Some people believe that only the government can bring about significant changes in society, while others

Some people believe that only the government can bring about significant changes in society, while others think that even an individual can have a lot of influence on society. What is your opinion on the above statement? hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Some people believe that only the government can bring about significant changes in society, while others

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Đề bài: Some people believe that only the government can bring about significant changes in society, while others think that even an individual can have a lot of influence on society. What is your opinion on the above statement?

Some people believe that only the government can bring about significant changes in society, while others - mẫu 1

It is often advocated that the leadership of a country holds the supreme power in its hands to be able to change society for the better and get rid of all its cons. However, this view is flawed in my opinion as I believe that without the cooperation of every individual, there is only so much the government can do for society’s betterment. The government can make strong policies and can mobilise resources for their execution, but the policy only yields the desired results when it is acted upon by all members of society. If the policy has been set in place, but no one acts in accordance with it, then it will never be able to achieve its stated primary objective. For instance, of late, many countries have come up with policies aligned with the goal of achieving lower carbon emissions by 2025. However, the individuals living in those countries assume a reckless attitude and hardly abide by the policy for curbing climate change. Hence, without individuals’ cooperation, the government cannot achieve any positive results. Moreover, the government’s efforts are often focused on driving results on a macro scale (nationwide). In contrast, an individual’s efforts will show results on a micro-level and can immediately lead to the betterment of society. The ruling party cannot become aware of all the problems their society faces in many regions. However, the people of the region will be well aware of the problems existing in their region. Thus, the individual holds more power to bring about immediate change in their locality with the help of the resources mobilised by the government on a large scale. For instance, if there is a flood in an Indian state, and the government comes up with an immediate disaster relief response, these efforts will bear more fruit when the individuals of the region cooperate in the rescue operations rather than leaving it all up to the politicians and their forces. In conclusion, I believe that individuals can bring about a more immediate impact on society when they work in tandem with the government.

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Some people believe that only the government can bring about significant changes in society, while others - mẫu 2

In today’s world, making substantial changes in society has always been a major concern for every nation. It is believed that these changes can be made only by the government, whereas others argue that an individual can make a difference and eventually change the society. This essay will address both sides of this argument and finally reach a conclusion with an opinion.

On the one hand, it is considered that the government of every nation can make important changes in society by enforcing the law and conducting awareness seminars. To put this in another way, people’s safety can only be ensured if the government enforces law and order in society. For instance, according to a social experiment, safety is a crucial matter in a society which is being expected by people from the ruling administration. Moreover, the government should take effective steps in order to conduct awareness seminars which will help people to aware and understand the acute problems of a society. Thus, it is clear that government plays a vital role in making a significant difference between a better and worse society.

On the other hand, despite government aid, individuals should understand the responsibilities towards the betterment of a society. Firstly, people can change the society by actively participating in the social activities. For example, being social activists, they will understand and resolve the critical issues of the society which cannot be felt without being socialist. Secondly, youngsters should be encouraged to attain a higher education and set an example in society for others who have been demoralized in their life. Finally, a person should be helpful and kind to others and especially to those who are needy. Therefore, it has been proven that every individual has a potential to change the society by simply encouraging and motivating themselves.

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In conclusion, after discussing both sides of an argument, in my opinion, although it should be the prime responsibility of the government in making important changes in a society, the individuals should also be matured and responsible in order to help society emerging from worse conditions and to make it a better place.

Some people believe that only the government can bring about significant changes in society, while others - mẫu 3

It is often argued that the leadership and authority of any country should have absolute and supreme powers in its hands for changing society positively and ridding it of all its negatives. Yet, I believe that this view is intrinsically flawed since, without every individual or citizen’s cooperation, there is not a lot that the government may do for improving society. 

The government may create stronger policies and tap into available resources for their implementation. However, these policies only lead to suitable results when implemented by all society members and stakeholders. If a policy has been introduced, but no one follows the same, then the primary goal will never be accomplished as a result. 

For example, in recent times, many nations have unveiled policies that are in sync to ensure lower carbon-related emissions by the next four to five years. Yet, people living in these nations often adopt carefree and reckless perspectives without abiding by the guidelines and policies for combating climate change which is already showing its devastating effects in various parts of the world. Hence, without the cooperation of people, positive results are impossible to achieve for any government. 

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At the same time, the government often emphasizes pushing for macro (throughout the country) results. In contrast, individual efforts and initiatives are only applicable at a micro-level and may instantly improve societal improvement. The ruling government and party cannot instantly be aware of all the societal problems surrounding them in diverse regions. However, the local communities and people will always be aware of such problems. 

Hence, individuals have higher power for ensuring instant changes in their neighbourhoods and communities with the support of government-mobilized resources on a bigger scale. 

For example, suppose there is a natural calamity, and the government immediately announces its response in terms of disaster relief. The initiative will be more productive and fruitful when local people cooperate and help with relief and rescue activities instead of only leaving it for the forces and authorities. 

To conclude, I feel that individual citizens can usher in more instant and lasting societal changes when they cooperate and work with the government. 

Some people believe that only the government can bring about significant changes in society, while others - mẫu 4

Individuals often assume that just the government holds sufficient power for driving societal changes. I do not agree with this perception. While I do state that the government only can create policies with an intention towards societal development, without proper cooperation and participation of all citizens, the policies will not be able to accomplish a lot of things or their intended objectives.

There are many powers of the government. For instance, the government may legislate and develop new laws and policies for progressively aligning the society of the time. Yet, if people stop cooperating with the authorities, no policy will ever lead to a proper result.

Our country has many social practices that should be stopped. There is a practice still followed surreptitiously in the many Indian States of female feticide or killing girl children in the womb. The government has always stringently emphasized the need to abide by laws and regulations to combat the practice. Both the people are doing this, and doctors are helping them face severe legal action and punishments. Yet, the practice continues unabated in several areas, with many people finding loopholes to get around the laws prevailing on the subject. There are strict laws against poaching and encouraging wildlife conservation. However, the wildlife population is still waning since criminal elements keep killing animals and poaching them. The government bans Single-use plastic bags, but people still use them for various purposes. This shows that governments cannot track every person individually in society. It requires cooperation from the public to make any reform or policy successful.

At the same time, people also have their limitations. Many individuals remain concerned about societal progress and welfare. They often hope that the government can frame laws to help these initiatives succeed. Many people work to better the less privileged and poor citizens of the country. Many wage war against harmful practices to save the environment. They require governmental support for carrying out such noble and welfare-oriented activities. Individuals cannot frame their regulations, but they get some support in their activities if the government comes up with the same. At the same time, impractical or wrong policymaking of the government also leads to such good work being crippled at times, taking society a step backward.

In conclusion, I would say that both individuals and the government should cooperate and work together to stimulate progress. The government should refrain from wrong policies that hinder progress, and people should cooperate to make good policies successfully usher in social reform.

Some people believe that only the government can bring about significant changes in society, while others - mẫu 5

The question of who can bring significant changes in society- the government or an individual – is a topic of considerable debate. In my opinion, while the government plays an important role in implementing large-scale changes, the power of an individual to influence society should not be underestimated. 

Undeniably, the government has the authority and resources to enact laws and policies that can transform societies. They have the right to address issues like poverty, education and healthcare on a national scale. However, that does not mean that individuals are powerless. Every individual, through their actions and ideas, can contribute to societal change. This can be through simple acts such as volunteering in a local community, or through more significant actions such as advocating for policy changes. History is replete with examples of individuals who have brought significant societal changes. For instance, Mahatma Gandhi, with the help of his philosophy of non-violence and civil disobedience, was able to mobilise millions of people and bring about India’s independence from British rule. 

In the contemporary world, individuals continue to influence society through various means. Social media has provided individuals with a platform to express their opinions and mobilize support for the causes they believe in. Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani activist for female education, is a prime example of how an individual can use such platforms to effect change. Moreover, individuals often serve as the driving force behind community initiatives. They volunteer, donate, and work on issues that are close to their hearts, thereby contributing to societal changes at a grassroots level. 

To conclude, while governments do have the capacity to bring changes to society, the role of individuals in influencing society is equally important. It is through the collective efforts of individuals that societies can bring about change. Therefore, everyone needs to realise their potential to make a difference and take steps towards creating a better society.

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