In the past, lectures were the traditional method of teaching large numbers of students

In the past, lectures were the traditional method of teaching large numbers of students in a classroom. Nowadays new technology is increasingly being used to teach students. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this new approach in teaching? hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

In the past, lectures were the traditional method of teaching large numbers of students

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Đề bài: In the past, lectures were the traditional method of teaching large numbers of students in a classroom. Nowadays new technology is increasingly being used to teach students. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this new approach in teaching?

In the past, lectures were the traditional method of teaching large numbers of students - mẫu 1

We have moved into a technology-driven era where technology is affecting many different aspects of our life, and education is no exception. So, in some schools, traditional methods of education have been revolutionised by new technology to the extent that lectures are no longer the main method of teaching students. While this new approach has some advantages, it also has many significant shortcomings. This essay outlines both the advantages of disadvantages of this novel approach.

Perceivably the biggest advantage of the use of the latest technology in education is the flexibility it offers. This is evident in two different ways - firstly, it is now no longer essential for students to be present in the classroom for their courses. The COVID-19 pandemic has specifically taught us how this flexibility could be a lifesaver. Moreover, the distance learning facility enables employed professionals, housewives and people from different countries to enroll and successfully finish useful courses offered by numerous institutes. Another area of flexibility is of course the interactive tools like "Moodle", for example, the lecturers can use to deliver their courses to large numbers of students.

Not everything, however, about the introduction of this new technology into education is useful. To start, not all students are comfortable with using technology, even if they are part of the digital native generation. This is a grave issue as they may suffer from their lack of technological skills and interests. For instance, an overwhelming number of students, almost 75%, despite their enthusiasm for smartphones and computers, reported that they do not like online classes. Another related issue is that education is a human activity, and it works best with as much human interaction as possible. Impersonal technology cannot replace the human contact found in traditional face-to-face tutorials and seminars. Thus, a piece of technology or tool can never be an alternative to expert tutors who know their students individually and act and teach them accordingly.
To conclude, technology in education brings many important benefits and enables distance learning possible. It also becomes the only way of learning and teaching during lockdowns and pandemics. However, we have to keep in mind that it can be too impersonal for some and discourages others for their lack of technological skills or passion.

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In the past, lectures were the traditional method of teaching large numbers of students - mẫu 2

Technology has touched every aspect of our life today, so much so that we cannot think of living without it, even for a day. The world of “teaching and learning” is no exception, and this essay will try to explain what benefits and demerits incorporating technology in this field have brought.

Perhaps the most visible advantage of it is that it allows students to access more and varieties of information with just a few mouse clicks. Students, with the help of technology, can choose to research topics, and fill their interests and needs, much more easily than by going to a library where resources may be limited. And the best thing about it is that all this can be done in a group, freeing the teacher to attend to other individual students in more need. In other words, using technology in this way ensures that all the students get what they need, and also when they need it while allowing teachers to focus more on academically poor students.

Another advantage is that technology helps students accommodate multiple styles of learning. For example, some students respond better when communicating verbally rather than in written words. For such students, recorded lessons, audiobooks, and podcasts can effectively be woven into their lesson plans so that they can extract the benefits.

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However, while technology has allowed both teachers and students alike to accomplish more, it is not without disadvantages. One such disadvantage is that it has significantly reduced the “face-to-face interaction” between students and teachers. This “face-to-face interaction” is very important because it helps students not just acquire facts, but also understand, interpret, and apply these facts into useful and interesting knowledge. More importantly, without such interaction, it is very highly unlikely that teachers would be able to help students build self-esteem and confidence and emotional maturity, especially, when there is so much bullying in and around the classrooms.

To conclude, technology is a reality of our life today, and we just cannot ignore it even if we want to. Therefore, we should be open-minded in using it in the field of education and learning in order to extract maximum benefits while also being wary of its negative consequences.

In the past, lectures were the traditional method of teaching large numbers of students - mẫu 3

The conventional approach of teaching students through lectures has largely been replaced by the widespread use of new technologies in and out of the classroom. While this new approach has numerous benefits, it also has some disadvantages. This essay shall examine the benefits and drawbacks of using the latest technologies in education.

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One major advantage of using technology to teach students is that it provides them with access to a wide range of learning resources that teachers can prepare. With the internet, students can access a wealth of information on various subjects that they may not be able to find in traditional textbooks. Additionally, online platforms such as video tutorials, interactive quizzes, and simulations make learning more engaging and effective. This way learning is more intuitive and effective.

Another advantage of technology in teaching is that it allows for personalized learning. With the help of technology, teachers can assess the individual learning styles of their students and tailor the content to suit their needs. This approach can lead to improved learning outcomes, as students can progress at their own pace and receive individualized feedback. For instance, many colleges in Canada have adopted this tailored teaching method which has increased academic performance by up to 30%, which is a tremendous boost.

However, there are some disadvantages to using technology in teaching as well. One potential disadvantage is that it can be costly, and not all schools may have the resources to invest in the latest technology. For instance, during the COVID-19 pandemic, more than 60% of students in poor or developing countries could not afford laptops and an internet connection. Additionally, some students may struggle to adapt to online learning environments and may require more guidance and support than others. Finally, the widespread use and access to the internet can often distract learners from studying.

In conclusion, the widespread use of technology in teaching and learning has both benefits and drawbacks. So, technology must be embraced and incorporated in schools to an extent that would ensure a conducive learning environment while not making the process harder or unreachable for the poor.

In the past, lectures were the traditional method of teaching large numbers of students - mẫu 4

Throughout the history of higher education, lectures have been the primary method of delivering information from professor to student. However, in the modern era, technology has created many opportunities for educational facilities to impart information which some would say provide students with better methods for learning. Naturally, there is some disagreement on this issue.

Those who agree with the proliferation of technology throughout education contend that, firstly, it is a more engaging medium than the traditional lecture format. They claim that technology has the potential to pique students’ interest and impart information more effectively than traditional lecturing. Moreover, the flexible nature of the digital world means that education becomes more accessible. As such, students can work at home, or in the evening, rather than attend a fixed lecture schedule. As not everyone has the same learning needs and preferences, technology provides different means for students to study, making education more attainable.

However, there are those who question the benefits of technology in education. They point out that technology is inherently distracting and, as we use technology for games and social media, perhaps it is not the best way of teaching students. Furthermore, technology is prone to malfunction due to its complexity. While it may seem beneficial to have convenient technological systems used in universities, the reality is that there are too many possible errors that might occur.

To conclude, there are strong arguments on either side of this contentious issue. Proponents of technology in education stress the accessibility and convenience it provides, while its opponents focus on the draw backs, such as distractions and system errors.

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