Some people think that in modern society individuals are becoming more dependent on each other. Others believe

Some people think that in modern society individuals are becoming more dependent on each other. Others believe people have become more independent. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Some people think that in modern society individuals are becoming more dependent on each other. Others believe

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Đề bài: Some people think that in modern society individuals are becoming more dependent on each other. Others believe people have become more independent. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some people think that in modern society individuals are becoming more dependent on each other. Others believe - mẫu 1

There is an ongoing debate surrounding the level of interdependence versus independence in modern society. This essay will explain the logic of both perspectives but then argue that we have become more dependent on one other.

Proponents of the growing independence argue that technological advancements, economic opportunities, and personal freedoms empower individuals to pursue their goals and assert their independence. Digital technologies enable people to access information, services, and opportunities independently, reducing reliance on traditional institutions and intermediaries. Moreover, economic globalization and flexible work arrangements provide individuals with greater control over their careers and lifestyles. As a result, people are less beholden to external influences and more capable of making autonomous decisions that align with their preferences and values.

Nevertheless, I firmly take the view that modern society is characterized by growing interconnectedness and interdependence among individuals, communities, and nations. This is driven by numerous factors, including globalization, technological advancements, and economic interdependence. In an interconnected world, for example, people depend on each other for goods, services, information, and support, meaning that it would be extremely difficult for them to survive if they exclude themselves from their community. Another example is that our modern world is facing complex societal challenges such as climate change, pandemics, and economic crises, all of which require collective action and cooperation to address effectively.

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In conclusion, it is undeniable that modern technological advances have allowed individuals to exert a certain level of freedom over their lives. Despite this, I hold the belief that there are social, economic, and technological factors which have intensified interconnectedness and interdependence on a global scale.

Some people think that in modern society individuals are becoming more dependent on each other. Others believe - mẫu 2

In today’s fast-paced global environment, opinions diverge regarding the nature of interpersonal dependency. While some argue that modern society fosters greater mutual dependence among individuals, others contend that people are becoming increasingly self-reliant. This essay will explore both perspectives before arriving at a conclusion.

Proponents of the view that individuals are becoming more dependent often cite the interconnectedness brought about by technological advancements. For instance, in Vietnam, the rise of digital platforms like Zalo and Facebook has transformed the way people interact, making them reliant on social media for communication and information. This is particularly evident during the COVID-19 pandemic, when communities had to band together digitally to share resources and support each other. Nonetheless, this argument might overlook the empowerment that technology grants individuals, allowing them to perform tasks independently that once required assistance.

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However, I believe that modern individuals are becoming more independent. The advent of the internet and other technologies has provided tools that allow people to learn, work, and solve problems on their own. In Vietnam, the surge in online learning platforms such as Kyna and Vuihoc exemplifies this trend, enabling students to study from home without traditional classroom dependence. This shift not only underscores the growing autonomy in education but also reflects a broader trend of self-directed professional development.

In conclusion, although technological interconnectedness suggests an increase in dependency, the empowerment provided by these very tools indicates a strong trend towards independence. After evaluating both sides of the argument, it seems clear that modern society is nurturing individuals who are more capable of self-management and less reliant on others than ever before. This evolution towards independence appears to be the prevailing trajectory of our times.

Some people think that in modern society individuals are becoming more dependent on each other. Others believe - mẫu 3

People have argued about how human life is in the modern days. A group of people believe that human beings have become more independent these days, but others think that humans are more dependent on their kind. The following essay will discuss both opinions, but in my personal view, I believe that people have become more independent nowadays.

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Several people believe that mankind has become more dependent on each other these days. Due to the globalisation, the cost of living in many countries has increased significantly in the past recent years which enforce both husband and wife to work hard, to fulfil their family's expenditures. As a result, many families are relying on their parents or babysitters in taking care of their children.

On the other hand, some people think that humans are more independent these days. Firstly, due to the rapid development of the medical world, the average life expectancy of the human being has positively improved. As the senior people are healthier these days, it means that they are less dependent on their sibling or their children. Secondly, with the existence of electronic household devices, such as washing and drying machine and microwave oven, mankind are less dependent on housekeepers. They could just easily place their dirty clothes in the washing machine or just place the frozen food in the oven, and it will be ready in an instant.

In conclusion, many people think that human beings are more independent these days, but others disagree with the statement. In my point of view, mankind is less reliable to others nowadays, since the world has improved in many ways, such as in the medical field and in information technology.

Some people think that in modern society individuals are becoming more dependent on each other. Others believe - mẫu 4

People have different views about whether we are more or less dependent on others nowadays. In my view, modern life forces us to be more independent than people were in the past. 

There are two main reasons why it could be argued that we are more dependent on each other now. Firstly, life is more complex and difficult, especially because the cost of living has increased so dramatically. For example, young adults tend to rely on their parents for help when buying a house. Property prices are higher than ever, and without help it would be impossible for many people to pay a deposit and a mortgage. Secondly, people seem to be more ambitious nowadays, and they want a better quality of life for their families. This means that both parents usually need to work full-time, and they depend on support from grandparents and babysitters for childcare. 

However, I would agree with those who believe that people are more independent these days. In most countries, families are becoming smaller and more dispersed, which means that people cannot count on relatives as much as they used to. We also have more freedom to travel and live far away from our hometowns. For example, many students choose to study abroad instead of going to their local university, and this experience makes them more independent as they learn to live alone. Another factor in this growing independence is technology, which allows us to work alone and from any part of the world. 

In conclusion, while there are some reasons to believe that people now depend on each other more, my own view is that we are more independent than ever. 

Some people think that in modern society individuals are becoming more dependent on each other. Others believe - mẫu 5

In contemporary society, the dynamics of individual relationships are subject to debate, with some contending that people are increasingly reliant on each other while others argue for growing independence. This essay explores both perspectives, with a focus on the assertion that individuals are becoming more independent.

On the one hand, proponents of increasing interdependence point to various societal trends that underscore the growing reliance on others. In the professional realm, specialization in various fields necessitates collaboration and teamwork. For example, in the field of medicine, doctors, nurses, and technicians must collaborate closely to provide comprehensive patient care. Similarly, globalization has interconnected nations economically and socially, leading to mutual dependence for trade, resources, and addressing global challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic vividly demonstrated how interconnected the world has become, with countries relying on each other for medical supplies, vaccines, and scientific expertise to combat the virus.

On the other hand, I contend modern society promotes individual autonomy and self-sufficiency. One notable trend is the rise of smaller family sizes and increased mobility. With fewer family members living together and more individuals studying or working away from home, people are compelled to rely less on family support networks and develop independence. For example, students studying abroad often manage their finances, accommodation, and daily routines independently, fostering self-reliance and adaptability. Moreover, economic and social changes have enabled greater access to education, employment opportunities, and resources, empowering individuals to pursue their goals and aspirations without depending solely on others.

In conclusion, while there are undeniable instances of increasing interdependence in modern society, the overall trajectory leans towards greater individual independence. Advances in technology, education, and mobility, and many other changes have empowered individuals to pursue their ambitions and navigate life with greater autonomy.

Some people think that in modern society individuals are becoming more dependent on each other. Others believe - mẫu 6

Recently, whether or not the modern world encourages individual independence has surfaced as an intriguing debate. While some suggest that contemporary people have become less mutually dependent, others, including myself, believe the opposite point of view.

Several factors appear to prove that the modern world has fostered less dependency among individuals. An oft-cited fact is that many people have shifted their living arrangements toward smaller and smaller family units; in some places, single-person households are the most prevalent. Multiple generations living under one roof used to make sense as a means of pooling resources, but the increased economic power of individuals means that more independent family structures are the norm. Furthermore, the Internet’s popularity has enabled the independent acquisition of knowledge and skills with online resources. This lends confidence to many people to be employed remotely, thus reinforcing the perception of independence in contemporary society.

However, interdependence may actually be the more popular trend throughout the modern world. These days, many individuals’ lifestyles exhibit a reliance on goods and services produced by others. A large number of young office workers, for instance, take public transport to commute, and order daily meals to be delivered to them to maintain their focus on the work. Furthermore, on social media platforms, users rely on others’ reactions in order to expand their reach and influence, which has the added effect of creating fame. At the same time, these services constantly encourage participants to follow others to keep up with their experiences. This generates a loop where online creators are dependent on media consumers’ feedback, whereas consumers feel they need the creators as a place to voice their opinions and obtain new experiences.

In conclusion, while contemporary cultural values and technological developments have provided dynamics for increased independence, I believe that mutual dependence is the prevailing trend among individuals. The positive or negative implications of these trends remain to be seen, but maintaining a balance between them is likely paramount to achieving progress in society.

Some people think that in modern society individuals are becoming more dependent on each other. Others believe - mẫu 7

While some believe that modernisation has made us more reliant on each other, others, however, think that we are more self-reliant and free from dependency on others as time has progressed. I believe that we have become more independent than any time in the history.

People who advocate that we have become more dependent on each other in this modern era often present the idea that our necessity has increased, and we need to interact with far more people due to this. This in a way requires us to rely on others for our need. For instance, office executives mostly rely on laundry services, restaurants, house maids, cleaning services and so on to have their necessary works done. In the past, people used to do most of these tasks on their own. Moreover, the prices of education, houses, daily commodities etc. are skyrocketing day by day and we need to rely on our parents to have those needs fulfilled until we get a job. When we will become earning members, our parents and children will rely on us. Due to people’s busy schedule and high ambition, they need to socialise and get to know people from different walks of life, and this creates a wider circle in which people’s interaction and reliance on each other increase.

However, I would agree with the people who opine that modernization has made us free and less reliant on others. In most countries, young children are trying to support their education and living costs. After a certain age, they prefer to stay own his own house. The number of nuclear and single parent family proves that people are less reliant on others. We are free to pick the school, travel to other countries and make our choices for most of the major events in our life including picking our life partners. The progress of technology has made us more self-reliant, and we love to take advantage of the modern tools and devices to make things of our own. For instance, many people these days pick an online lesson than getting admitted to a training institute. Many of us even have the freedom to work from home and this is a paradigm shift in the way we earn our living. Finally, the gender equality and women empowerment movements have greatly made the women free from others reliance and self-dependent and this has all been possible only recently.

In conclusion, though some people think that the modern era is the time when we are more reliant on each other, I personally believe that we are freer and more self-reliant instead.

Some people think that in modern society individuals are becoming more dependent on each other. Others believe - mẫu 8

The world is considered to change a lot day by day. People around the world become more educated than previous days and they are learning how to live on their own to avoid dependency on others.

Firstly, while considering the older generation, they were not educated people on an average, mostly they did not know how to read and write. They needed to take help from others to write letters, legal documents and read letters, newspapers, documents, etc. Secondly, older people believed that children should take care of them while they become old. And children also took responsibility to look after old people. So, parents were more dependent on their children. Thirdly, parents used to pamper children in older generation, for example, mother took care of homes as father worked outside to bring up family financially, so children were more dependent until they graduated from university, even children did not think about doing a part-time job to earn money, since the father took care of financial matters.

On the other hand, looking into the modern world or generation, almost all of the people are educated, and they do not depend on others to write or read. Older people in the modern world are not dependent on their children. They are planning what to do after their retirement to avoid dependency on their children. However, they are considering going to a nursing home if they are not well. Parents in the modern world are teaching the children from childhood onwards how to take care of themselves since both parents working as full-timers so that children can learn how to live on their won. Most of the children from 15 years onwards are doing part-time jobs to earn and support their expenses.

To sum up, in my point of view, in modern world people are not at all dependent on each other; everybody knows how to live on their own.

Some people think that in modern society individuals are becoming more dependent on each other. Others believe - mẫu 9

In the modern society, many people believe that dependence is a new trend in their daily basis, others reject this notion, holding a totally opposite opinion. In this essay, I shall explain my point of view by analysing both sides of the argument.

There are, however, a number of reasons connected with the reliance on each other in recent years. Firstly, since our jobs are becoming more complicated and specialised, teamwork and coordination among various departments group activity are more crucial than individual achievements. Admittedly, successful management and leadership brings about various benefits, ranging from time-saving to cost-efficiency, therefore the ability to work in teams is a common requirement at the workplace. Secondly, men rely on technology. Apparently, since technology has influenced most human activities. As a consequence, people need to depend on specialist technicians in each area to sort out issues in their everyday life.

On the other hand, many may argue that people are more independent for certain reasons. Perhaps the financial freedom could be the primary causes leading to this situation, especially by the young people. For instance, more and more young people choose to do part-time jobs during their studies. This gives them a great economical independent as they do not need to depend on their parents for their pocket money. Moreover, thanks to the great popularity of the internet, people can easily find solutions for their problems without any help.

As discussed above, I am convinced that people have become more independent, in spite of their dependence on others in certain aspects.

Some people think that in modern society individuals are becoming more dependent on each other. Others believe - mẫu 10

In the present era, one group of people thinks that dependence is important whereas, another group of people think the opposite. In this essay, I will discuss both the aspects with examples.

On the one hand, there are a number of reasons why people are dependent on others. Firstly, in the work environment, people normally dependent on their coworkers as this will help them to deliver the results more quickly and more efficiently. Also, getting suggestions from others will help them to reduce the work pressure as well as it will ease their work. For example, in a marketing job, there are people who take care of sales, planning, customer relations, etc. If they all work together as a team they can succeed in their jobs.

On the other hand, in this present generation, people want to be more dependent. Some people think that the dependence on others will waste their time and delay the work. Also, becoming independent will increase confidence to face difficult situations and it helps in enhancing decision-making skills. For example, nowadays, most parents send their children to study in boarding school/ away from home, to make them understand the outside environment. Parents think that this will make their children independent, which will help in building their self-confidence and make them successful in their career as well as in personal life.

To sum up, by considering the above benefits, I personally believe that the dependence on other is beneficial in some cases, where our individual effort is not fulfilling the requirement. However, in cases where people want to prepare themselves to make important decisions of their own and learn something extra, it is better to be independent. All in all, the decision should be made based on the situation.

Some people think that in modern society individuals are becoming more dependent on each other. Others believe - mẫu 11

People have yet to reach a consensus about whether today's humans are more dependent or increasingly independent. The essay analyzes these views using technological, economic, and environmental perspectives, thereby adding weight to my support for the first view.

Advances in technology, especially in telecommunication technology, have brought people a sense that they do not need close relations with others to keep their lives comfortable. Accordingly, technology has turned the world into a place that favors quantity over quality. An explanation for this argument is that today's people tend to build digital identities and can expand their circle of relationships using social networking sites like Facebook or Instagram, not to mention dating applications like Tinder. Although these relationships are not strong bonds, they outnumber the close ones and can keep people in constant interactions, thereby partly filling their need for social connectedness and making a group of people believe that they can live more independently in today's society.

Proponents of the view that people are increasingly interdependent can defend their stand, citing paradigm changes in terms of technology and environment. First, technology has created an ever-connected world. In such a world, people are inextricably intertwined with each other in both social and economic aspects. For example, changes in the monetary policies of a country or scandals of tech giants or politicians spread rapidly in cyberspace can entail volatilities on the stock market and significant changes in the prices of necessities such as petroleum and energy. Also, challenges in today's environment are worth considering. These challenges are no longer local or regional; rather, they are global. For example, humans can neither decelerate nor reverse global warming if some countries pursue energy transitions in a way that favors environmentally friendly energy while others keep increasing their carbon emissions. This means today's people are increasingly interdependent, not the opposite.

In conclusion, although proponents of the two aforementioned views can defend their stands using technological, economic, and environmental arguments, I support the opinion that today's people increasingly depend on each other.

Some people think that in modern society individuals are becoming more dependent on each other. Others believe - mẫu 12

In the contemporary world, there is a debate regarding whether people are increasingly relying on one another or if they are moving towards greater independence. Personally, I lean towards the perspective that individuals are becoming more self-reliant.

The argument that modern individuals are growing more dependent on each other is grounded in the observation of our interconnected global society. The advent of the internet and social media has undeniably woven a complex web of connections, enabling and sometimes necessitating collaborative efforts across borders. For instance, global challenges such as climate change demand a unified response, exemplifying how interdependence is not just a choice but a necessity. This interconnectedness suggests that no man is an island in today’s world, reinforcing the idea that we are becoming more dependent on each other.

Conversely, the rise in technology and the internet has also spearheaded a movement towards individual independence. Digital platforms offer unprecedented access to information, allowing people to learn, work, and even socialize without direct human interaction. The burgeoning gig economy exemplifies this shift, with platforms like Upwork and Freelancer enabling millions to work independently, from anywhere, at any time. This move towards autonomous living is further highlighted by the increasing number of people engaging in self-directed learning and online businesses, showcasing a significant stride towards independence.

In conclusion, while arguments exist for both increasing interdependence and independence, my viewpoint aligns more closely with the latter. The evidence suggests that despite our interconnected world, the tools and systems evolving from it are fostering a new era of autonomy and self-reliance, marking a distinctive shift towards individual independence.

Some people think that in modern society individuals are becoming more dependent on each other. Others believe - mẫu 13

In an ever-connected modern world, some people think that we are more dependent on each other, while others argue that we have spread our wings and become individualistic. I agree with the latter stance, and in the forthcoming paragraphs, I shall discuss the points and reasons to support my view.

There can be several reasons for arguing that we are more dependent than ever on others. Firstly, life has become inherently difficult. With a high cost of living, a young individual depends on his parents or partner to fulfil basic needs like food, shelter, and education. Secondly, humans have become more ambitious. Hence, to compete better, they sometimes tend to depend on their parents to look after their kids, pets, and house.

However, people have also become self-supporting in several senses. For example, in many countries, the formerly-joint families have fragmented into numerous nuclear families and handle both personal and professional space like a champion. Moreover, humans now utilise global connectivity to its optimal extent as they are seen studying in universities abroad, living in a different country and often travelling alone. Even more so, people have adapted to living and working alone. Furthermore, women have become financially independent and take their own decisions which proves that the society is gradually moving towards a more self-reliant stance.

In conclusion, it is true that humans are still dependent on each other for basic necessities and maintaining connections to others since they are social animals. But recent trends suggest that they as a species have become more self-sufficient than we have ever been, and I feel our independence will only gain prominence in the future.

Some people think that in modern society individuals are becoming more dependent on each other. Others believe - mẫu 14

Opinions differ as to whether modern life has fostered dependence or independence for people. Personally, I believe while people nowadays depend on each other in terms of recognition and information, they have gained more independence in terms of their financial situation and personal development.

On one hand, people in the modern world are increasingly dependent on each other in certain ways. For one, people become more dependent on others’ recognition. In fact, many employees now value recognition from their boss and colleagues in order to feel motivated at work, or people often seek validation from their friends by sharing their thoughts, feelings, and experiences on social media. This contributes to emotional dependence for many people in this era. Furthermore, people now depend on many information sources to evaluate data and make decisions. For example, many people in the business sector rely on sources including financial news, market analysis, and research reports to make informed decisions regarding asset purchases and sales.

However, I believe modern life has fostered increased independence for people in terms of their finances and personal development. For one, people are becoming more financially independent since they are increasingly exposed to finance-related knowledge through various sources such as finance-focused podcasts and YouTube channels by experts. Therefore, they become more aware of being self-sufficient, rather than relying on their family for financial support. In addition, people now have more control over their personal development since they can acquire knowledge and skills in various fields through online courses, tutorials, and educational platforms. This empowers them to take control of their personal growth without relying much on support from their teachers, parents or colleagues.

In conclusion, despite the increasing reliance on others for recognition and information in today’s fast-paced world, I believe people have become more independent in terms of financial situation and personal development.

Some people think that in modern society individuals are becoming more dependent on each other. Others believe - mẫu 15

In recent years, the prominence of technological advancement has given rise to a debate regarding whether people are becoming more reliant on each other or more self-sufficient. While some argue that the masses are turning more interdependent, others opine that individuals are more independent than ever. In my opinion, both of these notions are true to some extent.

On the one hand, a globalised economy and the rise of social media have connected people’s lives more than ever. Under the effect of increasing globalisation and integration, people’s professional lives are more reliant on each other. The current economy has rendered businesses to be increasingly specialised, and in turn, more interdependent than ever, resulting in more connected professional lives. Additionally, the growing usage of social media in the public’s daily life has allowed for virtually all lives to be connected to each other at any time, regardless of geographic barriers. Hence, people are becoming increasingly dependent on one another in the digital space for a sense of community, validation and emotional support.

On the other hand, contemporary technological advancement has enabled people to become far more self-reliant in their pursuit of knowledge and in their daily lives. In modern times, the advent of the internet has made information readily and widely available. As such, gaining necessary information has become a solitary activity, with little to no communication required, making us more autonomous in acquiring information. Moreover, advancement in modern household gadgets has also made it easier for individuals to complete domestic chores by themselves, making the solitary lifestyle easier to achieve.

In conclusion, people in modern society are becoming both increasingly dependent and independent, the former being in their professional and social life, and the latter in their intellectual and personal life.

Some people think that in modern society individuals are becoming more dependent on each other. Others believe - mẫu 16

It has always been the case that in certain ways our lives are intertwined with the lives of others. However, in the modern era, some people believe that dependency between people has increased, whereas others believe that people have grown to be more independent.

One reason that people think we are more dependent on each other is because of our reliance on others to provide a positive image of ourselves. People are bombarded these days with pictures of beautiful models and people who seem to have perfect lives. Many people therefore feel the need to go on social media, such as Facebook and Instagram, in order to post pictures and they need others to get as many ‘likes’ as possible.  In addition to this, because of the hectic and busy lives some families lead, it is argued they are dependent on others to support them, such as with grandparents helping to take care of their grandchildren because the parents don't have time.

However, despite this, overall I believe that people are generally more independent. This can be seen in the way that so many people live away from their families and lead their own lives. For example, families used to live nearby to each other, but nowadays people often reside in different cities to their parents and siblings or in other countries, seeing each other only rarely in some cases. Not only this, but people also prefer more privacy than in the past and do not require help from others, seen in the way that neighbours these days often do not know each other or interact at all.

In conclusion, although in certain ways people are more dependent, it is generally the case that people now live more independent lives. Only over time will it be revealed as to whether this is a positive or negative development for society. 

Some people think that in modern society individuals are becoming more dependent on each other. Others believe - mẫu 17

Many are of the opinion that people today are less self-reliant than at any point in the past. In my opinion, there exists the possibility to be completely independent, but most are justifiably more reliant on each other now.

Those who believe people today are more independent argue technology is liberating. In the past, a person who wanted to do research or enjoy a movie would have to leave their home, interact with others, and engage more with the community at large. However, it is now possible to live a largely insular lifestyle. Users can sign up for educational courses online, order food by delivery, and access mass amounts of information freely. Those who take advantage of these modern conveniences can theoretically become more independent and self-reliant. The question of whether this ideal is often achieved is still a matter of debate.

The main reason people are less independent today is this quality is no longer considered unequivocally positive. The traditional importance placed on keeping one’s composure, enduring difficult situations, and not requiring the help of others has been replaced in recent decades with a more progressive outlook that elevates vulnerability and dependence on others. It is now more common, for men especially, to be open to revealing their own weaknesses and asking for help. This social shift in turn has led to an increased reliance on the community, both online and in person, as well as a modern acceptance of wellness, therapy, and the importance of a compassionate support network for long-term mental health.

In conclusion, though many people have the potential to lead a more independent lifestyle thanks to advances in internet technology, most are now more dependent than ever before because of seismic shifts in society. This change has its positives and negatives, but its reality is undeniable.

Some people think that in modern society individuals are becoming more dependent on each other. Others believe - mẫu 18

In the contemporary epoch, individuals are either reliant or living on their own, and it frequently generates a distinguishable deal of heated debate. Some communities believe that there is a substantial increase in being dependent on others in the current generation. In contrast, the opposite school of thought propounds that they live by themselves. In the forthcoming paragraphs, I will talk through both perspectives with credible illustrations along with the certitude of the latter stance.

Analyzing the given assertion and explaining further, some commodities feel that they still depend on others even in the cutting-edge era. It is due to the impoverished educational system and kids’ upbringing in India. Children are provided with numerous amenities and are extremely pampered by parents starting from their primary days of schooling till their former education is completed. Therefore, it makes teenagers rely on elders even for fundamental survival and are gradually manipulated to obey their words. In a similar fashion, individuals suffering from anxiety and stress are advised to seek therapy aid. This eventually makes patients get assistance for their psychological hurdles. Hence, people are dependent on elders and professional advisers for their survival and happiness.

Probing ahead, there are a plethora of aspects where individuals are working on their own and making their lives satisfied by staying independent. This makes them content, and they are able to face any sort of circumstances. To exemplify, university students are living by themselves rather than requesting monetary assistance from parents. They are employed in multifarious part-time jobs and are able to pay their college fees, loans and everyday expenses. Furthermore, women in India used to depend on their male partners to look after their children and for fundamental survival. However, the modern scenario is entirely different, and they are making their livelihood. Thus college-goers and women are substantially independent and taking remarkable care of themselves.

Considering everything, there are various factors where the public is either reliant or on their own. Therefore, I opine that despite children and medical patients, others strive hard to be independent and successful in their lives.

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