5+ Write a paragraph about studying abroad

Write a paragraph about studying abroad hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

5+ Write a paragraph about studying abroad

Quảng cáo

Đề bài: Write a paragraph about studying abroad. Write 60-80 words.

• Where did you go?

• What problems did you have?

• What positive experiences did you have?

• What did you like most about it?

Write a paragraph about studying abroad - mẫu 1

I just came back after a year studying in China. I'd like to share my experience of studying abroad. I had some difficulties in making friends at first. However, my Chinese is so much better after a year in China. I think I liked Chinese people most because they’re hospitable. I got lots of help from my teachers and classmates during my time there. They showed me how to use public transportation and where to eat. I had a fantastic time in China!

Write a paragraph about studying abroad - mẫu 2

Studying abroad in Japan was an enriching yet challenging experience. Adapting to a new culture and language posed initial difficulties, but gradually, I navigated through them with determination. Positive encounters included forming lasting friendships with both locals and fellow international students, immersing in Japanese traditions, and exploring the country's breathtaking landscapes. What I cherished most was the opportunity to broaden my worldview, embrace diversity, and develop a deeper understanding of global perspectives, making my study abroad journey truly unforgettable.

Quảng cáo

Write a paragraph about studying abroad - mẫu 3

Studying abroad in France was both exciting and challenging. At first, navigating a new city and language barriers posed difficulties. I struggled with homesickness and adjusting to a different academic system. However, the experience brought many positive moments. I made lifelong friends from around the world, immersed myself in French culture, and tasted delicious local cuisine. What I liked most was the opportunity to explore new places, learn about different cultures, and broaden my horizons, making unforgettable memories along the way.

Write a paragraph about studying abroad - mẫu 4

Studying abroad in Australia was an adventure filled with ups and downs. Initially, adapting to the Aussie lifestyle and slang was tough, and I encountered difficulties finding accommodation. However, the positive experiences outweighed the challenges. I had the chance to explore stunning beaches, encounter unique wildlife, and form bonds with people from diverse backgrounds. What I cherished most was the sense of independence and personal growth that came from living and studying in a foreign country, shaping me into a more confident and open-minded individual.

Quảng cáo

Write a paragraph about studying abroad - mẫu 5

Studying abroad in South Korea was a rollercoaster of emotions. Adjusting to a new language and culture presented hurdles, and I struggled with homesickness at times. Nevertheless, the journey brought countless enriching experiences. From tasting delicious street food to participating in traditional tea ceremonies, every moment was an opportunity for learning and growth. What I treasured most was the warmth and hospitality of the Korean people, who made me feel welcomed and embraced me as part of their community, leaving me with unforgettable memories to cherish forever.

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