5+ Imagine you and your friend saw a strange visitor

Imagine you and your friend saw a strange visitor hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

5+ Imagine you and your friend saw a strange visitor

Quảng cáo

Đề bài: Imagine you and your friend saw a strange visitor. Now, write a narrative passage to tell the story. Write 80-100 words.

Topic: The night I saw ________

Situation and characters

Who is in the story?

What were you doing?

Main events

Describe what you saw/heard/felt


Your opinion or feelings about the story

Imagine you and your friend saw a strange visitor. Now, write a narrative passage - mẫu 1

I’ll never forget the day I saw a UFO in my town. I was twelve years old. I was playing soccer in the park with my friend. It was running when someone kicked the ball into the air. When I looked up, I could see a strange object flying in the sky. It made a loud sound. I told my friends to look it up, but it was already gone. I was scared, but they thought it was funny. I wonder what that strange object was.

Quảng cáo

Imagine you and your friend saw a strange visitor. Now, write a narrative passage - mẫu 2

One day, I was walking in the park when I saw a strange visitor. It was a small, shiny robot with blinking lights and whirring sounds. I felt curious and a bit scared at the same time. The robot seemed lost and confused, so I decided to approach it slowly. As I got closer, I noticed that it had a friendly face on its screen. We started talking, and the robot told me that it came from another planet to learn about the Earth. I was amazed by this encounter and felt excited to help the robot explore our world.

Imagine you and your friend saw a strange visitor. Now, write a narrative passage - mẫu 3

As I walked quietly in the peaceful woods, I suddenly stopped when I saw something strange. It was a creature I had never seen before. It looked different from anything I knew, with a mysterious glow around it. I felt both amazed and a little scared. We stood there silently, looking at each other for a while. Then, the strange creature disappeared into the forest. I couldn't stop thinking about what I had just seen, feeling curious and unsure about what it all meant.

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Imagine you and your friend saw a strange visitor. Now, write a narrative passage - mẫu 4

The Night I Saw an alien.

I'll never forget the time I saw an alien.

I was eleven years old. I was in the park with my older brother. It was summertime, but the park was very quiet. We played basketball until it got dark.

We were getting ready to go home when we heard a strange noise behind us. It was an alien with big arms and huge eyes. We ran home as fast as we could. We were really scared! Then, the aliens disappeared very quickly.

My brother thought we might have been mistaken for someone big because it was so dark. I think he's wrong because a person can't just disappear so quickly like that! I really believe it's an alien from another planet.

Imagine you and your friend saw a strange visitor. Now, write a narrative passage - mẫu 5

One night, my friend and I were walking in the woods when we saw something strange. It was a glowing shape moving quietly between the trees. We stopped and watched, feeling a little scared but also curious. The air felt different, like something magical was happening. As the glowing thing came closer, we felt both nervous and amazed. It spoke to us in a calm voice and told us it was friendly. Even though it was weird, we couldn't help feeling excited about meeting something so unusual.

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