5+ Write a passage about one of your trips to the ethnic villages

Write a passage about one of your trips to the ethnic villages hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

5+ Write a passage about one of your trips to the ethnic villages

Quảng cáo

Đề bài: Write a passage about one of your trips to the ethnic villages. Write 800-100 words.

- When?

- Who you went with?

- Where you stayed?

- What did you do?

- What you ate?

- What you learned?

Write a passage about one of your trips to the ethnic villages

Write a passage about one of your trips to the ethnic villages - mẫu 1

I had a very good trip to Kon K'Tu Village. It's in Kon Tum. I went there last month. I went with my mom and dad. We stayed at a homestay. We went hiking in the national park and went on a boat trip on Đăk Bla River. We tried Bahnar traditional foods like grilled chicken and com lam. We also learned how to make traditional baskets. The trip was really exciting! I think you should visit Kon K'Tu Village.

Quảng cáo

Write a passage about one of your trips to the ethnic villages - mẫu 2

On a sunny day in fall, I went with my friends to Phia Tháp Village in Cao Bằng, Vietnam. We stayed in cozy houses made of wood, high up on stilts. Our days were full of fun activities like biking through quiet villages and climbing mountains to see amazing views. We also learned how to make special cloth from the Nùng people, a local ethnic group. The food there was delicious, especially the colorful sticky rice and roasted pork. It was a wonderful trip that taught us a lot about another culture and how they live.

Write a passage about one of your trips to the ethnic villages - mẫu 3

One breezy autumn morning, I embarked on an exciting journey with friends to Phia Tháp Village in Cao Bằng, Vietnam. We stayed in cozy wooden houses up on stilts, feeling close to nature. During the days, we biked around peaceful villages and climbed a mountain to see stunning views. We also learned about the Nùng people's traditional cloth-making techniques. The food, like colorful sticky rice and tasty roasted pork, was a highlight of our trip. It was an enriching adventure that taught us about another culture and their way of life.

Quảng cáo

Write a passage about one of your trips to the ethnic villages - mẫu 4

I recently enjoyed a fantastic trip to Kon K'Tu Village, situated in Kon Tum province. Last month, accompanied by my parents, we opted for a homestay experience. Our days were filled with thrilling activities like hiking in the national park and embarking on a scenic boat journey along the Đăk Bla River. Sampling Bahnar traditional delicacies such as grilled chicken and com lam added a flavorful dimension to our adventure. Moreover, we had the opportunity to learn the art of crafting traditional baskets. Overall, it was an exhilarating experience, and I highly recommend a visit to Kon K'Tu Village.Top of Form

Write a passage about one of your trips to the ethnic villages - mẫu 5

Last month, my family and I embarked on an unforgettable trip to Phia Tháp Village in Cao Bằng, Vietnam. The journey was filled with excitement as we explored the village's cultural wonders. We stayed in cozy stilt houses, feeling at home amidst the tranquil surroundings. During the days, we enjoyed biking through quiet villages and climbing a nearby mountain to take in the breathtaking views. Our taste buds were treated to delicious Nùng traditional foods like five-colored sticky rice, bánh khảo, and roasted pork. Additionally, we had the chance to learn how to make traditional cloth, discovering the intricate techniques passed down through generations. It was a truly enriching experience that left us with cherished memories and a deeper appreciation for the beauty of ethnic villages like Phia Tháp.

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