Write an article about this topic: Young people are doing more to prevent global warming than older people

Write an article about this topic: ‘Young people are doing more to prevent global warming than older people.’ Do you agree? hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Write an article about this topic: Young people are doing more to prevent global warming than older people

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Đề bài: Write an article about this topic: ‘Young people are doing more to prevent global warming than older people.’ Do you agree?

Paragraph 1 (my opinion)

Argument 1: ___________

Argument 2: ___________

Paragraph 2 (opposing view)

Argument 1: ___________

Argument 2: ___________

Counter-argument: ___________

- Expressing an opinion

I think / I don’t think that … As I see it, … In my opinion, …                     

- Presenting an opposing opinion

There are people who believe that … Having said that, … On the other hand, … 

- Presenting a counter-argument

In spite of this, … However, … Nevertheless, …                               

- Making an additional point

Furthermore, … Moreover,… What is more, …

Quảng cáo

Write an article about this topic: Young people are doing more to prevent global warming than older people - mẫu 1

The topic of climate change is urgent, and many believe that young people are taking stronger actions to address it compared to older generations. But is this true, and how much responsibility lies with each group?

Young people today are notably active in climate activism. Movements like Fridays for Future, led by Greta Thunberg, have mobilized millions worldwide to demand action through strikes and marches. Their passion has brought attention to climate issues, pushing governments and companies to act more sustainably.

Younger generations often grow up more aware of environmental problems. They've seen firsthand the effects of climate change, like extreme weather and rising sea levels. This awareness drives them to advocate for policies that protect the environment and promote renewable energy.

However, older generations have also played vital roles in conservation efforts long before climate change became a big issue. Many have worked on wildlife protection and sustainable farming.

Both groups have strengths: young people bring energy and fresh ideas, while older adults offer experience and influence in important sectors like government and business. Working together, they can create effective solutions to combat climate change.

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In conclusion, while young people lead in activism, solving climate issues requires collaboration across generations. By combining youth's passion with the wisdom of older generations, we can work towards a sustainable future for all.

Write an article about this topic: Young people are doing more to prevent global warming than older people - mẫu 2

In my opinion, young people are indeed doing more to prevent global warming than older people. They are more engaged in environmental activism and are adopting sustainable lifestyles at a higher rate. This proactive approach stems from their awareness of the future they will inherit and their desire to make a meaningful impact now.

One major reason young people are leading the fight against global warming is their involvement in global movements. For example, Greta Thunberg's Fridays for Future has mobilized millions of young people worldwide to demand action from governments and corporations. These movements have not only raised awareness but also pressured policymakers to consider stricter environmental regulations.

Another reason is the lifestyle choices young people make. Many are choosing to live sustainably by recycling, reducing plastic use, and adopting plant-based diets. These choices collectively reduce their carbon footprint and set an example for others to follow. Young people are also more inclined to use public transportation, bike, or walk instead of driving, which further reduces emissions.

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However, some argue that older generations are also making significant contributions to preventing global warming. They point out that experienced leaders hold key positions in government and organizations, allowing them to implement important policies and regulations. Additionally, older generations have been involved in environmental activism for decades, laying the groundwork for today's movements.

Older leaders often have the power to make large-scale changes through policy and legislation. They can create and enforce laws that reduce emissions and protect natural resources. Without these structural changes, individual efforts might not be as effective.

Many older individuals and groups have historically advocated for environmental protection. Their efforts have led to important achievements, such as the establishment of national parks, the passing of clean air and water acts, and the creation of organizations dedicated to environmental conservation.

While these contributions are significant, the urgency and scale of today's climate crisis require the passionate and widespread activism that young people are demonstrating. Their ability to mobilize quickly through social media and their commitment to sustainable living are driving substantial changes in public attitudes and behaviors. Furthermore, young people's innovative approaches to technology and business are creating new solutions for reducing carbon footprints and promoting green energy.

In conclusion, while older generations have certainly contributed to the fight against global warming, young people are currently at the forefront of this battle. Their activism, sustainable lifestyle choices, and innovative solutions are making a noticeable difference and inspiring a broader movement towards environmental responsibility.

Write an article about this topic: Young people are doing more to prevent global warming than older people - mẫu 3

I believe young people are doing more to prevent global warming than older people. They are more focused on environmental education and use social media to spread awareness. These efforts are essential for creating lasting change.

Young people are better educated about climate change. Schools now teach more about the environment, and young people are learning about the importance of taking care of our planet from an early age. This education drives them to take action and make greener choices in their everyday lives.

Social media is a powerful tool that young people use to spread awareness about global warming. They share information, organize events, and inspire others to join the cause. Movements like Earth Day Network and Climate Reality Project gain momentum because of the active participation of young people online.

On the other hand, some believe that older people are also making significant efforts to combat global warming. They argue that older generations have more experience and resources to make a difference.

Many older people have been involved in environmental efforts for years. They have fought for important laws and policies that protect our environment. Their long-term dedication has led to significant achievements in conservation and sustainability.

Older generations often have more financial resources to support environmental causes. They donate to green organizations, fund research, and invest in renewable energy projects. Their financial support is crucial for making large-scale changes that individual actions cannot achieve.

While older people have contributed greatly to environmental protection, the energy and fresh perspectives of young people are vital for tackling the current climate crisis. Young people bring new ideas and solutions, and their passion motivates others to act. Additionally, their use of technology and social media helps spread the message faster and more widely, reaching a global audience.

In conclusion, although older generations have played an important role in preventing global warming, young people are leading the way today. Their focus on education, use of social media, and innovative thinking are driving significant change and inspiring more people to join the fight against climate change.

Write an article about this topic: Young people are doing more to prevent global warming than older people - mẫu 4

I believe young people are doing more to prevent global warming than older people. They are more involved in grassroots initiatives and are pushing for corporate responsibility. These efforts are crucial for creating a sustainable future.

Young people are heavily involved in grassroots initiatives. They participate in local clean-ups, tree planting events, and community gardens. These hands-on activities directly improve the environment and raise awareness about the importance of taking care of our planet.

Young people are also pushing for corporate responsibility. They demand that companies adopt sustainable practices and reduce their carbon footprints. Through campaigns and boycotts, they pressure businesses to be more environmentally friendly. This can lead to significant changes in how companies operate and produce goods.

Some argue that older people are also making significant contributions to the fight against global warming. They point out that older generations have established many environmental organizations and have a wealth of experience.

Many older people have founded and led environmental organizations that have made lasting impacts. These organizations work on large-scale projects, such as wildlife conservation and pollution control, which require extensive knowledge and experience.

Older generations often have more influence in politics and policy-making. They have the power to create and enforce laws that can bring about substantial environmental changes. Their experience in navigating political systems is crucial for implementing effective environmental policies.

While these contributions are important, the fresh perspectives and innovative approaches of young people are essential for addressing today's urgent climate challenges. Young people bring new energy and creativity to the movement, finding novel solutions to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainability. Additionally, their grassroots efforts and corporate activism complement the broader policy changes driven by older generations.

In conclusion, although older generations have played a vital role in environmental protection, young people are leading the charge today. Their involvement in grassroots initiatives and push for corporate responsibility are making significant impacts and inspiring others to join the fight against global warming.

Write an article about this topic: Young people are doing more to prevent global warming than older people - mẫu 5

I believe young people are doing more to prevent global warming than older people. They are more active in integrating climate education into their daily lives and are driving the movement for renewable energy. These efforts are key to mitigating the effects of climate change.

Young people are integrating climate education into their daily lives. Many are learning about environmental issues in school and applying this knowledge in their personal habits. They are more likely to make eco-friendly choices, such as reducing waste, conserving water, and supporting sustainable brands, which collectively have a significant positive impact on the environment.

Young people are also at the forefront of the renewable energy movement. They advocate for and adopt renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, both in their homes and communities. Their support for clean energy not only reduces reliance on fossil fuels but also encourages technological advancements and lowers the cost of renewable energy solutions for everyone.

On the other hand, some argue that older people are also making important contributions to preventing global warming. They highlight the role of older generations in implementing large-scale environmental policies and innovations.

Older people have been crucial in implementing large-scale environmental policies. Many have used their positions in government and industry to create regulations that reduce emissions, protect natural habitats, and promote sustainability. These policies provide the framework needed for widespread environmental protection.

Older generations have also been key innovators in environmental technology. Many groundbreaking advancements, such as electric vehicles and advanced recycling techniques, have been developed by older scientists and engineers. Their expertise and experience have been vital in creating the tools needed to combat climate change.

While the contributions of older generations are significant, young people’s integration of climate education and support for renewable energy are driving a cultural shift towards sustainability. Their efforts to make eco-friendly choices in daily life and embrace renewable energy sources create a ripple effect that influences others and amplifies their impact. Additionally, their passion and commitment to a sustainable future inspire broader societal changes.

In conclusion, although older generations have played a crucial role in addressing environmental issues, young people are leading the current efforts to prevent global warming. Their integration of climate education into daily life and their support for renewable energy are making a substantial difference and encouraging others to join the fight against climate change.

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