5+ Write a description of your favourite celebrity

Write a description of your favourite celebrity hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

5+ Write a description of your favourite celebrity

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Đề bài: Write a description of your favourite celebrity.

- Which person do you want to describe?

- Who is he/ she? What is he/ she famous for?

- What does he/ she look like?

- How does he/ she behave?

Write a description of your favourite celebrity - mẫu 1

Emma Watson is a well-known actress famous for her role as Hermione Granger in the "Harry Potter" film series. She's recognized for her natural beauty, with her striking features and radiant smile. Emma has a charming and elegant presence, often seen with her signature short hair and stylish outfits. She's known for being intelligent, confident, and outspoken on issues like gender equality and education. Emma Watson is admired for her talent, grace, and commitment to making a positive impact in the world, making her a role model for many young people.

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Write a description of your favourite celebrity - mẫu 2

Tom Hanks is a famous actor known for his roles in movies like "Forrest Gump," "Cast Away," and "Toy Story." He's widely recognized for his warm smile, friendly demeanor, and kind eyes. With his tall stature and approachable appearance, he often comes across as someone you'd want to be friends with. Tom Hanks is known for being professional, humble, and down-to-earth both on and off-screen. He's admired for his talent, versatility, and genuine personality, making him a beloved figure in Hollywood and beyond.

Write a description of your favourite celebrity - mẫu 3

Leonardo DiCaprio is a celebrated actor known for his roles in blockbuster movies like "Titanic," "Inception," and "The Wolf of Wall Street." He has a handsome appearance, with piercing blue eyes and a charming smile. Leonardo often exudes confidence and charisma, both on and off-screen. He's recognized for his dedication to his craft, often immersing himself deeply into the characters he portrays. Leonardo is also passionate about environmental conservation, using his fame to raise awareness about climate change and environmental issues. He's admired for his talent, versatility, and commitment to making a difference in the world.

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Write a description of your favourite celebrity - mẫu 4

Jennifer Lawrence is a talented actress known for her roles in popular films like "The Hunger Games" series, "Silver Linings Playbook," and "Joy." She has a natural beauty, with her blonde hair and expressive blue eyes. Jennifer often radiates confidence and humor, both on and off-screen. She's known for her down-to-earth personality and relatable charm, often seen joking around with fans and fellow actors. Jennifer Lawrence is admired for her authenticity, resilience, and versatility as an actress, making her a beloved figure in Hollywood.

Write a description of your favourite celebrity - mẫu 5

Mai Phương Thúy is a famous Vietnamese actress and model. She's known for her roles in movies and TV shows, as well as for her work in fashion. Mai Phương Thúy has a charming smile and graceful presence that lights up the screen. She's often seen wearing stylish outfits and exudes confidence wherever she goes. Mai Phương Thúy is admired for her talent, beauty, and contributions to the entertainment industry in Vietnam. She's also involved in charity work, using her fame to support various causes and make a positive impact in her community.

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