Write about this topic (120-150 words). Use the suggested questions

Write about an invention which could be useful for everyone in your family hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

5+ Write about an invention which could be useful for everyone in your family

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Đề bài: Write about this topic (120-150 words). Use the suggested questions below to help you

Think of and write about an invention which could be useful for everyone in your family. The invention could be imaginary.

- What is the invention?

- What are its benefits? Give some explanation and / or examples.

- How important / useful is the invention / will the invention be for your family?

Write about an invention which could be useful for everyone in your family - mẫu 1

One of the inventions which could be helpful for everyone in my family is a robot helper. A robot helper could be useful in three main ways. First, it is useful for household chores. A robot helper can help my parents clean the house, cook meals, wash dishes, and do many other daily routines so that we could have more free time for one another. Second, one of the benefits of having a robot helper could be to provide entertainment, because a robot helper can also play music, sing songs, or play with children in the house. Finally, a robot helper can also be useful for people who just want to have a chat with someone. AI can enable the robot helper to talk and listen to us and make people less stressed or lonely. In conclusion, a robot helper will make our life at home less tiring, more entertaining, and less stressful

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Write about an invention which could be useful for everyone in your family - mẫu 2

An amazing invention for our family would be a Time-Saving Teleporter. This fantastic device would instantly transport us to any destination we desire. Its benefits are endless! Firstly, imagine never being late again! No more rushing to catch the bus or getting stuck in traffic. With the teleporter, we could zap ourselves to school, work, or appointments in the blink of an eye. This means more time for breakfast together as a family or extra minutes of sleep in the morning. Secondly, think about vacations! Instead of spending hours cramped in a car or plane, we could teleport straight to our dream destinations, saving time and hassle. Lastly, it would make family outings more spontaneous and exciting. Want to have a picnic in the mountains? Just teleport there! This invention would revolutionize our lives, making everything more convenient and fun.

Write about an invention which could be useful for everyone in your family - mẫu 3

Imagine a magical gadget called the Family Time Capsule. This invention allows us to capture and preserve our most cherished memories together. With the Family Time Capsule, we can easily record videos, take photos, and write messages to document special moments like birthdays, holidays, and family outings. The device organizes everything neatly, making it simple to revisit these memories whenever we want. Whether it's watching a video from our last summer vacation or flipping through photos from Grandma's birthday party, the Family Time Capsule brings joy and nostalgia to our lives. Its importance lies in strengthening our family bonds and creating a treasure trove of memories to look back on for years to come. This invention is invaluable for our family, enriching our lives with love, laughter, and precious moments shared together

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Write about an invention which could be useful for everyone in your family - mẫu 4

Family Health Monitor, a handy gadget, is like a fitness tracker but for the whole family! Everyone wears a small device that keeps track of things like heart rate, sleep, and exercise. It's synced to an app on our phones, so we can all see how we're doing health-wise. It's super helpful because it reminds us to stay active and eat well. Plus, if someone isn't feeling great, we can check the app to see if anything's off and maybe catch a problem early. It's like having a personal health coach for each of us, making sure we all stay happy and healthy together

Write about an invention which could be useful for everyone in your family - mẫu 5

Home Helper, which is a smart gadget, makes our house super easy to control! We can talk to it or use our phones to turn on lights, adjust the thermostat, or even start the TV. It's awesome because we can do things without even getting up from the couch! It also helps us save energy by turning off stuff when we're not using it. And it keeps our home safe too by letting us know if there's something strange going on. It's like having a little helper around all the time, making our lives simpler and safer

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