Nowadays a large amount of advertising is aimed at children. Some people think this can have negative

Nowadays a large amount of advertising is aimed at children. Some people think this can have negative effects on children and should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree? hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Nowadays a large amount of advertising is aimed at children. Some people think this can have negative

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Đề bài: Nowadays a large amount of advertising is aimed at children. Some people think this can have negative effects on children and should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays a large amount of advertising is aimed at children. Some people think this can have negative - mẫu 1

Recently issues have arisen regarding whether or not advertisements targeted at children should be legally allowed. Personally, I view advertisements aimed at children to be unethical, since not only are they still naive, but bombarding them with commercials can cause a rift in the relationship between them and their parents. 

Firstly, advertisements should not be aimed at children because they are highly suggestible, and as such cannot yet understand what their best self-interest is ultimately. Because they are incapable of making responsible fiscal decisions, marketing to this demographic means exploiting their inability to make rational choices for financial gain. For example, although children might want to buy LEGO sets advertised on TV, they often get bored of them as soon as they find out what they have bought is not like the advertisements. This exploitation of children’s naivety could be judged to be unethical. 

Secondly, marketing to children inevitably leads to them pleading with their caretakers, who have disposable income to spend, which can lead to a deterioration in their relationship. Not buying children's toys could result in resentment in the relationship, for it is reasonable for caretakers whose duty it is to be fiscally responsible to refuse the child’s requests. This situation if repeated enough may in turn lead to negligence and subsequently stunt child development. Psychological studies have shown, for example, that children who have been neglected perform worse in cognitive tasks then those who have not. 

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In conclusion, I hold that not only are advertisements aimed at children unethical because it exploits their suggestibility, but they can also affect children’s relationships with their parents and damage them psychologically. Therefore, I believe that such practices should be legally disallowed. 

Nowadays a large amount of advertising is aimed at children. Some people think this can have negative - mẫu 2

These days, a large amount of advertising is aimed at children and some people feel that it should be banned. While advertising can have several negative impacts on children, I believe it should not be completely banned.

On the one hand, commercials aimed at children can have a detrimental impact, particularly on the relationship between parents and their children. Many children are easily manipulated to want things they see in advertisements, and this may cause conflicts between parents and children if parents deny their children something they want. In addition, advertising targeted at children can have negative effects on their health, as many fast food and junk food companies these days direct their marketing strategies towards children, making their products appear to be healthy and appealing. Unfortunately, most children do not understand the concept of advertising and are easily persuaded to purchase these unhealthy foods, and as a consequence, can be at risk of many serious health issues, such as obesity and diabetes.

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On the other hand, I feel that there should not be a ban on advertising aimed at children because advertising is one of the key aspects of a prosperous economy. If bans were to be placed on commercials, many companies would suffer from a decrease in sales and profits, which would eventually affect unemployment rates and the economy. For example, Coca Cola provides thousands of employment opportunities in advertising throughout its branches across different regions around the world. If advertising was banned, a large number of workers, such as marketers, may become unemployed, and as a result, the government will have to provide temporary financial support for those unemployed people.

In conclusion, although advertising aimed at children may have certain negative impacts regarding family relationships and health, imposing a prohibition on it is unreasonable.

Nowadays a large amount of advertising is aimed at children. Some people think this can have negative - mẫu 3

In today's world, child-targeted advertising has grown substantially, sparking debates about its potential negative effects. While some argue that it should be banned altogether, I disagree with the idea of an outright ban and believe that responsible, regulated advertising can coexist with children's well-being.

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To begin with, it's crucial to acknowledge the positive aspects of advertising aimed at children. In many cases, advertisements introduce children to a variety of products, including educational toys, books, and programs that can enhance their learning and development. Through these ads, children are exposed to valuable lessons, such as literacy, numeracy, and social skills, in an engaging and entertaining manner. This demonstrates how child-targeted advertising can play a constructive role in children's intellectual and emotional development.

Additionally, advertising can foster children's social development. Advertisements frequently showcase diversity in terms of race, gender, and background, aiding children in comprehending and valuing differences from a young age. They can serve as a catalyst for essential dialogues about inclusivity, tolerance, and diversity within families and educational institutions. For example, a commercial featuring a diverse group of children playing together can prompt discussions about the importance of accepting others regardless of their backgrounds.

However, it's essential to strike a balance and ensure that advertising doesn't harm children's well-being. Excessive exposure to advertisements that promote unhealthy food, sugary drinks, or excessive consumption of material goods can have detrimental effects on children's health and values. Therefore, regulations are necessary to limit the promotion of such products to children.

In conclusion, I believe that banning advertising aimed at children is not the solution. Instead, responsible advertising can offer educational and social benefits. It's essential to create a balanced advertising environment that promotes both learning and the overall welfare of children.

Nowadays a large amount of advertising is aimed at children. Some people think this can have negative - mẫu 4

Many people believe that advertisements targeted at children should be banned as it is negative to children. Although I see the negative impact of those advertisements on children, I believe such a ban is not a good idea.

The first reason to oppose advertisements aimed at children is that advertisements for fast foods and high sugar drinks might never reveal a fact that those products cause child obesity. Therefore, inexperienced children do not know about the harms of their health when consuming those products. Another reason is that many parents have associated advertising with unjustified desires to buy something unnecessary from their children. For example, film heroes or favourite cartoon characters are often used in such attractive advertisements that children are lured and pester their parents to buy products advertised at any cost. In other words, they are misguided to make a purchase.

Of course, I think the best solution is to ban advertisements from children. While this idea might be workable for advertisements on TV, it seems to be impossible to ban online adverts which would be more difficult to define whether they are aimed at children or not. In addition, there are a variety of advertisements that should not be regulated as they are non-commercial and provide educational information such as anti-smoking, courses or books. Moreover, the most effective solution is that both schools and parents need to teach children critical thinking skills so that they are no longer misled by advertising.

In conclusion, children are susceptible to the misleading information from advertisements targeted on them. This problem could be solved with a ban on those adverts, but I am convinced that there are better options.

Nowadays a large amount of advertising is aimed at children. Some people think this can have negative - mẫu 5

Advertisements have been an essential part of our everyday life. A great number of those target children, and some people believe that those should be banned because of the harmful effects these may bring. I completely agree with this statement, for most advertising of this sort has deleterious effects on children’s physical health and their mental development.

Fast food advertising has been known to be implicated in many health problems among children. Food corporations promote their products using glamorous images of perfectly cooked meat, or alluring soda cans consumed by jubilant-looking and perfectly fit child actors. Credulous parents and children, as a result, are subconsciously enticed by those ads and end up buying them for regular consumption which, as a lot of research has pinpointed, is closely associated with many serious health problems such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.

Additionally, early exposure to consumerism may negatively impact on children’s mental development. It is not uncommon to encounter cases of kids throwing tantrums at their parents, asking for new items such as a new doll, an AI robot or a drone advertised on TV. Research has shown that many children who develop such attitudes may either have an inferiority complex or grow up being too demanding and materialistic if their wishes are not answered.

In conclusion, my firm conviction is that advertising aimed at children should be banned, due to its negative influences on children’s physical and mental well-being. As adults, we have the power to end it and let our children grow up free from many of the pressures of consumerism until they’re old enough to make their own decisions.

Nowadays a large amount of advertising is aimed at children. Some people think this can have negative - mẫu 6

In contemporary times, there is a growing concern about the abundance of advertisements targeted at children, with some advocating for a complete prohibition due to potential negative effects. While I acknowledge the drawbacks associated with advertising, I believe it remains a valuable tool that should not be outright prohibited.

Firstly, it is important to recognize the adverse effects that advertising can have on children. Marketing tactics often tend to exaggerate information in ads seen on social media, television, and various platforms. This exaggeration can lead to children expressing a desire for unnecessary purchases, creating conflicts between parents and their children. Moreover, advertising influences children’s eating habits, as the attractive and eye-catching portrayal of fast food and junk food may contribute to overconsumption, leading to health issues such as heart disease and obesity among the younger generation.

However, despite these concerns, I argue that advertising should not be categorically banned due to its inherent benefits. When a business initiates an advertising campaign, it plays a crucial role in promoting products and services, thereby increasing awareness in the market. The key lies in ensuring that advertisements provide specific information about the products, including type, function, promotions, retailer locations, and price. This approach allows customers to make informed decisions, understanding the benefits they will receive when they purchase a particular product.

In conclusion, while I acknowledge that advertising can have negative repercussions for children, creating conflicts and fostering unhealthy lifestyles, I believe an outright prohibition is not the solution. Instead, governments and parents should focus on implementing policies and seeking effective advertising solutions to mitigate the negative influence on the younger generation. By doing so, we can strike a balance that preserves the advantages of advertising while safeguarding the well-being of our children.

Nowadays a large amount of advertising is aimed at children. Some people think this can have negative - mẫu 7

Some people feel that a large proportion of advertising that targets children should be prohibited, due to the negative impacts. I completely agree with this point of view because otherwise children may become unhealthy and have poor relationships with their parents.

Promoting unhealthy foods to children may lead them to develop health problems. Take snack advertisements, for example. They use kids' favorite cartoon characters and special effects to make the products look good. As a result, young children may very likely crave them after watching the advertisements. As they eat more and more snacks, they may become obese and prone to health problems such as diabetes later in life because these foods are generally high in fat, sugar and calories. Since many children do not have the ability to control their cravings, marketing unhealthy foods to them should be banned to prevent them from consuming too many.

In addition, advertising branded products to children can have a negative influence on the parent- child relationship. For example, if children see some cool Nike backpacks in commercials, they may want one and ask their parents to buy it for them. However, their parents may not be doing well financially and thus refuse their request, which would lead to arguments. That is to say, if advertisements for designer goods targeted at children are not banned, they may ask their parents to purchase things that they cannot afford every single day, which could cause constant arguing and eventually bad relationships.

In conclusion, much advertising to children should not be allowed because it is detrimental both to their health and to their relationships with their parents.

Nowadays a large amount of advertising is aimed at children. Some people think this can have negative - mẫu 8

Advertisements are ubiquitous nowadays especially advertising targeting children who are considered vulnerable targets by companies. As a result, many parents are worried about this phenomenon. However, we cannot ban advertisements because they serve a lot of useful purposes as well.

Admittedly, in sensitive areas such as the toy industry, some censorship should be there to limit children’s access to excess advertisements. Because children under a certain age lack abilities to make wise judgments as to what they want. They are attracted by colourful pictures in advertisements and swayed by misleading information. So, they pester their parents to buy those things, and this can upset the budget of many families. Even the advertisements for fast foods are bad for children. Children cannot understand that the slim-trim models advertising McDonald’s burgers hardly ever eat such foods themselves. They are attracted to fast foods, and these are very detrimental to their health.

On the other hand, advertising provides us with information on new products. If it were not for electronic and print advertising, many products would not be bought. In this way, advertising provides an important service to manufacturers and some consumers. Additionally, it fuels the advertising industry, creating jobs for thousands of people. In this respect, it has the backbone of many economies of the world.

Furthermore, advertisements touch on social issues. For example, when Amitabh Bachchan tells people to bring their children for pulse polio immunization, people listen. Then there are ads against female feticides which are very informative. Advertisements also teach a lot about the country from where the ads come. This is because through satellite TV we can see ads from all over the world. When we see a Japanese advert for a lady in a kimono, we come to know about the clothes of Japan.

To put it in a nutshell I pen down saying that regulations must be imposed on advertisers who target children or who make false claims. However, advertisement is indispensable in this highly competitive market and produces many more positive effects than negative ones on society as a whole. So, we should not ban advertisements.

Nowadays a large amount of advertising is aimed at children. Some people think this can have negative - mẫu 9

Ever since the liberalisation of media, advertisements have been its primary source of revenue. Children, who are in their formative years, are more likely to be influenced by advertisements than their elder counterparts, are regularly targeted by the marketers. It is agreed that this has negative effects on children, thus, shall be banned. This will be proven by looking at how these advertisements can ultimately make children defiant and play a part in distracting children from academic activities.

To begin, when children are exposed to advertisements of products that their parents can’t afford to provide for them, children often resort to defying both, their parents, and society. For instance, it is a known fact that most children who go on to become rebels, had been deprived of their wishes for items that they don’t even need, nor can afford, such as elegant toys and expensive mobile phones. This shows that advertisements of certain kinds of products can lead children to develop delinquent tendencies. Hence, promotional material that targets children has more than its fair share of disadvantages.

In addition to this, a large number of the flashy advertisements can subconsciously have a detrimental effect on a child’s academics. For instance, after being barraged by an endless number of advertisements in a short span of time, juveniles can lose their ability to focus on a certain task for an extended period of time. Thus, being exposed to such advertisements can take its toll on a child’s brain. After analysing this, the demerits of advertisements targeting children are manifested.

Following this look at how advertisements aimed at children can, undermine their behaviour, and hinder the achievement of their academic objectives, it is evident that these advertisements have adverse effects on children. Thus, it is hoped that governments should muse upon banning of such advertisements.

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