Nowadays, women as well as men work full-time. Therefore, women and men should share household tasks evenly

Nowadays, women as well as men work full-time. Therefore, women and men should share household tasks evenly. To what extent do you agree or disagree? hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Nowadays, women as well as men work full-time. Therefore, women and men should share household tasks evenly

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Đề bài: Nowadays, women as well as men work full-time. Therefore, women and men should share household tasks evenly. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, women as well as men work full-time. Therefore, women and men should share household tasks evenly - mẫu 1

Given that both males and females these days often have full-time jobs, some argue that they should share household chores equally. In my opinion, although this is a significant step towards gender equality, I believe it is not strictly necessary to share housework evenly as this could increase the burden on those who have a heavy workload or poor physical health.

On the one hand, sharing household tasks evenly can promote greater equality between the sexes. In the past, while most men were breadwinners, women were more likely to be restricted to domestic chores, such as cleaning the house, doing laundry and cooking. This was broadly unfair to limit women to housework and restrict them from exploring their potentialities. Therefore, men being responsible for an equal amount of housework would enable women to have more time for their career and leisure activities and should be seen as a welcome development.

However, sharing household tasks evenly can be detrimental when each individual's health condition and workload are ignored. For example, some women may not have sufficient stamina to work for long hours compared to men. Therefore, it is best for their husbands or partners to help by doing extra housework, otherwise they may be easily exhausted, and it could affect their productivity and quality of life. The amount of work each person undertakes also needs to be taken into consideration. Particular professions require employees to complete assignments or undertake analyses after work at times, leaving these employees little time or energy for housework. In this case, their spouse should be willing to be responsible for more domestic chores if their schedule is not as hectic as their significant other's.

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In conclusion, although dividing household chores evenly encourages gender equality, I believe we should not be excessively strict about the general application of this rule because one's physical health and work schedule matter. Distributing the same amount of housework to both sexes is ideal; however, depending on circumstances, certain exceptions can be justified.

Nowadays, women as well as men work full-time. Therefore, women and men should share household tasks evenly - mẫu 2

Both men and women have full-time employment nowadays. It is argued that both sexes should divide household chores such as cleaning and child-rearing equally among themselves.

While I agree with this view, I also believe that there are some cases where it is hard for this proposal to be carried out.

On the one hand, it is perfectly reasonable that men and women should each be responsible for half of the household tasks. First, since women are generally the ones who do most of these tasks, sharing will help lessen the burden on women, especially now that many of them are working full-time. As a result, women will have more time to relax or engage in other things such as listening to music or learning something new. Secondly, if husbands and wives share housework, they could learn to cooperate better to solve problems. For example, the husband can clean the dishes while his wife dries them and puts them on the rack. This could help families avoid conflicts as well.

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On the other hand, there are certain situations where equally distributing housework is unnecessary. For one thing, one spouse may have more work than the other, thus making the former handle half of the chores places them under a lot of strain. In this case, the latter can help by taking on more tasks. Moreover, in the family, there may be one person who is better at doing household chores. Thus, they can be given more housework to do since they are more efficient.

In conclusion, although it is a good idea to have men and women being responsible for an equal amount of housework, some people may be busier with work or be better at doing household tasks, so they can take care of fewer or more tasks depending on their circumstances.

Nowadays, women as well as men work full-time. Therefore, women and men should share household tasks evenly - mẫu 3

Some people think that household chores should be shared equally among men and women as they now both work fulltime. Personally, I completely agree with this statement as doing housework is the responsibility of every family member, and this change is necessary to avoid causing stress to both men and women.

An equal distribution of housework can reduce the day-to-day pressure on both men and women as they will not have to do too many things during a day. In fact, everyone only has 24 hours a day, and the amount of time left after work of both men and women is nearly the same when they both have a full-time job. Forcing either men or women to do all household chores will place a huge burden on them as they may barely have any time left to rest or do any other activities. Therefore, sharing housework equally is necessary to reduce the pressure placed on either wife or husband.

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In addition, completing household tasks, such as cleaning and washing up, is the responsibility of everyone in the family, regardless of their gender. When men and women live together as a family, they should both contribute to maintaining their home and making it a better place. Doing housework is a part of this process and therefore should be done by both wife and husband, rather than just one of them.

In conclusion, I agree with the idea that household tasks should be equally shared among men and women as this change can reduce the pressure placed on them when they both work fulltime. Doing housework is also the responsibility of all family members, whether they are men or women.

Nowadays, women as well as men work full-time. Therefore, women and men should share household tasks evenly - mẫu 4

Nowadays an ever-increasing number of women work full time, and in this reality, it is widely believed that house chores should be shared between men and women equally. I strongly agree with this statement.

One of the reasons for sharing housework between males and females is to promote gender equality. A stereotype that has existed a long time is that females ought to stay home, taking care of the family once they got married. This includes looking after the children and doing all of the housework, which is fairly labour-intensive. However, this approach could have quite a few disadvantages. It would render women less able of keeping abreast of what is happening in the job market, thus forming a lifestyle where they might find it arduous to step into the society again. To avoid this, many women are willing to get back into the workforce soon after their maternity leave, and once they do, it makes sense that their husbands should share part of the household chores, to fulfill their family responsibilities.

Nevertheless, we cannot be oblivious of several drawbacks of this trend. One potential downside is that men are less experienced in dealing with household tasks. This is because many seldom take an active role in doing housework, according to customs of many countries. As a result, they may end up doing household tasks in a less than perfect way, which could contribute to some unnecessary quarrels between partners, hindering their family bond. However, the likelihood of this happening isn't very high, because wives can offer some tips or guidance to their husbands when they learn how to share house chores such as mopping floors or doing laundry.

To sum up, although some conflicts might be triggered when equally sharing the duties of household tasks, the benefits of this trend are relatively oblivious.

Nowadays, women as well as men work full-time. Therefore, women and men should share household tasks evenly - mẫu 5

It is said that domestic duties need to be divided equally between today’s males and females since they are all in fulltime employment. Although it is beneficial for family members of both genders to share housework, I believe that making such responsibilities even is unnecessary.

The division of household chores is advantageous in some respects. Firstly, it enables people, especially women, to have more spare time for themselves. For example, a Vietnamese wife with a nine-to-five job has to spend extra three to four hours on cleaning, cooking and doing the laundry after work. If their husband could give them some help, these tasks will be done faster, and they can have some time for relaxation. Secondly, doing unpaid work together is a great way to cement family relationships. Because people tend to interact a lot when they do things together, it allows them to develop mutual understanding and avoid possible conflicts.

However, I am convinced that men and women doing the same amount of housework has more noteworthy counter-effects. As a matter of fact, each individual has different schedules with distinct responsibility at work. Some may suffer from heavy workload while others are free of pressure. For such a reason, flexibility needs to be taken into consideration to make sure that household chores do not become a burden to anyone. In addition, some types of unpaid work are only suitable for a specific gender. For instance, the preparation of family meals has long been considered women’s duty in many societies as it helps them show their care to their spouse and children. The equality associated with housework, therefore, is not justifiable in those cases.

In conclusion, housework sharing has certain merits, but it does not necessarily mean that people have to split it evenly.

Nowadays, women as well as men work full-time. Therefore, women and men should share household tasks evenly - mẫu 6

It is true that in many nations, both men and women must work full-time. That is to say, they should split up domestic chores regardless of gender. I completely concur with this, in my opinion, for the reasons listed below.

The tension in the family will be reduced firstly if men and women share household duties. There will also be fewer disputes or disagreements when people share work. For instance, both men and women can divide the household activities into morning and evening sessions to ensure that each task is completed on time.

Additionally, breaking conventional gender stereotypes might be accomplished through collaborating on domestic tasks. They may both clean the house together rather than the men going to work and the ladies staying home. For instance, in a married couple's situation, if the lady goes to work first, the husband should then take care of the housework. And vice versa, to prevent the wife from becoming overworked from performing all the domestic tasks.

You have less time to spend with your family while you work all day. Parents aim to complete their tasks as quickly as possible for this reason. As a result, parents rush home from work to spend as much time as possible with their kids. Last but not least, their workday is still ongoing after they go home. They have household chores waiting for them. This is typically a woman's responsibility in many houses. In our past, it has been customary for women to be housewives. Men therefore return home with more spare time than women.

Finally, dividing up domestic chores might help reduce the workload. One can avoid endangering their health by becoming overworked and injured by spreading out their workload fairly. It is essential that family members help balance the tasks at home.

Men and women ought to shoulder an equal amount of responsibility, to sum up. I think they will be able to reduce stress and enhance physical fitness by splitting the effort.

Nowadays, women as well as men work full-time. Therefore, women and men should share household tasks evenly - mẫu 7

Since more and more women are working full-time nowadays, it is universally accepted that men and women should divide household duties equally. I wholeheartedly concur with this assertion. To advance gender equality, men and women should divide household duties equally. The idea that women should stay at home and care for their families after being married is a long-standing stereotype. This involves taking care of the kids and performing all of the labour-intensive housekeeping.

This strategy, nevertheless, can have a number of drawbacks. It would make women less able to keep up with changes in the employment market. This will lead to a lifestyle where it might be difficult for them to reintegrate into society. In order to prevent this, many women are eager to return to work quickly after giving birth. Once they do, it only makes it right that their husbands share some of the domestic duties in order to uphold their obligations to their families.

However, we cannot ignore the fact that this tendency has a number of negative aspects. The fact that men have less expertise doing household chores is one potential drawback. This is due to the fact that, in many nations, it is uncommon for people to actively participate in doing housework. As a result, they can end up performing home duties less than perfectly. This might lead to some pointless arguments between couples and weaken their family's unity. The possibility of this occurring. However, it isn't extremely great because wives can help their husbands by giving advice when they learn how to divide household tasks like laundry and mopping.

In conclusion, although some disagreements may arise when family chores are shared equally, the advantages of this trend are largely hidden.

Nowadays, women as well as men work full-time. Therefore, women and men should share household tasks evenly - mẫu 8

Women are choosing to work full-time in many countries; thus, it is crucial that a married pair divides up household duties equally. This article concurs with this assertion since it evenly distributes the workload at home and reduces family strife.

First off, splitting home responsibilities lightens the load on one person when married couples work full-time jobs. This is so that household tasks can be finished more quickly when two individuals share the workload. They are able to peacefully finish their housework and arrive at work on time as a result. For instance, a recent Cambridge University study discovered that households where both partners share housekeeping. And work full-time had less chaos in the morning and arrived at work on time. Opponents counter that women should be in charge of household chores.

Second, households where both spouses work experience less conflict when they assist one another with domestic chores. Nobody complains that one spouse is doing more work than the other when both the husband and wife participate in home duties. Having a contented family and a prosperous life are the results of this. For instance, I assist my working wife by cleaning the floors of the house while she makes breakfast in the kitchen. As a result, we never fought over domestic tasks.

The burden of performing household chores alone is reduced. And the likelihood of family conflict is decreased, thus helping a spouse with their schoolwork is a smart idea.

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