Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people

Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people

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Đề bài: Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion

Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people - mẫu 1

As a result of constant media attention, sports professionals in my country have become celebrities, and those at the top are paid huge salaries. Just like movie stars, they live extravagant lifestyles with huge houses and cars. Many people find their rewards unfair, especially when comparing their salaries with those of top surgeons or research scientists or even leading politicians who have the responsibility of governing the country. However, sports professionals' salaries are not determined by considering the contribution to society a person makes, or the level of responsibility he or she holds. Instead, they reflect the public popularity of the sport in general and the level of public support that successful stars can generate. So, the notion of ‘fairness’ is not the issue here.

Those who feel that sports stars’ salaries are justified might argue that the numbers of professionals with real talent are very few, and the money is recognition of the skills and dedication a person needs to be successful. Competition is constant and a player is tested every time they perform in their relatively short career. The pressure from the media is intense and there is little privacy out of the spotlight. There is a huge number of sports people compared to those who have become successful and have a huge salary. It takes lots of practice, skills and time to become a sports icon. Again, sports personalities like Sachin Tendulkar, Tiger Woods, Shane Warne inspire the new generation to be attracted to the games they play.  So, all of these factors may justify the huge earnings of the sports personality.

The first reason why I think that such a high salary is deserved by famous athletes and entertainers is because we all need them. Entertainment plays an essential role in our every day’s life. We need to relax, watching TV with our favourite TV stars or favourite football players. Entertainment is one of the best ways to eliminate stress and tension and leave all troubles behind. For example, I cannot stay home all day long without watching TV. So, basically, I believe that famous athletes and entertainers have such high salaries because we need them. They are like doctors for our minds and souls. Scientists say that people usually spend the same amount of money for their food and entertainment. I think this fact tells a lot.

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The second reason for this is that famous athletes have to work hard in order to get good results. I am sure that the achievements they make are the result of hard work, persistence and pain. They sometimes risk their lives and health. For example, I am a big fan of L. Amstrong, the most famous cyclist in world's history. He faced probably the most challenging difficulty in his life, cancer. He was very young for this disease. Amstrong was in his early twenties when he found out about it. I read a book about his life, and what impressed me were his words after his victory in France. He said: "Cancer was the best thing that ever happened to me ". He defeated the disease only because he believed in himself and did not give up. I think such a person deserves to have a high salary and be loved by many people throughout the world.

Personally, I think that the amount of money such sports stars make is more justified than the huge earnings of movie stars, but at the same time, it indicates that our society places more value on the sport than on the essential professions and achievements.

Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people - mẫu 2

Cristiano Ronaldo, David Beckham, Tiger woods are some famous sports professionals who earn a great deal. The reason behind these great deals is the constant media attention to them.  However, it is true that they do not contribute too much to society like doctors and scientists.

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Sports professionals who earn a great deal of money are the hard workers in their respective field.  They use all their efforts for the success of their ones and of their teams. The people with real talent in the field are very few, that is why they are worth the deal. Even more, a player has a short career, and he is tested in that period with the massive competition on the respective field. The pressure of the media is intense and there is no privacy in their life. So, this can also justify the huge earnings.

However, sports professionals do not contribute more to the society. Other high-profile professionals like doctors make a great contribution to the society by treating sick and injured people. Furthermore, scientists who work for the new invention and climate change also contribute more for the society. If we favour these points, then they must have a great deal of money. However, the salary of sports professionals is not determined by the percentage they contribute to society.

Personally, I think the mega deal of money sports professionals received is more justified than the huge earnings of the movie stars. This also points out the importance and value of sports as compared to other professions and achievements.

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Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people - mẫu 3

Nowadays, sports professionals are obtaining more attention from people from all over the world. Media is one of the main reasons that make a person get fame in no time. So, sports people are being treated like celebrities worldwide. To give a piece of one's mind, talented sports people should be compensated with more pay.

To be at loggerheads, some might feel this suggestion is unfair. It is a fact that not all the sports stars are more talented than the people who work in other esteemed professions such as doctors, scientists and politicians. They play an important role in the growth of their nation. Whereas sports persons play for themselves by using their country's name only as a label, sometimes they bring success and fame for the whole nation. Because of media, people give keen attention to sports celebrities and treat other professions scornfully.

In an honour bound, those who have mere talents must be paid a huge amount of money. It is indeed that not all sports persons are successful in their careers. People who have the audacity and hard-working nature are the one who relishes with the victory. Even though they play for their personal goal, achievements they make in sports also make the nation very proud. Considering this reason, it is fully justified to let a sports person earn a great deal of money.

To conclude, the sports professionals with suffice tendency to accomplish something in their career are justified to acquire huge earnings. It clearly depicts that sports professions have more value than other essential professions around the world.

Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people - mẫu 4

Nowadays, famous athletes earn huge amounts of money while even great scientists’ income can hardly reach one-tenth of them. People have been sharply polarised by this issue; hence, few people can be found in the middle position. But what does each group state?

Advocates of talented sportsmen claim they are unique in their field. They can absorb the attention of hundreds of millions on TV screens as a consequence of their brilliant performance. Therefore, either the manager of matches or team owners can advertise in prime time or on their jerseys and make fortunes. In economic terms, supply and demand dictate commodities prices in the market. If a strong demand and a severe shortage exist for these heroes, why should they undervalue themselves? After all, this is how capitalism works.

On the opposite front, a vast crowd feels this reality is an injustice. They argue that those who are high achievers in other fields are unique, too. Furthermore, they compare the net income of some gifted scholars with mediocre football players and the outcome is awful in their viewpoint. Surely, all scientists don’t earn the same, but even Noble laureates earn less than sports celebrities. For instance, one of my genius colleagues complains non-stop, comparing his salary with a renowned superstar, Ronaldo. Although he has a good wage in comparison with our coworkers, he needs to save all his earnings to reach Ronaldo’s weekly income level.

All in all, I think both parties have some elements of truth in their remarks. Nonetheless, the reality, however harsh it is, will not vary unless the economic system evolves. Capitalism is not a matter of morality. To make it ethical, in my point of view, a tax code with no loopholes should be in place which has higher rates for those with multimillion monthly packages to compensate this bitter situation and dedicate this money to the well-being of humanity.

Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people - mẫu 5

There is no hesitation in saying that celebrities like film stars and sports stars are paid considerably higher amounts of money than those who are in important professions like bureaucracy, doctors and engineers.

Generally, sport starts, apart from excelling in their game, they also entertain a large number of people. This naturally gets the attention of the public and the media. So, they became very popular. Commercial product manufacturers take advantage of this popularity, and they use these famous personalities to promote their product by paying ample amount of money. A great example for this is Sachin Tendulkar, a famous cricketer in India, who is treated as the god of cricket. He acted in many advertisement films supporting numerous mercenary brands. Most of his income is from this job rather than from batting in the field. This proves that celebrities earn more money by influencing society than doing their own job.

On the other hand, the main reason for the people in crucial professions is not paid as much as sports stars are due to lack of identification. These people normally stick to their own job and most importantly the outcomes of their jobs are not entertaining. Also, media doesn’t show interest in focusing their work. Even if a documentary is telecasted on their achievements, people just watch and ignore it. A great example of this is Mr. Vishweswar, who was a chief architect of one of the major irrigation projects in India. In his project, the design of the reservoir is so amazing that it has become the key resource of water for thousands of hectors of cultivating the land. Though his achievement contributed major role in the eradication of poverty in south India by reducing the cost of farming, he was not paid any extra money for this. This proves that people can’t become wealthy by helping the society.

In conclusion, I strongly feel that the attitude of the people should change. They should identify the real heroes. Every individual should realise that the people who give benefits to the society should get paid more that those who entertain them.

Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people - mẫu 6

There are many disputes over the high salaries of the top sports people. Although reasons can be given for unjustified this, personally I believe that sports professionals deserve these high wages.

Many people believe that top sports people earn too much money that they don’t deserve due to two main reasons. First reason: people believe that sports professionals do not provide a vital service to communities like other important professionals do. Football players, for example, earn enormous salaries by simply kicking a ball is something they often refer to. The second reason: while life would be difficult without doctors, engineers and other vital professionals, people could all live happily without professional sports stars.

On the other hand, I would argue that there are many causes to support the high income in sport. Firstly, people who reach the highest level in sport must be highly skilled and talented. They take training and practise every day to reach this level of professionalism. So, hard-working and dedicated workers deserve high wages. Secondly, the sports professional is more susceptible to serious injury. If they get hurt, they need more money to recover and support their families meanwhile. Also, they will not be playing the sports they play for the rest of their life. Most athletes retire after the age of forty or sometimes even earlier. Finally, sports salaries are only high because sports fans are willing to pay much money to watch their favourite stars.

In conclusion, there are convincing arguments both for and against sports professional high salaries, but I believe that they deserve the salaries they currently earn.

Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people - mẫu 7

The world of sports is a multimillion-dollar industry. Around the globe, people flock to sporting events or watch their favourite teams faithfully each week on television. As a result, professional sports athletes receive huge salaries - well above, for example, those of doctors, lawyers, teachers or social workers. There is some debate about whether such outrageously high salaries are justified.

On the one hand, sport is viewed as a professional career, in which the top players should rightly earn high salaries. Athletes train rigorously from an early age to become peak performers in their field. They face tremendous pressure in each and every game, match or competition. Their personal lives are compromised, and they lose all privacy. At the same time, their strong achievements bring honour and attention, not only to themselves, but also to their teams, schools, cities or countries.

On the other hand, various professions contribute to making our world run smoothly. Doctors put in at least ten years of grueling study and internship; their work saves lives. Teachers educate and inspire young people to be responsible citizens: their efforts produce the citizens of tomorrow. Social workers rescue individuals facing physical, mental and psychological challenges: their intervention creates safer societies.

Yet, professionals in the fields above usually struggle to get by, despite their meaningful and critical contribution to the world. In my view, paying enormous salaries to sportspeople is unnecessary. We need to reconsider our social priorities and eliminate the great disparity in income received by diverse professionals. By doing so, we can build societies in which each one feels valued, appreciated and appropriately compensated for their own vocation or specialization.

Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people - mẫu 8

It is a well-known fact that highly successful athletes can earn significantly more than their counterparts in other professions. Some say it is completely justified, while others say it is completely unjustified. It's not fair to the other highly valued professions, in my opinion.

On the one hand, there are individuals who have the opinion that famous video game players are deserving of a significant amount of money due to the fact that they not only create a world record for their country but also represent the nation all over the world, thereby making the people of all nations feel proud. In addition, they can achieve all of this with a healthy diet and sufficient practice time. Therefore, it is completely acceptable to earn significantly more than people in other fields.

However, there are those who believe it is fundamentally wrong to associate with those of different cultural backgrounds. First, non-athletes spend more time on important fieldwork than athletes do. For instance, a scientist may come up with novel chemical formulas, medical treatments, technological advancements, and so on. As a result of this, they miss out on opportunities to enjoy life. Second, military workers sometimes gave their lives for their country and its citizens but were ultimately unable to become famous or wealthy as a result.

It's not fair, in my opinion, to the other field workers who put in long hours and sacrifice their time for the greater good of society and the country. Doctors, for instance, are willing to put their own lives in danger in order to save the lives of their patients. As a result, it's only fair that others get paid more.

Finally, while some may believe that successful athletes are entitled to higher salaries than other professionals, others may view such disparity as unfair. In my opinion, this is unfair to other accomplished individuals in the same field.

Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people - mẫu 9

More and more people all over the world are paying attention to professional athletes today. The media is a major factor in a person's rapid rise to fame. Thus, athletes are currently enjoying the same level of global acclaim as celebrities. Talented athletes should be paid more so that they don't have to give their opinions away for free.

One possible disagreement that could arise is that some may find this proposal unfair. It's a well-known fact that not all famous athletes are more gifted than, say, doctors, scientists, or politicians. In many ways, they are crucial to the development of their country. Athletes often compete independently, using their country's name as a label; however, when they achieve greatness, the entire country benefits. It's largely due to the media that the public pays so much attention to athletes while dismissing those in other fields.

Those who are bound by an honour obligation must be compensated with an enormous sum of money if they possess merely talents. It is a well-known fact that not all athletes enjoy a prosperous career in their chosen field. People who are naturally fearless and willing to put in lots of effort are the ones who get to savour the spoils of victory. Even though they are playing for their own personal goals, the accomplishments they achieve in sports cause the nation to feel a great deal of pride. When this factor is taken into consideration, it is completely acceptable to allow a sportsperson to earn a significant amount of money.

To summarize, it is reasonable for a sports professional to make a significant amount of money if he or she has a sufficient tendency to accomplish something during their career. It is very clear that the value of working in sports is significantly higher than the value of working in other essential professions around the world.

Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people - mẫu 10

There are a lot of disagreements regarding the extremely high salaries that top athletes make. Even though there are reasons that can be given to justify this, in my opinion, it is still unjustified that sports professionals make such high salaries.

Many people think the highest-paid athletes make too much money and don't deserve it for these two main reasons. People think sports professionals don't serve communities like other important professionals. The first reason, football players often mention their huge salaries for kicking a ball. The second reason is that while life would be harder without doctors, engineers, and other essential workers, people could live without professional athletes.

However, I would contend that there are many reasons to support the high income in sports. First of all, those who make it to the pinnacle of their sport need to be exceptionally talented and skilled. They put in the time and effort every day to learn and perfect their craft. That's why people who put in a lot of effort should be compensated well for their efforts. Secondly, the athlete has a higher risk of severe injury because of their profession. If they get injured, they will require additional funds to facilitate their recovery and continue providing for their families. Furthermore, they will not be able to continue participating in the sports they currently do. When they reach their forties, or sometimes earlier, most athletes call it quits. Finally, the reason why athletes get paid so much is that sports fans are willing to pay a lot to see their favourite teams and players play live.

In conclusion, I acknowledge that there are compelling arguments both for and against the high salaries that sports professionals currently earn, but I maintain that they are justified.

Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people - mẫu 11

Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair. Discuss both these views and give your opinion

People have different views about the salary among people. While some argue that it seems wrong when professional athletes receive higher incomes than people in other vital fields, I believe that this is entirely fair.

On the one hand, I understand why it can be argued that it is unjust for sports stars to have higher salaries than other professionals. Perhaps the major argument is that while athletes only give pleasure, people in medical and educational professions play far more vital roles in society. For example, new drugs invented by scientists could save millions of people’s life from diseases, and a teacher could provide a wealth of knowledge for students, helping them to have better chances to secure employment in the future. Indeed, without such professionals, countries could not develop and even be adversely affected. Therefore, it seems only right that they should be given higher salaries to make greater contributions to the community.

On the other hand, I am of the opinion that professional sports athletes deserve higher salaries. Firstly, in order to have exceptional skills and fitness required, constant hard training is necessary, and this takes great commitment, dedication, and passion. Bodybuilders, for example, have to spend a great deal of time working out at the gym on a daily basis and follow a special diet that an ordinary person might fail to do. Secondly, achievements that they attain in international competitions could bring great honour and pride to their own countries. Finally, it is easy to see that sports personalities have a short career in comparison with other professions. For instance, while doctors can work until they are 60, footballers normally retire at their early 30s.

In conclusion, although I acknowledge that professionals such as teachers or scientists play a pivotal role in society, I would contend that it is equitable for talented sports athletes to earn higher incomes.

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