Unit 6 lớp 12: Language Focus

Unit 6: Future Jobs

E. Language Focus (Trang 69-70-71 SGK Tiếng Anh 12)


Listen and repeat

Bài nghe:

Soạn Unit 6 lớp 12: Language Focus | Tiếng Anh 12 và giải bài tập tiếng Anh lớp 12 | Để học tốt Tiếng Anh 12

Practise reading these sentences

Bài nghe:

Nội dung bài nghe:

1. What are you looking at? (Bạn đang nhìn gì đó?)

2. I want to go but I don't know when. (Tôi muốn đi nhưng tôi không biết khi nào.)

3. She bought a book and two pens. (Cô mua một cuốn sách và hai cây viết.)

4. Thanks for coming. (Cảm ơn vì đã đến.)

5. Where is it from? (Nó từ đâu đến?)

6. I’m from Hanoi. (Tôi đến từ Hà Nội.)

7. She's the one I’m fond of. (Cô ấy là người mà tôi yêu thích.)

8. First of all, I want to thank you for coming. (Trước hết, tôi muốn cảm ơn bạn đã đến.)

9. The letter was to him, not from him. (Bức thư gửi cho anh ta, không phải từ anh ta.)

10. I want to ask you a question. (Tôi muốn hỏi bạn một câu hỏi.)


Exercise 1. Add who, whoever, whose, whom or which to complete the following sentences. (Thêm who, whoever, whose, whom hoặc which để hoàn thành các câu sau.)

Gợi ý:

Quảng cáo
1. whom2. which3. Whoever4. which5. which
6. who7. whose8. who9. which10. whom

Exercise 2. Join the following sentences in two ways. (Ghép/nối các câu sau theo hai cách.)


Look at the man. He is teaching in the classroom.

=> Look at the man who is teaching in the classroom.

=> Look at the man teaching in the classroom.

Gợi ý:

Quảng cáo

1. I read a book that was written by a friend of mine.

    I read a book written by a friend of mine.

2. A man who was carrying a lot of money in a box got on the bus.

    A man carrying a lot of money in a box got on the bus.

3. In the street there were several people who were waiting for the shop to open.

    In the street there were several people waiting for the shop to open.

4. Britain imports many cars which/that were made in Japan.

    Britain imports many cars made in Japan.

5. There are a lot of people in your office who want to talk to you.

    There are a lot of people in your office wanting to talk to you.

6. The cowboy who had been wounded by an arrow fell of his horse.

    The cowboy wounded by an arrow fell off his horse.

7. Most of the people who were injured in the crash recovered quickly.

    Most of the people injured in the crash recovered quickly.

8. John, who wished he hadn't come to the party, looked anxiously at his watch.

    John, wishing he hadn't come to the party, looked anxiously at his watch.

Quảng cáo

9. The children who were playing football in the schoolyard were my students.

    The children playing football in the schoolyard were my students.

10. Viet Nam exports a lot of rice which is grown mainly in the south of the country.

    Viet Nam exports a lot of rice grown mainly in the south of the country.

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