Write about cultural norms in your country. Give your opinion about them and compare them

Write about cultural norms in your country. Give your opinion about them and compare them to other cultures you know. Write 180-200 words hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Write about cultural norms in your country. Give your opinion about them and compare them

Quảng cáo

Đề bài: Write about cultural norms in your country. Give your opinion about them and compare them to other cultures you know. Write 180-200 words

Write about cultural norms in your country. Give your opinion about them and compare them - mẫu 1

In Vietnam, it's super important to respect older people and keep the community happy. These norms help everyone stick together, but they can sometimes mean people have less freedom to do their own thing. Personally, I think it's cool how Vietnamese culture values everyone looking out for each other, but it can sometimes feel a bit restrictive.

Compared to places like the US, where people really value doing their own thing, Vietnam focuses more on everyone getting along and working together. This can make people feel more connected, but it might also mean less freedom for individuals.

Overall, both ways have their pros and cons, showing how different cultures have their own ways of doing things.

Write about cultural norms in your country. Give your opinion about them and compare them - mẫu 2

In Vietnam, showing respect to elders and keeping harmony in the community are big deals. These norms help keep families close and make sure everyone gets along, but they can sometimes limit personal freedom. While I admire the strong sense of unity these norms promote, they may also discourage people from expressing themselves freely.

Comparing Vietnamese cultural norms to those in Western countries like Canada, for instance, there's a noticeable difference. In Canada, individual rights and personal freedoms are highly valued, often prioritized over group harmony. This can lead to a more diverse and dynamic society, but it might also result in less emphasis on community support and cohesion.

Overall, both approaches have their strengths and weaknesses, highlighting the diversity of cultural values around the world.

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Write about cultural norms in your country. Give your opinion about them and compare them - mẫu 3

In Vietnam, cultural norms emphasize the importance of family cohesion and respect for authority. These values contribute to a strong sense of community but can also limit individual autonomy. While I appreciate the emphasis on communal harmony, it may sometimes hinder personal growth and self-expression.

Comparing Vietnamese cultural norms to those in Japan, for instance, reveals some similarities and differences. In both cultures, there is a strong emphasis on respecting elders and maintaining social harmony. However, in Japan, there is also a concept called "wa" or harmony, which extends to all aspects of life, including work and social interactions. This can lead to a more structured and orderly society, but it may also suppress individual opinions and creativity to maintain harmony.

Overall, cultural norms shape societal behaviors and values differently across the world, highlighting the diversity of human experiences and perspectives.

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