You have received a letter from a cousin you haven't seen since you were a young child

You have received a letter from a cousin you haven't seen since you were a young child. In the letter, your cousin says he/she wants to visit you. Write a reply in which you hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

You have received a letter from a cousin you haven't seen since you were a young child

Quảng cáo

Đề bài: You have received a letter from a cousin you haven't seen since you were a young child. In the letter, your cousin says he/she wants to visit you. Write a reply in which you

• apologise for not writing back sooner.

• say how happy you are about the visit and remind your cousin about the last time you met.

• explain what you are doing now.

• request a recent photo of your cousin.

You have received a letter from a cousin you haven't seen since you were a young child - mẫu 1

Dear Tam,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. Firstly, let me extend my sincerest apologies for not writing back to you sooner. Life has been quite busy on my end, and time seems to have slipped away.

I was absolutely thrilled to receive your letter and learn about your plans to visit. The idea of reconnecting after all these years brings back fond memories of our last meeting, which seems like a lifetime ago. I vividly recall the laughter, the stories, and the joy we shared. It will be wonderful to catch up and create new memories together.

Quảng cáo

As for me, I've been keeping busy with my job. Life has its twists and turns, but overall, I can't complain. I'm looking forward to sharing more about my experiences when we meet.

In anticipation of your visit, I was wondering if you could send me a recent photo of yourself. It would be lovely to put a face to the words in your letters and see how time has treated you.

I'm eagerly counting down the days until your visit. Please let me know if there's anything specific you'd like to do or if there's anything you need to make your stay more comfortable. I'm already planning some activities that I think you'll enjoy.

Looking forward to our reunion!

Warm regards,


You have received a letter from a cousin you haven't seen since you were a young child - mẫu 2

Dear [Cousin's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I am truly sorry for not writing back sooner. Life has been quite hectic, but I am thrilled to have received your letter and to hear from you after all these years!

Quảng cáo

I am absolutely delighted to hear that you want to visit. It’s been such a long time since we last saw each other. I still remember our family reunion when we were kids, running around the garden and playing games. It feels like just yesterday, even though so many years have passed.

As for me, I am currently [mention your current occupation or what you are doing, e.g., studying at university, working as a graphic designer, etc.]. Life has been busy but fulfilling. I would love to catch up in person and hear all about what you’ve been up to over the years.

Could you send me a recent photo of yourself? It would be wonderful to see how you’ve changed since we last met. I’ll make sure to send you one of myself as well. It will be fun to compare and see how much we’ve both grown!

Looking forward to seeing you soon and making new memories together. Please let me know your travel plans so we can arrange everything.

Warmest regards,

[Your Name]

Quảng cáo

You have received a letter from a cousin you haven't seen since you were a young child - mẫu 3

Dear [Cousin's Name],

I hope you’re doing well. First and foremost, I must apologize for not writing back sooner. Time seems to have flown by, and I regret not reaching out earlier.

I was overjoyed to read your letter and even more excited about your plans to visit! I still remember the last time we met at Grandma’s house during that summer. We had such a great time playing in the backyard and exploring the nearby woods. It feels like ages ago, yet the memories are still vivid.

Currently, I am [mention your current occupation or what you are doing, e.g., working at a marketing firm, finishing my degree in biology, etc.]. It’s been a busy but rewarding journey. I can’t wait to catch up with you in person and hear all about your life.

Could you send me a recent photo of yourself? I would love to see how you’ve changed since we were kids. I’ll send you one of me as well.

Looking forward to your visit and reconnecting. Let me know your travel dates so we can plan accordingly.

Best wishes,

[Your Name]

You have received a letter from a cousin you haven't seen since you were a young child - mẫu 4

Dear [Cousin's Name],

I hope all is well with you. Please accept my apologies for not writing back sooner. Your letter was a delightful surprise, and I regret not responding right away.

I’m overjoyed at the prospect of your visit! The last time we met was so many years ago, at that big family barbecue. I still remember us playing on the swings and having a blast. Those were such fun times.

Currently, I’m [mention your current occupation or what you are doing, e.g., working as a software developer, studying for my master’s degree, etc.]. It’s been quite an adventure, and I’d love to hear about everything you’ve been up to as well.

Could you send me a recent photo of yourself? It would be wonderful to see how you’ve changed since we last saw each other. I’ll be sure to send you a recent picture of me too.

Looking forward to your visit and catching up on all the lost time. Let me know your travel plans so we can make the most of your stay.

All the best,

[Your Name]

You have received a letter from a cousin you haven't seen since you were a young child - mẫu 5

Dear [Cousin's Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I must start by apologizing for not writing back sooner. Your letter was such a pleasant surprise, and I’ve been meaning to respond.

I’m absolutely thrilled to hear that you want to visit! It’s been such a long time since we last saw each other. I still remember our family camping trip when we were kids, roasting marshmallows and telling ghost stories around the campfire. Those were some of the best times of my childhood.

Right now, I’m [mention your current occupation or what you are doing, e.g., working as a graphic designer for a tech company, pursuing my passion in photography, etc.]. Life has taken some interesting turns, and I’d love to share more about it when we meet.

Could you send me a recent photo of yourself? I’m curious to see how you’ve changed over the years. I’ll make sure to send you one of myself as well so you can recognize me when we meet!

Looking forward to your visit and the chance to catch up on everything. Let me know your travel dates so I can make the necessary preparations for your stay.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

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