Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Global Success Unit 7 Communication

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Global Success Unit 7 Communication

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Chỉ từ 300k mua trọn bộ Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Global Success bản word phong cách hiện đại, trình bày đẹp mắt, dễ dàng chỉnh sửa:

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- TV programmes


Sounds: /q / and /ð /


- Wh - questions

- Con junctions in compound sentences: and, but, so.


- Reading a TV guide.

- Talking about a favourite TV programme.

- Listening about different TV programme.

- Writing a paragraph about TV-viewing habits.

Everyday English

Asking for and giving information about TV programme.

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I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to gain the following things:

1. Knowledge: - To use everyday English phrases and expressions to develop their language skills, as well as learn about Vietnamese culture and other cultures. Students learn how to ask for and giving information about TV programmes. Read about TV programmmes.

+ Vocabulary: - use the words related to TV programmes and people

- To pronounce the sounds /q / and /ð / correctly;

+ Grammar: - Use Wh- questions

- Use conjunctions in compound sentences: and, but, so.

2. Competence: Students will be able to ask for and giving information about TV programmes. Tell about TV programmes you like or prefer.

3. Quality/ behavior :- the likes and dislikes TV programmes in their free time. Having a serious behavior toward asking and giving informations about TV programmes , game shows and characters.


- Teacher: Text book, laptop, louspeaker, projector…

- Students : Text books, ….

- Work Arrangements: T-Ss , group works; individual ……

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Everyday English

Aim: To use everyday English phrases and expressions to develop their language skills.

* Content: Review the previous leson or have somewarm-up activities to creat a friendly and relaxed atmostphere to inspire Ss to warm up to the new lesson.

* Output: Having a chance to speak English and focus on the topic of the lesson..

* Organisation :...…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities


+ Greeting

+ Chatting

- Teacher (T) asks Ss some questions about them and class.

- Tell Ss that they are going to learn how to ask for and give directions.

- Ask Ss to open their book and introduce what they are going to study….

- T leads in the lesson.

+ Greeting

- Do the tasks

- Students (Ss) listen and answer the teacher’s or friend’s questions

- T_ Ss

- Open their book and write the tittle of the lesson .



Aims:To introduce a sample conversation about a TV programme.

* Content: Asking for and giving information about TV programmes.Listen and read

* Output: Ss can answer some information about TV programmes correctly. Make conversations

* Organisation : ..…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities


1. Listen and read the conversation. Pay attention to the highlightedwords.

- T_ Ss

*) Pre- teach vocabulary:

- Teacher uses different techniques to teach vocabulary (situation, realia, translation .....) if have .

- Repeat in chorus and individually

+ Take note.

*To help Ss practise asking for and giving information about TV programmes.

1. Ask Ss to read the conversation as an example. Tell Ss that they can use what, what time, why, etc. to ask about TV programmes.

+Ask Ss to work in pairs and practise the conversation.

+ Have Ss practise the conversations in pairs.

Call on some pairs to practise the conversations in front of the class

2. Work in pairs. Make a similar conversation about your favourite TV programme.

2. Allow Ss to work in pairs and make a similar conversation about their favourite TV programme. Encourage them to Include as many questions as possible In their conversations. Call on some pairs to act out their conversations In front of the class. Check and correct If needed

- Move around to observe and provide help.

- Have Ss practise speaking

1. Listen and read the conversation. Pay attention to the highlightedwords.

* Vocabulary:

- programme (n) chương trình

- both cả hai

- different (adj) khác nhau

- enjoy (v) thích thú

+ Students (Ss) listen to the instructions carefully and learn how to do the tasks.

-Ss work in pairs

- Ss may use everyday English to talk to each other.

- Ss work in pairs.

Audio script:

A: What's your favourite TV programme?

B: The animal programme.

A: Why do you like it?

B: Because I can see the animals in their real life.

2. Work in pairs. Make a similar conversation about your favourite TV programme.

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to make conversations

+ Complete the tasks

3. PRACTICE ( 18’)


Aim: To allow Ss to explore some interesting facts about TV in other countries.

* Content: Discussing the facts with countries and TV programmes.

* Output: Ss can talk about TV programme Pokemon cartoons; Discovery Channel

* Organisation : ..…

Teacher’s & Student’s activities


3. Work in groups. Discuss and complete the facts with the countries in the box.

- Don't turn this task into a serious test of information.

- Ss work in groups and help one another to find the answers / make guesses.

- Call on some Ss for the answers. Remind them ofthe correct way to give their answers.

E.g. Pokemon cartoons are from Japan. (They know the answer.)

We think Pokemon cartoons are from Japan. (They make a guess.)

- Confirm the answers with the whole class.


Pokemon cartoons: Japanese television animation series, typically aimed at adults as well as children.

Iceland /'aisland/: Before 1981, there was no TV in July; before 1986, there was no TV on Thursday. It is because people felt they could do without TV once a week! They wanted everyone to spend this time outdoors or with their families.

Discovery Channel: an American pay television network. It creates the high quality content.

- Check the answers as a class.

- Observe and help when and where necessary, and correct Ss'pronunciation and intonation.

- Confirm the correct answers.

3. Work in groups. Discuss and complete the facts with the countries in the box.

- Ss work individually

- Listen to the teacher’s instructions carefully and learn how to do.

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Global Success Unit 7 Communication

Giáo án Tiếng Anh 6 Global Success Unit 7 Communication

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and tick the questions.

* Key :

1. Japan 2. Viet Nam

3. Iceland 4. the USA


Aim:To introduce to Ss some TV programmes for children.

* Content: Read and tick some TV programmesfor children.

* Output: Ss can tick the correct programmes by reading.

* Organisation : ..…

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