Write an opinion essay with this title: Should school holidays be shorter?

Write an opinion essay with this title: Should school holidays be shorter? hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Write an opinion essay with this title: Should school holidays be shorter?

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Đề bài: Write an opinion essay with this title: Should school holidays be shorter?

1. How long are school holidays in your country?

2. Why do we have school holidays?

3. What do you do in the holidays?

4. Do the holidays create any problems? If so, what are they?

5. Would you like the holidays to be longer or shorter? Why?

Paragraph 1: Introduce the question in the title.

Many people think ...

Paragraph 2: Give your opinion.

In my opinion, ... Firstly, ... Secondly, ... Finally, ...

Paragraph 3: End the essay by answering the question directly.

All in all, ...

Write an opinion essay with this title: Should school holidays be shorter? - mẫu 1

Many people think school holidays should be shorter.

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In my opinion, school holidays should not be shorter, but rather maintained at their current length or even extended for several reasons. Firstly, a long break provides students with the opportunity to spend time with family and friends, pursue hobbies, or even travelling that can help them to recharge. By limiting holiday time, we risk putting undue pressure on students and depriving them of the chance to relax and unwind. Secondly, I believe school holidays provide valuable opportunities for students to engage in experiential learning outside of the classroom. During longer breaks, students may have the chance to intern, volunteer, or participate in other activities that can help them to develop new skills and perspectives. Finally, it provides an important buffer against stress and burnout. The demands of the academic year can be overwhelming, and it is important for students to have time to rest and recover, which is essential for their success both in and out of the classroom.

To conclude, school holidays provide many benefits and experiential opportunities for students. All in all, school holidays should not be shorter.

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Write an opinion essay with this title: Should school holidays be shorter? - mẫu 2

Many people think about whether school holidays should be shorter.

In my opinion, shortening school holidays could have both positive and negative effects. Firstly, let's consider the current situation. In my country, school holidays typically last for around 2 to 3 months, depending on the academic calendar. These extended breaks provide students with an opportunity to relax, recharge, and spend quality time with family and friends. However, prolonged holidays can also lead to challenges such as learning loss, particularly for students from disadvantaged backgrounds who may not have access to educational resources during this time. Additionally, parents often struggle to find childcare or arrange alternative activities for their children during long breaks, causing stress and inconvenience. Therefore, while I appreciate the benefits of extended holidays, I believe that shortening them slightly could help mitigate some of these issues. By reducing the length of school holidays to 4-6 weeks, for example, students would still have ample time to unwind and enjoy their break, while also minimizing the risk of learning regression and easing the burden on parents. Ultimately, finding the right balance between rest and academic continuity is essential for ensuring the well-being and educational success of students.

All in all, while I value the importance of school holidays, I believe that a moderate reduction in their duration could offer a more balanced approach to supporting both academic achievement and student well-being.

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Write an opinion essay with this title: Should school holidays be shorter? - mẫu 3

Many people wonder if school holidays should be shorter.

In my opinion, changing the length of school holidays could have good and bad effects. Right now, in my country, school holidays last about 2 to 3 months. These long breaks let students relax, refresh, and spend time with family. But sometimes, long holidays can make students forget what they learned in school. Also, parents can find it hard to plan activities or childcare. So, I think making holidays a bit shorter, maybe 4-6 weeks, could help. This way, students still get a break, but it's not too long.

Overall, finding a balance between fun and learning is important.

Write an opinion essay with this title: Should school holidays be shorter? - mẫu 4

Should School Holidays Be Shorter?

Many ponder whether school holidays should be shorter to enhance learning and align with modern demands. In my view, the length of school breaks should find a middle ground between academic progress and student well-being.

In my country, school holidays typically span 10 to 14 weeks annually, allowing time for rest, travel, and family bonding. These breaks also facilitate curriculum planning and school upkeep.

During holidays, students engage in diverse activities like travel, hobbies, and relaxation. However, long breaks can disrupt learning continuity and pose challenges for working parents needing childcare.

Personally, I believe slightly shorter holidays could maintain academic momentum while preserving essential downtime and enrichment opportunities.

In conclusion, adjusting school holiday durations can balance educational needs with student and family life, ensuring a productive and fulfilling academic year.

Write an opinion essay with this title: Should school holidays be shorter? - mẫu 5

Should School Holidays Be Shorter?

The debate over whether school holidays should be shortened to optimize learning and adapt to modern lifestyles is a significant one. In my opinion, the length of school breaks should be carefully considered to benefit both academic achievement and student well-being.

In my country, school holidays typically span from 12 to 14 weeks throughout the year, divided into several breaks. These holidays serve important purposes such as giving students and teachers time to recharge, facilitating family vacations, and allowing for school maintenance and planning.

During school breaks, students engage in a variety of activities including travel, sports, hobbies, and community service. These experiences foster personal growth and provide valuable learning opportunities outside the classroom.

However, extended holidays can present challenges. They may lead to learning loss and require educators to spend additional time reviewing material upon students' return. Moreover, for working parents, finding suitable childcare during long breaks can be difficult and costly.

Personally, I believe that moderately shorter holidays could help mitigate learning interruptions while still providing students with essential downtime and enrichment experiences. This balanced approach could enhance academic continuity and support the overall well-being of students and families.

In conclusion, while school holidays are crucial for rejuvenation and personal development, adjusting their duration thoughtfully can promote a more effective and sustainable educational experience for all stakeholders involved.

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