Some young people look forward to a year of travelling, a “gap year”

Some young people look forward to a year of travelling, a “gap year”; before they begin work or university and see it as a chance to broaden their horizons. For others, this is an expensive waste of time. Discuss both views and give your own opinion hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Some young people look forward to a year of travelling, a “gap year”

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Đề bài: Some young people look forward to a year of travelling, a “gap year”; before they begin work or university and see it as a chance to broaden their horizons. For others, this is an expensive waste of time. Discuss both views and give your own opinion

Some young people look forward to a year of travelling, a “gap year” - mẫu 1

In contemporary times, many young people contemplate taking a gap year to explore the world or gain work experience before embarking on their academic or professional journey. While some view it as an opportunity to broaden their horizons, others consider it an expensive and unproductive idea. In my opinion, taking a gap year can bring significant benefits and is a worthwhile investment for young people.

On the one hand, the idea of taking a gap year can be seen as an unproductive venture as it involves a significant amount of money and time. For instance, the expenses incurred on travelling, accommodation, and other leisure activities during the gap year can be quite exorbitant. Additionally, spending a year without any structured activities may result in a lack of discipline and motivation, which can be detrimental in the long run.

On the other hand, taking a gap year before starting university or work can provide valuable opportunities for personal growth and development. The time spent exploring new cultures, meeting new people, and trying out new things can help young people gain a better understanding of themselves and their place in the world. This experience can lead to improved self-confidence and a broader perspective, which can be highly beneficial in academic and professional pursuits.

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Overall, I support the idea of taking a gap year as it provides young people with an opportunity to develop themselves outside the traditional academic or professional structure. Despite the expenses and the potential for unproductivity, a well-planned gap year can result in personal and professional benefits that can last a lifetime.

In conclusion, young people should be encouraged to take a gap year, but they should also be aware of the potential drawbacks and carefully consider their options before making a decision. If this year is used properly, they will reap more benefits. 

Some young people look forward to a year of travelling, a “gap year” - mẫu 2

Some youngsters consider a gap year the key to enhancing their career prospects, while others think it is a worthless pursuit. I believe that pursuing a gap year can provide worthwhile experiences to juveniles, laying the seeds for a prosperous professional career.

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On the one hand, by taking a gap year, youngsters can gain relevant work experience and key skills which help broaden their view of the world. Working during the deferred years can increase their knowledge and communication skills. Furthermore, experiencing the customs and cultures of other countries helps them gain appreciation and awareness of global issues, which puts them in leadership positions. Such knowledge is paramount to securing a dream job in the future.

However, if the gap year is used imprudently, it can cost an awful amount of money and time. To add to the ordeal, one can get into debt. One in ten people faces financial ordeals from budget mismanagement according to gap-year tour operators. In my view, that number is negligible when we consider the benefits the travelling and job experience can offer.

In my opinion, hefty expenses should be the least cause for deterring a gap year. The return on investment is high, bringing positive drastic changes to the personality of the youngster. Travelling to other countries solidifies young adults with soft, and hard skills, molding character and individuality. Facing and circumventing adversity in an unfamiliar country sets a solid foundation for solving problems in life. Such an experience is worth the expense and effort.

In conclusion, there is definitely an edge some young people can attain, contrasting to those who consider a gap year an expensive pursuit or a waste of time. However, improper planning can adversely affect personal finances, but accurate gap-year budgets and plans eliminate the risk of debt and the possibility of wasting time.

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Some young people look forward to a year of travelling, a “gap year” - mẫu 3

Currently, the concept of a “gap year” or a year dedicated to traveling is gaining popularity. Some individuals perceive it as an advantageous opportunity to enhance their life skills and broaden their knowledge, while others regard it as a futile endeavor. In this essay, I will examine both perspectives on this matter.

On one hand, taking a “gap year” can be a constructive means to develop skills and knowledge. Life skills and soft skills, such as cooking and budgeting, often require hands-on experience, which may not be readily attainable within traditional educational settings. Moreover, spending quality time with family during this period not only fosters familial bonds but also facilitates the exchange of stories and wisdom among family members. Additionally, embarking on a year of exploration and discovery can serve as valuable preparation for young individuals in making informed decisions about their future endeavors.

On the contrary, embarking on a “gap year” without a well-thought-out plan can be counterproductive. Without a source of income, individuals undertaking a gap year may find themselves overly reliant on familial support, which can strain family resources. Furthermore, without a detailed itinerary, a gap year may devolve into aimless leisure rather than purposeful exploration. Effective time management is essential during this period of experiential learning; without it, valuable opportunities may be squandered.

In my view, despite the potential drawbacks associated with a “gap year,” I maintain that it is a worthwhile consideration for school-leavers as they contemplate their future paths. While careful planning and financial considerations are imperative, the benefits of gaining practical experience and self-discovery during this period can outweigh the challenges. Therefore, I advocate for a balanced approach, where the advantages of a gap year are maximized through thoughtful planning and purposeful engagement.

Some young people look forward to a year of travelling, a “gap year” - mẫu 4

On the threshold to the life of an adult, an increasing number of young people choose to take a gap year to have a full life from travelling, while others consider that this just incurs great expenses and an immense waste of time. In my opinion, having a gap year has both merits and drawbacks, but I believe I am not alone in giving more advocacy than rejection to it.

It cannot be denied that the gap year has inherent merits for high school graduates. Indeed, it opens up their minds which may be clogged in academic pressure of the greatest milestone in life - high school graduation. Going beyond the school and homeland can pull young people’s steps towards new world views to have the taste of new lifestyles and living experiences which aid them in their journey to discover themselves. Thanks to travelling, they are expected to recognize their strengths, and weaknesses, and thus is beneficial to find a good match for themselves among numerous majors for their university education. As for entrepreneurs, during such trips, they can expose themselves to direct experiences to help concretize feasible business models for future business orientations. Also, living freely away from home offer quality time for individuals to think for themselves to identify the passion they want to devote their lives to.

However, the assertion that the gap year comes with huge costs of time and money also has some truth in it. Those taking a year travelling can graduate one year later than their friends and find themselves at the disadvantage of joining the workforce later. That may cost them dearly with opportunities lost to other early birds. Besides, it may be unexpectedly expensive to take a gap year when one receives the double blow of not being able to work due to constant moving, and overhead spending can be incurred to make them indebted to their family's sponsorship. If they can support themselves, then the money can be saved by living frugally or even practicing austerity for years in their adolescence. Those are the problems of people with discipline, but for irresponsible youngsters, the gap year may become an immeasurable waste of youth with time spent aimlessly and lavishly.

In conclusion, although there are two sides of the debate, I still believe the gap year gives people more than taking from them when it helps set foundation for their future selections and decisions which can be crucial to their development.

Some young people look forward to a year of travelling, a “gap year” - mẫu 5

The gap year, also known as a sabbatical year, is a year-long break taken by young people before beginning work or university. This time is usually used for travel, personal growth, and to broaden their horizons. Many view a gap year as a valuable opportunity to gain life experiences and a deeper understanding of the world, which can be beneficial in later life.

On the other hand, some people see gap years as an expensive and wasteful use of time. They believe that young people should start working or studying immediately after finishing school to avoid losing momentum or becoming too settled in their ways. In addition, taking a year off can be costly, as young people will need to pay for travel, accommodation, and other expenses.

It is true that gap years can be expensive and might not be affordable for everyone, but there are many ways to make a gap year affordable and worthwhile. For example, volunteering abroad, working as a gap year student or taking part in an organized gap year program can help young people save money and gain valuable experiences. Additionally, a gap year can provide young people with the opportunity to develop their interpersonal skills and to mature and grow in ways that may not have been possible otherwise.

In conclusion, the gap year is a personal choice that depends on individual circumstances, preferences, and goals. Some people view it as an opportunity for personal and educational growth, while others see it as a waste of time and resources. Ultimately, whether a gap year is worth it or not will depend on the individual and the way they choose to spend their time. Some people may benefit greatly from the experiences they gain, while others may not find it beneficial.

Some young people look forward to a year of travelling, a “gap year” - mẫu 6

Gap years have been a topic of discussion for many years now, with some believing that it is an essential aspect of a young person's life, while others consider it to be a waste of time and resources. I firmly believe that pursuing a gap year can offer numerous benefits to young adults and lay the foundation for a prosperous career.

Firstly, gap years provide young adults with valuable work experience and essential skills that can broaden their perspective of the world. Working during a gap year can increase their knowledge and communication skills and offer them the opportunity to understand customs and cultures of other countries. This can provide them with an appreciation and awareness of global issues, which can be extremely beneficial in leadership positions. Such knowledge and experiences are critical in securing a dream job in the future.

However, it is crucial to note that a gap year, if not approached properly, can result in significant expenses and, in some cases, can lead to debt. While it is true that one in ten people face financial difficulties due to budget mismanagement, this number is small and can be easily avoided with proper planning.

Expenses, however, should not be a deterrent for young adults pursuing a gap year. The returns on investment are often high and can bring about positive changes to their personality. Travelling to other countries and experiencing different cultures can provide young adults with both soft and hard skills, which can shape their character and individuality. Confronting and overcoming adversity in an unfamiliar environment can also set a solid foundation for solving problems in life.

In conclusion, gap years can offer a range of benefits to young adults, providing them with valuable work experiences, essential skills, and a broader perspective of the world. While it is true that improper planning can result in significant expenses, with accurate budgeting and planning, these risks can be eliminated. The experiences and skills gained from a gap year are worth the expenses and can provide a strong foundation for a successful career.

Some young people look forward to a year of travelling, a “gap year” - mẫu 7

Some youngsters consider a gap in the key to improving their career prospects, and others think it is a futile pursuit. I feel that chasing a gap-year might provide juveniles with rewarding adventures, putting the seeds of a booming professional career.

On the one hand, youngsters can get relevant work experiences, essential skills, broadening their perspective of the world. Working during the deferred years can increase an invaluable understanding. Furthermore, experiencing other nations can help gain an appreciation and awareness of international issues, putting people in the lead. Such knowledge is paramount to secure a dream job. 

To add to the ordeal, an individual can go broke. According to gap-year tour operators, one in ten people face financial ordeals from budget mismanagement, but that number is negligible.

Finally, in my estimation, hefty expenses should be the most common cause of deterring a gap year. The return on investment is high, bringing extremely positive adjustments to the character of the child. Traveling to other states solidifies young adults with soft and challenging abilities, molding individuality and character. Facing and circumventing adversity in an unfamiliar country sets a factual basis for solving problems in life. Such expertise would be worth the cost.

In summary, there is absolutely an edge some young person can attain, in contrast to people who consider gap years a costly waste of time. However, improper preparation can negatively impact private financing; accurate gap-year budget plans eliminate the risk of bankruptcy and debt.

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