Some people think that it is better to educate girls and boys in separate schools

Some people think that it is better to educate girls and boys in separate schools. Others, however, believe that boys and girls benefit more from attending mixed schools. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Some people think that it is better to educate girls and boys in separate schools

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Đề bài: Some people think that it is better to educate girls and boys in separate schools. Others, however, believe that boys and girls benefit more from attending mixed schools. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion

Some people think that it is better to educate girls and boys in separate schools - mẫu 1

The topic of whether boys and girls should be taught in mixed schools has been a contentious issue ever since the initiation of women’s rights movements. Some argue that the practice of teaching boys and girls in the same school should be upheld, while others refute this.  Both sides of this debate will be analysed in this essay before a reasoned conclusion is drawn.

In one camp, it is believed that educating boys and girls in a co-education system reaps numerous bounties. For example, most women rights activists contend that instructing males and females together enhances the understanding between the two genders. This equips members of both genders with the necessary skills which can later be transferred into their personal lives, and as result enjoy a higher degree of matrimonial bliss. Thus, it is clear why many people support the idea of co-education.

On the other hand, many consider the practice of educating girls and boys separately is best. For example, Saudi Arabia is often mocked for its conservative culture. Despite this, Saudi Arabia has one of the lowest rape and sexual assault rates in the world. One of the reasons cited for this is the segregation on the basis of gender in the educational institutes. When looking at this side of the debate, the benefits that are derived from separate schools for girls and boys can be seen.

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Although both sides of this argument have indisputable virtues, it is felt that practice of educating male and female pupils in the same school is much more of a positive development than negative. Therefore, it is hoped that the trend of co-education schools will continue to be the norm the world over into the foreseeable future.

Some people think that it is better to educate girls and boys in separate schools - mẫu 2

Nowadays, the co-educational system is considered the best option in many countries. Some believe that it is better that young females and males study separately, while others mention that studying together can be more beneficial. I will discuss both sides and will give my opinion.

On the one hand, those believing that education systems should be a separate gender-based system have their own reasons. One is that this method can be safer. Every year, numerous sexual offences are reported by the local or national news, regarding of rape or other inappropriate sexual behaviours, especially in countries permitting both genders to study in one school. However, studying in single-gender institutions can reduce the rate of these figures. As a prime example, thousands of sexual assaults are reported in the U.S. schools annually but had the government considered unisex education, these rates would have dramatically decreased. Another reason is that this system may raise religious conflicts. In some countries, some opponents are not interested in sending their children to these types of schools, and this has become a hot potato between different religious groups. For instance, French Islamic citizens prefer their children to study in a single sex school, whereas the administration admits both genders in one educational place.

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On the other hand, I personally give a green light to those supporting the co-educational system. The first reason behind it is that this system definitely would be less costly. Clearly, to divide girls and boys, governments have to spend more money on education because they cannot use empty spaces of a female school for a male one, or vice versa. As a result, less educational facilities should be provided for scholars, declining the total education budget. Furthermore, this method can improve students’ communication skills. Obviously, having a better relationship with the opposite sex, juveniles will have a closer relationship not only during their study but during their matrimonial life. They generally have fewer marriage problems with their partner due to having a better experience before. In this way, Sigmund Freud, a very familiar former psychologist, believe that humans’ social skills are fundamentally developed as they have closer feelings to their opposite sex during childhood.

In conclusion, although in some countries co-educational system is not popular, I agree with it. Not only can this approach save governmental budget, but it also helps youth develop better relationships with the opposite gender. Hopefully, a global tendency will propagate this method of education in the near future.

Some people think that it is better to educate girls and boys in separate schools - mẫu 3

In this era of globalisation, “education” has become a part of every individual’s identity. But the bone of contention is whether to get educated in separate or co-education schools. This has been a debatable topic since the inception of the education system. The following essay will discuss the beneficial aspects of both schools and my opinion.

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In regard to the citizens who believe that segregated schools are better places for their children, there are several positive impacts; firstly, it is believed that when boys and girls are separated, it would make them more disciplined. Secondly, they tend to be more focused on studies rather than being distracted by all fantasies of teenage. So, this would likely bring out them with flying colours and prosper in life.

On the flip side, it is undeniable that co-education schools are also far more beneficial. This is because the interaction which occurs in this environment between boys and girls creates a healthy relationship, which naturally tends to make them more comfortable in later stages of life. This is not all; this education system makes her free from shyness and fear. For illustration, if a girl who is educated in co-education school joins a company for a job, she will feel free to communicate and socialise with others, since she would have shredded all her hesitations and nervousness in her school days. This would definitely lead her on the right path both in career and life.

In a nutshell, mixed education imparts more and more benefits to students, and these would facilitate them to progress in life. In my perspective, when both genders are educated together, it would bring out the best citizens who could serve as a bearer for posterity by making them aware of their own limits and the culture of the society.

Some people think that it is better to educate girls and boys in separate schools - mẫu 4

The question of boys and girls being taught in the same or disparate institutions is rather contentious, sparking numerous conversations. Some opine that boys and girls should be taught in different schools, while others think they benefit more from attending co-educational institutions. I agree with the latter and in this essay, I will delve into both sides of the issue.

Firstly, activists campaigning for gender equality opine that instructing boys and girls in the same environment creates an atmosphere of reciprocal understanding and promotes equality between them. It also reduces gender stereotypes as boys and girls get to interact with each other. Co-educational institutions also make room for mutual respect and socialisation, along with providing opportunities for synergetic effort from both boys and girls. Furthermore, it offers every child a sense of healthy competition, allowing boys and girls to compete with and learn from each other, which builds their confidence. Lastly, it teaches girls that they too can work and contribute equally like their male classmates, which later on encourages them to pursue and seek career opportunities. This has a positive impact on the growth of any nation by having both men and women contribute equally to the economy and bolster it.

Contrastingly, advocates for education to be segregated state that boys and girls studying together may prove to be distracting. Some even suggest that boys and girls learn in different ways and teaching in separate schools can be adapted to accommodate such differences. Moreover, others suggest that separate educational institutions ensure there is diminished bullying and gender discrimination faced by girls.

In conclusion, it can be said that while separate schools can have their benefits, co-educational institutions are more advantageous for the purpose of educating boys and girls.

Some people think that it is better to educate girls and boys in separate schools - mẫu 5

It is argued by some that students would benefit more when they attend single-sex schools. In my opinion, however, it would be better for them to enter mixed-gender education.

On the one hand, the primary reason why some people support single-gender education would be students’ better academic results. When boys and girls are taught separately, there is little chance for early relationships. This is considered as one of the most distracting problems for teenage and adolescent students. Without worrying about these distractions, students might be able to concentrate more on their study, and therefore, might get higher grades than those at co-ed schools. Despite this being true to some extent, having no interaction with the opposite sex will cause these students a lot of troubles later in life, especially in their careers.

On the other hand, I would argue that mixed-sex education is a better option because students are better prepared for their future jobs. Nowadays, it is almost impossible to find a company where there is only male or female staff. Therefore, those who graduate from single- sex schools, despite their higher academic results, might find it hard to work collaboratively with their colleagues of the opposite sex. By contrast, people from mixed schools might easily cooperate with their opposite-gender partners since they have learned how to communicate and interact effectively with opposite-sex classmates during their time at school.

In conclusion, although some people think that it is more beneficial to send students to single- sex schools, I personally believe that mixed-gender education brings more benefits for students.

Some people think that it is better to educate girls and boys in separate schools - mẫu 6

Some individuals assert that males and females should be educated in separate schools, while others are advocates of mixed-gender schools. This essay will discuss both perspectives and confirm my support for the latter viewpoint.

Those supporting the idea of single-sex schools argue that they offer advantages, including the chance to improve students’ academic performance by avoiding distractions from romantic relationships with the opposite gender. Certainly, in such schools, students rarely have the opportunity to interact with individuals of the opposite gender, encouraging them to make committed efforts in advancing their academic knowledge. Another argument is the creation of a more relaxed and comfortable learning environment. Female and male students don’t have to consider adjusting their actions or behaviors in the presence of the opposite gender, fostering a stress-free environment that positively impacts mental health.

However, I believe that mixed schools offer greater benefits. Firstly, regular interaction with students of the opposite gender helps learners enhance their understanding of each other, contributing to the development of social skills, including conflict resolution and effective communication. The second reason is the enhancement of students’ awareness of gender equality. It is likely that moral lessons focused on teaching students to respect others, especially those from another gender, would be significantly promoted in mixed schools, crucial to ensuring an equal learning context. Consequently, mixed-gender schools support an environment that encourages impartiality among students, aiming for a society characterized by fairness.

In conclusion, while some argue for separate education based on gender for improved focus, I maintain that mixed schools are more favorable in promoting learners’ social skills and fostering consciousness of gender fairness.

Some people think that it is better to educate girls and boys in separate schools - mẫu 7

The advantages and disadvantages of sending children to mixed schools have always been a subject of debate. Some parents and teachers feel that mixed schools are better; others are more in favour of separating boys and girls. In my opinion, both types of schooling have their merits and demerits.

There are at least a few benefits to separating boys and girls. It is quite normal to feel attracted to members of the opposite sex. This attraction often results in distractions. By separating boys and girls, distractions can be reduced to a great extent. This will make the atmosphere in the classrooms more conducive to learning. If boys and girls are taught in the same schools, the chances of boys getting hyperactive are pretty high. It is a general fact that boys commit more mischiefs when girls are around. They want to impress girls and often fail to focus on their studies. If boys are taught in boys’ schools, this situation can be avoided.

On the flip side, single sex schools do not facilitate interaction between boys and girls. As a result, children taught in single sex schools often find it difficult to interact with members of the opposite sex. This can lead to awkward moments at social gatherings where they have to deal with such encounters.

I think this is the biggest disadvantage of single-sex education. Mixed schools, on the other hand, allow boys and girls to interact freely and help in the overall development of their personality. When boys and girls study together, they get to understand the skills and limitations of each other.

After analysing both sides of the argument it is not hard to see that mixed schools and single sex schools have their merits and demerits. However, in my opinion the advantages of teaching children in mixed schools outweigh the disadvantages. I hope that mixed school education will be promoted by parents and teachers.

Some people think that it is better to educate girls and boys in separate schools - mẫu 8

The issue of the present is the issue of the arrangement of the school. Generally, some people espouse the notion that teaching boys and girls in different schools is imperative. I opine that it is prominent to educate both boys and girls on the same campus or same class. This essay will scrutinize both aspects of the quandary in the ensuing paragraphs.

To begin with, proponents believe that girls and boys should be educated separately because of their safety so that they learn more independently without any fear. Furthermore, separating both genders in school is cardinal as they cannot distract during some other activities. In addition, females feel more comfortable with females, and boys feel more convenient with boys, so this leads to a better atmosphere at schools, and learners easily concentrate more on their studies. For example, in Australia, the government separated boys’ and girls’ schools because of safety, and these things positively impacted education students were more intelligent than in the past.

Secondly, I vehemently believe that males and females should educate in the same class to bring harmony to schools, which positively impacts students. Also, they can get to know each other and acquire collaborating skills if they are educated in the same schools. Moreover, boys and girls are educated in the same schools because it is a win-win situation for both, for they can fathom their opposite gender, and in the future, this will help if they work at the office. To exemplify, in the survey of 2012, which was conducted by an educational authority, 70% of students learned about how to cooperate with another gender.

In conclusion, considering these points from a personal perspective, without a shadow of a doubt. I am inclined to believe that it is suitable for boys and girls to be educated at the same schools.

Some people think that it is better to educate girls and boys in separate schools - mẫu 9

In today’s generation, girls and boys must pursue education to live a good life. There are some controversies about whether girls should take their education from separate schools for girls. When some argue that both should study at combined schools, well, in that case, I will support the latter view.

If separate schooling is provided to girls and boys, it will make their minds conscious. At some point, they will not be able to coordinate and end up being uncomfortable and altered socializing at their workplace. One will hesitate or be aggressive while putting their point in front of the other. They will lack understanding due to less or no interaction with that gender. Moreover, in the developmental stage, they can provide a good sort of knowledge and guidance to each other. For instance, one study carried out by the University of California has shown that men can understand women 73% better than any other woman and give honest reviews and suggestions.

On the flip side, some people with narrow mindsets and old school mentality opine that girls and boys should not study at the same school to avoid their interaction. Sometimes their concern is much or less related to competition prevailing in the class ranking, where these people tend to believe that girls should not beat boys. They find it quite offensive. Perhaps there is another reason, and some parents are worried for their daughter’s safety as they have heard a lot of news and incidents about boys bothering and bullying girls. So being protective parents, they favour the view that girls should study in separate schools from boys.

To sum up, there are so many arguments which can be put forward to justify both views. All in all, I think girls and boys should study in one place. Every problem can be overcome with some sort of knowledge, and students will get more options for schools and quality education as there are many combined-gender schools.

Some people think that it is better to educate girls and boys in separate schools - mẫu 10

While some people support single-sex schools as they think it brings better results, others are in favour of mixed-gender schools. Personally, I believe that both genders benefit more from attending mixed schools. This essay will explore the arguments supporting both perspectives and present reasons why mixed schools provide a more conducive learning environment for students.

Supporters of separate schools argue that gender-segregated education allows for tailored teaching methods that cater to the specific learning needs of boys and girls. They claim that separating the genders eliminates distractions and allows teachers to focus on gender-specific teaching strategies. For instance, proponents suggest that boys may excel in more competitive and physical activities, while girls may benefit from a nurturing and collaborative learning environment.

Conversely, attending mixed schools provides numerous advantages for both boys and girls. First and foremost, mixed schools mirror the real-world setting, where individuals interact and collaborate with people of different genders. This fosters the development of social skills, empathy, and mutual respect, essential qualities for success in personal and professional relationships. For instance, in a mixed school, boys and girls have opportunities to work together on group projects, promoting teamwork and understanding.

I believe that mixed schools promote a diverse and inclusive learning environment, fostering the exchange of different perspectives and ideas. Besides, students learn to appreciate and respect different opinions, preparing them for the multicultural society they will encounter outside the educational setting.

In conclusion, while some argue for the merits of separate schools in terms of tailored teaching methods, I strongly believe that boys and girls benefit more from attending mixed schools. Mixed schools provide a realistic and inclusive setting that mirrors the real world, enabling students to develop social skills and learn from diverse perspectives.

Some people think that it is better to educate girls and boys in separate schools - mẫu 11

Education of girls has always been a crucial topic in the history of the modern world. While women have gained rights to be educated after long drawn struggles, it has been possible for the world to come a long way through that. However, even today, some people believe that girls and boys should be educated in separate schools. Although many others believe that boys and girls benefit more from attending mixed schools. Discussing both sides, my opinion would vouch for the latter.

In terms of girls and boys studying in the same school the benefits of it are quite high for both the students. Accordingly, boys and girls become more comfortable in understanding each other. One of the most important aspects of studying in a mixed school is that students of both genders become more accustomed to each other’s styles and personalities. It provides both with higher exposure to the modern world where men and women both have to work coherently. Moreover, the world needs to coexist with both sexes whereby men and women need to work with each other rather than separately. This is to ensure that the perceived patriarchal notions on girls’ education are eradicated. Boys and girls alike need to be part of sex education thereby understanding its different tangents. The students should understand the need for respect for one another being crucial. Effectively, it builds the tolerance of both boys and girls to be educated in a diversified classroom than in a monotonous one. However, on the other hand, traditional beliefs of people who are inclined towards girls and boys should be educated in separate schools. The belief is that segregation between boys and girls from school level helps in protecting social manners. It is considered that boys and girls have a natural inclination towards each other which leads them to flatter each other in mixed schools. Accordingly, they believe that when girls study separately from boys in schools it helps in protecting the modesty and chastity of the students. These beliefs are detrimental for social development and hence, my opinion remains with the fact girls and boys should be educated in mixed schools.

Some people think that it is better to educate girls and boys in separate schools - mẫu 12

Whether a single-sex or a uni-sex school is more advantageous and yields better results are open for debate. Single-sex schools are preferred by many since they believe that it ensures a better environment for education while the proponents of coeducation argue that boys and girls should be taught together for healthy competition and better mutual understanding. Personally, I prefer the single-sex school method.

The advocates of the mixed-education system often point out that when boys and girls study in the same school, they develop mutual understanding. As a result, it ensures a wholesome work environment in the future. Moreover, this education system encourages positive competition and helps students excel not only in their studies but also in other important areas. For instance, when boys and girls are assigned to a project, they tend to learn how to work together. Reversely, they often compete to show their supremacy and thus excel in education and learning. But this is not the whole picture.

As a female, and as a student in both coeducational and separate schools, I must outline that I felt more comfortable being with girls than boys. In a perfect world, mixed-sex schools may produce far-reaching benefits, but not in a world where we are often shattered by the harsh reality. Single-sex schools have less violence, sexual discrimination and abuse. Bringing very young boys and girls together in schools has consequences that often lead to social degradation.

To conclude, despite some advantages, coeducation has severe problems. From my experience, I can say that a separate educational system is healthy, free of discrimination and abuse. I hope that parents would be very thoughtful before deciding to send their children to a particular school type.

Some people think that it is better to educate girls and boys in separate schools - mẫu 13

People’s opinions differ as to whether schools should have boys and girls studying together or there should be separate schools for each gender. Personally, I agree with the former viewpoint.

Those who argue for single-sex schools have their reasons. Firstly, many people feel that the presence of the opposite gender in class can negatively affect studies. Students, particularly those in their teenage, can be seen spending more time pleasing the opposite sex than thinking about their studies. Secondly, cases of sexual harassment within schools are more frequent now than in the past. Many people see separating boys and girls altogether as a solution to the problem. Thus, it is both academic and safety concerns that underlie people’s preference for single-sex schools.

However, I side with those who feel that co-educational schools are better. Single-sex schools offer an unnatural environment that is unlike the real world. With little experience of interacting with the opposite sex, students from such schools tend to struggle with social anxiety when they enter universities, which are co-educational, and in their real life where such gender boundaries do not exist. By contrast, those studying in co-educational environments are confident in the presence of the opposite gender, which helps them settle comfortably in tertiary-level education and, later on, in their jobs. Thus, in the long-term coeducational schools are a better option.

In conclusion, while there are reasons to believe that single-sex schools are a good idea, my own view is that schools need to have both boys and girls because of the long-term social benefits that they offer.

Some people think that it is better to educate girls and boys in separate schools - mẫu 14

Many countries offer parents the choice of whether to send their children to single sex schools or co-educational schools, and there are various arguments for both systems.

One justification for educating boys and girls separately is that young people will not be distracted by a desire to impress members of the opposite sex through such things as fashion, behaviour, body image or make-up. This not only means that students can instead focus on their studies, but they are likely to feel more confident. Another reason is that in a girls’ school, girls are more likely to do well in subjects traditionally seen as “boy’s subjects”, such as science, because they don’t have to overcome these stereotypes.

However, such stereotypes can be challenged. When schools actively encourage girls to study these so-called boys’ subjects, they can attain high levels. In the United Kingdom, for example, where co-educational schools are common, girls are now achieving higher levels of attainment in science than boys, which seems to undermine the argument that girls do better in single sex schools. It should also be recognised that schools are not just educational environments, they are also social settings, and having boys and girls mixing together means that young people learn to socialise and work together with members of the opposite sex. Without that socialisation, boys in particular may have difficulty interacting with girls as they get older.

Personally, I feel that if schools actively challenge traditional gender biases towards certain subjects, then there is little justification for single sex schools. And I think it is important to recognise the importance of a school in developing social skills, and therefore mixed gender schools seem to be the ones most parents prefer. After all, schools are supposed to prepare young people for the real world, and there in most countries there is little if any gender segregation.

Some people think that it is better to educate girls and boys in separate schools - mẫu 15

Some countries have single-sex education models, while in others both single sex and mixed schools co-exist, and it is up to the parents or the children to decide which model is preferable.

Some educationalists think it is more effective to educate boys and girls in single- sex schools because they believe this environment reduces distractions and encourages pupils to concentrate on their studies. This is probably true to some extent. It also allows more equality among pupils and gives more opportunity to all those at the school to choose students more freely without gender prejudice. For example, a much higher proportion of girls study science to a high level when they attend girls’ schools than their counterparts in mixed schools do. Similarly, boys in single-sex schools are more likely to take cookery classes and study languages, which are often thought of as traditional subjects for girls.

On the other hand, some experts would argue that mixed schools prepare their pupils better for their future lives. Girls and boys learn to live and work together form an early age and are consequently not emotionally underdeveloped in their relations with the opposite sex. They are also able to learn from each other, and to experience different types of skill and talent then might be evident in a single gender environment.

Personally, I think that there are advantages to both systems. I went to a mixed school but feel that I myself missed the opportunity to specialize in science because it was seen as the natural domain and career path for boys when I was a girl. So, because of that, I would have preferred to go to a girls’ school. But hopefully times have changed and both genders of student can have equal chances to study what they want to in whichever type of school they attend.

Some people think that it is better to educate girls and boys in separate schools - mẫu 16

It is often argued that school children should go to single sex schools, while other would say that males and females get the most out of integrated schools. This essay will argue that despite there being some social benefits to females and males going to the same school, the academic advantages of educating them separately make it more worthwhile.

Many feel that mixing both sexes at school helps to develop social skills and makes people less awkward around the opposite sex later in life. This is especially true for males, who often find it difficult to approach and talk to women socially if they don’t get used to it first in the classroom. For example, the Sunday Times recently reported that men who did not have regular social contact with girls when they were growing up are 68% more likely to suffer from anxiety when in the company of females.

Despite the argument above, it is difficult to argue with the fact that single-sex schools consistently top examination league tables. In nearly every area of the United Kingdom, the top schools only allow boys or girls to attend, and this may lead to higher grades because students can focus exclusively on their studies. Personally, I went to a school for both boys and girls and found that I had to deal with many more distractions compared to friends who attended the local boys-only college.

In conclusion, integrating the sexes can prevent social awkwardness later in life and make pupils more sociable in the company of other genders, but a school’s primary purpose is to educate and those with just one sex or the other outperform those that allow both.

Some people think that it is better to educate girls and boys in separate schools - mẫu 17

Whether boys and girls should be educated separately or together is a topic that leaves many divided. While some belief in educating them separately, others believe that mixed learning is essential at an early age. Although segregated schools allow children to focus more on academics, in my opinion, mixed schools offer a distinct advantage as they inculcate social skills with the opposite sex that are vital through life.

The primary argument of those that advocate for segregating boys and girls in schools is that having the opposite sex around distracts them from academics. Therefore, separating boys and girls especially around middle school when teens start to get interested in the opposite sex, means that rather than focusing on impressing each other, they devote that attention to developing their minds. As a result, they can fully imbibe the knowledge taught to them.

On the other hand, a mixed-sex education system offers boys and girls to develop well-rounded social skills at an early age. In the right environment, fluid interaction with the opposite sex permits children to cultivate healthy and balanced relationships with the other gender. To elaborate, a healthy view of the opposite sex developed early in life helps later on in different social spheres in marriage, at the workplace and in other areas. For example, research conducted by the University of Amsterdam shows that 67% of well-performing employees across top companies have studied in mixed schools. Therefore, school is a child's first interaction with society and the relationships they build in these formative years provide a basis for interaction with people in the real world later in life.

To conclude, while segregated schools could allow children to pay more attention to academics, in my view, this sort of thinking is myopic. Mixed schools allow all-round development of a child's teaching allowing them to create healthy relationships with the opposite sex. This is a vital skill necessary to maintain and develop social relationships all through life.

Some people think that it is better to educate girls and boys in separate schools - mẫu 18

Some would argue that enrolling male and female students in different schools has more benefits, while others say that studying in schools where all genders are allowed, has more advantages. While studying in separate schools would allow students to concentrate on studies more, I believe that educating both sexes in the same school enables them to understand more about each other’s problems.

On the one hand, supporters of the first view believe that students can focus more on their studies if they are studying with only the same sex. This is because adolescents often get distracted by the opposite gender due to a lack of maturity at this phase of life. It leads to poor performances in exams, and this has an adverse effect on their future careers. For instance, it is reported by The Times magazine that students who are studying in separate schools are more likely to perform well in their studies than who do not.

On the other hand, it is thought that attending schools with the opposite sex will bring more fruitful results in terms of respect for others. This is because it gives an opportunity to both genders to understand each other’s difficulties and characteristics, which eventually helps to make them better members of the society as they respect the opposite sex equally. For example, the Indian welfare Organization found that male students who study in mixed schools, often respect females more and form strong relationships with them as they understand them better as compared those who do not.

In conclusion, although studying in separate schools results in good academics scores, studying with the opposite sex is an effective way of learning how to build healthy relationships with them.

Some people think that it is better to educate girls and boys in separate schools - mẫu 19

No one can deny that the education of our children should be one of our top priorities. However, there is often a question whether separate classes or mixed classes are better for our boys and girls. Below I will try to answer this question.

Placing your child in a separate school, where there are only children with the same gender, has, undoubtedly, some advantages. Our child would be more focused on learning than on the opposite sex, which is particularly important in that age. Moreover, the possibility of violent behaviours, connected with sex, is also less. Therefore, it is better for the teachers to control such a class, as they know what they can expect.

On the other hand, youngsters will lose an opportunity to create relationships with boys or girls and it may affect their lives in the future. Although mixed schools have some disadvantages and they are sometimes perceived as a source of aggression among the youth, I think that they prepare children better for a life in a modern society which, nowadays, is full of mixed environments. Our boy can have a boss who is a girl, for instance, thus he will be better prepared having a possibility to interact with another gender before.

In conclusion, I have more trust in mixed schools as, in my opinion, they learn children how to behave in the modern society which will help them in their mature lives. In the end, every parent wants the best for their children so I hope that they will choose the best option.

Some people think that it is better to educate girls and boys in separate schools - mẫu 20

Opinions are split among many when it comes to whether boys and girls get benefits from being taught together or not. Many people prefer single-gender schools, while others argue that mixed schools bring more benefits. However, I am inclined to view that co-educational schools are the way forward.

Advocates of single-sex schools believe that boys and girls have different attitudes towards learning and teachers can employ particular techniques designed specially to match the gender. For instance, studies reveal that boys learn better when the classroom temperature is cool, while girls perform better in warm classrooms. So, the temperature in a single-gender classroom could be set to suit the different needs of male or female students. In addition, when students are not distracted by their opposite sex, they often find it easier to focus on academics. This means that students participate actively in classes where everybody is the same sex.

On the other hand, the proponents of mixed schools argue that co-ed schools prepare their students better for their future careers. That is to say that when boys and girls are taught in the classroom, they can develop teamwork skills with the opposite sex. This is an opportunity that completely lacks in single-gender classrooms. This opportunity is of paramount importance because it mirrors the real world. Moreover, mixed schools provide the chance to understand and communicate with the opposite sex. Boys and girls have different perspectives and in a mixed school, they manage to learn from each other.

In conclusion, the prime objective of education is to prepare students for future life. In co-educational schools, girls and boys learn from each other and can see the world in a different light from different perspectives. Mixed schools, thus, inculcate certain values and principles that are useful for their future.

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Nếu thấy hay, hãy động viên và chia sẻ nhé! Các bình luận không phù hợp với nội quy bình luận trang web sẽ bị cấm bình luận vĩnh viễn.

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