5+ Find information about the Galapagos penguin or an animal in danger in Vietnam

Find information about the Galapagos penguin or an animal in danger in Vietnam. Write an information leaflet about it hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

5+ Find information about the Galapagos penguin or an animal in danger in Vietnam

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Đề bài: Find information about the Galapagos penguin or an animal in danger in Vietnam. Write an information leaflet about it.

- Where does it live? What does it eat?

- How rare is the animal?

- Why is it in danger?

- Where can we find information about it?

- How can we help to protect it?

Find information about the Galapagos penguin or an animal in danger in Vietnam - mẫu 1

Saola, known as “The Asian Unicorn”, is one of the endangered species in Vietnam and has been recognized on Việt Nam’s Red List. Saola is an animal from ancient times and apparently the rarest large mammal in the world. Saola are recognized by two parallel horns with sharp ends, which can reach 20 inches in length and are found on both males and females. They are found only in the Annamite Mountains of Vietnam and Laos. Nowadays, there are Saola Nature Reserves in Quang Nam and Hue established to protect the creature and its habitat. The biggest problem is habitat loss. In order to protect Saola, we should raise funds and conserve its natural habitats.

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Find information about the Galapagos penguin or an animal in danger in Vietnam - mẫu 2

Indochinese Tiger is one of the endangered species in Vietnam. It is estimated that there are about 200 tigers left in Vietnam. There used to be sightings of the wild tigers in the borderline jungles with Cambodia but nowadays, it is virtually impossible to find any living proofs of this endangered species in Vietnam. The biggest problem is habitat loss and hunting to obtain the bones, skin, and claws for Chinese medicines. To help endangered species in Vietnam, please support the local communities on your visit, so that they don't have to hunt the wild animals for a living.

Find information about the Galapagos penguin or an animal in danger in Vietnam - mẫu 3

Black Gibbon is among the most endangered primates in the world due to unlawful poaching and habitat destruction. There are only approximately 60 left in Vietnam. The animal can only be found in dense tropical primary jungles. In Vietnam, they are under legal protection inside Hoang Lien Son National Park in Lao Cai Province and in other tropical jungles in Lao Cai, Yen Bai, and Son La. The biggest problem is habitat loss and hunting. They are on the brink of extinction in Vietnam.

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Find information about the Galapagos penguin or an animal in danger in Vietnam - mẫu 4

The Tam Dao salamander or Vietnamese salamander (Paramesotriton deloustali) lives in Vietnam (in streams of mountains in Tam Đảo, Vĩnh Phúc, Tuyên Quang and Thái Nguyên province). It can grow to 144 – 206 millimetres. It eats small animals such as insects, worm spiders, tadpoles, baby frogs and moss. It’s in danger now and it’s rare. The biggest problem is habitat loss and poaching. You can find information on Việt Nam’s Red List. It explains how to protect the salamander. For example, we can stop poaching it and conserve its natural habitats.

Find information about the Galapagos penguin or an animal in danger in Vietnam - mẫu 5

Introducing the Saola, Vietnam's rare gem, also known as "The Asian Unicorn." With its unique parallel horns, it's a sight to behold. Found only in the Annamite Mountains of Vietnam and Laos, it's a precious species in danger. Habitat loss is its biggest threat. To help, we can support Saola Nature Reserves in Quang Nam and Hue and donate to conservation efforts. Let's join hands to protect the Saola and its home!

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