Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is a positive development

Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is a positive development, while others think that many countries will lose their national identities as a result. Discuss both views and give your opinion. hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is a positive development

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Đề bài: Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is a positive development, while others think that many countries will lose their national identities as a result. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is a positive development - mẫu 1

In the current era of hyper-connectivity and worldwide integration, it stands to reason that globalization is thriving in an unprecedented way. In this context, growing economic and cultural exchange among nations is perceived as a beneficial trend, whereas others argue that such a development will deprive them of their national identities. The following essay will elaborate on both viewpoints before expressing my personal perspective on this contentious matter.

On the one hand, the assumption that increased cross-border interaction will greatly benefit countries around the world is justifiable to a certain extent. Firstly, in terms of economic growth, globalized nations would be granted access to an international labor workforce. In other words, developing nations can hire intellectual labor in developed ones, whereas conversely, more prosperous economies with a shortage of manual workers may import low-qualified employees from overseas, thereby fostering the quality of labor market globally. Secondly, cross-cultural interaction among people of different nations can also play a vital role in building better understanding across nations. By promoting cultural integration, citizens on a global scale can gain deeper insight into one another’s distinctive characteristics, hence strengthening dialogues between neighboring countries, mutual respect and peaceful relations.

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On the other hand, it is also reasonable to claim that rising financial and cultural contact between countries can result in the erosion of national identity. Indeed, cross-cultural convergence may render certain cultures increasingly popular while further undermining the less prevalent ones. This can be clearly exemplified in westernization, in which numerous young individuals become obsessed with foreign music, fashion or lifestyle thus gradually neglecting the traditional beauty of their nations. In addition, globalization can also instigate the so-called linguistic homogenization. Due to the widespread use of universal languages such as English, citizens in a myriad of countries opt for speaking English rather than their mother tongue, which will critically endanger their original language, an important part of their identity.

On balance, proponents of both opinions irrefutably have valid arguments for their convictions. Personally, I would contend that all nations should adapt to the globalized world while attentively preserving their core national values for the sake of sustainable socio-economic development. 

Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is a positive development - mẫu 2

The globalization of business and culture has grown in recent years, and countries’ rising engagement in this has been met with both enthusiasm and apprehension. Some regard it highly, while others are worried that it will lead to the loss of national identities. In this, I believe that improved business and cultural relations between countries are more likely to be positive.

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There are several reasons to be concerned that an expansion of this practice will cause national identities to fade. Initially, a country too focused on cultural exchange may allow its media to be flooded with foreign products. This neglect, in turn, can cause said country’s young generation to grow up without a concept of their traditional culture. The same can be said for international trade, where an eagerness for it can be counterproductive to national identity. If Vietnam were to completely abolish restrictions on rice imports, its rice would experience intense competition from goods produced by other countries, such as Thailand, and as a result, the Vietnamese people might end up forgetting that Vietnam itself is popular for rice crops.

However, this situation is largely a helpful development. A major reason for this view is that economic growth happens as countries exchange goods and services. In history, nations which are deeply involved in trading with others have experienced prosperity, as opposed to those characterized by autarky. Increasing cultural contact between countries, meanwhile, fosters better understanding between different nationalities. People can learn about each other’s customs, develop respect for others’ ways of life, and seek to integrate positive values into their belief system, all thanks to cultural exchange. Therefore, an expansion of business and cultural relations would produce multi-pronged benefits.

In conclusion, while this matter can be interpreted as both advantageous and disadvantageous, I am more inclined to believe in its positivity. Nevertheless, it is important to strike a balance, so that nations can reap rewards from international trade and cultural exchange without sacrificing their own identity.

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Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is a positive development - mẫu 3

A Group of people believe that there are many underlying benefits involved to the fast-growing international businesses and cultural expansion, whereas others argue that this trend could have negative effects on their traditional values. Though there is a concern of losing the native identity, in my opinion, people’s interaction with different cultures and nations rather comes up with mutual benefits.

To begin with, there is an associated fear of losing cultural identity when it comes to excessive engagement with different nationals in terms of business, language and other activities. In other words, interaction among people from various backgrounds involves lingual, cultural and religious variations as well. This multi-national communication forces locals to learn and get adjusted to the imported culture and norms, which can eventually lead them to become completely oblivious to their native identity. For instance, western individualism has been spread over the world via American tourists and businesses. Many teenagers indulge themselves in these foreign cultures and eventually have started following these imported values as their own.

On the other hand, these days people tend to travel abroad for work or study as well as travelling as a tourist. Therefore, natives are exposed to the different cultures of other nations which broaden their horizons. Also, welfare and businesses are not limited to home countries anymore, as most of the large companies or brands have branches all around the world. As a result, more employment is being generated for the locals. In addition, international contacts in terms of businesses and cultural exchanges allow individuals to explore other countries, experience diverse environments, inject foreign currencies to the destination countries to bear the travel expenses which eventually have a knock-on-effect on the involved countries’ mutual development.

In conclusion, native cultures might be distorted when it is exposed to foreign ones due to people’s engagement from different nations, but it is insignificant compared to the mutual benefits that the involved nations could avail.

Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is a positive development - mẫu 4

In the modern era, the phenomenon of increasing business and cultural contact between countries has ignited a debate regarding its implications. On one hand, it is heralded as a harbinger of positive development, fostering global unity and economic prosperity. On the other hand, it is feared for potentially diluting national identities. This essay endeavours to explore both perspectives, ultimately positing that the benefits of such global interconnectedness far outweigh its drawbacks.

Advocates of the increasing business and cultural contact argue that it paves the way for a more interconnected and harmonious world. Economically, it enables countries to leverage their comparative advantages, leading to enhanced efficiency and innovation. For instance, the global IT industry thrives on the cross-border collaboration of talents, resulting in groundbreaking technological advancements. Culturally, this contact promotes mutual understanding and tolerance among diverse populations. The proliferation of international festivals and exchange programs are quintessential examples, where people learn to appreciate the rich tapestry of global cultures, thereby fostering a sense of global community.

Conversely, skeptics warn against the erosion of national identities, fearing that the ubiquitous spread of dominant cultures could overshadow local traditions and languages. They argue that as countries increasingly adopt similar business practices and cultural expressions, unique national characteristics may fade into obscurity. This perspective is encapsulated in the concern over the dominance of English as a global lingua franca, potentially marginalizing indigenous languages and, by extension, cultures.

However, upon scrutiny, it becomes evident that the integration brought about by increasing business and cultural contact does not necessarily entail the loss of national identities. Rather, it presents an opportunity for nations to showcase their unique cultures on a global stage, while simultaneously embracing the benefits of a connected world. The key lies in striking a balance between openness to global influences and the preservation of cultural heritage.

In conclusion, while the apprehension regarding the loss of national identities is understandable, the overarching benefits of increased business and cultural contact between countries - economic growth, innovation, and enhanced global harmony - significantly outweigh these concerns. Embracing this global interconnectedness, while conscientiously safeguarding national heritage, can lead to a richer, more diverse world, beneficial for all.

Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is a positive development - mẫu 5

Since multilateral relations serve many countries to come together for several purposes, the attitude to this type of interaction varies among people. Some people are highly satisfied with the positive implications of multicultural development while others stubbornly support national identities. Though there is a concern of losing the native identity, in my opinion, people’s interaction from different cultures and nations rather comes up with mutual benefits. I am going to elucidate both views and my humble opinion with relevant arguments.

Unlike isolated countries, multicultural countries benefit from their partners with different business ethics, investment opportunities and open trade. Consequently, people are also affected by business relations such as importing and exporting goods and working in joint stock companies in order to improve their well-being. In a dynamic environment, people learn more about each other’s culture and become more tolerant and behave more consciously in a community. For example, United Arab Emirates was bombarded by a hail of direct foreign investments and know-how in the late of 20th century and as a result, it has turned into one of the business and cultural centres of the world. As a result, both local and foreign inhabitants take advantage of working and living in a diverse atmosphere.

However, patriotic people oppose multiculturalism supposing that national sovereignty will gradually disappear leaving its place to other cultures. These people are too worried about the young generation who don’t fully perceive some fundamentals of the culture. Because budding generation is prone to change long-rooted customs with more innovative and novice tendency since they see no sensible meaning. In fact, most underdeveloped countries applause this approach and multiculturalism is the slow process in these societies.

To conclude, both groups of people are right for themselves depending on their choice to be conservative or innovative. I firmly believe that integrating into the world with culture might have an optimum solution to conservative countries. Because globalization is inevitable, and countries need to contact each other in order to meet their demands better.

Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is a positive development - mẫu 6

A boom in international trade and cross-cultural interactions has been raising controversy over whether this would be a promising trend due to a worry about the loss of national identities. From my perspective, despite a threat to culture, globalised commercial exchanges can be generally deemed a positive phenomenon.

On the one hand, it is understandable why people are increasingly afraid that national identity loss might happen. An example of this can be seen in the current widespread of American lifestyle among Vietnamese youth thanks to the omnipresence of the media. The young generation today seems to prefer fast food, the American cultural quintessence, to the Vietnamese practice of sit-down family meals. Therefore, this has voiced concern over whether Vietnamese time-honored traditions are being progressively assimilated and in a worst-case scenario, could be utterly forgotten. However, this repercussion can be inhibited as long as the authority introduces and executes cultural heritage preservation acts.

On the other hand, the open-door policy could be considered a positive development due to its immense economic and cultural benefits. Once establishing business partnerships with other countries, particularly developed ones, Vietnamese domestic manufacturing has evolved to meet higher quality standards for exports. In the meantime, this has created more employment opportunities for local people over the past few decades. Furthermore, interactions between people of different national identities could help gain and promote mutual understanding and respect for such cultural diversity. This means culture shocks could be avoidable and racial discrimination might be gradually bridged.

To conclude, unparalleled economic gain and enhanced cultural attitude have mainly turned cross-cultural communication into a positive trend despite a fear of declining national identities which could be prevented by proper acts from the government.

Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is a positive development - mẫu 7

The growing international trade activities and interactions among countries has boosted economic development and better cross-cultural understanding on a global scale. However, some people argue that such developments are the biggest culprit behind the degradation of cultural identity in many countries.

On the one hand, there is no question that many developing countries have experienced a surge in employment opportunities and unparalleled economic gains by virtue of globalization. While businesses can reap the benefits from a drop in trade barriers such as reaching potential customers beyond national borders, competent employees would be able to work overseas in multinational corporates. Furthermore, globalization has also encouraged the tourism industry; thereby promoting a better understanding of other cultures. Experiencing different ways of life, discovering new food and customs and visiting cultural sites will eventually help people gain their knowledge bank and respect for other cultures.

On the other hand, the general complaint about globalization is that it represents a deadly threat to the national culture. The constant stream of marketing campaigns by international firms has led to the dominance of certain eating habits and fashion trends, whereas the traditional lifestyles become less favorable amongst young generations. In addition, there is mounting evidence that a large number of minority languages are on the verge of extinction as people prefer to conduct businesses and communicate in widely used tongues like English or Chinese.

In conclusion, although globalization may result in a certain loss of cultural identities, there are still more benefits of increasing trade and cross-cultural activities among countries. From a broad perspective, international business should be regarded as a positive development and encouraged by all nations.

Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is a positive development - mẫu 8

Some opine that the increasing trade and cultural relations between nations bring about numerous positive effects, fostering global cooperation and economic growth, while others argue that this interconnectedness may lead to the erosion of national identities, traditions, and cultural uniqueness. In my view, while the benefits of international contact are undeniable, it is essential to strike a balance that preserves and respects the diverse cultural heritage of smaller nations.

On the one hand, proponents of the benefits of increasing business and cultural contact between countries assert that it promotes understanding and collaboration among nations. Enhanced trade relations facilitate the exchange of goods, services, and technologies, boosting economic prosperity for all involved. For instance, the ease of cross-border communication and cooperation has allowed companies to expand their markets globally, leading to economic advancement and job opportunities. Furthermore, cultural exchange programmes and international events encourage the appreciation of diverse traditions, fostering mutual respect and harmony among nations.

Conversely, some concerns that intensified cultural and business ties may lead to a homogenization of cultures, overshadowing the uniqueness of smaller nations. The influence of global media and mass communication can perpetuate dominant cultures, diluting local traditions and identities. For example, the prevalence of Westernized fashion and entertainment may overshadow traditional clothing and indigenous art forms, leading to a loss of cultural identity for smaller communities.

In conclusion, growing business and cultural contact between nations undoubtedly brings substantial benefits, promoting mutual understanding, economic growth, and global cooperation. However, we must also be mindful of its potential impact on smaller nations' national identities and cultural diversity. While international trade facilities and agreements should be welcomed, necessary efforts to preserve cultural and national identities should also be made. 

Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is a positive development - mẫu 9

In this era of globalisation, the world is considered a global village as trade, tourism, politics, films, music, literature and arts are not restricted within a country’s border. Some believe such international business opportunities and cultural exchange offer many positive results while others point out its detrimental effect on national identity and tradition. This essay delves into both views and expresses an opinion that it is a highly beneficial trend.

On the one hand, according to some, the positive outcomes of cross-cultural activities and international trade are immense. According to them, international trade and business opportunities have helped consumers all over the world avail themselves of products at a competitive price and enjoy far more options nowadays than in the past. For instance, crops grown in a distant country or dresses designed by rural labours have reached the global market, and this has helped fight the most vicious problem in the world - "poverty". Moreover, cultural exchange and tourism have created mutual understanding among people of hostile countries by bringing them together. For instance, Western countries have had a negative impression of the people of some Middle Eastern countries. But through cultural contact and tourism, many of them have realised that they are essentially the same in terms of their joy, liking, disliking and suffering. So in this regard, it can be inferred that cultural contact between nations can promote global peace and harmony.

On the other hand, people who are worried about globalisation, international trade and cultural exchanges opine that this very trend is detrimental to a country’s own culture and tradition. They point out that when dominating countries have open trade and cultural contact with a minor country, it may cause the small county to lose its cultural and traditional aspects. A case in point here is some Asian countries that went through rapid development and westernization but have lost their unique traditions and cultural aspects in the process.

Considering both of these views, I would surmise that protecting our own culture or tradition would depend on us and it would not be harmed by our business relations and cultural contact with other nations. National identities are represented by its citizens and heritage and that is why when citizens of a country would be benefitted from international business and cross-cultural contacts, they would also be able to highlight their own cultural aspect to the world.

Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is a positive development - mẫu 10

Some people argue that, in an interconnected world, the intensifying business and cultural contact between nations bring numerous significant benefits. Others, however, raise concerns over the potential loss of national and cultural identities due to this. In this essay, I will discuss both perspectives and opine that the homogenizing influence of dominant cultures may overshadow and diminish the unique heritage of smaller nations.

On the one hand, individuals who believe that the growing trade and cultural connection between nations brings considerable benefits argue that such contact fosters cross-cultural understanding and appreciation, leading to enhanced cooperation and collaboration among nations. For instance, international trade allows countries to access a diverse range of products and resources, contributing to economic growth and improved standards of living. Additionally, cultural exchanges through art, music, and literature provide valuable insights into the diverse traditions and practices of different societies, fostering a sense of unity and mutual respect among people from various backgrounds.

On the other hand, those who view this trend as a threat to national identities opine that the overpowering reach of media and popular culture of influential nations may diminish the cultural and unique aspects of smaller nations. The widespread dissemination of movies, music, and fashion from influential nations can lead to the emulation of these trends by smaller communities, resulting in the gradual erosion of their distinct cultural practices. For instance, indigenous music and art forms may struggle to compete with the mass appeal of international pop culture, gradually fading into obscurity. Moreover, the economic aspect of globalization may also contribute to the weakening of national identities. As multinational corporations expand their operations globally, local businesses in smaller nations may struggle to compete, leading to the loss of traditional trades and craftsmanship. For example, traditional artisans and craftsmen may find it challenging to sustain their livelihoods when cheap, mass-produced goods flood the market.

In conclusion, while business and cultural contact between countries has some advantages, there is a compelling case to be made for the potential loss of national and cultural identities. The encroachment of dominant cultures and the economic challenges faced by local industries all contribute to this concern. Societies need to make conscious efforts to preserve and promote their unique heritage amidst the ever-evolving forces of globalization.

Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is a positive development - mẫu 11

Nowadays, business and way of life play an important role in a country’s development. Some people think that setting up commercial enterprises and cultural contact will influence positive change between countries, while others view that many countries’ identities will not be preserved as a result. This essay will discuss both views and support the former argument.

On the one hand, some people believe that the country will lose its identity as a result of increasing business and cultural touch. Firstly, establishing an industry can lead to environmental degradation. Businesses can contribute to environmental problems such as pollution, deforestation, and climatic changes through their production process. Secondly, what the country is known for will be lost due to cultural relationships between nations. Some traditions and values, such as language, food, and religion, will not be preserved as countries relate with one another. Clearly, growing of industries and among countries will not yield positive change, and what the country is known for will be lost.

On the other hand, some individuals opined that increasing commercial enterprise and cultural touch will benefit countries. To begin, setting up business between countries will provide employment opportunities for people in the country. Many individuals are unemployed due to a lack of industries and enterprises in their country, but if other countries could set up businesses in their countries, a lot of people would be employed. For instance, recently, some Americans set up a new diagnostic center here in Nigeria, and about 300 people were employed. Also, the cultural closeness between countries will promote acculturation. For example, in 2010, some Chinese came to Nigeria to set up Chinese restaurants, people did not only learn how to eat and prepare Chinese food, but they also learned their languages.

I believe the rise in setting up businesses and building cultural relationships among nations will have a positive impact on economic growth and development. Income will be generated if other countries set up commercial enterprises in another country as this will enable the country to have sufficient funds to transform their country and also cause the economic condition to blossom.

In conclusion, some people view that the rise in business and building cultural relationships among nations will bring about positive change. However, others think that national identity among countries will not be preserved. I believe increasing commercial enterprise and cultural closeness among countries will bring about positive change.

Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is a positive development - mẫu 12

Few theories regard greater ties among different nations in terms of business and culture may lose their specific identity, and another thought is it has a profitable impact. In my opinion, I opt for the latter. In the following passages, I will reason why that is so.

In recent times it has been observed that the world has become a global village; what I mean by this is a particular nation can market a variety of other national goods. To illustrate, if someone in an Arabic country wishes to have a fruit named Avocado, we don’t have to travel to Kenya, where the fruit is grown, but we can have it right in any Asian or Arabic country. Such has become the trade. Due to advances in travel, long distance is no longer a hurdle nowadays. We can find cherries that are grown in South America in any Asian country.

Citizens, due to their employment and businesses, have settled in different nations as ex-pats and long to share their culture with others which is healthy, and some, due to excitement and respect, have adopted some of the trends in fashion or other areas that does not mean that they have lost their own identity.

To illustrate, Dubai is an Arab nation and has a multicultural society. It is said that 200-plus nationalities reside in this small country, each sharing their own culture and influencing others, but that has not changed the basic culture. Although few Arabs may dress in Western attire but that does not mean that they have abandoned their cultural dress. It is all for business and comfort. Being such a small nation, they have grown financially; what is the reason? It’s because they have no restrictions or barriers for any society. All are welcomed in the same manner and can do their business in whatever areas they wish to do.

To conclude, merging different ethnic groups in a particular region. For sure, one can see the influence or impact on other nationalities, but it does not take away their roots. It adds texture to their lifestyle, and it profits them economically.

Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is a positive development - mẫu 13

One school of thought holds that the increase of business and cultural contact on a global scale is viewed as a positive trend, while others suppose that many nations may lose their national identities as a result. This essay attempts to shed light on the advantages and disadvantages of this tendency before concluding that I am in favor of the former notion.

On the one hand, it is understandable that robust relations among countries could be fraught with pitfalls. One major shortcoming is that multilateral trade agreements have forced corporations in developing or impoverished nations to compete with numerous overseas companies. This, consequently, could lead to local firms being forced to downsize or even cease operations, which paves the way for an increase in the unemployment rate. Another adverse consequence is that foreign influence might negatively impact traditional customs or indigenous practices of local countries. For instance, currently, Western tourists visiting Vietnam may be rowdy or wear unsuitable clothes, which could have a detrimental effect on local youngsters who tend to copy immodest or provocative behaviors and fashions.

On the other hand, there are a host of compelling reasons why I am convinced that the aforementioned drawbacks pale in comparison with the profound benefits of growing economic and cultural exchange worldwide. One rationale in favor of this view is its ability to create job opportunities and stimulate the economy as a whole. This perception could be further explained by the fact that the advent of international firms can enhance the prospects of local residents securing well-paid employment in these organizations, leading to an improvement in living standards for the whole community. Another justification is the increased chances to acquire insight into the history and way of life of many others more easily. This, as a result, could not only promote greater acceptance and appreciation of the differences among people and races but also assist in reducing hostility that may have existed because of past conflicts.

In conclusion, while it is irrefutable that the increased contact on a global scale could have some downsides, I would contend that the upsides it offers are more notable.

Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is a positive development - mẫu 14

The world today is characterized by the free flow of information and commodity. The frequent interaction and growing interdependence among countries have ended the days of regional isolation and absolute national sovereignty, but they have also sparked off heated controversies over the positive and negative impacts that a global culture can bring into our life.

Some people say that the widening international exchanges, both in the field of business and culture, have exerted positive influences on a nation as well as its people. To begin with, they promote business cooperation among nations. For example, large multinational companies spread the latest technologies and experience around the world, and international trade has helped so many less developed economies grow. Also, they enrich people’s lives because people of one nation are given opportunities through international tourism, exhibitions and fairs, TV programmes and films, etc. to enjoy the achievements of other cultures across the globe.

However, other people argue that these conditions also create the possible danger of undermining a country’s national identity. In the first place, traditional cultures might fall victim to a global media and entertainment force. This is the most evident in some parts of the world where “Americanisation” is threatening the preservation of their indigenous culture. In Viet Nam, for instance, few youngsters like or understand “Hue Court Music”, the quintessence of Vietnamese culture; they go for Hollywood movies and rock music instead. Moreover, in the process of globalization, the world is getting less linguistically diverse, as a growing number of people give up their native language for the dominant language in the world – English.

From my point of view, both arguments are the true reflections of the possible consequence of an increasing economic and cultural interaction among nations. It boosts economic integration and speeds up modernization but also creates tensions between global culture and a country’s national identity. Therefore, we should take the initiative in fighting to protect our distinct culture and identity from being submerged by other cultural or economic influences.

Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is a positive development - mẫu 15

Some people believe that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is a positive development, while others think that many countries will lose their national identities as a result. In my opinion, both views have their merits.

On the one hand, the increasing business and cultural contact between countries can be seen as a positive development. It can lead to greater economic growth, increased cultural exchange, and improved international relations. For example, countries can learn from each other’s best practices and develop new ideas and technologies. This can lead to greater innovation and progress. Moreover, cultural exchange can help people understand and appreciate different cultures, which can lead to greater tolerance and understanding.

On the other hand, some people believe that many countries will lose their national identities as a result of increasing business and cultural contact. They argue that globalization can lead to the homogenization of cultures and the loss of unique cultural traditions. For example, the spread of Western culture through globalization has led to the decline of traditional cultures in many parts of the world. This can lead to a loss of cultural diversity and a sense of identity.

In my opinion, the benefits of increasing business and cultural contact between countries outweigh the drawbacks. While it is true that globalization can lead to the loss of unique cultural traditions, it can also lead to greater cultural exchange and understanding. Moreover, the economic benefits of globalization are significant and can help to improve the lives of people around the world. However, it is important to ensure that globalization is managed in a way that is sustainable and equitable for all countries.

Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is a positive development - mẫu 16

Since ancient times, many countries have worked together to improve their social, political, and economic conditions in cities. Nobody can doubt that such collaboration could have detrimental repercussions. While I feel there are compelling reasons on both sides, I believe that the expansion of international ties has a more favorable impact. The increase in interconnections between diverse regions of the world has resulted not only in an increase in trade activity. But has also significantly enhanced economic development. As a result, the most significant positive outcome is increased worldwide cross-cultural understanding. However, critics in many countries believe that such developments are frequently the primary cause of a nation's cultural identity deterioration.

On the one hand, many emerging countries have seen a considerable increase in employment prospects, as well as unprecedented economic gains. Furthermore, this could only have been possible as a result of globalization. Not only do businesses gain from lower trade barriers, but many qualified workers are given an opportunity to work for global corporations. Cross-border trade, for example, has boosted the tourism industry while also deepening understanding of the world's diverse cultures. Furthermore, seeing diverse ways of life, learning new cuisines and customs. And visiting cultural places can gradually help people increase their knowledge base and respect for other cultures.

On the other hand, a common concern about international trade is that it is a grave threat to national culture. Furthermore, the pervasiveness of marketing activities by multinational corporations has affected the domination of junk foods and fashion trends. As a result, traditional lifestyles have become less appealing to younger generations in recent years. Furthermore, there is rising evidence that many minority languages are in danger of extinction. As people prefer to do business and interact in commonly spoken languages such as English or Chinese.

To summarize, globalization may result in a loss of cultural identities. There are numerous benefits to increased trade and cross-cultural activity across countries. International business, in general, should be considered as a beneficial development and fostered by all governments.

Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is a positive development - mẫu 17

In the current age of globalization, the world is regarded as a global village because of trade, tourism, politics, films, music, literature. And the arts are not bound to the borders of a single country. This international commercial opportunity and cultural interchange undoubtedly bring many benefits, but the negative consequences cannot be overlooked. This essay delves into these two points of view and presents my personal viewpoint on them.

On the one hand, the benefits of cross-cultural activities and international trade are enormous. People now have access to films, music, arts, languages, cultures, and many other characteristics of other countries. Thanks to contemporary technology and the Internet.

International commerce and business prospects have enabled people all around the world. To buy and sell things at competitive prices, and they now have considerably more options than in the past. Crops cultivated in a remote village or clothes designed by rural laborers have found a global market. Assisting in the fight against the world's most vexing problem - hunger. Only if one's perspective has been clouded by propaganda can one feel animosity and hostility toward other nations. For example, Muslims around the world have a very negative opinion of the Western people, which can only be changed via cultural engagement. People will eventually realize that, except for religious and cultural distinctions, they are all the same. As a result, it may be deduced that cultural contact between nations can help to keep the world at peace.

People who are concerned about globalization, international trade, and cultural exchanges. On the other hand, I believe that this tendency is harmful to a country's own culture and tradition. They are correct to some extent, but I feel that culture is continuously changing and that exchanging cultures does not decrease one's own culture. Instead, it would enrich a country's culture. History also shows us that many cultural and traditional characteristics are adopted from other countries, which has a good impact.

Considering both of these points of view, I believe that safeguarding our own culture or heritage will be our responsibility. And it will not be destroyed by our business and cultural interactions with other countries. Citizens and heritage reflect national identities, which is why citizens of a country profit from international business and cross-cultural interactions. They are also able to emphasize their own cultural component to the world.

Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is a positive development - mẫu 18

Growing international commercial activity and interactions across countries have increased global economic development and improved cross-cultural understanding. However, some say that such developments are the primary cause of the erosion of cultural identity in many countries. Countries must collaborate for a variety of reasons. To begin with, not every country has sufficient natural and capital resources for effective development. As a result, trade with one another is an important part of their daily operations. Another issue is that immigration is a critical factor that has contributed to the global surge in economic development. Only specialists can provide adequate support for a bank system or, for example, the education sector.

On the one hand, there is little doubt that globalization has resulted in an increase in employment prospects. And unprecedented economic gains for many developing countries. While businesses can benefit from lower trade barriers by reaching out to potential clients outside national borders. Skilled employees would be able to work in global corporations internationally. Furthermore, globalization has boosted the tourism business, leading to a deeper awareness of other cultures. Experimenting with diverse ways of life, learning about new foods and customs. And visiting cultural landmarks will gradually help people increase their knowledge base and respect for other cultures.

On the other hand, a common concern about globalization is that it poses a mortal threat to national culture. The constant barrage of marketing campaigns by multinational corporations has resulted in the domination of particular eating habits and fashion trends. While traditional lives have grown less appealing to younger generations. Furthermore, there is rising evidence that many minority languages are in danger of extinction. As people prefer to do business and interact in commonly spoken languages such as English or Chinese.

To summarize, globalization may result in a loss of cultural identities. There are numerous benefits to increased trade and cross-cultural activity across countries. International business, in general, should be considered as a beneficial development and fostered by all governments.

Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is a positive development - mẫu 19

Globalization has led to unprecedented business and cultural exchange between nations. Some individuals state that this is a positive development, while others argue about the concerns regarding the potential loss of national identities. In my view, I align with the perspective highlighting the positive aspects of globalization.

On one hand, people who favor globalization argue that increased international contact can bring numerous benefits to the country. Economically, it allows countries to go into larger markets, by helping them boost trade and economic growth. For instance, multinational corporations can leverage global supply chains to reach diverse consumer bases, leading to expanded market opportunities and heightened economic prosperity. From a cultural perspective, it builds an understanding and tolerance for people of diverse backgrounds and allows them to interact and learn from each other. This in turn leads to a more peaceful and harmonious world as it promotes global unity and helps to overcome obstacles of discrimination and prejudice.

On the other hand, critics of globalization worry about the erosion of national identities. They fear that the influx of foreign cultures can dilute local traditions and customs. For example, the spread of American fast-food chains worldwide has declined the popularity of local cuisines. Moreover, the influence of English as a global language can marginalize other languages, leading to their eventual extinction. It is believed that  the standardization of cultural norms influenced by global forces could lead to the diminishing of distinct and varied societal expressions.

In conclusion, my stance aligns with those who emphasize the positive aspects of globalization, despite ongoing discussions about the potential erosion of national identities. The economic and cultural advantages, fostering global unity and mutual understanding, surpass the concerns raised by critics. Thus, each nation needs to navigate the global landscape carefully, helping them get benefits from international cooperation while safeguarding cultural identities.

Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is a positive development - mẫu 20

A number of people believe that the growing international commercial activity and interactions across countries is a good change. However, others worry about the disappearance of cultural identities. In my opinion, interacting with people from other cultures and countries more often results in positives for all parties.

On account of the growth in interactions with other nationalities in terms of commerce, tourism, cultural exchange, and other activities, there is an accompanying concern about losing cultural identity. Locals are compelled by this international communication to learn and adapt to foreign cultures and customs. For instance, American tourists and companies have helped disseminate Western individualism around the world. Numerous teens get immersed in these other cultures, and many of them eventually begin to adopt these non-native ideals as their own.

On the other hand, people nowadays frequently travel both for business and for pleasure while studying or working overseas. As a result, locals are exposed to various cultures from other countries, which broadens their perspective. For example, international contacts in the form of business and cultural exchanges enable people to travel, experience different cultures, and contribute foreign currency to the destinations to cover the costs of travel.

Additionally, I opine that because the majority of major brands and companies have branches all over the world, welfare, and business are no longer restricted to national borders. As a result, the local population also benefits from the job opportunities that are created.

In conclusion, although the involvement of people from different countries may damage native cultures when they are exposed to foreign ones, this impact is negligible in comparison to the potential benefits that the engaged countries could receive. All of this ultimately has a positive impact on the development of the nation.

Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is a positive development - mẫu 21

The expanding business and cultural interactions among nations have sparked a lively debate. While proponents argue that such growth brings about positive outcomes, opponents fear that it may erode national identities. Both perspectives hold valid points, but I firmly believe that embracing globalization can coexist with preserving unique cultural heritage.

On one hand, the increasing connections between countries foster economic prosperity and mutual understanding. Global business collaborations create new opportunities, boost trade, and enhance economic growth. Moreover, cultural exchanges lead to a rich tapestry of diverse traditions, art forms, and ideas. This cross-pollination of cultures promotes tolerance, broadens perspectives, and nurtures global citizens who appreciate and respect diverse identities.

On the other hand, critics express concerns about the potential homogenization of cultures. They worry that as nations engage in global trade and adopt foreign practices, their distinct cultural identities might be overshadowed or diluted. This anxiety stems from the fear of losing traditional values, customs, and languages that shape a nation's unique character.

However, I argue that globalization need not equate to cultural assimilation. Instead, it presents an opportunity for countries to strengthen their national identities by cherishing and showcasing their cultural heritage. As societies become more interconnected, they can actively preserve and promote their traditions, languages, and historical landmarks. Cultural education programs, festivals, and museums play pivotal roles in maintaining national identities while still embracing the benefits of globalization.

In conclusion, the increasing business and cultural contacts between countries offer both advantages and potential challenges. By striking a delicate balance, nations can reap the benefits of globalization while safeguarding their national identities. Embracing diversity, fostering cultural appreciation, and preserving unique heritage are essential to ensure a harmonious coexistence in our interconnected world.

Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is a positive development - mẫu 22

Many feel that the effects of globalization on economics and culture are beneficial. In my opinion, although there is an argument for the financial implications, the risks to the uniqueness of a national identity make it a negative overall.

Supporters of such close contact point out the meaningful economic ramifications. This is particularly important for more isolated and undeveloped nations. There are countries where natural resources are extremely lacking or unbalanced, and this has slowed their progress historically. For instance, many countries in the Middle East lack the arable land to support large population growth. The discovery of vast reserves of oil in the 20th century allowed them to exploit trade agreements to improve their economic outlook and basic infrastructure. This same fact applies to varying degrees to nearly all nations as trade enriches and a country without necessarily creating any negative byproducts.

Nonetheless, the danger for culture is more lasting and therefore more significant. The national identity of a country is not simply made up of the dominant ethnic group. Every country has minorities and ethnic populations that are most at risk through this process. For instance, in many parts of Asia and Africa there are numerous indigenous groups that struggle to flourish in a modern, global economy. For instance, the Hmong in Vietnam are famed for their craftsmanship and attention to detail in hand-weaving and dyeing sustainable clothing yet many of them must now abandon their traditional roots to live in cities and work anonymous jobs for large corporations. Once such cultures are lost, they will never return, and the economic benefits will be little comfort at that point.

In conclusion, despite the economic advantages of globalization, the possibility of a country losing its individual cultural character is too great a risk. Countries must therefore take steps to safeguard their culture.

Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is a positive development - mẫu 23

Since time immemorial, different countries collaborate with each other for improving their social, political, and economic situations in the cities. Nobody can deny that such cooperation could lead to negative consequences as well. Whilst I believe that there are strong arguments on both sides, I would suggest that the development of international contacts has an impact that is more positive. There are a number of reasons why countries have to work together.

First, not every country has enough natural and capital resources for effective development. That’s why trade with each other is an essential part of their everyday operations. Another issue is that the immigration is the factor of utmost importance, which has led to the global surge in economic development. Only professionals can support an appropriate level of bank system working or, for instance, education sector.

Turning to the other side of argument, collaboration between countries has also a negative influence. For example, after massive migration people with different values, level of income, and attitude to the national authorities begin to live as neighbors. Through everyday communication, they continue to lose their roots, to acquire new habits or even to forget their mother language. All of this could probably be a cause of losing the national identities of the citizens or some developing countries could disappear with their unique history and traditions.

To conclude, I strongly believe that the advantages of increasing contacts between countries outweigh the negative influence of this collaboration. It would be impossible for some nations to continue their development in various spheres without such cooperation. That’s why this part of globalization is efficient and has a positive effect on all countries, as long as it used intelligently.

Some people say that the increasing business and cultural contact between countries is a positive development - mẫu 24

The advent of globalization gives us many opportunities to access cultures from many parts of the world. Some people believe that this is an optimistic opportunity for the development of national economies, as well as for the expansion of many opportunities. While others argue that the disappearance of cultural identity could have happened. From my perspective, I think that business and cultural exchanges between countries certainly have more positive effects than drawbacks.

On the one hand, the expansion of business and intercultural communications is a positive feature of modern life. Firstly, the growth of foreign companies in developing countries has brought employment opportunities in both rural and urban areas. For example, many factories in India require a huge number of employees despite the lack of academic standards. Secondly, thanks to globalization, national and local tourism will develop, and the meaning of life will be improved by the enormous revenue of international friends. In addition, local crafts and traditional foods along with national cultures could be spread out of the outside world and bring many opportunities for development.

On the other hand, it would be an exaggeration to say that these developments will lead to the loss of a strong sense of identity in countries. For instance, the locals have embraced the change but still proudly maintain traditional cultural traits. In India, some youngsters wear traditional clothes from other countries to take photos, but that doesn't mean they don't respect and take pride in the core values ​​of their country. Furthermore, many of them also promote and develop their cultural properties through media sources that advertise to people in the rest of the world. Therefore, multicultural society integration plays a fundamental role in the modern era that we should be open-minded and have an accepting point of view being the bottom line.

To conclude, I would contend that the process of integration has encouraged various advantages rather than drawbacks. If indigenous citizens really respect and protect the spirit of national customs, the growth of contacts in commerce and culture will never erode national identity.

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