7+ Write a paragraph about one of your family routines (hay nhất)

Write a paragraph (120-150 words) about one of your family routines. Use the following questions as cues for your writing hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

7+ Write a paragraph about one of your family routines (hay nhất)

Quảng cáo

Đề bài: Write a paragraph (120-150 words) about one of your family routines. Use the following questions as cues for your writing

1. What is the routine?

2. How often / When do you do it?

3. What are the activities? What does each family member do?

4. How do you feel about the routine?

Write a paragraph about one of your family routines - mẫu 1

It is important to have a happy family. A happy family can contribute good things to society. To build a good family, every member of the family needs to maintain simple habits. With my family, the simple routine is that all family members do the housework together on the weekend. My father often cleans the front yard and waters the garden, and my mother cleans the floor and does the kitchen. I often do the laundry, clean the fridge, and my younger sister takes out the garbage and feeds the dog. My duty is not too hard, and I like to do the washing up because I can help my father and my mother with this small task. My family understands each other better because of this simple routine

Quảng cáo

Write a paragraph about one of your family routines - mẫu 2

In my family, we have several routines to follow. One of them is having breakfast together. Every morning, we get up at six thirty. My brother and I help my mum prepare breakfast. My mum often cooks rice, meat or fish, and vegetables for breakfast. Sometimes we have bread, eggs, or noodles for change. She says a big meal in the early morning will help us work or study better during the day. My dad gets up a bit late and helps with laying the table. At about 7:15, we all sit down and have breakfast together. During breakfast, we talk about what each of us is going to do during the day. My parents sometimes give us some advice about how we should behave at school. At 7:50, we all leave home for work or school. Having breakfast with my family every morning makes us feel closer to each other

Write a paragraph about one of your family routines - mẫu 3

My family has four members including my father, my mother, my brother, and me. My family routine has a lot of activities to help us learn life skills as well as build family bonds. Firstly, my family always has breakfast together. We often eat sandwiches or noodles and share our whole-day plan while eating together. Secondly, we watch TV together every evening. We watch TV while having dinner and it takes us about 40 minutes. While we watch a film, we often share snacks and then we exchange opinions after the film. Thirdly, we visit our grandparents on the second Sunday of the month. When coming to our grandparents’ house, we usually do some housework and have lunch with them. We are always happy together

Quảng cáo

Write a paragraph about one of your family routines - mẫu 4

My family has some daily routines to follow. In the morning, my mother gets up early to prepare breakfast for my whole family. We usually eat noodles or banh mi or sticky rice for breakfast. My sister and I also have milk for breakfast. After having breakfast, my parents go to work, my sister and I go to school by bike. My parents have lunch at their workplace. My sister and I have lunch at the school canteen. We go home at half past five. My mother cooks dinner, my father cleans the front yard and waters the garden, my sister sweeps the floors and I fold the laundry. After having dinner, we sit together to watch TV and talk about what we did.

Write a paragraph about one of your family routines - mẫu 5

My family has some daily routines to follow. Firstly, my family always has dinner together. When having dinner, we share our daily experiences and talk about the latest news. Secondly, we watch one random movie together every Saturday evening. We often watch comedy and science fiction films. Thirdly, once every two weeks, my family will go back to the countryside to visit our grandparents. We also visit some relatives and have a barbecue. We all feel happy together

Quảng cáo

Write a paragraph about one of your family routines - mẫu 6

One of our family routines is our weekly movie night. Every Friday evening, we gather in the living room, armed with blankets, pillows, and snacks, ready to enjoy a movie together. We take turns choosing the movie, ensuring that everyone gets a chance to watch their favorite genre. As we settle down on the couch, the room fills with laughter and excitement. The movie night not only provides us with entertainment but also serves as a bonding activity, allowing us to spend quality time together as a family. We discuss the movie afterward, sharing our thoughts and opinions, which often leads to lively debates and discussions. This routine has become a cherished tradition in our family, creating lasting memories and strengthening our relationships. It is a time when we can escape from the stresses of our daily lives and simply enjoy each other's company, creating a sense of unity and togetherness

Write a paragraph about one of your family routines - mẫu 6

Everyone has their own routine, but my family has a habit of reading before going to bed. That habit was probably formed when I was a child, when I could not read, my grandmother read books and told stories every night. It can be fairy tales, old stories, poetry books or song lyrics. When I started reading, she let me read my favorite books on my own. At that time, I often read Doraemon, and my bookcase was mostly full of comic books. Until I was an adult, the habit of reading before going to bed was still retained by me. But instead of just reading comic books like before, I now read more genres like collections of short stories by local and international writers or ghost stories. Reading a book before bed is not simply a habit, because it has helped me learn strange things. Reading books before bed helps me have better memory, learn more useful knowledge, and books also help me relax my mind after a long tiring day. I feel this routine is amazing, and I feel so lucky to be able to have fun and study at the same time

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