Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 3 Lesson 1: Everyday English - Tiếng Anh lớp 3 Family and Friends

Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 3 Lesson 1: Everyday English - Tiếng Anh lớp 3 Family and Friends

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Chỉ từ 300k mua trọn bộ Giáo án Tiếng Anh lớp 3 Family and Friends bản word chuẩn kiến thức, trình bày đẹp mắt, dễ dàng chỉnh sửa:

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TEXTBOOK: Tiếng Anh 3 Family and Friends- National Edition


Lesson One - Everyday English (page 30)


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

1. Core competences

- Learn how to make introduction.

2. General competences

- Communication and collaboration:work in pairs/groups to make introduction.

- Problem-solving and creativity:introduce friends.

3. Attributes

- Kindness: help partners to complete learning tasks.

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- Diligence: work hard to complete learning tasks.

- Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions or play fair in games.

- Responsibility: appreciate kindness.

- Leadership: collaborate with teachers to enhance language skills.


1. Language:This is (Kate). Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.

2. Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing.


- Student book - page 30

- Audio tracks 44-45

- Teacher’s Guide

- Website

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- Computer, projector, ….

*Culture note:

- Raise students’ awareness of greeting politely.


Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

WARM-UP/REVIEW (5 minutes)

Aim: To help students remember about greeting others.


- Elicit what students remember about greeting others. Put students in a circle to greet each other.

- Tell students they are going to learn how to make introductions. Ask if they know how to introduce themselves. Invite individual students to introduce
themselves, e.g. Hello / Hi! My name’s / I’m (name).

àExpected outcomes and assessment

- Task completed with excellence: Students can greet others correctly.

- Task completed: Students cangreet others.

- Task uncompleted: Students are unable togreet others.

- Greet others. Make a circle to greet each other.

- Follow the teacher. Introduce themselves.

PRESENTATION (10 minutes)

Aim: To help students learn how to make introductions.

*Listen. Read and say. (Track 44)

- Focus on the pictures. Ask students to say where the people are (outside a school) and who they think the girl is talking to (her dad and her teacher).

- Play the recording for students to listen and follow the dialogue in their books.

- Play the recording again, pausing if necessary, for students to say the dialogue along with the recording Check students’ pronunciation.

- Let students practice the dialogue in groups of three.

- Invite groups to act out the conversation for the class.

- Remark on students’ pronunciation. Praise students if they have done well.

àExpected outcomes and assessment

- Task completed with excellence: Students can say the sentencescorrectly and fluently.

- Task completed: Students cansay the sentences.

- Task uncompleted: Students are unable tosay the sentences.

- Look at the pictures. Answer the questions.

- Listen to the recording and follow the dialogue in their books.

- Listen to the recording. Say the dialogue along with the recording.

- Practice the dialogue in groups of three.

- Act out the conversation for the class.

PRACTICE (8 minutes)

Aim: To help students listen and complete the sentences.

*Listen and write. (Track 45)

- Tell students to get their notebooks and write numbers 1-3.

- Explain that they are going to listen to a dialogue. They need to complete sentences 1-3 with the correct wordsfrom the box.

- Read the words in the box out loud for students to repeat. Show them the pictures and example, checking that they understand the instructions.

- Play the recording for students to listen to, and write the missing words next to the numbers in their notebooks.

- Ask students what each of the people is saying.

- Praise students if they have done well.


1. Her, name
2. Nice, meet
3. too

àExpected outcomes and assessment

- Task completed with excellence: Students canlisten and complete the sentencescorrectly.

- Task completed: Students canlisten and complete the sentences.

- Task uncompleted: Students are unable tolisten and complete the sentences.

- Get their notebooks and write numbers 1-3.

- Follow the teacher.

- Repeat the words. Look at the example.

- Listen to the recording and write the missing words next to the numbers in their notebooks.

- Answer what each of the people is saying.

PRODUCTION (10 minutes)

Aim: To help students make introductions and improve students’ speaking skills.

*Look at the people. Point and say. (page 30)

- Ask students to work in pairs to make some introductions of their own.

- Ask two students to read out the example dialogue.

- Put the students in pairs, ask students to read the example dialogue, then point to the people in the box and introduce them to their partner.

- Ask some pairs to act out their dialogues.

- Check students’ pronunciation.

àExpected outcomes and assessment

- Task completed with excellence: Students can make introductions correctly.

- Task completed: Students can make introductions.

- Task uncompleted: Students are unable to make introductions.

- Work in pairs to make some introductions of their own.

- Read out the example dialogue.

- Work in pairs, read the example dialogue, then point to the people in the box and introduce them to their partner.

- Act out their dialogues.

HOMEWORK (2 minutes)

- Learn how to make introductions.

- Prepare for the next lesson (Fluency time! 1 - Lesson 2).






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