50 Bài tập Đại từ cực hay có lời giải

Bài viết 50 Bài tập Đại từ cực hay có lời giải gồm đầy đủ lý thuyết trọng tâm về Đại từ và trên 50 bài tập về Đại từ chọn lọc, có đáp án chi tiết giúp bạn nắm vững cách sử dụng của Đại từ.

50 Bài tập Đại từ cực hay có lời giải


1. Định nghĩa

Đại từ trong tiếng anh là từ dùng để xưng hô, để chỉ vào sự vật hay sự việc, thay thế cho danh từ, động từ và tính từ trong câu, để tránh khỏi lặp những từ ngữ ấy, tránh để câu bị lủng củng khi lặp từ nhiều lần

2. Các loại đại từ

*Đại từ nhân xưng - Personal pronouns

Vai trò là chủ ngữ Vai trò là tân ngữ Nghĩa
Số ít Ngôi thứ 1 I Me Tôi
Ngôi thứ 2 You You Bạn
Ngôi thứ 3 He/ she/ it Him/ her/ it Anh ấy/ cô ấy/ nó
Số nhiều Ngôi thứ 1 We Us Chúng tôi
Ngôi thứ 2 You You Các bạn
Ngôi thứ 3 They Them Họ

Ví dụ:

- Đại từ nhân xưng làm chủ ngữ:

He doesn’t know why he pass the exam. (Anh ấy không biết tại sao anh ấy vượt qua bài kiểm tra)

- Đại từ nhân xưng làm tân ngữ:

Rose talks to me about her roommate. (Rose nói cho tôi về bạn cùng phòng của cô ấy)

*Đại từ sở hữu - Possessive pronouns

Đại từ nhân xưng Đại từ sở hữu tương đương
I Mine
You Yours
He His
We Ours
They Theirs
She Hers
It Its

Ví dụ: I sent her a gift but she doesn’t know mine.

(Tôi gửi cô ấy một món quà nhưng cô ấy không biết là của tôi)

⇒ Ở câu này, “mine” = “my gift”

Lưu ý: Không sử dụng các đại từ sở hữu trước danh từ

*Đại từ phản thân - Reflexive pronouns

Đại từ nhân xưng Đại từ phản thân tương ứng Nghĩa
I Myself Chính tôi
You Yourself Chính bạn/ các bạn
We Ourselves Chính chúng tôi
They Themselves Chính họ
He Himself Chính anh ấy
She Herself Chính cô ấy
It Itself Chính nó
Oneself Chính ai đó

Vai trò của các đại từ phản thân trong câu:

- Tân ngữ trực tiếp/gián tiếp: Ví dụ: Jame bought himself a new car.

(Jame mua cho chính anh ấy một chiếc xe mới)

- Bổ nghĩa cho giới từ: Ví dụ: John washed the dishes by himself.

(Chính John đã rửa những chiếc đĩa).

*Đại từ chỉ định - Demonstrative pronouns

Đại từ chỉ định Đại diện cho danh từ Khoảng cách/ thời gian
This Số ít/ không đếm được Gần
That Số ít/ không đếm được Xa
These Số nhiều Gần
Those Số nhiều Xa

Ví dụ: Those are beautiful! (Những cái kia thật đẹp)

*Đại từ bất định - Indefinite pronouns

Số ít Số nhiều Cả hai
Another Both All
Each Few Any
Either Many More
MuchOthers Most
Neither Several None
One Some
Anybody/ anyone/ anything
Everybody/ everyone/ everything
Nobody/ no one/ nothing
Somebody/ someone/ something


Task 1. Chọn đáp án đúng

1. You and Nam ate all of the ice cream by _______.

A. yourselves     B. himself

C. themselves     D. yourself

2. What is _______your phone number?

A. you     B. your

C. yours     D. all are right

3. Where are _______ friends now?

A. your     B. you

C. yours     D. A and B are right

4. Here is a postcard from _______ friend Peggy.

A. me     B. mine

C. my     D. all are right

5. She lives in Australia now with _______ family.

A. she     B. her

C. hers     D. A and b are right

6. _______ company builds ships.

A. He     B. His

C. Him     D. All are right

7. _______ children go to school in Newcastle.

A. They     B. Their

C. Them     D. Theirs

8. Nam and Ba painted the house by _______.

A. yourself     B. himself

C. themselves     D. itself

9. The exam _______ wasn't difficult, but exam room was horrible.

A. himself     B. herself

C. myself     D. itself

10. Never mind. I and Nam will do it _______.

A. herself     B. myself

C. themselves     D. ourselves

1. A. yourselves

2. B. your

3. A. your

4. C. my

5. B. her

6. B. His

7. B. Their

8. C. themselves

9. D. itself

10. D. ourselves

Câu hỏi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Đáp ánA B A C B B B C D D

Task 2. Điền các đại từ phản thân vào chỗ trống

1. I shall do the job _____

2. The teacher _____ will take this particular lesson.

3. She stood looking at _____ in front of the mirror.

4. Why don’t you go _____?

5. They think _____ clever.

1. Myself

2. Himself (herself)

3. Herself

4. Yourself

5. Themselves

Task 3. Điền đại từ nhân xưng phù hợp vào chỗ trống

1. ……asked Mr. Simon, my science teacher, what glass was and……said that …………is a liquid.

2. Hi Dana! Are……still coming shopping with us tomorrow?

3. My mum studied history at university. …… says……was a really interesting course.

4. Scientists are working hard to find cures for lots of diseases, but…… haven't found a cure for the common cold yet.

5. Adam, do…… think…… should all bring some food with us to your party?

6. Dad, do…… know if…… sell computer games in the market?

1. I – he – it

2. you

3. she – it

4. they

5. you – we

6. you – they

Task 4. Điền đại từ nhân xưng phù hợp vào chỗ trống

1. Alice asked me about that book. Did you give……to…….

2. I met Bill today, he went out with……girlfriend.

3. Why does the teacher always give our class many tests? She hates……or something?

4. They paid Michael Bay a lot of money to make this film. They must like……very much.

5. I haven't seen Adam and Ally for ages. Have you met……recently?

6. I have two brothers and one sister; ……sister is a student.

7. This is where we live. Here is…… house.

8. Those aren't my brothers' dogs. …… dogs are big, not small.

9. What's……name? - I'm Alan.

10. My son told……that I need to stop smoking.

1. it – her

2. his

3. us

4. him

5. them

6. my

7. our

8. their

9. your

10. me

Task 5. Complete the sentences with the words in the word list below.

her     hers     his     His     my     our    ours    their

Last week, we had a party at ______1________ house. Many people came, and there were lots of cars parked outside. At the end of the party, only three people were left: myself, Eric, and Cathy. However, there were four cars. One of them was a Volkswagen. I didn't remember seeing it before, so I asked whose it was.

Eric said it wasn't ______2______ car. ______3_______ is a Chevrolet pickup. When I asked Cathy if it was _____4______, she said no - ____5___ car is a Ford Explorer. I knew it wasn't _______6______ car, of course. Finally, I called the police, and they came and examined it. They said it belonged to a family on the next street. Someone stole it from ______7______ street and left it on ______8______.

1. our

2. his

3. His

4. hers

5. her

6. my

7. their

8. ours

Task 6. Write the correct possessive pronoun for each sentence

Eg: That car belongs to me. That car is mine.

1. That pen belongs to those students. That pen is ……….

2. This car belongs to my neighbor John. This car is ……….

3. This ring belongs to my aunt Helen. This ring is ……….

4. This pencil belongs to you. This pencil is ……….

5. This motorbike belongs to me and my cousin. This motorbike is ……….

6. These shoes belong to my mother. These shoes are ……….

7. Those books belong to my sister’s friends. Those books are ……….

8. These hats belong to you and your wife. These hats are ……….

9. That bag belongs to me. That bag is ……….

10. That car belongs to my aunt and uncle. That car is ………

1. theirs

2. his

3. hers

4. yours

5. ours

6. hers

7. theirs

8. yours

9. mine

10. theirs

Task 7. Complete the sentences using myself/yourself … + the following verbs

blame    burn     enjoy     express     hurt     introduce     put

1. Steve introduced himself to the other guests at the party.

2. Bill fell down some steps but fortunately he didn’t …..

3. It isn’t Sue’s fault.She really shouldn’t …..

4. Please try and understand how I feel ….. in my position

5. The children had a great time at the beach. They really …..

6. Be careful! That pan is very hot. Don’t …..

7. Sometimes I can’t say exactly what I mean. I wish I could ….. better.

2. hurt himself

3. blame herself

4. put yourself

5. enjoyed themselves

6. burn yourself

7. express myself

Task 8. Complete the answers to the questions using myself/yourself/itself …

1. Who repaired the bike for you?

Nobody. I repaired it myself.

2. Who cuts Brian’s hair for him?

Nobody. He cuts ………………………………

3. Do you want me to post that letter for you?

No, I’ll ………………………………………..

4. Who told you that Linda was going away?

Linda …………………………………………

5. Can you phone John for me?

Why can’t you ……………………………….

2. He cuts it himself

3. No, I’ll post/do it myself

4. Linda told me herself/ Linda herself told me/ Linda did herself

5. Why can’t you phone him yourself?/ …. do it yourself?

Task 9. Chọn đáp án đúng

1. Would you like ….. to eat?

A. nothing     B. something

2. It was really dark and I couldn’t see ……

A. something     B. anything

3. Can’t you hear that …… is knocking on the door?

A. someone     B. anyone

4. There is an exam tomorrow. Needless to say, …… has to study for it.

A. anyone     B. everyone

5. Don’t blame yourself for the mistake, ….. is perfect

A. somebody     B. nobody

6. There is ….. in your hair. I think it is a bug.

A. onething     B. something

7. My sister is the ….. wearing the red shirt.

A. one     B. few

8. Which of the following indefinite pronouns is singular?

A. few     B. none

C. nothing     D. many

9. Which verb agrees with the indefinite pronoun “many?”

A. walks     B. are

C. is     D. participates

10. Which verb would correctly follow the indefinite pronoun “nobody” in a sentence?

A. walk     B. is

C. are     D. participate

1. B. something

2. B. anything

3. A. someone

4. B. everyone

5. B. nobody

6. B. something

7. A. one

8. C. nothing

9. B. are

10. B. is

Câu hỏi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Đáp ánB B A B B B A CB B

Task 10. Chọn đáp án đúng

1. He knows London better than ….. does.

A. everyone     B. anyone

2. What a greedy child : he has eaten up …..

A. anything     B. everything

3. I can’t find my mobile phone ….. .

A. anywhere     B. somewhere

4. I didn’t do ….. wrong.

A. anything     B. something

5. I have two children. ….. play tennis.

A. Both     B. Two

6. Is there ….. in that bag?

A. anything     B. anywhere

7. I’m sad because ….. remembered my birthday.

A. nobody     B. somebody

8. As it’s your birthday you can order ….. you like from the menu.

A. nothing     B. anything

9. Let’s go ….. different tonight.

A. anywhere     B. somewhere

10. The trouble is that there is ….. for young people in this town.

A. nothing     B. anything

1. B. anyone

2. B. everything

3. A. anywhere

4. A. anything

5. A. Both

6. A. anything

7. A. nobody

8. B. anything

9. B. somewhere

10. A. nothing

Câu hỏi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Đáp ánB B A A A A A BB A


1. The teacher always gives the students homework.

A. me

B. them

C. you

2. I am reading the book to my little sister.

A. her

B. us

C. him

3. The boys are riding their bikes.

A. it

B. them

C. her

4. My father is writing a letter to John.

A. me

B. her

C. him

5. I don't know the answer.

A. she

B. her

C. it

6. Sally is going to see Anne.

A. her

B. him

C. me

7. Open the window, please.

A. it

B. them

C. us

8. Can you tell the people the way to the airport, please?

A. you

B. them                             C. us

9. The books are for Peter.

A. him

B. her

C. you

10. Can you help my sister and me, please?

A. her

B. me

C. us

Đáp án:

1. B

 2. A

 3. B

 4. C

 5. C

 6. A

 7. A

 8. B

 9. A

 10. C

Exercise 2. Fill in an appropriate reflexive pronoun in each of the following sentences.

1. Robert made this T-shirt ___________. 

2. Lisa did her homework ___________. 

3. We helped ___________ to some Coke at the party.

4. Emma, did you take the photo by ___________?

5. I wrote this poem ___________. 

6. He cut ___________ with the knife while he was doing the dishes.

7. The lion can defend ___________. 

8. My mother often talks to ___________. 

9. Tim and Gerry, if you want more milk, help ___________. 

10. Alice and Doris collected the stickers ___________. 

Đáp án:

1. himself

2. herself

3. ourselves

4. yourself

5. myself

6. himself

7. itself

8. herself

9. yourselves

10. themselves

Exercise 3. Choose one of the given uncertain pronouns to fill in each of the following sentences.

Someone,   Anyone,   No one,   Everyone

Nothing,   Anything,    Nobody,    Something

1. There is __________ in the clothes basket. It is empty.

2. I've tried phoning but every time I tried there was __________ in.

3. I have prepared __________ for dinner which you will like very much.

4. Would you like __________ to start with before the main menu?

5. He sat at the table but didn't have __________ to eat.

6. You can do __________. I don't really care.

7. I met __________ you know last night. She told me she had missed you very much.

8. That's a very easy job. __________ can do it.

9. Did you turn the oven off? I think I can smell __________ burning.

10. __________ offered help. They probably didn't have time.

11. __________ arrived in good time and the meeting started promptly at 3.30.

12. When the show finished, there was complete silence. __________ clapped.

13. __________ likes being poor.

14. __________ told me that Tom was leaving London but later I found out that it was not true.

15. Of all the people I met in my life, __________ is more important to me than you.

Đáp án:

1. nothing

 2. nobody

3. something

4. something or anything

 5. anything

6. anything

7. someone

 8. Anyone

9. something

10. Nobody

11. Everyone

12. Nobody

13. No one

14. Someone

15. no one

Exercise 4. Rewrite the following sentences so that the meaning remains constant, using the pronoun “it”.

1. My question itself made him angry. 

2. Meeting each other on this occasion is a good chance. 

3. People think that he is a famous doctor in this city. 

4. To fall asleep like that is stupid. 

5. To learn English is very interesting. 

6. The journey to Brighton from London takes only one hour by train. 

7. Some parts of King Lear are extremely difficult to understand. 

8. That he will fail is clear to everyone but himself. 

9. Finding our way home won’t be easy. 

Đáp án:

1. It was my question that made him angry. 

2. We find it a good chance to meet each other on this occasion. 

3. It is thought that he is a famous doctor in this city. 

4. It is stupid to fall asleep like that. 

5. It is very interesting to learn English. 

6. It takes only one hour from London to Brighton by train. 

7. It is extremely difficult to understand some parts of King Lear. 

8. It is clear to everyone but himself that he will fail. 

9. It won’t be easy to find our way home.

Exercise 5. Choose the words that best fit the blank spaces.

1. I’ve got a watch. This is _________ watch.

2. My friends and I have got sweets. The sweets are _________.

3. Mum has got a new bag. That’s _________ bag.

4. Peter has got a kite. The kite is _________.

5. My brothers have got kites. The bikes are _________.

6. Karen has got a dog. That’s _________ dog.

7. She has a new cat. It is _________.

8. You have a new toy. It is _________.

9. The coat belongs to me. It is __________.

10. The chair belongs to Mary. It is _________.

11. I have a new book. It is _________.

12. They have new pillows. They’re _________.

13. We have new shoes. They are _________.

Đáp án:

1. my

2. ours

3. her

4. his

5. theirs

6. her

7. hers

8. yours

9. mine

10. hers

11. mine

12. theirs

13. ours

Exercise 6. Choose the correct answer.

1. Linda is my/ mine sister.

2. Look at the leaves of the tree/ the tree leaves.

3. He is a friend of her/ hers.

4. That car is their/ theirs.

5. These toys are your/ yours.

6. No, that is Anna’s brand new car. It’s hers/ her.

7. I have a brother. His/ Him name is Nam.

8. This book is mine/ my. It has my name on it.

9. Excuse me. This phone is your/ yours. You forgot to take it with you.

10. This suitcase belongs to us. That suitcase is hers/ her.

Đáp án:

1. my

2. the leaves of the tree

3. hers

4. theirs

5. yours

6. hers

7. His

8. mine

9. yours

10. hers

Exercise 7. Choose the words that best fit the blank spaces.

Dear Christian,

My name is Emily and I want to be ________ (1) e-pal. I am seven years old and I am from England. My parents are doctors. I ________ (2) two brothers. They are students at the University of London. Have ________ (3) got any brothers or sisters? In my free time, I go to the cinema with my brothers or hang out with my friends. My best friend ________ (4) Selma. ________ (5) mother is from India and her father is from Germany. Please write soon and tell ________ (6) all about your family and friends.

1. A. yours                                   B. your                                        C. you

2. A. be                                        B. can                                          C. have got

3. A. you                                      B. your                                        C. yours

4. A. am                                       B. is                                            C. are

5. A. She                                      B. Hers                                       C. Her

6. A. I                                          B. me                                          C. my

Đáp án:

1. B

2. C

3. A

4. B

5. C

6. B

Exercise 8. Choose the words that best fit the blank spaces.

Last year, we went to Antalya to visit (1) ________ grandparents. (2) ________ were very glad to see (3) ________. (4) ________ was a very good holiday for (5) ________. We went swimming with (6) ________ brother. (7) ________ swims well. (8) ________ had picnics all together. The picnics were very funny. My grandmother made sandwiches for (9) ________. (10) ________ makes really delicious sandwiches. I love all (11) ________ meals.

(12) ________ father and mother went to discos at night. (13) ________ like dancing and at the weekend (14) ________ go to a dance club. While (15) ________ parents were out, (16) ________ grandfather told us funny stories. (17) ________ laughed all night. (18) ________ grandmother made pop-corn for (19) ________.

In the mornings (20) ________ had breakfast in the garden. (21) ________ was full of flowers. There were ducks and hens in the garden. (22) ________ played with the ducks and the hen. (23) ________ were very lovely. (24) _________ was a very beautiful holiday. (25) ________ am waiting for the next visit to (26) ________ parents impatiently.

Đáp án:

1. our

2. They

3. us

4. It

5. us

6. our

7. He

8. We

9. us

10. She

11. her

12. Our

13. They

14. they

15. our

16. our

17. We

18. Our

19. us

20. we

21. It

22. We

23. They

24. It

25. I

26. our

Bài tập bổ sung: Đại từ nhân xưng

Exercise 1. Replace the noun in brackets with a subject pronoun.

1. ________ is dreaming. (George)

2. ________ is green. (the blackboard)

3. ________ are on the wall. (the posters)

4. ________ is running. (the dog)

5. ________ are watching TV. (my mother and I)

6 .________ are in the garden. (the flowers)

7. ________ is riding his bike. (Tom)

8. ________ is from Bristol. (Liza)

9. ________ has got a brother. (Diana)

10. Have________ got a computer? (Mandy)

11. (My cousin and her friend) ________ are at the mall.

12. (Peter) ________ is funny.

13. Does (your sister) ________ know what happened?

14. (The door) ________ is locked.

15. (My friend Mary and I) ________ are going on a trip.

16. (My cats) ________ are hungry.

17. (Mr. Jones) ________ is a good teacher.

18. (My brother and I) ________ live together.

Đáp án:

1. he

2. It

3. They

4. It

5. We

6. They

7. He

8. She

9. She

10. you

11. they

12. He

13. she

14. It

15. We

16. They

17. He

18. We

Exercise 2. Choose the best answer.

1. _____ am in the yellow bus. (We, He, I)

2. _____ are at the football match. (I, It, We)

3. _____ are ten and eleven years old. (They, He, You)

4. _____ is in my mum's cupboard. (They, You, It)

5. _____ am a good football player. (He, I, It)

6. _____ is a nice girl. (You, She, They)

7. _____ is afraid of mice. (We, He, They)

8. _____ is a wonderful movie. (It, I, They)

9. _____ are standing on my foot! (She, They, You)

10. _____ am hungry and thirsty. (I, He, They)

11. _____ is very hot today. (It, We, I)

12. _____ are in the restaurant. (We, She, He)

13. _____ is too fat to play tennis. (I, He, They)

14. Is _____ in front of the school? (She, I, They)

15. _____ is in the red box. (We, You, It)

16. Are _____ a good swimmer? (They, He, You)

17. _____ are not in a department store. (It, They, I)

18. _____ are the best reader in the class. (They, I, You)

19. _____ is a very small village. (He, It, They)

20. _____ are in the building. (I, They, He)

Đáp án:

1. I

2. We

3. They

4. It

5. I

6. She

7. He

8. It

9. You

10. I

11. It

12. We

13. He

14. she

15. It

16. you

17. They

18. You

19. It

20. They

Exercise 3. Fill in the blanks with [I, you, he, she, it, we, they].

1. How old are ______ Sara?

2. Tom and Tim are twins. ______ are both twelve.

3. My name is Kate. ______ am a student.

4. Peters and I are friends. ______ like football and tennis.

5. Mike is from England. ______ like Maths.

6. ______ is the number five bus.

7. That’s Mike’s brother. ______ works in a supermarket.

8. What’s your city like? ______ is small but quiet.

9. My mum’s name is Wendy. ______ is a nurse.

10. My parents aren’t at home. ______ are at work.

Đáp án:

1. you

2. They

3. I

4. We

5. He

6. It

7. He

8. It

9. She

10. They

Exercise 4. Complete the following sentences using object pronouns.

1. I need Sara’s mail address. I want to invite ______ to the party.

2. Is this your mobile phone? Can I look at ______.

3. Tom and Paul are my friends. I meet ______ every day.

4. Give ______ my calculator. I need ______.

5. My brother and I are cleaning the house. Mum is helping ______.

6. Follow______, please. I will show ______ the way to the post office.

7. We want to call you. Give ______ your phone number.

8. My parents are still at work. We are waiting for ______.

9. Hurry up, my friends! We are waiting for ______.

10. Is your father here? I want to talk to ______.

11. Come with me. I want to show ______ my photo album.

12. My mother sometimes helps ______ with my homework. She is a teacher.

13. Where are my keys? I can’t find ______.

14. Linda lives in my neighborhood. I know ______ very well.

Đáp án:

1. her

2. it

3. them

4. me/it

5. us

6. me/you

7. us

8. them

9. you

10. him

11. you

12. me

13. them

14. her

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