5+ In many parts of the world, children and teenagers are committing more crimes. Why is this happening

In many parts of the world, children and teenagers are committing more crimes. Why is this happening? How should they be punished? hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

5+ In many parts of the world, children and teenagers are committing more crimes. Why is this happening

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Đề bài: In many parts of the world, children and teenagers are committing more crimes. Why is this happening? How should they be punished?

In many parts of the world, children and teenagers are committing more crimes. Why is this happening - mẫu 1

Cases of juvenile delinquency are increasing in many areas worldwide. In my opinion, this phenomenon could be attributed to a number of external factors. Punishment for offenders should be imposed according to the seriousness of the crime, and imprisonment should be reserved solely for extreme cases.

The main causes of juvenile crime are related to social background. To explain, many young offenders reside in impoverished areas without access to basic necessities or employment. Consequently, said children would have to resort to crimes such as mugging for basic survival and subsistence. Furthermore, youngsters from dysfunctional families could experience an absence of moral guidance and supervision from their parents due to negligence. This means that they would be unable to distinguish between good and bad, causing them to commit crimes without being aware of the illegal and immoral nature or the consequences of their actions.

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The punishment for young delinquents ought to vary based on the gravity of the offense. To elaborate, when dealing with minor misdemeanors and petty crimes, a fine or warning could be imposed, accompanied by community work, such as cleaning up public spaces or assisting the elderly. For more serious offenses, other measures such as therapy or rehabilitation ought to be implemented to reform delinquents into responsible and law-abiding citizens. Finally, as they tend to exacerbate the problem, severe punishments such as prison sentences should be reserved as a last resort, imposed when other measures have failed.

In conclusion, I contend that several social factors are responsible for the rise of juvenile crime and that punishment should take into account the crime itself. The level of punishment needs to be appropriate to the severity of the crime, and harsh punishments such as incarceration should only be carried out for serious crimes when no other option is effective or viable.

In many parts of the world, children and teenagers are committing more crimes. Why is this happening - mẫu 2

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Crime is ubiquitous in every nook and corner of the world. The persons who are involved in committing crime are juveniles as well as adolescents and the conspicuous reason is lack of love, hectic schedule of parents. Parental attention, channelizing their energy can be good alternative for them rather than giving them corporal punishment.

First off, offspring commit crime owing to lack of love from their parents. To elaborate it, parents have a very hectic schedule, so they work round the clock and find no time for their nippers. This thing heightens their aggression, and they indulge in petty offences like picking pockets, robbery or theft. Moreover, parents fulfill only their physical needs and are incapable of meeting their emotional needs. Thus, children show their aggression by vandalism or shoplifting and expect to catch red handed so that they can attract the attention of their parents. Apart from it, they are immature and can be instigated by anyone. So, they commit crimes.

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Furthermore, adolescents and children must be punished but here physical punishment will not work as they will repeat their anti-social behaviour after getting punishment as sometimes, they are sent to prison and this step exacerbated their situation more. In spite of it, their energy must be channelized to do constructive work and involving them in voluntary work seems to be a good option. What’s more, parents must spend some time with them in order to satisfy their needs. Also, they will be made aware of the repercussions of their actions only then they will be able to understand and behave according to the norms of society.

In conclusion, in consideration of above analysis, it is ostensible that youngsters trapped in illegal activities when they are unsatisfied as well as feel alone and to rehabilitate them parents must give their quality time to them only then they can follow their path well.

In many parts of the world, children and teenagers are committing more crimes. Why is this happening - mẫu 3

It is obviously true that the rapid rise of juvenile delinquency has become a common concern of many countries in the world. This essay presents several reasons for this trend as well as discusses some punishments that should be imposed to address the problem.

To begin with, the most important driving force behind this phenomenon would be the lack of parental care. There is a fact that orphans, adopted children, and teenagers who live in dysfunctional families are more likely to have disruptive behaviour towards others and easily commit serious offences. What's more, poverty seems to be a root cause of crime. As a rule, the abject poverty has a huge psychological influence on adolescents, then they turn to crime to obtain money, as they have not found anything that legally gets them out of such a situation.

There are a number of severe punishments that should be meted out to young criminals. Firstly, juvenile delinquents whose crime is not serious enough to be put in prison should be ordered to do community service. In this case, young offenders are required to work voluntarily for a certain period of time on local projects. A second penalty for those who are found guilty is that they should be forced to make full restitution to the victims for the damage done. Finally, the court would put youngsters who commit a crime on probation. Put them under supervision of local police using electronic monitoring, for example.

In conclusion, the lack of parental love and poverty are the two primary contributors to the increasing rate of juvenile crime in many parts of the world. These aforementioned non-custodial sentences would serve as deterrents.

In many parts of the world, children and teenagers are committing more crimes. Why is this happening - mẫu 4

Juvenile crimes are by no means a foreign phenomenon to any society, but there has admittedly been a rising trend of youths committing crimes of various scales in many parts of the world. Time and again, this has been attributed to a lack of parenting skills allegedly prevalent among young parents, mostly by folks from previous generations. However, this could not be further from the multi-faceted truth behind such a phenomenon. The rise of juvenile crimes could be easily traced back to a multitude of problems only known to the people of today, for this is the only time problems such as burnout and overexposure to information have ever existed. Youths who commit crimes must undoubtedly be tried as well, though often to a lesser extent. However, as opposed to correctional facilities, criminal youths are often sent to youth detention centres where they will be under the supervision and management of the appropriate government body.

Only a very small and superficial part of what is alleged of young parents as mentioned above is true. While it is often the case that lacklustre parenting often plays a key role in the misguided actions of youth, one would be astute to look beyond the blatant accusations of laziness aimed at these poor parents, many of whom are just trying to do their best. Many of the allegedly negative influences in a child’s life are often outside of the parents’ control, in one way or the other. For example, it has never been harder to monitor the content consumed by your child, much of which could be detrimental to the child’s development. Given how easily accessible information and media are nowadays, children often unknowingly expose themselves to content not meant for them, instilling in these youths’ ideas that they are too young to classify as right or wrong. Being a parent has also never been harder. Back then, parents used to have time to spend with their children after work, but now work has permeated so far into the lives of people that that is no longer a luxury many have. Given said current trends, it is only understandable that many youths do not receive enough affection and supervision from parents to learn the differences between right and wrong, as well as for parents to spot the early signs of wrongdoing.

Youths who commit crimes need to be taught to distinguish between what is right and wrong, and this needs to take place under the form of correctional programs and being tried in juvenile court. In very severe cases, youths who have committed crimes of especially serious severity may need to be tried as adults, though that is a topic for a discussion. In said programs, these youths must be taught societal values held as the norm in society. Furthermore, they need to be reprimanded just as adult criminals are though, as mentioned, to a lesser extent. Many youths in juvenile detention centre are often made to perform community services for a number of hours before they are returned their full freedom. However, it should be noted that juvenile detention centres are not meant to detain their occupants as do adult correctional facilities. They are meant to allow the government to act as these youths’ parents for a set time, once again hinting at the role parents play in the wrongdoings of youth.

Juveniles are, at the end of the day, adults at the most mentally fickle stage of their life, evident in the fact that most juvenile crimes are emotionally charged. For that reason, it is important that we give due considerations to cases where these youths are involved to deliver a judgement that is fair not only with regards to the crime committed, but also the child’s upbringing.

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