Many companies sponsor sports as a way to advertise themselves. Some think it is a positive trend

Many companies sponsor sports as a way to advertise themselves. Some think it is a positive trend, while others think there are disadvantages. Discuss both sides and give your opinion hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Many companies sponsor sports as a way to advertise themselves. Some think it is a positive trend

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Đề bài: Many companies sponsor sports as a way to advertise themselves. Some think it is a positive trend, while others think there are disadvantages. Discuss both sides and give your opinion

Many companies sponsor sports as a way to advertise themselves. Some think it is a positive trend - mẫu 1

While many advocate the trend of corporations funding sports activities, others are strongly opposed to this sponsorship. This essay will elaborate on both perspectives and the reasons why I lean towards the former.

On the one hand, some people disapprove of advertising in sports. Their main rationale is that companies may promote products that are harmful to the public. For example, Budweiser, a leading beverage brand, has sponsored football tournaments around the world to encourage the consumption of alcohol, despite scientific evidence on the damaging effects of alcohol on drinkers’ health. Furthermore, the prevalence of advertisements during sporting events may negatively affect the overall event experience. Excessive promotion of sponsors’ images can overshadow those of great athletes, and numerous TV ads can frequently interrupt live broadcasts of these events, leading to a decline in the viewing experience.

On the other hand, there are those who argue that the merits of sports sponsorship outweigh the potential disadvantages mentioned above. For sports development, it provides essential funding for the purchase of new equipment, payment of staff at venues, and athletes’ salaries. Additionally, it can fund campaigns that promote the benefits of physical activities, contributing to the overall growth of sports. For businesses, sponsoring sporting events is an excellent opportunity to boost sales of their products. This increased revenue, in turn, can be invested in the development of innovative goods and services that effectively address consumers’ problems, as well as to expand their business, creating more job prospects for the public. Thus, it is clear that this practice is beneficial to everyone in society.

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In conclusion, although sports sponsorship might potentially lead to the promotion of harmful products or a reduced experience of sports events, I believe it can significantly contribute to the development of both sports and businesses. This is because more people benefit from the enjoyment and improved well-being of a sporting-focused nation with premier facilities, compared with those that are negatively impacted by the association with harmful products. Therefore, governments should issue necessary legal frameworks and regulations, including the restriction of tobacco and alcohol promotion, for this win-win partnership to thrive.

Many companies sponsor sports as a way to advertise themselves. Some think it is a positive trend - mẫu 2

Corporate sponsorship in sports is a common trend in modern times. Many indicate that it is a good trend, while others are of the opinion that there are drawbacks to this. This essay will discuss both points of view and argue in favour of the benefits of brands sponsoring sports.

On the one hand, when a company sponsors sports and individual athletes, it can increase interference. That is to say that the company often expects favour and if the event is sponsored by a big company, then it is likely that they will try to interfere in the working of the event. They, for instance, want to arrange the schedule of the tournament according to their design or shoot advertisements with athletes in the middle of the event, which in turn, translates the tournament into a marketing event.

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On the other hand, without sponsorship from companies, many sporting events may not take place. It is difficult for many organizers to meet expenditures, so it is important that companies assist these events so that they can continue to entertain the public. For example, there are many events like the Olympics or World Cup Football which would not be successful without the funding of big corporations. Moreover, corporate sponsorships are crucial for attracting young talents and building more sports facilities all around the country. Without their money and support, spreading sports and making it popular among young people would have been much more difficult.

In my opinion, I feel that financing sports by companies and big brands is a positive trend. This is because sponsorship is the mutual benefit of both parties. In simple words, sponsors often provide athletes with clothing and equipment free of charge for advertising purposes.

In conclusion, corporate sports sponsorship has both positive and negative aspects. However, after a thorough analysis of both sides, I believe that sponsorship is a positive trend because it reaps advantages for both parties and spreads the popularity of sports all around the world.

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Many companies sponsor sports as a way to advertise themselves. Some think it is a positive trend - mẫu 3

Sponsoring sports events as a means of advertising has become increasingly common among companies. While some individuals view this trend positively, others argue that it brings about certain drawbacks. In this essay, I will explore both perspectives before presenting my own opinion. Personally, I contend that while sports sponsorship may provide visibility for companies, it can undermine the integrity of sports and lead to commercialization.

Firstly, proponents of sports sponsorship argue that it benefits both companies and athletes. By associating their brand with popular sporting events, companies can reach a wider audience and enhance their brand recognition. For instance, major sports tournaments like the FIFA World Cup attract millions of viewers worldwide, providing ample exposure for sponsors. Moreover, sponsorship deals often provide financial support to athletes, enabling them to pursue their sporting careers and achieve success.

However, detractors of sports sponsorship highlight the negative impact it can have on the purity of sports. When companies sponsor events or athletes, they often expect a return on their investment, which may compromise the integrity of the sport. For example, athletes may feel pressured to endorse products or behave in a certain way to please their sponsors, rather than focusing solely on their performance. This commercialization of sports can diminish the authenticity and spirit of competition.

In conclusion, while sports sponsorship may offer benefits such as financial support and increased visibility for companies, it also poses risks to the integrity of sports. As a result, I believe that excessive commercialization through sponsorship deals is not conducive to the true essence of sportsmanship and fair competition.

Many companies sponsor sports as a way to advertise themselves. Some think it is a positive trend - mẫu 4

Numerous modern organizations employ a wide range of tactics, including the sponsorship of sporting events, in an effort to boost sales. There are others who believe that by advertising during athletic events, businesses are not only able to reach a wider audience, but also provide a platform for new participants. Though, the opinion shouldn't be formed until both sides have been weighed.

Having a company's name associated with a sporting event is a great way to get the word out about a game, and it also allows firms to generate additional revenue. Reduced government support for some games has led to a decline in popularity. This means that when businesses invest in these games, spectators are much more likely to tune in. Because of this, the promotion of any activity will benefit. Furthermore, event sponsorship can help get knowledge about up-and-coming athletes.

However, the bulk of corporations that host sporting events peddle low-quality goods and goods that are harmful to health. It's concerning that cigarette and alcohol companies use sporting events to promote their products, given the known dangers of these substances to human health. Although alcohol has been shown to have potentially toxic effects on the human body, companies like Kingfisher, which mostly supplies wine, are utilizing the popularity of sporting events to increase their profits.

To recapitulate, one of the clear benefits of sponsoring sporting events is the opportunities it gives to up-and-coming athletes. Nevertheless, the unintended consequences of such publicity campaigns cannot be ignored. Regardless of institutions promoting sports for their own benefit, they still help spread the word about the athletic world.

Many companies sponsor sports as a way to advertise themselves. Some think it is a positive trend - mẫu 5

Ad campaigns have evolved in many ways over the years, and that much is certain. There has been a dramatic increase in the trend of sponsorship, whereby businesses market their wares by financially supporting a particular sporting event or athlete. There are those who think this form of advertising is effective while others think the negatives outnumber the benefits. Still, I believe that the advantages are more than the drawbacks.

First of all, one of the greatest aspects of sports sponsorship is that it boosts the sales of the sponsoring businesses. For instance, the firm decides to support a highly publicized sports team or athlete. Then the event planners won't have to stress over finding money. These corporations put up a lot of cash and handle all the personal finances for a certain athlete or sporting event. 

On the contrary, it's essential to remember that advertising also has its pitfalls, such as the possibility that the sponsoring corporation is exploiting the venue of a sporting event to promote its inferior products. Kingfisher, an alcohol manufacturing industry, sponsored cricket as a means of advertising its product despite the known detrimental effects of alcohol consumption. Furthermore, the company's reputation is at risk if the athlete engages in criminal activities like match-fixing or the use of performance-enhancing drugs. As with other forms of violence, these kinds of actions undermine sports' core values.

In conclusion, there are indisputable positive outcomes to sponsoring sporting events, but there are also adverse repercussions. When weighed against the merits, the drawbacks are insignificant. The professionals have an obligation to enhance their performance and avoid scandals if the brand is to benefit from its sponsorship of sports and remain competitive in the market.

Many companies sponsor sports as a way to advertise themselves. Some think it is a positive trend - mẫu 6

The corporate world of today is cutthroat. Therefore, many multinational corporations sponsor major sporting events to either maintain their market share or gain new clients. Despite the fact that many people appear to have a favorable opinion of this, there are numerous individuals who are concerned that the negative effects of endorsement deals on sports will ultimately win out. In my opinion, the benefits that recipients receive through sponsorships might sometimes outweigh the drawbacks.

Corporate sponsorship deals in sporting events have two major drawbacks. The potential damage to one's reputation is a serious drawback. An increase in understanding of the harmful health effects of certain product categories, such as alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, and processed foods high in sugar, salt, and fat, is the primary source of operational risks that could make the endorsement of such products by a sports team or league divisive. The operational risk is another important drawback.

However, there are several benefits to having a global corporation promote your popular sports team. To begin, sponsorship is identified as an essential funding mechanism for event running costs. Many well-known sporting events rely entirely on sponsored money to run, and if promoters are unable to secure sufficient endorsement funds, the events will be forced to be canceled. In addition, athletes gain from sponsorships since they can use the money to pay for things like match fees, uniforms, equipment, travel expenses, and more. Therefore, there are different significant benefits to receiving taxpayer funding.

To summarize, while corporate sponsorship does have its shortcomings, the rewards enjoyed by those who receive it far outweigh them. The pros of promotions, in my opinion, are sufficient to outweigh the pitfalls that arise from this infomercial and collaboration arrangement.

Many companies sponsor sports as a way to advertise themselves. Some think it is a positive trend - mẫu 7

Sport sponsorship has gained significant prominence in recent years and has been recognized as one of the effective instruments for promoting companies and brands. While some believe that this could be beneficial for the sponsors, I agree with those who believe that there are potential negative outcomes from sports endorsement.

Looking firstly at the positives, the most significant of which is increased awareness of the company brand name. This is because sponsoring companies are able to gain publicity and recognition through their association with the event and the organization. Furthermore, sponsoring sports is an effective way for companies to get involved in the community. For example, consumers would develop a preference for Coca-Cola’s products, and intention to purchase because of the sheer number of social activities done by the company during its sponsorship of the Olympic games.

However, sports advertising does present some disadvantages, the most obvious of which is it can be a risky financial investment. To elaborate, profit, improved brand image or increased sales cannot be guaranteed for the sponsor. For example, if the endorsed athlete falls ill, gets injured, and does not perform well, there is a possibility that the sponsor will not receive the profit that they had originally expected. Another downside is that sport endorsement could harm the reputation of companies. If the athlete or athletes endorsing a brand become involved in scandal, drug abuse, or violence, that brand could become associated with that scandal, and face consumer boycotts.

In conclusion, despite the benefits of brand awareness and involvement in the community that sports endorsement can offer, the drawbacks of risky investment and the potential damage to the company’s reputation should be taken into consideration.

Many companies sponsor sports as a way to advertise themselves. Some think it is a positive trend - mẫu 8

In contemporary times, as the number of companies and enterprises significantly increases, advertisements have become ubiquitous for better profits and reputation. While there are debates about the advantages and disadvantages of this trend, I believe the drawbacks are minor compared to the benefits.

On the one hand, advertising can be disadvantageous when it is exaggerated or misleading. First, children or immature teens who cannot distinguish between reality and advertising can be influenced by unethical advertisements that promote gambling or drugs. Research indicates that the number of young gamblers and drug users has risen significantly since advertising began to develop in the 1980s. Second, unreliable advertisements may harm an athlete’s reputation if the advertised products or services are substandard.

On the other hand, it is undeniable that using sports events to advertise a brand not only raises its recognition and revenues but also helps athletes ease their financial burdens. Teenagers often idolize their favorite celebrities, such as singers or sports athletes, which encourages them to buy products or merchandise endorsed by these celebrities. For example, news reports indicate that after Ronaldo, a well-known soccer player, became a spokesperson for Pepsi, the company’s revenue increased considerably by one third. Additionally, sponsoring sports results in reduced costs for equipment provided to athletes, which allows them to focus on their careers rather than financial concerns.

In conclusion, while there are some potential drawbacks associated with financially supporting sports, I firmly believe that the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. Sponsorship in sports helps companies build their brand and profits while reducing athletes’ financial stress.

Many companies sponsor sports as a way to advertise themselves. Some think it is a positive trend - mẫu 9

Today’s business world has become highly competitive. Many transnational companies, therefore, sponsor popular sports events so as to stay competitive or advertise themselves. However, many seem to have a positive opinion about this, yet others believe the influence of these corporations on sports through sponsorship deals has a detrimental effect. In my view, the advantage beneficiaries secure from sponsorships can outweigh its negative impacts.

There are two significant drawbacks to corporate sponsorship deals in sports events. One of the major disadvantages is the reputational risk. The key source of reputational risk is heightened sensitivity to the detrimental health impacts of some product classes, such as alcohol, tobacco, and junk foods that are enriched with sugar, salt or fat that may translate it into contentious for a sporting spirit to partner with corporations of these product categories. Another major disadvantage is the operational risk. To illustrate, operational risk takes place when sponsors demand to change the format or rules of the event, or when they exert undue influence on the event’s timing, content, and even participants.

Sports sponsorships by multinational companies, however, also confer many advantages. For a start, sponsorship very often is regarded as a vital source for operational expenditures of an event. The operating budget for many renowned sports events relies solely on the sponsorship revenue; the failure to get sponsorships is more than likely to cancel the event entirely. A case in point is the 2011 Colorado Springs Pro XCT event, a professional mountain biking competition. The event was cancelled owing to the lack of financial sponsorship. Apart from that, sponsorships also reap benefits to the players or athletes as it covers costs, for example, match fees, kit, equipment, accommodation, and so on. Corporate sponsorships thus offer many decisive advantages.

To conclude, while there are some disadvantages, the beneficiaries of the benefits can reap from corporate sponsorship are enormous. Therefore, I think that the advantages of sponsorships negate the shortcomings that stem from this business and partnership agreement.

Many companies sponsor sports as a way to advertise themselves. Some think it is a positive trend - mẫu 10

Global sport is a multi-million-dollar industry, and many corporates vie one another to bag publicity by spending money for its conduct. Many are of the view that MNCs bearing the expenditure of conducting such events is right, but others argue that it has demerits. Both these contrasting viewpoints are examined in this essay before stating my opinion.

On one hand, large conglomerates sponsoring mega sports events get wide publicity of their products through audio-visual media besides illuminated billboards and banners at the venue. To elaborate, PepsiCo International has been incurring millions for organizing international cricket matches. Carbonated beverages produced by the company are not only advertised but also these are freely distributed to the participants which ensure wide acceptance for the same. Thus, such sponsoring of sports tournaments elicits media coverage to the company in particular and the game in general.

On the other hand, such companies select and support only sports events which are popular and have wide viewership. This paves the path for other regional sports and sportsmen to be ignored who find it difficult to achieve financial support and global exposure. It is in evidence on record that athletes of lesser-known events either find it hard to survive or to participate in costly competitions because multinational corporates sponsor only games of high repute. Many clippings on television news channels and radio news would substantiate my contention. Hence, it can be stated that companies have been promoting certain sports only for their own benefit.

Having critically examined both perspectives, it is unambiguously opined that large business houses have been sponsoring sports only for self- aggrandizement. Such promotions deny opportunities for less popular sports and games; thereby many sportsmen get ignored. It is hoped that right-thinking entrepreneurs would extend support to financially weak athletes irrespective of their sport or game.

Many companies sponsor sports as a way to advertise themselves. Some think it is a positive trend - mẫu 10

Many believe that the influence of multinational companies on sports through sponsorship deals has a harmful effect. In my opinion, while advertising creates potential conflicts of interest, this is a positive situation overall as it funds the sports industry.

The growing primacy of sponsorships in sports can be problematic when it precipitates an ethical dilemma. In recent years, many Middle Eastern corporate entities linked closely to governments with poor human rights records such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar have purchased and are now endorsed by major footballing leagues and teams. This raises the question of whether such leagues should accept morally bankrupt ownership. A similar example was seen in the NBA recently, which has signed various lucrative sponsorships with Chinese companies and was put in a difficult position when a league executive expressed support for the independence movement in Hong Kong. The league was forced to backtrack amid pressure of boycotts from China.

Nonetheless, advertising is a key part of the viewing experience fans have come to expect. The advertisements themselves are slightly annoying at best, but they allow leagues to make games widely available to watch and guarantee the salaries of the best players. Most games, whether it be football, basketball, tennis or another sport, can be viewed for free on major television networks or online. Advertising allows the distributors and owners to earn enough for this to be a viable option. Moreover, leagues do not operate in a vacuum. If one league banned all advertising, then players would simply switch to play somewhere else where salaries are higher. Advertising is therefore an unavoidable, crucial prerequisite to having the top players.

In conclusion, the fan benefits outweigh the pernicious impact of sponsorship deals in sport. It is regardless important for leagues to balance competing ethical, economic, and entertainment priorities.

Many companies sponsor sports as a way to advertise themselves. Some think it is a positive trend - mẫu 10

The way of advertisement has changed over time, nowadays sponsorship is common among the other ways. Some argue that there are many benefits to advertising, while other people think it has more drawbacks. Both views are valid; in my opinion, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

On the one hand, some people claimed that advertising is modern art, and it is a key part of modern business. The most obvious advantage is that companies can tell us about their product, without it we have fewer choices. For example, most of the people know Nick and Adidas brand through their advertising in the world cup of football. Also, advertising is a creative industry that employs many people, without it, there would be high unemployment.

Some companies sponsor sports as a way to advertise themselves. On the other hand, although, there are advantages of sponsorship they are also some disadvantages. Sometimes advertisements can manipulate people, especially in cloth trends. Furthermore, as we live in a consumer culture, advertisement companies persuade us to follow the latest trend and encourage us to associate a certain brand with a higher status. Moreover, children can easily be influenced by the advertisement and some of them put pressure on a parent to buy think. For instance, my smallest brother asked my father to upgrade his phone with every new series.

To sum up, the benefit of sponsorships is a controversial topic, in my point of view the advantages of it outweigh the disadvantages.

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