Interview a classmate. Ask him/ her what two things he/ she will do if he/ she becomes the president of the 3Rs club

Interview a classmate. Ask him/ her what two things he/ she will do if he/ she becomes the president of the 3Rs club hay nhất, ngắn gọn giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Interview a classmate. Ask him/ her what two things he/ she will do if he/ she becomes the president of the 3Rs club

Quảng cáo

Đề bài: Interview a classmate. Ask him/ her what two things he/ she will do if he/ she becomes the president of the 3Rs club. Write a paragraph about your classmate's ideas. Write about 50 words. Do you think your classmate will be a good club president?

1. His/ her name and class

2. Idea 1 + explanation/examples

3. Idea 2 + explanation/examples

4. Idea 3 + explanation/examples

5. Will he/she be a good club president?

Interview a classmate. Ask him/ her what two things he/ she will do if he/ she becomes the president of the 3Rs club - mẫu 1

My best friend, Lan, is in the same class 6A with me. She tells me if she is the president of the 3Rs club she will do some following activities to improve the environment. Firstly, she will organise the meetings each week. It will be the place where all members can express their ideas, talk with each other to raise solidarity. The more members understand each other, the more effectively they can do. Secondly, she will organise some campaigns to raise people’s awareness about protecting the environment. Finally, every member of the club will have a chance to take part in social activities like collecting and recycling the rubbish around the school, in the parks, on the rivers,…every week. I think Lan is a good leader because her ideas are wonderful. If they are done, our environment will become more beautiful and fresher.

Quảng cáo

Interview a classmate. Ask him/ her what two things he/ she will do if he/ she becomes the president of the 3Rs club - mẫu 2

My classmate is Vy. If she becomes the president of the 3Rs Club, she will do two things. Firstly, she will organise weekly fairs for students to exchange their old things. Secondly, she will organise recycling clubs and call students to join. In this club, they will make beautiful and helpful things from old things or recycled things.

Quảng cáo

Interview a classmate. Ask him/ her what two things he/ she will do if he/ she becomes the president of the 3Rs club - mẫu 3

My classmate is Phong. If he becomes the president of the 3Rs Club, he will do two things. Firstly, he will encourage students to plant trees and flowers around school. Secondly, he will tell friends to bring reusable water bottles from home to school.

Quảng cáo

Interview a classmate. Ask him/ her what two things he/ she will do if he/ she becomes the president of the 3Rs club - mẫu 4

My classmate is Nga. If Nga becomes the president of the 3Rs Club, Nga will do two things. Firstly, Nga will encourage students to go out and enjoy the breeze. It is healthy and fun. Also, we will be able to reduce electricity usage by using the fan and the air conditioner less frequently. Secondly, she will organise recycling contests. This is where students can show their creative ways of recycling waste.

Interview a classmate. Ask him/ her what two things he/ she will do if he/ she becomes the president of the 3Rs club - mẫu 5

My classmate is Phuong Thao. If she becomes the president of the 3Rs Club, she will do two things. Firstly, she will organize a charity. Students will give their old uniforms and clothes to this charity every weekend. She will give these things to those in need. Secondly, she will establish a team that can walk to school or cycle to school to reduce dirty air.

Interview a classmate. Ask him/ her what two things he/ she will do if he/ she becomes the president of the 3Rs club - mẫu 6

My classmate is Lan. If she becomes the president of the 3Rs Club, she will first talk to her friends about putting a recycling bin in every classroom. We can reuse the things we have in these bins. Secondly, she will organize some book fairs. Students can exchange their used books at these fairs.

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