Some people think that when recruiting, companies should aim to take on people

Some people think that when recruiting, companies should aim to take on people who are innovative and able to work independently while others consider they should recruit people who are able to work in a team and follow instructions. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Some people think that when recruiting, companies should aim to take on people

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Đề bài: Some people think that when recruiting, companies should aim to take on people who are innovative and able to work independently while others consider they should recruit people who are able to work in a team and follow instructions. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion

Some people think that when recruiting, companies should aim to take on people - mẫu 1

Some claim that when choosing staff, businesses should choose autonomous, creative workers. Others, on the other hand, believe that individuals who can work independently should be given preference over team players. For a company to grow at its best, I believe both types of employees are necessary.

Those who support creative and autonomous workers argue that these individuals generate new technical items and apps as well as fresh ideas. In addition to improving the company's reputation, this resulted in a rise in revenue. Since the development of cutting-edge technologies, a great concept can make a business very wealthy. Therefore, creative workers who are capable of working independently are a benefit to any firm.

However, other people think that a company's success depends on its ability to operate well as a team. In their opinion, brainstorming is stimulated when people collaborate. Together, people with varied backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences can produce amazing inventions. Employees develop the ability to handle problems and maintain discipline in every circumstance thanks to teamwork and their capacity for following directions. Additionally, they can strengthen one other's areas of weakness and foster a mindset of problem-solving. For a corporation or business to be successful, all of these are very advantageous. For instance, a recent study revealed that 80% of profitable companies employed more team players than solo workers.

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In conclusion, this essay took into account these two viewpoints and outlined the reasons why a workplace needs a good mix of both types of people to advance. I think that both types of workers are necessary for a company. Employers should look for both teamwork and the flexibility to function alone in some circumstances when hiring new employees. It may also promote economic growth and give businesses a more vibrant appearance.

Some people think that when recruiting, companies should aim to take on people - mẫu 2

There is frequent disagreement over which applicant is the best fit for a position. Undoubtedly working as a team is great quality. I firmly believe that it is more practical to hire individuals who are creative and capable of handling duties on their own.

First and foremost, collaboration and teamwork are crucial. This is due to the fact that businesses have their own systems that have been created and optimised by numerous subject-matter experts. As a result, business leaders actively seek out people's resources who can comprehend and adhere to the organisational framework. A firm is a substantial organic body as well. Active employee interaction is necessary for the effective operation of the business, which solitary players lack. For instance, if one employee completes their task in their own manner, the rest of the team may suffer. It may cause the project to be delayed and require more work to be done. It makes sense to hire applicants who cooperate well with others and follow the regulations.

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Despite the objections raised above, there are some situations where giving one job candidate precedence over another is justified. It may be someone who brings creativity and initiative to the workplace. First of all, originality is important to business. A business needs creative human resources to lead the market with fresh ideas if it is to succeed. Consider Samsung as an example. This electronics behemoth has been rated first due to the devices' distinctive looks and capabilities. The inventive researchers at Samsung must be to blame for making this feasible. Second, the independent production approach can make it easier to see issues earlier and come up with creative solutions. Such a method saves a lot of money and time, which could result in business profits.

In conclusion, it makes sense that employers want a member of their ideal network who can perform their obligations. But I think those who can think creatively and work independently would be a terrific, valuable advantage for business foundations to succeed.

Some people think that when recruiting, companies should aim to take on people - mẫu 3

While some hiring managers choose individuals with an innovative and independent work style. Others think that applicants with cooperative and instruction-compliance qualities will be needed to speed up the firm's growth. In my view, the most important criteria for every recruiter to take into account when hiring are both inventiveness and the capacity to work well with others.

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At first glance, it makes sense why open-minded and independent people are preferred. Because they are able to think creatively and come up with a wonderful yet unexpected concept that will help the business compete with rivals. A product with distinctive differences would undoubtedly pique consumers' interest. Despite the fact that most modern goods are sold for profit and essentially appear the same under numerous brands. For instance, the facial ID function on the iPhone X has caused a significant frenzy in the mobile phone industry since its release.

However, collaboration and teamwork are crucial for the company's growth. Realising that collaboration is essential to success is not difficult. While a brilliant individual may have an inspiring idea, it is a team that will actually bring that dream to life. In many businesses, employees are given equal responsibility for all duties. And only with good coordination and fewer ego clashes can the work be completed efficiently and on time. Many businesses organise events to strengthen employee bonds because they recognise the importance of teamwork. For instance, every month, the entire crew of the NDL factory in South Vietnam participates in a gathering featuring a variety of team-building activities.

In conclusion, candidates should possess both creativity and cooperation, because both are crucial for the firm to succeed. It is implied that the type of work will also determine which quality recruiters value more in candidates.

Some people think that when recruiting, companies should aim to take on people - mẫu 4

In today’s competitive job market, the debate over whether companies should prioritize hiring innovative, independent workers or team players who can follow instructions is a topic of much discussion. Both perspectives have their merits, but ultimately, a balance of both qualities is essential for a successful and productive workforce.

On the one hand, proponents of recruiting innovative and independent workers argue that these individuals bring fresh ideas and creative solutions to the table. They are often self-starters who can take initiative and drive projects forward without constant supervision. This can lead to greater efficiency and breakthrough innovations within the company. Moreover, in a rapidly changing business landscape, the ability to adapt and think outside the box is crucial for staying ahead of the competition.

On the other hand, advocates for team players who can follow instructions emphasize the importance of collaboration and cohesion within the workplace. In many industries, teamwork is essential for tackling complex projects and achieving common goals. Employees who can work well with others and follow instructions demonstrate strong communication skills and a willingness to contribute to the collective success of the team. This can lead to a harmonious work environment and a sense of unity among colleagues.

In my opinion, while both qualities are valuable, companies should prioritize hiring individuals who possess a combination of innovative thinking and teamwork skills. This approach ensures that the company benefits from a diverse range of perspectives and ideas, while also fostering a supportive and collaborative work culture. By striking a balance between independence and teamwork, companies can create a dynamic and productive workforce that is well-equipped to tackle challenges and drive the business forward.

In conclusion, the debate over whether companies should prioritize hiring innovative, independent workers or team players who can follow instructions is complex. However, a balanced approach that values both qualities is crucial for building a successful and cohesive workforce.

Some people think that when recruiting, companies should aim to take on people - mẫu 5

In the realm of corporate recruitment, a pivotal debate centres on whether to prioritize candidates who are innovative and independent or those adept at teamwork and following instructions. This essay will explore the merits of both approaches: the value of autonomy and creativity for driving change, and the critical role of teamwork and compliance in operational success, before concluding with a balanced perspective that integrates these essential attributes.

On one hand, proponents of recruiting innovative and independent individuals argue that such traits are crucial for propelling organizational change and nurturing a progressive culture. These employees are typically self-starters who excel in resolving complex challenges with minimal oversight, fostering an environment ripe for innovation. For instance, tech startups often succeed by embracing such innovators who swiftly adapt and create groundbreaking solutions that disrupt traditional markets, illustrating the significant impact of autonomy in sectors that constantly evolve.

Conversely, the ability to collaborate effectively and adhere to established protocols is equally critical for organizational success. Many enterprises rely on well-integrated teams that can manage intricate projects with precision and harmony. This need for effective teamwork is paramount in industries such as healthcare, where seamless collaboration and strict adherence to protocols are crucial not just for operational success but for ensuring patient safety. In such settings, teamwork and compliance with guidelines are fundamental, maintaining high standards of care and operational excellence while mitigating risks associated with human error.

In my opinion, while innovation is crucial for development, the essence of a successful organization lies in its ability to balance both traits. The ideal workforce should comprise a mix of individuals who can think outside the box and those who excel in a structured team environment. This hybrid approach ensures that a company remains adaptable and stable, capable of both initiating change and sustaining growth.

In conclusion, while both independent innovation and effective teamwork are valuable, the integration of both characteristics within a workforce facilitates a dynamic yet reliable corporate environment. Companies would do well to cultivate a recruitment strategy that appreciates and incorporates these diverse skill sets, ensuring a robust foundation for future success.

Some people think that when recruiting, companies should aim to take on people - mẫu 6

In the ongoing debate about optimal recruitment strategies, there are compelling arguments for both hiring independent, innovative individuals and those adept at teamwork and following instructions. This essay will first examine the merits of nurturing creativity and autonomy in employees, then assess the importance of collaborative skills and adherence to established guidelines, ultimately advocating for a balanced approach that incorporates both sets of qualities for organizational success.

The first viewpoint emphasizes the recruitment of innovative and independent thinkers, arguing that they are crucial for pioneering new paths and introducing breakthroughs in business. Independent workers often bring fresh perspectives that challenge the status quo and drive technological and creative advancements. Their ability to think outside the box is essential in sectors like software development, where those who navigate problems independently not only accelerate the development cycle but also innovate solutions that propel the company into new markets. Such autonomy can lead to significant competitive advantages, as these individuals often anticipate trends and adapt quickly to market demands.

However, the capacity to work as part of a team and follow detailed instructions is equally indispensable, especially in settings where precision and coordinated efforts are paramount. Structured environments, such as manufacturing and logistics, heavily rely on teams that can meticulously follow procedures to ensure the quality and safety of products. The synergy created by a team—where each member plays a defined role that complements the others—ensures efficiency and reliability in output, which could be compromised by too great a focus on individualism. Moreover, in these industries, collective problem-solving often leads to more sustainable and thorough solutions, reinforcing the necessity of maintaining a balance between following directives and fostering individual insight.

In conclusion, while the allure of innovation and independent problem-solving is undeniable, the functionality of teams cannot be overlooked. An ideal recruitment strategy should thus embrace both the dynamic capabilities of innovative individuals and the systematic precision of effective teams to foster a robust, versatile business environment.

Some people think that when recruiting, companies should aim to take on people - mẫu 7

The hiring process is a critical aspect of organizational success, and different approaches to recruitment have been widely debated. Some argue that companies should prioritize candidates who display innovation and independent work capabilities, while others advocate for recruiting individuals who excel in teamwork and are adept at following instructions. This essay will explore both perspectives and assert that while innovation and independent work skills are essential, recruiting individuals who can collaborate effectively and follow directions is more conducive to overall organizational growth and success.

Proponents of recruiting innovative and independent individuals believe that such employees can bring fresh ideas and creative solutions to the table. These candidates are often self-motivated and capable of tackling challenges independently, leading to potential breakthroughs and efficiency gains within the organization. For example, a company that values innovation might prioritize hiring a software engineer with a track record of developing novel applications, demonstrating their ability to drive technological advancements.

On the other hand, others argue that a cohesive and well-functioning team is the backbone of any successful organization. They keep expressing that team players can collaborate effectively, leveraging their diverse skills and perspectives to solve complex problems collectively. Moreover, individuals who are receptive to following instructions contribute to streamlined processes and consistency in output. For instance, a manufacturing company may seek employees who are willing to adhere to established protocols to maintain high product quality and safety standards.

As far as I am concerned, while innovative and independent employees are valuable assets, fostering a team-oriented culture can significantly enhance an organization's performance. A cohesive team can achieve more together than a group of talented individuals working independently. Collaboration fosters creativity through the exchange of ideas, and cohesive teamwork can produce well-rounded solutions to complex challenges.

In conclusion, the debate over whether companies should prioritize hiring innovative and independent individuals versus team players who follow instructions is multifaceted. I think that while innovation and independent work skills are essential for progress, the success of an organization heavily relies on effective teamwork and the ability to follow instructions coherently.

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