)

Đáp án:

1. Junior’s job is boring at present.

2. My family was entertained by this funny film.

3. My elder brother is interested in playing video games every Sunday.

4. I was excited about that football match yesterday.

5. Her children are keen on swimming in the morning every summer.

Exercise 7. Choose the correct answer.

1. Linda is _______ in buying a new house for her parents.

A. interest

B. interested

C. interesting

D. interestingly

2. Everybody is _______ that his younger brother passed the TOEIC test the last day.

A. surprised

B. surprising

C. surprise

D. surprisingly

3. This film is _______.

A. bore

B. bored

C. boring

D. boringly

4. My mother is a busy teacher. At the end of the day’s work, she is often _______.

A. exhaust

B. exhausting

C. exhausted

D. exhaustingly

5. Sandy is starting a new job next Monday. She’s quite _______ about it.

A. excite

B. excited

C. excitingly

D. exciting

6. Many meetings aren’t so _______ as this one was.

A. interest

B. interested

C. interesting

D. interestingly

7. My grandfather was _______ by how shocking the accident was yesterday.

A. shock

B. shocking

C. shocked

D. shockingly

8. Windy was _______ by the confusing street signs in that city.

A. confusing

B. confuse

C. confused

D. confusingly

9. Kin was very _______ in the history lesson. He almost fell asleep.

A. bore

B. boring

C. bored

D. boringly

10. Feeling tired and _______, Peter went out alone.

A. depressed

B. depressing

C. depress

D. depressingly

Đáp án:

1. B

2. A

 3. C

 4. C

5. B

6. C

7. C

8. C

9 C

 10. A

Exercise 8. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. I find horror films really _______ and not at all fun to watch. (frighten)

2. Sometimes I get really _______ when I can’t express myself well in English. (frustrate)

3. The film was so _______! There was no happy ending for any of the characters. (depress)

4. If I feel _______, I find watching a romance comedy is often _______. (stress – relax)

5. The news was so _______ that she burst into tears. (shock)

6. Kathy was so _______ when she saw the dinosaur bones at the museum. (amaze)

7. The teacher was really _______ so the lesson passed quickly. (amuse)

8. Whoever Adrian gets _______, he goes fishing. (bore)

9. We all were _______ with the results of the test. (disappoint)

10. Of course, action movies are _______. That’s why I like them. (excite)

11. The lawyer’s arguments were so _______ that we were _______ of the man’s innocence. (convince)

12. The statistics on road accidents are quite _______. I’m sure many people are _______ at the enormity of the problem. (shock)

13. Seeing hot-air balloons floating over the desert is an _______ sight. You’d be _______ at the number of people who participated in this sport. (amaze)

14. The climb up the mountain was so _______ that many of the students, who were feeling _______ by then, asked if they could stop and rest. (tire)

15. Letting children stay out late is a _______ problem. By midnight, many parents already feel a little _______. (worry)

Đáp án:

1. frightening

2. frustrated

3. depressing

4. stressed/ relaxing

5. shocking

6. amazed

7. amused

8. bored

9. disappointed

10. exciting

11. convincing/ convinced

12. shocking/ shocked

13. amazing/ amazed

14. tiring/ tired

15. worrying/ worried

Exercise 9. Underline the correct answers.

1. I had such a tired/ tiring day I went straight to bed.

2. Everyone’s very excited/ exciting about the news.

3. That lamp produces a very pleased/ pleasing effect.

4. Dad always arrives home from work thoroughly exhausted/ exhausting.

5. He’s always showing off. It’s really annoyed/ annoying.

6. I think Alex is one of the most annoyed/ annoying people I’ve ever met. He can’t keep still for a second.

7. I walked into this restaurant and there was Andy with a strange woman. He seemed really embarrassed/ embarrassing.

8. She kept talking about her boyfriend problems all night. It was rather embarrassed/ embarrassing.

9. Are you interested/ interesting in football?

10. The football match was quite exciting/ excited. I enjoyed it.

11. It’s sometimes embarrassing/ embarrassed when you have to ask people for money.

12. Do you usually get embarrassing/ embarrassed?

13. I had never expected to get the job. I was really amazing/ amazed when I was offered it.

14. I didn’t find the situation funny. I was not amusing/ amused.

15. It was a really terrifying/ terrified experience. Afterwards everybody was very shocking/ shocked.

Đáp án:

1. I had such a tiring day I went straight to bed.

2. Everyone’s very excited about the news.

3. That lamp produces a very pleasing effect.

4. Dad always arrives home from work thoroughly exhausted.

5. He’s always showing off. It’s really annoying.

6. I think Alex is one of the most annoying people I’ve ever met. He can’t keep still for a second.

7. I walked into this restaurant and there was Andy with a strange woman. He seemed really embarrassed.

8. She kept talking about her boyfriend problems all night. It was rather embarrassing.

9. Are you interested in football?

10. The football match was quite exciting. I enjoyed it.

11. It’s sometimes embarrassing when you have to ask people for money.

12. Do you usually get embarrassed?

13. I had never expected to get the job. I was really amazed when I was offered it.

14. I didn’t find the situation funny. I was not amused.

15. It was a really terrifying experience. Afterwards everybody was very shocked.

Exercise 10. Choose the correct answer.

1. You look really _______. Why don't you go to bed?

A. tired

B. tiring

2. Can I call you? I've got some very _______ news for you!

A. excited

B. exciting

3. My neighbour is always playing loud music. It's very _______.

A. annoyed

B. annoying

4. The directions were _______ and we got lost.

A. confused

B. confusing

5. I was really _______ that I won the competition.

A. surprised

B. surprising

6. She didn't call about the car. I don't think she's _______ in buying it.

A. interested

B. interesting

7. My cats get really _______ when there's a thunderstorm.

A. frightened

B. frightening

8. His exam results were really _______.

A. disappointed

B. disappointing

9. Dave is _______ at the new laptop that his dad buys for him.

A. exciting

B. excited

10. The new laptop is _______ to Dave with many interesting games.

A. exciting

B. excited

11. Dave is very_______ to hear that his dad will buy a new laptop for him.

A. surprising

B. surprised

12. Dave is _______ in the new laptop that he has.

A. interesting

B. interested

13. The new laptop is _______ to Dave.

A. interesting

B. interested

14. Dave is so _______ because of working hard all day.

A. tiring

B. tired

15. Dave feels so _______ because of working hard all day.

A. tiring

B. tired

Đáp án:

1 - A

 2 - B

 3 - B

 4 - B

 5 - A

 6 - A

 7 - A

 8- B

9 - B

 10 - A

 11 - B

 12 - B

 13 - A

 14 - B

 15 - B

Exercise 11. Complete each sentence with a suitable -ed or -ing form of the words in brackets.

1. I think this is the most _______ film I’ve ever seen. (frighten)

2. Do you think English grammar is _______? (interest)

3. After a long day at work Tom always feels _______. (tire)

4. Can you help me? I find these ticket machines very _______! (confuse)

5. The police are looking for a _______ person. (miss)

6. I can’t wait for my next birthday. I’m really _______ about it. (excite)

Đáp án:

1. frightening

2. interesting

3. tired

4. confusing

5. missing

6. excited

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