International tourism has brought enormous benefits to many places. At the same time, there is concern

International tourism has brought enormous benefits to many places. At the same time, there is concern about its impact on local inhabitants and the environment. Do the disadvantages of international tourism outweigh the advantages? hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

International tourism has brought enormous benefits to many places. At the same time, there is concern

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Đề bài: International tourism has brought enormous benefits to many places. At the same time, there is concern about its impact on local inhabitants and the environment. Do the disadvantages of international tourism outweigh the advantages?

International tourism has brought enormous benefits to many places. At the same time, there is concern - mẫu 1

International tourism has undeniably provided substantial benefits to many destinations worldwide. However, alongside these benefits, there are significant concerns regarding its impact on local communities and the environment. While tourism drives economic growth and cultural exchange, its disadvantages, particularly in terms of environmental degradation and cultural erosion, often outweigh these advantages.

One of the primary advantages of international tourism is its contribution to the economy. Tourism generates revenue, creates jobs, and stimulates local businesses. For instance, countries like Thailand and Spain rely heavily on tourism as a vital part of their economies, providing employment opportunities and boosting infrastructure development. Moreover, tourism fosters cultural exchange, allowing for greater understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures. Visitors often gain insights into local traditions and lifestyles, promoting global harmony.

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However, the disadvantages of international tourism are increasingly concerning. Environmental degradation is one of the most significant issues. Popular tourist destinations often suffer from pollution, deforestation, and depletion of natural resources. For example, the Great Barrier Reef in Australia has experienced significant damage due to over-tourism, affecting marine life and coral health. Additionally, mass tourism can lead to the erosion of local cultures. Traditional customs and lifestyles may be commercialised or lost altogether as destinations cater to the preferences of international visitors. Venice, for instance, has seen a decline in its traditional way of life due to the overwhelming influx of tourists, leading to the displacement of local residents. In my opinion, while international tourism brings economic and cultural benefits, the negative impacts on the environment and local communities are more pressing. Governments and the tourism industry must implement sustainable practices to mitigate these adverse effects.

In conclusion, although international tourism offers considerable economic and cultural advantages, the detrimental effects on the environment and local societies outweigh these benefits. A sustainable approach to tourism is essential to ensure that the positive aspects can be enjoyed without compromising the well-being of destinations and their inhabitants.

International tourism has brought enormous benefits to many places. At the same time, there is concern - mẫu 2

Global tourism reaps numerous advantages to many parts of the world while causing concern about its adverse effects on local residents and the atmosphere. This essay argues that despite the disadvantages - disruption of the local community and environmental impact, I believe that the advantages are far more significant as international tourism promotes local economy and global peace.

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Some express grave concerns about the drawbacks of international tourism as it disrupts the local communities and causes environmental degradation. With the rise of tourism, local inhabitants may face challenges such as strain on infrastructure, overcrowding, and changes in the economy to name but a few. For example, overcrowded destinations may increase demands for electricity, leading to frequent load shedding or power shortages. Similarly, the influx of tourists can exert a negative impact on the environment. This includes habitat destruction, land encroachment, increased waste generation, and pollution. Take the Hawaiian Islands for instance. The popular destination suffers from overtourism which leads to damage to coral reefs from snorkelling or scuba diving.

On the contrary, many believe that international tourism is a real boon to the local community. Global tourism can stimulate an exponential increase in the local economy by generating employment opportunities and revenue. It can enhance the development of infrastructure, business, and service. For example, popular tourist attractions quite often are bombarded with visitors who spend money on meals, accommodations, and souvenirs, thus contributing to the local economy. Likewise, international tourism also contributes to global peace by promoting cultural exchange, mutual understanding, and an interdependent economy. For instance, countries with huge tourism prospects are eager to maintain peaceful relations to ensure tourist flow and economic benefits. For these reasons, I contend that the benefits of global tourism reap eclipse its drawbacks. 

To conclude, the downsides of international tourism are the disruption of local communities and environmental impacts. However, I feel that economic benefits and global peace are more significant advantages.

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International tourism has brought enormous benefits to many places. At the same time, there is concern - mẫu 3

People have varying views about the effects of international tourism on the economy and environment. While I accept that international tourism has some positive impacts on our lives and economy, I believe that it has more negative impacts compared to positive ones.

On the one hand, international tourism has some advantages. Firstly, tourism is a popular leisure activity for millions of people all over the world. Tourists can relax and have fun by sightseeing in a new place. This activity broadens their horizons and opens their minds by exposing them to different cultures and customs. Secondly, from an economic perspective, the tourism industry plays a vital role in many countries. People may rely on tourism for their income. Also, the tourism industry creates many job opportunities in services like hotels and restaurants. As a result, international tourism improves the standard of living in some local areas.

On the other hand, from an environmental perspective, tourism may affect the environment negatively in three ways. Firstly, the excessive building needed by the tourism industry could destroy natural habitats and even may result in the extinction of many animals and plants. Secondly, international tourism causes more pollution and waste. Finally, the tourism industry puts more pressure on natural resources like oil and water and this may lead to the shortage of some basic human needs. From a cultural perspective, tourism may affect local cultures negatively. Traditional jobs and skills like farming and fishing may die out because tourism forces people to work in their services. So, this may lead to the loss of many cultural features and values. Therefore, I believe that international tourism has more negative impacts on the environment and local cultures.

In conclusion, it seems to me that the potential dangers of international tourism on the environment and culture are more significant than the possible benefits in personal and economic sectors. Governments should impose laws to protect the environment and local cultures.

International tourism has brought enormous benefits to many places. At the same time, there is concern - mẫu 4

It is a fact that international tourism has already become a popular and huge industry these days, and many places have reaped the benefits of it. However, some people opine that the activity hurts the local communities. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of international tourism and opine that it has more benefits than drawbacks.

On the one hand, some people think that international tourism activities bring some disadvantages to the local area. They are afraid that the local environment will deteriorate as more and more people visit there. For example, Mount Everest is one of the top destinations for international travellers, but it is reported that the amount of garbage that tourists produce has increased rapidly in the past few years. Consequently, it might have a catastrophic effect on the local environment there. Another reason for this concern is that tourists will bring some negative cultures to the local people. For instance, some Western people like to drink alcoholic beverages, and elders of the local societies are afraid that the local people would also be interested in drinking those liquors.

On the other hand, many people believe that travelling abroad for leisure activities would bring a lot of benefits for the destination places. Firstly, it creates a lot of job opportunities for the local people as some of them could become tour guides or run small businesses. Secondly, when foreign travellers come to a country, they will spend their money on various activities. It means that they will also bring revenue to the local government in the form of tax. As a result, the government would have enough budgets for maintaining the public facilities around the places and the local environment as well. Lastly, it also attracts investors in building resorts and hotels in the surrounding areas. The development of these places will absorb many employments not only from the local area but from other cities and countries as well.

In conclusion, despite its negative effects, I personally believe that global tourism industries would bring more benefits to the local inhabitants and communities. It boosts the economic condition of the country and creates job opportunities for the local people. As for the negative effects, it really depends on how the government would make clear regulations and implement them.

International tourism has brought enormous benefits to many places. At the same time, there is concern - mẫu 5

People have different views about the effect of international tourism. While I accept that international tourism has some positive impacts on our lives, I believe that it has more negative impacts compared to positive ones.

On the one hand, international tourism has many advantages. First, from my perspective, travel is a very common pastime. By exploring a new location, travelers can unwind and enjoy themselves. Additionally, traveling stimulates their minds and broadens their horizons by exposing them to various countries and traditions. Second, from an economic standpoint, the tourism industry is crucial to the development of many nations. Tourism is one of the major sources of income for some people. Additionally, the tourism sector generates numerous job openings in industries like hotels and restaurants. International travel consequently raises the standard of living in some local communities.

On the other hand, I believe that international tourism has more negative impacts on the environment and local cultures. First, from an environmental standpoint, there are three ways that tourism could harm the ecosystem. First, the tourism industry's demand for excessive construction might ruin natural habitats and potentially cause the extinction of several species and plants. Additionally, waste and pollution are increased by international tourists. Finally, the tourism industry demanding constantly natural resources like water and energy could result in a shortage of some basic human needs. Second, from a cultural standpoint, tourism could have a negative impact on local cultures. Farming and fishing may become obsolete as a result of people being forced to work in tourism-related industries, which could lead to the loss of many cultural traits and values.

In conclusion, in my opinion, the potential dangers of international tourism on the environment and culture are far more significant than the benefits on personal and economic sectors. Governments should impose laws to protect the environment and local cultures.

International tourism has brought enormous benefits to many places. At the same time, there is concern - mẫu 6

The travel industry has experienced a major boom over recent decades, which has helped some economically weaker nations to improve their failing economies. While questions have been raised regarding the negative impacts that accompany the growth in the travel sector, these definitely do not outweigh the associated benefits.

On the one hand, the rising influx of holidaymakers is associated with increased incidences of crimes and antisocial activities like drugs, human trafficking and gambling, which affect the values of the indigenous society. The local population is also affected by the growth in property prices. Environmentalists are also concerned regarding environmental remodelling that is associated with increased tourist activities in natural reserves. In this context, it is worth mentioning that, by enforcing strict law and order and implementing strict legislation, governments can control most of these negative impacts of tourism.

On the other hand, the economic boost that accompanies a successful travel industry is quite well recognised. Thailand is a good example of the benefits of tourism as the Thai economy revolves around tourism and the country had been able to uplift its socio-economic status through its flourishing hospitality sector.  Egypt is another nation that is heavily dependent on its hospitality sector. The growth in the number of incoming tourists leads to innumerable prospects in terms of local entrepreneurship and employment. This is also associated with international investment and infrastructure development. The national authorities, in order to ensure the safety of the international visitors, provide better law and order enforcement, improved transportation and healthcare facilities, which in turn benefit the local population.

In conclusion, it can be said that, even though growth in the travel industry has accompanying negative social and environmental impacts, these do not outweigh the contributions made by this sector towards social development. However, to be successful, the government must make sure that tourism development is regulated and eco-friendly and only then can it really benefit the local community.

International tourism has brought enormous benefits to many places. At the same time, there is concern - mẫu 7

Around the world, tourism industry is proving beneficial for different places by not only generating good revenue but also creating employment opportunities. However, there are some possible drawbacks of international tourism as it has negative effects on local inhabitants and the environment. Nonetheless, I firmly believe that if both pros and cons are considered the merits of tourism surpass the demerits.

On the one hand, international tourism is advantageous in many ways. Firstly, it contributes towards revenue generation for the country. In addition, it plays a significant role in creating employment prospects for local people. For instance, a country like Dubai has an oil industry for generating income but apart from that there is no other source of income generation. However, a large number of tourists visit Dubai, thanks to Dubai's world class tourist attractions. Secondly, to accommodate international tourists many local people do jobs in different companies which facilitates the tourists. Hence, the local people and the government in the tourist places are benefited by the tourism.

On the other hand, despite the many advantages of international tourism, there are some disadvantages too. It affects local inhabitants as well as the environment because to make the place more alluring to tourists the natural surroundings are modified, which eventually damages nature. Moreover, it also destroys the habitat of local animals. As many people are dependent on the tourism business, there are times when tourists are not visiting, and the local people find difficulty in earning money to live then.

In conclusion, international tourism has its positive and negative impact but the merits like more income and employment overshadow the demerits.

International tourism has brought enormous benefits to many places. At the same time, there is concern - mẫu 8

There is no doubt that international tourists have brought a lot of positive impact to many countries. However, these benefits also come with many negative issues. Personally, I feel that international tourism has resulted more advantages than disadvantages to the affected nations in general. In this essay, I will examine both the benefits and their related cost and support my opinion accordingly.

First of all, many people argue that many local inhabitants have been sacrificed in order to make way for the development of tourist attractions. For example, trees were cut down so that hotels can be constructed; old heritage sites were demolished and replaced by new shopping malls; local residences, especially the aboriginals, have to be relocated so that their land can be used for new airports. However, people tend to ignore the economic and social benefits brought upon by these developments. For example, the number of jobs created by the constructions of hotels and shopping malls could stimulate the economic growth of a nation and benefit the both the people and the nation as a whole.   

Secondly, many people also claimed that the influx of foreign tourists will increase social problems such as crime rates immoral activities.  For example, they claimed that tourists usually like to visit pubs and clubs in the evening and that will lead to a higher rate of alcohol-related problems such as noise pollution, vandalism and prostitution. However, I believe that the millions of foreign dollars brought in by these tourists could actually decrease the problems if the money is put into proper used by the government. For example, the tax collected from the entertainment outlet could be used to help combat crime and actually make the country a safer place.

In conclusion, I believe that if we look at the overall picture of international tourism when doing the cost-benefit analysis, we will see that there are more advantages than disadvantages.  

International tourism has brought enormous benefits to many places. At the same time, there is concern - mẫu 9

Experts all across the world have argued about whether the upsides of travelling the world are worth the potential drawbacks. As it's a major source of income for many countries, I believe the downsides could not exceed the benefits. This essay will address the advantages and disadvantages, along with supporting evidence for each position.

One positive aspect is that foreign tourism contributes to national economies. Recent UN reforms, for instance, reveal that the tourism industry provided 10-15% of PIB for 32 European, African, and American nations in the last five years. People's social lives and economies grew as a result. In addition, many of the world's superpowers are investing in the development of natural tourist attractions.

On the other hand, the tourism industry contributes to an increase in pedestrian traffic. Because it is so simple to connect individuals from different parts of the world. A large number of tourists are deceiving the natives of the area that they are visiting, by promising them jobs and an improved quality of life. For instance, a recent analysis conducted by UNICEF revealed that one in ten commuters all over the world are involved in the trafficking of children. Because of this, the residents of the community regarded travellers as being dishonest. In addition to this, it is the primary reason why criminal records are kept by law enforcement agencies worldwide.

In conclusion, despite the drawbacks, international tourism is one of the reasons to improve the economy of the nation. As a result, I continue to hold the belief that the advantages exceed the disadvantages. In the interest of their own economies, I would suggest that global authorities increase the number of tourism amenities available.

International tourism has brought enormous benefits to many places. At the same time, there is concern - mẫu 10

It is undeniable that international tourism has grown into a massive industry. However, there are many who are concerned about the potential adverse effects on the neighboring communities. The following essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of international tourism. Yet, in my opinion, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

On the one hand, there are many positive aspects of foreign tourism. First and foremost, it aids in raising the total tax revenue collected by the government. Also, it is crucial in the development of local economic conditions by providing local residents with new job opportunities. As an example, Dubai, which has no other significant industries, may rely on its oil business as its primary source of income. Due to Dubai's reputation as a global tourist hotspot, an extraordinary number of people travel there annually. The second is the large number of locals engaged by a wide range of companies to cater to foreign tourists. So, the tourism business is good for the host communities and governments as well as the tourists who visit them.

Despite these benefits, international travel also has its drawbacks. Those who live there feel the effects. The environment also suffers because of the changes to the natural environment in an effort to make it more appealing to tourists. Moreover, it destroys local animal habitats. As so many people rely on tourism for their income, when there aren't any tourists around, locals will have tough times.

In conclusion, international tourism has both positive and negative consequences, but the benefits, including an increase in revenue and prospects for employment, outweigh the drawbacks.

International tourism has brought enormous benefits to many places. At the same time, there is concern - mẫu 11

While international tourism has many positive effects, others worry about the toll it may take on native species and ecosystems in some popular vacation spots. The following are some of the reasons why I believe that the benefits of travelling the world much outweigh the negatives.

In the first place, a city's economy benefits greatly from the promotion of foreign tourism because of the large number of jobs it creates. In addition, it helps a country's government by bringing in plenty of cash through forex programmes, which the government may use towards urban improvement. Aside from this, local government and residents work together to preserve a region's natural environment so that tourists from all over the world can come and admire it. In some nations, for instance, tourism is the only industry, hence the government has instituted policies aimed at protecting the environment to encourage its growth.

Yet, as more and more tourists come to a region, locals become exposed to and often strive to adopt aspects of those visitors' cultures. In addition, several hotels, highways, and retail establishments need to be built, resulting in destroying of many trees. For instance, the advent of tourism in several developing countries resulted in the government's need to build hotels and resorts in the region.

In sum, there are some negative effects of foreign tourism, such as deforestation and cultural loss; however, the positive effects far outweigh the negative ones, as the economy improves, and the government takes environmental protection seriously.

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