Imagine you are Andy. Write a reply to Mike’s invitation to meet up

Imagine you are Andy. Write a reply to Mike’s invitation to meet up hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Imagine you are Andy. Write a reply to Mike’s invitation to meet up

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Đề bài: Imagine you are Andy. Write a reply to Mike’s invitation to meet up

• Say why you cannot meet him. 

• Suggest another activity at a later date.

Imagine you are Andy. Write a reply to Mike’s invitation to meet up - mẫu 1

Dear Mike,

Thank you so much for your invitation. It sounds great!

Unfortunately, I can’t make it because I’m going to be in Da Nang city with my parents.

We get back next Sunday. It would be nice to meet up sometime. Shall we go to the shopping centre? I’m going to buy you a special gift for your birthday!

I hope you enjoy the party!


Imagine you are Andy. Write a reply to Mike’s invitation to meet up - mẫu 2

Hey Mike,

Thanks for the invitation to meet up! I was really looking forward to catching up with you. Unfortunately, I have a prior commitment that I can't get out of on the day you suggested.

How about we plan something for another day instead? I heard about this new burger joint that just opened up downtown, and I thought it might be fun to check it out together. What do you think about meeting there next Saturday afternoon?

Let me know if that works for you, and we can iron out the details. Can't wait to hang out soon!



Quảng cáo

Imagine you are Andy. Write a reply to Mike’s invitation to meet up - mẫu 3

Hey Mike,

Thanks for reaching out and inviting me to meet up! I appreciate the thought and would love to catch up with you. Unfortunately, I have a family event scheduled for the day you suggested, so I won't be able to make it.

However, I'm really keen on seeing you soon. How about we plan a hiking trip for next weekend? There's a beautiful trail I've been wanting to explore, and it would be great to have your company. We could pack some snacks, enjoy the fresh air, and catch up on everything.

Let me know if that sounds good to you, and we can work out the details. Looking forward to our next adventure together!



Imagine you are Andy. Write a reply to Mike’s invitation to meet up - mẫu 4

Hey Mike,

Thanks for thinking of me and extending the invitation! Unfortunately, I have a work commitment that day and won't be able to make it.

However, I'd love to hang out with you soon. How about we plan a game night at my place next weekend? We can play some board games, order pizza, and just have a great time. It'll be a nice way to unwind and catch up.

Let me know if that works for you, and we can set it up. Can't wait to see you!



Quảng cáo

Imagine you are Andy. Write a reply to Mike’s invitation to meet up - mẫu 5

Hey Mike,

Thanks for the invite! I'd really love to meet up, but I've got a doctor's appointment that day that I can't reschedule.

How about we plan something for the following weekend? I heard about this cool new mini-golf place that just opened up, and I think it could be a lot of fun to check it out together. What do you say?

Let me know if that works for you, and we can make it happen. Looking forward to hanging out soon!



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