Some people think climate change has a negative impact on business, while others think

Some people think climate change has a negative impact on business, while others think that it provides more business options. Discuss both views and give your own opinion hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Some people think climate change has a negative impact on business, while others think

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Đề bài: Some people think climate change has a negative impact on business, while others think that it provides more business options. Discuss both views and give your own opinion

Some people think climate change has a negative impact on business, while others think - mẫu 1

Unquestionably, every coin has two sides and so is the crowd. Society's people are divided into two groups and therefore, the impact of climate change on business has become a topic of debate among the population. This essay will compare and contrast both of the opinions along with my opinion which is in favour of the latter view which will be discussed in a sensible conclusion.

Initiating with the points supporting the first school of thought, firstly, it gives an opportunity to many businesses to expand their turnover which further increases their revenue. Additionally, people who support this say that climatic change increases the demand for products which directly affects the supply. For example, during summer, the sales of fans, coolers and air conditioners shows tremendous growth due to hot weather. Secondly, it also encourages the advent of new inventions which can help to cope with poor climatic conditions.

On the contrary, supporters who held another viewpoint say that, primarily, no rainfall or low rain can adversely affect the fertility of the soil. As a consequence, it affects the crops grown by farmers which in turn declines the yields of the agricultural sector. For instance, many industries like the food industry, are dependent on this sector which will also suffer due to the above causes. Furthermore, it led to a decline in the fishing sector as well. In other words, it has a negative effect on the coastal regions.

To conclude, I would like to reiterate that there are both views. Although, if I consider it logically then in my opinion, the latter view is more powerful and effective. However, it will depend upon the mindsets of the people which view they are in favour of.

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Some people think climate change has a negative impact on business, while others think - mẫu 2

In this contemporary era, pollution has changed our climate pattern drastically. There are a few who argue that it has a downward impact on the business sectors, however, others advocate that because of this many new industries will grow rapidly. In this essay, I will discuss both views and I opine that environmental change would provide new opportunities to grow more.

Excessive use of natural energy resources has a drastic impact on our ecological system. Farming is one of the businesses which would affect more cause of climate alteration. A few or over rainfall would be devastating for the farmers. Directly or indirectly, it affects the GDP of a country. Moreover, many other small or medium-sized businesses are highly dependent on farming products. India, for instance, 70% of the population are involved in the farming industry. Worst weather conditions would not only affect a farmer but also other general people too. Therefore, alteration in climate has the worst impact on much commerce in the end.

On the flip side of it, because of weather change, it provides an innovative plan development for many citizens. Hot weather in such a country would lead people to harness energy from the sun and utilize it for different purposes. In addition, in a hot summer, industries producing fans and air conditioners might get chance to proliferate with the situation. For example, in Canada, last year the selling of fans increased by 2% compared to selling in the year 2019, surveyed by a business magazine. In the end, different situations would provide a new way to develop and grow business with time.

In conclusion, weather change has a bad impact on a few corporations, however, with proper measures and future vision would create a way to start a new business along with the climate situation. I personally believe that it could give us many ways to begin a new business.

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Some people think climate change has a negative impact on business, while others think - mẫu 3

It is almost undeniable at this point that climate change might be the most dangerous threat that humanity has to encounter and will need to be addressed immediately. Even though an abrupt change in climate around the world might force people to adjust their way of living and therefore, give new ideas for businesses to come up with new products. I believe that in the long term the impacts that climate change has on both people and businesses around the globe will trump its benefit and I will elaborate more on this in the following paragraphs.

First and foremost, climate change does not just mean that the storms will be more severe or there will be floods more often. Change in climate includes the rise in overall temperatures and sea levels around the world. A slight change in the environment could potentially harm numerous animal species and natural habitats and completely change those areas forever. Lands that are suitable for farming and growing crops might be affected by this environmental issue, combined with unpredictable weather could halt the production of raw outputs that will be used in producing goods later on. Moreover, with climate change becoming more severe, a lot of areas will be underwater in the future which will force people to lose their homes and way of living. And as a result, they are likely to lose their ability to spend on goods and products which in the long term will lead the economy into a recession and negatively affect the business. Most importantly, unsustainable business practices are one of the main factors that accelerate climate change. Hence, the faster businesses try to come up with new goods by using immoral practices and destroying natural resources, and emitting pollution and toxic chemicals to the environment, the more severe climate disasters are going to be. It is a vicious cycle that needs to be broken by the cooperation of people, governments, and most importantly the businesses themselves.

On the other hand, businesses can still benefit from these changes in the environment which will eventually lead to people having to adjust their lifestyles. For example, air pollution and PM 2.5 problems have been one of the most prominent issues for Thai people over the past 5 years. Because of this issue, a lot of people were forced to wear masks when going outside even before COVID and air purifier quickly became the default electronic appliance that every house needs to have which in a way, helped businesses to thrive and quickly innovate better products for the market to keep up with the high demand.

In conclusion, it is possible that climate change will give an idea for people to invent new products and have positive impacts on business, but this tiny advantage is comparable to catastrophic results that climate change can bring upon us.

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Some people think climate change has a negative impact on business, while others think - mẫu 4

In the contemporary era, alteration in a climate is the main hurdle, not only for human beings but also for employment which depends on farming. Few people advocate that changes in an atmosphere open new doors of innovation, while others believe it is responsible for the scarcity of food and produces a devastating impact on farming. In this essay, I will discuss both views and opine my view, why I think climate change proliferates new business options.

Environmental changes have a significant effect on farming and the business which depends on it. The research found that more than 40% of work directly depends on the crops. For example – Macdonald’s is very popular not only among kids but also among adults, it consumes more than 10,000 kg of potatoes daily, and other outlets like KFC and Ashirvad are few brands that are directly dependent on farming. In addition to that, any devastation in farms increases scarcity for the food and produces a huge impact on the GDP of the country.

On the flip side, a variation in an atmosphere also opens the gate for new innovations and increases new business options. For instance – a study was done about how to harvest solar energy in a peak summer season and use it for business. Indeed, human are responsible for any changes happened in the atmosphere, and we need to control it but it also required to take it as an opportunity for a new business option like- selling of the air purifier increased by 50% than last year, furthermore, selling of air conditioner also increase by 60% from last year. So it will not only give lots of options for the entrepreneur but also open the gate for existing business to grow further.

In conclusion, atmosphere changes produce a harmful effect on farming and business which depend on farming but along with this it also gives an opportunity to give birth to new business options and grow an existing one.

Some people think climate change has a negative impact on business, while others think - mẫu 5

Some people think climate change has a negative impact on business, while others think that it provides more business opportunities. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Climate change has become one of the most pressing global issues of our time. Some people argue that climate change has a negative impact on business, while others believe that it creates new opportunities. In my opinion, while climate change does pose significant challenges for businesses, it also creates new opportunities.

On the one hand, those who argue that climate change has a negative impact on business point to the increasing costs associated with implementing measures to mitigate the effects of climate change. For example, businesses may need to invest in more expensive technology to reduce their carbon footprint or adapt to changing weather patterns. This can increase the cost of production and reduce profits. In addition, extreme weather events, such as hurricanes and droughts, can disrupt supply chains and cause financial losses. For instance, Hurricane Katrina, which was one of the deadliest and costliest natural disasters in US history, caused widespread damage to offshore oil and gas facilities and disrupted the transportation of oil and gas across the region.

On the other hand, there are those who argue that climate change provides new business opportunities. To illustrate, the shift towards renewable energy sources creates a demand for new technology and infrastructure. This can create jobs and stimulate economic growth. In addition, businesses that adopt sustainable practices can benefit from a positive public image and increased customer loyalty. Additionally, nowadays, as more people become concerned about the impact of buildings on the environment, there is a growing demand for green building technologies and services. Therefore, this has created new business opportunities for architects, engineers, contractors, and suppliers who specialize in sustainable building practices.

In conclusion, climate change is a complex issue that affects businesses in different ways. While it presents challenges, it also creates new opportunities. By embracing sustainable practices and adapting to changing market conditions, businesses can thrive in a changing climate.

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