In many parts of the world, people do research on their family history. Some people believe that finding out

In many parts of the world, people do research on their family history. Some people believe that finding out about previous generations is a useful thing to do. However, others believe that it is better to focus on present and future generations. Discuss both views and give your opinion. hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

In many parts of the world, people do research on their family history. Some people believe that finding out

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Đề bài: In many parts of the world, people do research on their family history. Some people believe that finding out about previous generations is a useful thing to do. However, others believe that it is better to focus on present and future generations. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

In many parts of the world, people do research on their family history. Some people believe that finding out - mẫu 1

Researching one's family history is a common phenomenon observed in many regions globally. While some individuals advocate for this practice, others argue that focusing on the present and future generations is more pragmatic. This essay will explore both perspectives and argue that we should aim to achieve a balance between honoring the past and actively shaping the future.

Proponents of researching family history emphasize its usefulness in understanding one's roots and cultural identity. In fact, exploring past generations provides a unique opportunity to discover ancestral traditions, customs, and values that have contributed to the family's legacy. By tracing family origins, individuals can develop a sense of belonging and connection to their heritage, fostering a strong cultural identity. This can allow the preservation of valuable knowledge and stories, ensuring that the experiences of ancestors are not forgotten over time. This historical perspective can be an enriching and enlightening experience for individuals who seek to understand their place in the world.

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Nevertheless, advocates of focusing on the present and future generations argue that excessive preoccupation with the past may hinder progress and personal development. They assert that dwelling too much on family history might lead to stagnation, as people may be reluctant to embrace change and innovation. Instead of investing time in researching ancestors, the focus should be on shaping a better future for the current and upcoming generations. Furthermore, dedicating energy to the present allows individuals to address immediate challenges and contribute positively to society, making a tangible impact on the world around them.

In conclusion, while understanding ancestral heritage can provide a sense of identity and cultural richness, a sole focus on the past may hinder personal growth and societal progress. Therefore, I firmly believe that embracing the past while concentrating on the present and the future is essential for individuals to draw wisdom from their ancestors while making meaningful contributions to the generations to come.

In many parts of the world, people do research on their family history. Some people believe that finding out - mẫu 2

While one school of thought holds that exploring family history could bring valuable benefits, others are of the opinion that the immediate benefits for the present and future generations should take precedence. This essay will first closely examine both perspectives before explaining why I side with the latter.

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Advocates of genealogical research often argue that learning about their forefathers' past successes and failures can equip them with valuable insights to better navigate their own lives. For example, the story of how a risky investment led to the bankruptcy of an ancestor can teach people important financial lessons. They would then learn to weigh the pros and cons of their financial decisions and devise a plan to minimize the risks involved before arriving at the final decisions.

However, there is a high possibility that one might not approach family history with critical thinking and careful assessment of contemporary contexts and personal values, thereby potentially embarking on the wrong path in the pursuit of superficial values. Prompted by the financial successes of an ancestor in a morally dubious business venture, one might disregard the consequences and ethical values to emulate such achievements.

Furthermore, there is a stronger case to be made for shifting the focus to the current and forthcoming generations in the family. Given the limited resources of an average family, it is better to invest their time and money into cultivating opportunities for growth and development, shaping an auspicious future. Instead of searching through family historical documents and other memorabilia, consulting professional genealogists or DNA testing services, which might incur a colossal amount of expenses, a family could establish a college fund for their children, ensuring access to high-quality education and a secure future.

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Of course, concerns that negligence in family history preservation could cause a disconnect with past generations are valid. However, they can be addressed by establishing family rituals or routines like weekly dinners, game nights, reunion outings, or family vacations to strengthen the familial bond. Stories about family traditions, anecdotes, and historical events are also encouraged to be passed down from one generation to the next, fostering a sense of continuity and belonging within the family.

In conclusion, while there are good grounds for exploring family history, prioritizing the immediate benefits for the current and upcoming generations can provide a more impactful approach to contribute to the family's collective well-being and success.

In many parts of the world, people do research on their family history. Some people believe that finding out - mẫu 3

People have different views about whether individuals should delve into their family history or concentrate on the present and future generations. While some support the significance of understanding one's past, others, myself included, argue for the importance of focusing on the current and future eras.

Those who advocate for researching family history often highlight its value in giving one a sense of identity. It can provide insights into their core values including familial traditions, cultural heritage, and personal lineage. With this knowledge, individuals can develop a deeper appreciation for their own heritage. Moreover, delving into family history can strengthen family bonds. Shared stories and narratives serve as a bridge between past and present, facilitating a sense of cohesion within families.

Conversely, I believe in focusing on the present and future generations because of the benefits it promises. Directing attention towards the present and future becomes imperative in an era of rapid technological advancements and global integration. By doing this, individuals can address contemporary challenges and shape a better future for subsequent generations. More specifically, investing time and resources into educational opportunities, career development, and environmental sustainability can yield tangible benefits for not only individuals but also society.

In conclusion, while exploring one's family history can offer invaluable insights into personal identity and heritage, I believe it is crucial to focus on the present and future generations.

In many parts of the world, people do research on their family history. Some people believe that finding out - mẫu 4

Opinions are divided on whether researching one’s ancestry is beneficial, or whether one's focus should be on current and upcoming generations. Although there are valid arguments in favor of the former opinion, I believe that living in the present and preparing for what is yet to come is more crucial.

Proponents of delving into family history would argue that such exploration helps shape an individual’s identity, which fosters a deeper connection to one's ancestral roots and can even act as a motivational force for current family members. Contemporary generations, with greater exposure to vast amounts of information and diverse cultures, often find themselves overwhelmed, uncertain of who they are, and lacking self-esteem. In these situations, revisiting family traditions, and the hardships and achievements of one’s forefathers, can cultivate a strong sense of belonging and serve as a source of inspiration for young people. These success stories are more relatable than cliché life lessons found elsewhere, aiding them in better navigating today’s world.

However, I am of the opinion that this viewpoint is less relevant in the modern context, where preparing present generations for the future is more important. An excessive focus on the past can potentially hinder progress, because past successes may put further undue pressure on young people to live up to those standards. In some cases, the looking into family history might even uncover unfavourable events, causing disappointment and distress. Instead, time and resources would be better spent equipping the youth with knowledge and skills for the future. That is to say, concentrating on the present allows successive generations to fully realize their potential through education and career planning, while a vision spanning into the future contributes to long-term success and addressing contemporary challenges, like climate change and social inequality.

In conclusion, although understanding one's roots has its merits, I believe focusing too heavily on the past can have adverse effects. Directing our focus towards enhancing the lives of present and future generations is more crucial due to its substantial benefits for both individuals and society.

In many parts of the world, people do research on their family history. Some people believe that finding out - mẫu 5

These days, investigating family history is a subject which piques many people’s interests. Meanwhile, others believe that this is a frivolous idea, and that attention on the present and future generations is of more consequence. In my opinion, I am inclined to support researching ancestry because of its benefits.

The idea of only focusing on the family’s current and future generations seems straightforward at first glance. Studying one’s ancestral history, initially, can be dismissed as time-consuming. Understandably, this effort likely involves traveling to the family’s place of origin and asking local inhabitants for information. For families of immigrants in a different country, however, this is often out of the question. Researching one’s ancestry can also be conducted through a genealogist, but these specialists are few; hence, their services are certainly not cheap. The resources for this could be better spent on other activities to strengthen familial bonds, such as paying for the next reunion at a vacation resort. This way, the current and next generations would have new moments to share with each other.

On the other hand, proponents of researching family history argue that it serves worthy purposes. By learning about their lineage, it is possible for somebody to develop a deeper connection to their ethnic roots. This is particularly helpful for diaspora communities, who may need to preserve their heritage and culture in a foreign land. Furthermore, by studying one’s ancestry, people can unveil fascinating information about their bloodline. In the US, a number of people can trace their lineage back to the American Revolution, giving them great stories to share to their descendants, in addition to reinvigorating their patriotism. The outcome of research, overall, could be highly rewarding for future generations, and the community as a whole.

In conclusion, while both views have merit, I believe that investigating family history can be an invaluable experience, so doing it is likely more beneficial than not. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide how much time and energy they want to dedicate to studying their ancestry.

In many parts of the world, people do research on their family history. Some people believe that finding out - mẫu 6

Understanding one's family history may not make headline news, but it can hold significant value in constructing an intriguing and surprising family tree. Some argue that delving into family roots is a positive endeavor, providing opportunities for growth and learning from the past. However, others believe that focusing on the present and future generations is more meaningful. This essay will discuss both perspectives before presenting my opinion.

On one hand, there are individuals who show no interest in tracing their family history. They consider the pursuit of information about distant relatives, such as great, great-grandparents and distant cousins, to be fruitless and akin to disturbing the graves of the deceased. They argue that the effort invested in such research may not yield exciting or valuable results, making the entire process seem futile. While this perspective is understandable, given the challenges of unearthing ancient bloodlines, it disregards the potential benefits of understanding our roots.

On the other hand, an increasing number of people are captivated by the curiosity surrounding their family histories. In the age of the internet, access to relevant information has become easier, fostering a desire to explore the origins of our existence. Such research is believed to be vital not only for personal knowledge but also for comprehending the broader historical context. By reflecting on the past, individuals can gain insights into their country's development and heritage, which can, in turn, guide the path to the future. Remembering and acknowledging our ancestors and their contributions become essential elements of our identity.

In conclusion, both viewpoints on researching family history have merit. While some may view it as a fruitless effort, an increasing number of individuals find value in exploring their origins. Personally, I believe that delving into one's family history can offer a deeper understanding of our identity and a sense of purpose in the present and future. By embracing our past, we can chart a more informed and inspired course forward.

In many parts of the world, people do research on their family history. Some people believe that finding out - mẫu 7

It is sometimes considered that people should research about the history of their relatives, while opponents maintain that resources should rather be used to address ongoing issues and nurture future generations. This essay will elaborate on both perspectives and the reasons why I lean towards the latter one.

On the one hand, there are significant benefits of understanding the past of a family. The foremost one is the possibility of identifying genetic diseases such as asthma and Down syndrome. Early identification of these inherited health problems allows timely treatment which can save lives and enhance the quality of living. Furthermore, family research can forge the bonds between family members. It is because research findings usually include not only origins of the family but also stories of sacrifice and endeavour that their ancestors made to overcome hardship and difficulty. These are likely to evoke a profound sense of pride and belonging in later generations.

However, priorities should be given to present and coming generations for several reasons. The most compelling one is the need to address ongoing urgent issues including accommodation, employment and nourishment. Addressing these pressing problems will greatly improve people’s living standard, ultimately filling them with a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. In addition, financial and time resources used for research into history, if invested in children’s development instead, will greatly benefit families. Specifically, these adequately invested children have the potential to become capable and responsible members who can not only create wealth for themselves but also support others in the family, which might not be possible if they were neglected in favour of past research.

In conclusion, both sides of the argument have their own merits. However, I maintain that people should prioritise the present and future generations given the urgency of some fundamental problems and the importance of child rearing. That is why adult members of the family ought to collaborate to devise a comprehensive plan for a better use of resources to effectively satisfy these current and important demands.

In many parts of the world, people do research on their family history. Some people believe that finding out - mẫu 8

Many people think that it we should learn about our forefathers while others think that it is better to focus on the present and coming generations. In this essay, I will discuss these two views before reaching my own conclusions.

On the one hand, researching one’s family background brings many benefits. Firstly, there are many inherited diseases, and research on family history might identify and prevent or treat the diseases. Second, many people feel proud when they find that their family is respectable and credible with a notable family background. It encourages them to keep family’s traditions and contribute to the society to continuously gain credibility and respectability. Finally, the research can be conducted simply as a fascinating hobby and can be a good talking point with family and friends, thereby fostering family relationships.

On the other hand, there are some reasons why we should concentrate on the present and future rather than on the past. The first reason is that researching family history might reveal some embarrassing facts such as ancestors’ crime records that make future generations uncomfortable. The second reason is that many people think that the past cannot be changed, so instead of wasting time on digging family history, the present and future should be prioritised. They believed that it is more important that the present and future generations are and will be admired.

In conclusion, I think that if ones find their interest and the benefits of family research, they should be able to do it; otherwise, they should focus on the present and the future.

In many parts of the world, people do research on their family history. Some people believe that finding out - mẫu 9

Many people think that it we should learn about our forefathers while others think that it is better to focus on the present and coming generations. In this essay, I will discuss these two views before reaching my own conclusions.

The main reason for and against researching one’s family background is whether the family history is glorious. If some people find that their family is respectable and credible with a notable family background, they will be encouraged to keep their family’s traditions and contribute to the society to gain more respectability. Others might not have that glory, and researching family history might reveal some embarrassing facts such as ancestors’ crime records that make future generations uncomfortable. For them, it is a waste of time to dig into the past as it cannot be changed, and the present and future should be prioritised.

However, people who are against family research might ignore the medical and scientific fact that there are many inherited diseases, and research on family history might identify and prevent or treat the diseases. Also, they might think that conducting family research is expensive and time-consuming, but the fact is that researching family tree can just be a hobby to elders in Vietnamese families, for example. It can be done simply by collecting old family photos or talking with older relatives about family stories, thereby fostering family relationships.

In conclusion, it is not necessary for everyone to unlocking the mysteries of their own family history. However, as family research can be seen as a free time interest and bring many benefits, I think that it should be done in every family.

In many parts of the world, people do research on their family history. Some people believe that finding out - mẫu 10

Ancestral lineage research has been argued by many people to be important in recent times, whilst there are also those who believe it is a fruitless endeavour. In this essay, I will seek to show why I believe that whilst both views have their merits, knowing more about one’s family can be beneficial for those who have been estranged from their roots. 

Firstly, family history is of no real use in our modern world in terms of economic advantages. Gone are the days of delineating heirs and “pure bloodlines”, and being a son or daughter of a past monarchy means little in most countries today. Concerning oneself with a long-lost past, rather than looking ahead and tending to the generations we have now is a waste of the precious time we have to engage and learn from the generations that are still around us. Learning that one is part Chinese or Korean, for example, does not ultimately change who they are as a person or who they should associate with.

On the other hand, learning about ancestry is a way of feeling closer to one’s own family, for it is a way of seeing the roots of one’s own family tree and honouring where we come from. This could potentially be of great comfort to orphans, or those who do not know who their parents are. DNA tests, for example, have helped many people without family to track down their long-lost relatives and discover brothers and sisters they never knew they had. Helping reconnect families can be seen as a positive social impact of ancestral lineage research. 

Ultimately, I believe that while there are no longer any tangible physical purposes for learning about one’s lineage, it is nonetheless beneficial to those who want to feel a greater sense of connection to their forefathers. 

In many parts of the world, people do research on their family history. Some people believe that finding out - mẫu 11

In many parts of the world, people search for their family history. Some people believe that it is important to find out about previous generations, while others think that it is better to focus on the present and future generations. In this essay, I will discuss both of these views and give my own opinion.

There are many benefits to finding out about previous generations. For one, it can help us to understand our own heritage and where we come from. It can also help us to connect with our ancestors and learn about their experiences. Additionally, it can give us a sense of belonging and identity.

For example, my family came to the United States from Vietnam in the 1970s. When I was younger, I didn’t know much about my family’s history. However, as I got older, I started to learn more about their experiences. I learned about the war in Vietnam, the refugee camp they lived in, and their journey to the United States. Learning about my family’s history helped me to understand my own identity and why I am the way I am.

While there are benefits to finding out about previous generations, there are also benefits to focusing on the present and future generations. For one, it can help us to build a better future for our children and grandchildren. It can also help us to create a legacy that will last for generations to come. Additionally, it can give us a sense of purpose and motivation.

For example, my parents have always focused on the present and future generations. They have worked hard to provide me with a good education and opportunities. They have also taught me the importance of giving back to my community. Knowing that my parents are focused on the future gives me a sense of purpose and motivation.

In conclusion, there are both benefits to finding out about previous generations and to focusing on the present and future generations. Ultimately, the best approach is to find a balance between the two. We should learn about our family history, but we should also focus on building a better future for our children and grandchildren.

In many parts of the world, people do research on their family history. Some people believe that finding out - mẫu 12

In today’s era, there is an ongoing debate regarding the significance of delving into one’s family history as opposed to concentrating efforts on present and future generations. While some advocate for exploring ancestral roots, others emphasize the importance of prioritizing the needs of current and forthcoming generations. This essay will delve into the merits of both perspectives before positing a balanced viewpoint.

On the one hand, researching family history bears multifaceted advantages. By unearthing the past, individuals gain insights into their cultural heritage and ancestral traditions. This exploration fosters a profound sense of belonging and identity, forging emotional connections with the past. Moreover, delving into family lineage offers valuable lessons from ancestors’ experiences, aiding in personal growth and character development. Learning from historical accounts and familial narratives can instill a stronger sense of responsibility and morality in individuals, enabling them to appreciate the significance of values passed down through generations.

Conversely, focusing on present and future generations is equally vital. Prioritizing current and future needs is essential for societal progress and development. It enables individuals to channel resources, knowledge, and efforts towards addressing contemporary challenges. In a rapidly evolving world, adapting to change and envisioning a sustainable future is imperative. This forward-thinking approach cultivates innovation, enabling individuals to steer progress and development in diverse fields such as technology, healthcare, and environmental conservation.

In conclusion, while researching family history offers a sense of identity and moral lessons, focusing on the needs of present and future generations is crucial for societal progression. Striking a balance between preserving heritage and addressing contemporary challenges is essential for creating a harmonious and prosperous future.

In many parts of the world, people do research on their family history. Some people believe that finding out - mẫu 13

In the contemporary era, there is a debate concerning whether individuals should delve into their family history or concentrate on the present and future. Both perspectives offer valuable insights, and this essay will explore them before concluding with a personal viewpoint.

Researching family history is pivotal for cultural preservation and maintaining one’s heritage. By tracing one’s roots, individuals connect with their ancestors, discovering their trials and triumphs, which in turn can imbue them with a sense of identity and purpose. As it is widely acknowledged, “Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.” Therefore, understanding the struggles and successes of our forebears can equip us with valuable lessons that inform our decisions today.

On the other hand, focusing on the present and future is often seen as more practical. In a world that is rapidly advancing, technological innovations and forward-thinking are imperative for progress. Future planning is crucial as it allows us to prepare for emerging challenges and opportunities, ensuring that resources are allocated efficiently. Moreover, concentrating on current generations promotes a proactive rather than a retrospective stance on life’s issues.

While acknowledging the rich insights that family history can provide, I believe that the exigencies of the present and the uncertainties of the future demand more immediate attention. It is by focusing on contemporary challenges and potential future scenarios that we can ensure a sustainable and prosperous existence for coming generations. Thus, while the past is informative, the present and future are imperative.

In many parts of the world, people do research on their family history. Some people believe that finding out - mẫu 14

It is argued that masses of a few nations of the globe fascinate to search about their ancestral life. They consider it a good idea to ascertain the life of the past generation; but others believe in focusing on the current and future generation. In my perspective, finding out the past lives of people helps ameliorate living standards.

At the outset, people consider it beneficial to research ancient generations because past life helps in improving living standards. People can bring modifications not only in their eating habits but also in their professions. For instance, now, due to a sedentary lifestyle, individuals are becoming victims of many diseases. So, they can make their lifestyle healthy by relying more on staple food, which was the main diet of people of the past. Moreover, ancient people were masters of their own. They were more creative, and they did not need to find employment because they were self-employed. So, after knowing about them, today’s individuals can bring desirable changes.

On the other hand, people who believe it a good idea to focus more on present and future generations because they consider past has nothing essential stored for the present and future generations instead of full of errors. The ideas have become so obsolete, either regarding farmland or adopting any profession. Moreover, now people are more creative and have the required qualifications. So, they can make their present and future bright. For instance, now masses have in-depth knowledge about anything by dint of technology. So now they have more chances of getting success and leading a prosperous. Therefore, it is important to focus more on current issues and to have a long-term vision.

In conclusion, thus knowing about the previous generation is essential for some people, while others emphasize more on present and future generations. I think the previous generation can assist a lot in making some lifestyle changes and it gives a chance to people to lead a prosperous life by following the lifestyle of ancient people.

In many parts of the world, people do research on their family history. Some people believe that finding out - mẫu 15

Investing time and effort in genealogy can be fascinating for some people, while others believe current and future generations deserve more attention. While each view has its merits, there is no reason why the two should be mutually exclusive.

Tracing family roots back in time and compiling a genealogical tree demonstrating ancestors and descendants can be a worthwhile undertaking for a better understanding of family roots and creating a sense of belonging for a family. While this primarily focuses on the past, the implications for current and future generations can be significant.

Nowadays, younger generations tend to lead a more hectic life and often feel under greater pressure than their ancestors did, they are also generally highly mobile in terms of where they live and work. It is also common for many to experience a sense of disconnect as a result of this mobility as many do not maintain the same strong family ties that previous generations did. As families extend across regions and in some cases borders, extended families may feel a lack of pertaining to a particular place and being able to share and celebrate their family heritage can help them feel connected to their historic roots.

By no means are the two views mutually exclusive. In fact, the pursuit of understanding our past can help ground us in the present and launch a successful future based on a solid knowledge of where we originate from and those who came before us. Genealogy can in fact reconnect us and yet allow us to explore the future safe in the knowledge of who we are.

In many parts of the world, people do research on their family history. Some people believe that finding out - mẫu 16

Mankind is connected to each other in the form of a chain of relationships dated back centuries ago. It is a well-established fact in various societies that the grand ancestors of all human being are Adam and Eva. Some people are curious to discover their family tree while others believe that one should concentrate on their current and coming generations. This essay will analyse both views and will present an opinion in the conclusion.

Human beings have always remained anxious in discovering their true identity and are always keen in finding out where they belong to and who were their ancestors. Researching family unit facilitate people to understand how they are connected to others. People feel proud when they discover that their forefather's achievements and sacrifices are still admired by societies. Moreover, in some communities, a family is considered respectable and credible if they have a strong family background and notable history. For instance, in some Asian countries, families ask for the relationship tree of each other before they decide to finalise the marriage.

On the contrary, few people believe that our present is more critical than our past and one should devote his time and efforts on future generations rather than digging the past. Proponents of this viewpoint say that researching family history might reveal some facts that can be embarrassing for our current generation. For instance, children will feel uncomfortable and distracted if they discover that one of their ancestors was not patriotic or committed several crimes based on religious ethnicity. They further say that exploring family history would not do any good as that era cannot be changed and one should concentrate on raising respectable manners and etiquette in our generations to make them a better member of a society.

To recapitulate, the aforementioned provides plausible arguments in favour of both views. However, in my opinion researching family relations assist people to track their origin, achievement of their ancestors and so on, which can soothe and comfort their hearts.

In many parts of the world, people do research on their family history. Some people believe that finding out - mẫu 17

In this millennial era, many dig up their family history and study their previous generations, implying that they tend to believe it is a productive approach. On the contrary, others consider present and future generations to be the mattering things. Knowing about the family history is as important as empathizing with the new generation as both have their own advantages which we can discuss further.

The first and foremost point to consider is the well-experimented strategies which we can inherit from our ancestors, thus helping people to take appropriate and confident decisions in their lives. The plethora of live instances prove the benefits of researching and studying histories, such as doctors finding a cure to chronic diseases and archaeologists studying human activity through the recovery and analysis of material culture to make discoveries that the world should know. To add to it, family ancestors encourage us to live an environment-friendly and stressless lifestyle which is the need of the hour.

Taking the deliberation to the opposite, today’s and tomorrow’s generation is the future of this world, which cannot be neglected. Thus, it is as beneficial as knowing family history because it helps maintain peace, security, ethics, and empathic actions. While preparing and planning for future circumstances concentrating on the current generation will lead us to finer solutions.

To recapitulate, scrutinizing family history is paramount for superior and tried-and-tested strategies to study the present and future generations to be prepared for the future and work on the goals to make this world a better place.

In many parts of the world, people do research on their family history. Some people believe that finding out - mẫu 18

People all over the world love to know about their ancestors and family history. Some people feel that it makes sense to research their family background. However, others oppose this view. In their opinion, we should focus more on the current and future generations. In my opinion, it depends on humans. If someone really wants to know about their ancestors, I don’t see anything wrong with researching their family history.

There are several benefits to studying your family history. Many diseases, for example, are hereditary. Someone who studies their family history will be able to identify illnesses that are common in their family. This information will help them be better prepared to deal with such diseases. Learning about your family’s history is also a great way to discover your family’s culture and traditions. This research can help people stay attached to their culture. Moreover, people feel proud when they find out that their family has a glorious history.

On the other hand, not everyone is lucky enough to have a glorious family history. Therefore, some people believe that studying family history can reveal confusing or disturbing information about ancestors. In their opinion, our present is much more important than our past. Thus, they believe that instead of wasting time on family research, we should focus on the present and the future. After all the past is gone and there is nothing we can do about it. So, it makes sense to focus on our future.

In conclusion, everyone has the right to know about their ancestors. This, however, does not mean that everyone should examine their family. People who are interested in learning more about their families should be able to do so, while others should just focus on the future.

In many parts of the world, people do research on their family history. Some people believe that finding out - mẫu 19

Each and every humankind mindset and thought process iaredifferent from others. In the host of countries, it is seen that people research person past bloodline; some individuals believe that this is a great way while others argued that rather than see past, acknowledgment of future and present generation is better. In this essay, I will examine both notions in ensuring paragraphs along with a logical conclusion and my opinion.

On the one hand, in this contemporary era, everyone is stuck in a rut, hence before making a relationship, some people prefer to research that person’s ancestors. It yields brief wisdom about generation. Many times, people get more respect and value because of their ancestors, such as owing to freedom fighter ancestors, the family got more attention and appreciation in the community.

Furthermore, in some countries, this is the way to know history and status in society. For instance, in south Asian countries, both family sides prefer to research each other’s past generations’ history before finalizing the marriage.

On the other hand, focusing on past bloodlines is also not a good idea. Time and conditions change people’s generation and their abilities; in other words, if a person’s forefather was doing transgression work in own time, then it doesn’t mean that their generation does the same. In addition, generation by generation, people also modify livelihood and change the tradition that was passed with generation.

To summarize, some people believe that drilling a person and their ancestor’s history is a good idea. However, others feel that the present and future are more paramount than what happened in the past. I believe that myriad time researching is a good idea, although present and future also matter.

In many parts of the world, people do research on their family history. Some people believe that finding out - mẫu 20

In recent years, whether to conduct a background check of an individual or not has become a hot topic for debate. Certain demographics of the society reckon that it is a good notion to verify the blood relations; however, a school of thought disagrees and claims that it would be good if the present and the future scopes of the person are taken under consideration. The following composition will discuss both views before giving an opinion.

It cannot be denied that, nowadays, while applying for any important job role, a candidate’s profile verification is an integral part of the recruitment process. Besides this, based on the criminal clearance, only some of the conglomerates proceed with the candidature. The reason behind conducting this tedious and time-consuming process is to be sure about the roots of the applicant. Apart from this, if some inhuman activity is committed, this kind of verification plays a vital role in finding bad elements. In India, for instance, it is a mandate from the government to perform this process while applying for a private or government job, which has helped lawmakers reduce the crime rate. Thus, supporters of this idea strongly believe that it provides information about a person and secures the nation from terrorist activities. 

Conversely, few condemn this notion because of multiple reasons. Firstly, they think that the past or sins of the ancestors should not impact the present moment of anyone. This is just like punishing an individual for their family history, which is preposterous as well as unnecessary. Secondly, critics of this idea say that, as a society, we are not helping innocent family members of a criminal by putting these curbs everywhere. To explain it further, these kinds of processes should be removed from the corporate and creative fields to encourage family members of a criminal to start the new chapter of life. Hence, such people find it thoughtful to consider the present and the future without worrying about a person’s past.

To conclude, in my view, though inhabitants should not be tortured for their or a family member’s dark past, in some sectors, such as visa processes, government jobs, merchant navy background verification, must be included. This helps the policymakers across the globe secure citizens from inhuman activities, which is the prime concern during this time.

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Phụ huynh đăng ký mua khóa học lớp 9 cho con, được tặng miễn phí khóa ôn thi học kì. Cha mẹ hãy đăng ký học thử cho con và được tư vấn miễn phí. Đăng ký ngay!

Tổng đài hỗ trợ đăng ký khóa học: 084 283 45 85

Đã có app VietJack trên điện thoại, giải bài tập SGK, SBT Soạn văn, Văn mẫu, Thi online, Bài giảng....miễn phí. Tải ngay ứng dụng trên Android và iOS.

Theo dõi chúng tôi miễn phí trên mạng xã hội facebook và youtube:

Nếu thấy hay, hãy động viên và chia sẻ nhé! Các bình luận không phù hợp với nội quy bình luận trang web sẽ bị cấm bình luận vĩnh viễn.

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