Fresh water has always been a limited resource in some parts of the world. Today, however, growing

Fresh water has always been a limited resource in some parts of the world. Today, however, growing worldwide demand has made this a global problem. What are the causes of the increased demand? What measures could governments and individuals take to respond to this problem? hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Fresh water has always been a limited resource in some parts of the world. Today, however, growing

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Đề bài: Fresh water has always been a limited resource in some parts of the world. Today, however, growing worldwide demand has made this a global problem. What are the causes of the increased demand? What measures could governments and individuals take to respond to this problem?

Fresh water has always been a limited resource in some parts of the world. Today, however, growing - mẫu 1

Fresh water, which is vital for the survival of humans and other flora and fauna, has always been a scarce natural resource on our planet, and this has been more acute in dried parts of the world. Due to rapid population growth and industrialisation, scarcity of this valuable resource has become a global issue. In this essay, I shall outline the main factors that have contributed to this problem and then elicit certain steps that can be taken to address this problem.

Regarding the reasons for the increasing demands for fresh water, population explosion is perhaps the most contributing factor. It is only natural that an inflated global population means more demand for freshwater - without which we cannot live. Rapid industrialisation has also increased the demand for salt-free water. For instance, millions of cars are being produced every year, and a startling amount of fresh water is required in the process. Finally, urbanisation, human activities and industrialisation have polluted many natural fresh water reserves and have compounded the graveness of this issue.

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As for the solutions to this intense and looming issue, strict legislation for preserving natural fresh water is required. No factories or industries should be allowed to carry on activities that pose threats to making freshwater sources polluted. Moreover, to reverse the already polluted reservoirs, the government should enact infrastructures for purification of them. More scientific experiments and research are required to convert seawater into saline-free water, which, I believe, will help in meeting the growing requirement of freshwater. Similarly, ordinary people can also contribute towards this noble cause by conserving water and also by limiting their daily household water usage. They should also refrain from performing activities that will pollute natural freshwater reserves.

In conclusion, fresh water is a limited resource without which we cannot survive. This is why both the authorities and individuals should take every measure to save the already inadequate resource and find ways to purify seawater into freshwater. 

Fresh water has always been a limited resource in some parts of the world. Today, however, growing - mẫu 2

Nonsalaine pure water, also known as freshwater, has been a limited resource in some regions for centuries. However, due to the increasing need worldwide, it has become a global issue. In this essay, I shall examine the reasons for the increased demand and the steps that governments and individuals can take to tackle this problem.

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One of the primary reasons for the increased demand for freshwater is population growth. As more people inhabit the planet, the demand for water increases correspondingly. In addition, economic growth and industrialization have led to an increased demand for water in many parts of the world. Agricultural activities and the production of energy also require vast amounts of water. To cite an example, the manufacturing of cars has grown steadily over the years, and each car requires around 40 thousand gallons of water to be manufactured. This is a huge amount of water that is required in the automobile sector. Now if we consider the agriculture and garments sector, the amount would be simply overwhelming.

Governments and individuals must take appropriate measures to address this problem. One of the most critical steps is the conservation of freshwater. Governments can promote water conservation by implementing laws that regulate water usage, such as restrictions on water-intensive industries and practices. They can also invest in water-saving technologies and infrastructure such as water treatment plants and efficient irrigation systems. Individuals, on the other hand, can take actions such as fixing leaks, reducing their usage, and recycling wastewater. Public awareness campaigns can be conducted to inform people about the importance of freshwater conservation.

Another measure that can be taken is the development of alternative sources of freshwater. Governments can invest in desalination plants, which convert seawater into freshwater. Additionally, they can promote rainwater harvesting and groundwater recharge. Individuals can also play a role in the development of alternative sources of freshwater by installing rainwater harvesting systems in their homes.

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In conclusion, the global freshwater crisis is a pressing issue that requires immediate action. Governments and individuals alike must work together to conserve and develop alternative sources of freshwater to ensure that we have access to this vital resource for generations to come.

Fresh water has always been a limited resource in some parts of the world. Today, however, growing - mẫu 3

It is undeniable that water scarcity is becoming a global problem, and its magnitude is so large that we need effective measures to tackle this issue. The rapid growth of the global population and their water demand as well as the contamination of groundwater, in my opinion, are the two main reasons for this alarming trend. However, water recycling and desalination could be two effective solutions to tackle this crisis.

As for the causes of the increased demand for non-saline water, the pressure on freshwater by the exponentially increasing population can be attributed. An increasing population leads to higher water demand primarily in three sectors, namely - agriculture, industry and household. Firstly, from an agricultural perspective, irrigation needs a large amount of groundwater. As we need to feed more mouths, the water required to produce crops is getting higher and higher. Secondly, industries and factories use a huge amount of water in their production and manufacturing process. With a larger population comes a greater demand for industrial production. For instance, some research revealed that the meat processing industry could be the main cause of water shortage in some regions of the UK and the demand for such industries is on the rise due to their popular demand. Finally, more water is used in households due to the population rise. Furthermore, the agricultural sectors and different industries are polluting river bodies by dispersing chemical compounds directly into the water. It is making a stain on the already scarce resource. So, it comes down to one simple equation: more population equals more demand for fresh water.

One solution to this crisis could be water recycling for water conservation. Governments, all around the world, should build new water pipe systems and infrastructures for recycling water. They should also encourage people to use recycled water whenever applicable. Another outstanding solution could be the widescale implementation of "desalination", in which salt is removed from the seawater to enable people to use it. It is now used in many countries like the USA and has achieved its goal to a great extent. Despite being expensive, it is a practical and wonderful method to meet our drinking water demand.

In conclusion, freshwater scarcity is a global problem caused mainly by the rapid growth of population and contamination of water. However, we have some effective solutions that should be adopted globally to tackle this crisis.

Fresh water has always been a limited resource in some parts of the world. Today, however, growing - mẫu 4

Since time immemorial, in certain drier parts of the world, fresh water has always been a scarce natural resource. However, in the present time, due to various reasons, scarcity of fresh water has become a global issue. This essay will illustrate some factors contributing to this problem and will also elicit certain steps that can help the national authorities and individuals in controlling this growing demand for natural salt free water.

Firstly, population explosion is the factor of utmost importance, which has led to the global surge in potable water requirement. Secondly, increased pollution of natural fresh water reserves due to urbanisation and industrialization has compounded this demand. Furthermore, in modern times, the growing use of salt free water for activities like recreational swimming, has also catalysed the surge in global water demand.

National authorities, on the other hand, can control this surge by implementing public education schemes regarding controlled water usage. Strict national legislations for preventing natural fresh water reserve pollution are also required. Moreover, the government should also enact infrastructures for purification of seawater into saline free water, which will help in meeting the growing requirement of fresh water.

Similarly, the public can also contribute towards this noble cause by conserving water and also by limiting their daily household water usage. They should refrain themselves from performing activities that will pollute natural fresh water reserves.

Thus, even though the scarcity of fresh water is a growing global problem, there are various means and methods available, by which both the government and individuals can prevent this from worsening. 

Fresh water has always been a limited resource in some parts of the world. Today, however, growing - mẫu 5

It is undeniable that water scarcity is becoming a worldwide problem. The growth of population is the main reason for this alarming trend, but some measures could be taken to tackle this predicament.

One the one hand, the pressure of the growing population on water resources could lead to the shortage of it. Increased number of populations leads to an increased water demand in three sectors namely agriculture, industry and households. Firstly, from an agricultural perspective, irrigation consumes a large amount of water. Also, the agricultural industry could pollute the rest of the water with chemical compounds that are used in farming like pesticides. Secondly, the industries and factories use a huge amount of water in their process. For instance, some research revealed that the meat processing industry could be the main cause of water shortage in some regions of the UK. Finally, water used for household purposes could be another consequence of the growth of population and ultimately could lead to water demand.

On the other hand, there are two main solutions to solve the problems described above. One solution is that water recycling could play an important role in water conservation. Governments should build new water pipes system for recycling and should encourage people to use recycled water. Another solution is to remove salt from sea water to enable people to use it. This process is called desalination. It is now used in many countries like the USA and has achieved their goal.

In conclusion, water demand is a global problem caused mainly by the growth of population number and governments and people should be cooperated to solve this issue.

Fresh water has always been a limited resource in some parts of the world. Today, however, growing - mẫu 6

Some developed nations, as well as many developing countries, have been concerned about water scarcity. People are increasingly seeking potable water due to a variety of human and natural factors. Nevertheless, the joint efforts of the government and citizens will certainly alleviate this threatening situation.

As a start, water crises can be attributed to a wide range of factors. In the first place, the altered weather patterns, particularly arid atmospheres, have led to a shortage of drinking water in countries such as India and Africa. A subsequent problem is that the mushrooming of industries consumes vast amounts of freshwater resources, further polluting the ground. A final point to consider is that population growth has certainly pushed water demands skyrocketing. Furthermore, though not an important factor, a careless attitude on the part of people and excessive use of household water have also exacerbated its effects.

In spite of this, solutions are available to resolve the issue. Firstly, the government needs to encourage and strengthen ideas for water harvesting systems that use dams and reservoirs to conserve water and revitalize old ponds and lakes. India’s government has undertaken numerous water body renovations in response to a recent drought. The recovery of water via desalination and recycling of wastewater is an effective method that would definitely meet the increasing water needs of the world despite the high cost. This is an effective method of producing fresh water in Singapore, where the authorities have implemented it.

In addition, individual efforts in conserving water, such as building rainwater harvesting tanks at home, and refraining from excessive water usage among household members would provide the desired outcome.

The things I have discussed thus far lead to the inevitable conclusion that even though acute water shortages are a worldwide problem mainly due to urbanization and overpopulation, you can prevent this from worsening by employing various means and methods such as proper conservation and recycling. 

Fresh water has always been a limited resource in some parts of the world. Today, however, growing - mẫu 7

In this contemporary era, natural water has become one of the major problems worldwide due to its increasing demand as it is a limited resource. There are many reasons for this rising demand, but various measures can be taken to overcome this situation.

The main reason for the causes is due to the rapidly growing population. It is a fact that the demand is growing along with the population. Similarly, in many countries people have to irrigate water from underground, which will cause water levels to drop and may not be available to future generations. In addition, at present, science and technology have also played a decisive role. Tons of water are needed to carry out any activity. For example, during a rocket launch, millions of gallons of water are needed to operate.

However, the authorities and the public should be aware of the long-term consequences of this and join hands to eliminate such problems in the upcoming days. One notable measure is that the government should distribute water equally with minimal use. The authorities must find alternative ways to use water resources, such as storm water. Researchers have proven that rainwater can be used for a variety of purposes. If people properly maintain rainwater in their homes, then they can use it for their household activities, hence fresh water will be conserved.

To conclude, it is the responsibility of both the government and the people to conserve water; different methods can be adopted for this, otherwise our future generation will have to face the consequences.

Fresh water has always been a limited resource in some parts of the world. Today, however, growing - mẫu 8

In recent times, scarcity of drinking water has become a global issue in many parts of the world. In this essay, I will shed some light on the factors contributing to this problem and will also suggest some solutions for the same. 

There are several reasons for the declining sources of fresh water. Firstly, the manufacturing industries are largely contributing to climate change, which is largely affecting the weather in various parts of the world. One good illustration of this is the number of rivers and fresh water lakes in Africa that have become waterless due to global warming. Secondly, it is also possible to say that the ever-increasing number of people in many parts of the world has led to the consumption of more and more fresh water. Finally, although not a major cause, the construction of new dams to provide electricity is also a contributing factor affecting the natural freshwater reservoirs.

However, solutions are available to tackle this problem. Firstly, applying strict rules for domestic fresh water consumption is crucial to guarantee optimum water usage. In fact, a recent study has concluded that 25 % percent of the fresh water consumption in UAE could be saved by applying simple measures, such as using prepaid accounts when paying utility bills. Another possible solution is to include this environmental topic in schools, especially in primary classes. For instance, Egypt has made it mandatory for pupils to study environmental science before obtaining a high school diploma. 

Thus, even though, decreasing fresh water resources is a growing global problem, mainly caused by global warming and increasing population, this problem is not insurmountable, and I believe that the United Nations and governments can easily tackle these problems, and they should start by considering the solutions suggested above.

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