Watching a live performance such as a play, concert, or sporting event is more enjoyable than

Watching a live performance such as a play, concert, or sporting event is more enjoyable than watching the same event on television. To what extent do you agree or disagree? hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Watching a live performance such as a play, concert, or sporting event is more enjoyable than

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Đề bài: Watching a live performance such as a play, concert, or sporting event is more enjoyable than watching the same event on television. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Watching a live performance such as a play, concert, or sporting event is more enjoyable than - mẫu 1

Some people claim that attending a performance live gives more delight and pleasure than watching the same events on screen. In my opinion, I somewhat disagree with this conviction because each situation is more enjoyable than one another to different kinds of audiences.

On the one hand, going to live performances is more enjoyable for some groups of people. First, sociable audiences prefer to attend these events to enjoy a feeling of togetherness. During a concert or a sports game, people could dance and chant together, which is a stimulating experience for outgoing individuals. Besides, attending live performances gives the audience a chance to have personal interactions with their favorite artists or athletes. For many people, the difference between interacting with their idols in real life, which is a much more pleasant experience, and through a TV screen is as different as night and day.

On the other hand, watching the same events on television is more enjoyable for people with certain characteristics. First of all, television broadcast suits those who want full control of their surroundings when they watch a performance. To be more specific, home viewers could adjust the positions of the seat or the television to their liking, whereas a live event usually only allows the audience to stay in a fixed seat. Furthermore, television audiences are also bothered by fewer distractions than live audiences. For example, people who just want to focus on the performance could avoid attending live events, where noise coming from exciting fans could easily distract them and disturb their experience.

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In conclusion, I reiterate my disagreement with the opinion stating that going to a live performance is more enjoyable than watching the same event on television. While extroverted people and those who want to meet their favorite artists or athletes would prefer to attend live performances, television broadcast is more preferable for those wanting either no distraction or a full control of their surroundings.

Watching a live performance such as a play, concert, or sporting event is more enjoyable than - mẫu 2

Attending live events is more pleasurable than enjoying them on television. I mostly agree with this sentiment due to the immersive experiences live performances offer, despite the cost-effectiveness of watching them on television.

On the one hand, watching a live show on television is considerably cheaper. Ticket prices for these events are often very exorbitant, in addition to the peripheral costs of travel, accommodation and food. For instance, a ticket for the 2014 World Cup final in Canada cost hundreds of dollars per person. Consequently, individuals from other countries had to budget thousands of dollars to cover not only the ticket price but also other expenses related to attending the event in person. These prices are prohibitive for the average person. Because of this, they stayed at home to watch the match on television. Therefore, they were able to both enjoy a live event and spend their money more wisely by staying home.

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On the other hand, watching a live performance first-hand provides a more engaging atmosphere for audiences. The in-person ambience cannot be replicated on television. For example, when going to a Roger Waters concert, people are likely to be blown away by the on-stage visual effects and the superlative musicianship on display. Most concert-goers feel compelled to sing along and join in the communal experience. However, watching that same concert on television, that sense of immersion is lost as the sound is not as clear and the stage effects will come off less impressive. As a result, people feel more engrossed in a live event if they witness it in person.

In conclusion, although it is cheaper to watch a live performance at home, I mostly agree that watching it in person provides a level of immersion that cannot be imitated on television. Therefore, attending such performances should be made less expensive by introducing discounts on ticket prices for a limited amount of time.

Watching a live performance such as a play, concert, or sporting event is more enjoyable than - mẫu 3

Entertainment in this day and age not only can be enjoyed live on the spot but also through the screen. Some are in favor of the comfort at home, while others value the unique experience of attending live performances. From my perspective, I think each choice has its own traits, which will be clarified in the below discussion.

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On the one hand, participating in live events offers certain privileges. There is more to a live event than just watching and listening. It allows the audience to truly immerse in every moment with all the dances, cheers, applause, and a sense of community. They can even have a chance to interact with people on stage and become an actual part of the performance. The atmosphere is filled with excitement and is impossible to be replicated anywhere else. Another interesting point is that going to a live event is great for people’s social life. It is a perfect place to find and connect with others who share similar interests and hobbies. Also, the sense of joy it brings can act as a booster to enhance relationships, creating a happy memory for everyone.

On the other hand, ultimate convenience is the foremost reason holding one’s foot in front of the screen. Broadcasted shows cost almost nothing but a TV set, and in some cases, a premium subscription. People can still enjoy the entire show without expensive entrance tickets or having to stand in queue for hours. This homemade amusement is a great choice for those who are busy with their hectic schedules. Moreover, these days modern television technology can still ensure the entertainment experience. With high-definition images, surround sound, and real-time commentary, the audience will not miss a single second of what is happening on a concert stage or a football field, and can even get a better look of the performers with close-up footage. Thanks to these innovations, the on-screen experience is no longer that different, if not better, from what is seen eye-to-eye.

In conclusion, both live performances and broadcasted shows serve the audience with different pleasures. People will choose their favorite one based on personal preference.

Watching a live performance such as a play, concert, or sporting event is more enjoyable than - mẫu 4

Many people enjoy watching a live event broadcasted on TV. However, I agree with the idea that it is more interesting and exciting to go to these events than watching a broadcast version on TV.

On the one hand, there are many reasons why many people prefer a live performance broadcasted on TV. They might find inconvenience in buying tickets or preparing a travelling plan to execute their attendance. Others might find it difficult to enjoy the performance if they are afraid of the so-called unpleasant environment or the risk of injury when being in crowded places. In addition, those watching TV broadcasted events are likely to see more parts of a show more clearly thanks to the intention of the TV director and movements of cameramen. In contrast, the seating arrangement can greatly affect the comfort of seeing the whole show if the seats are far from the stage or playground.

On the other hand, people who think watching events on TV is more enjoyable might ignore a sense of participation and interaction given by attending a live performance. Firstly, the atmosphere in the auditorium evokes excitement and amusement that attendees could not experience if watching at home. For example, going to a football match is not only watching players and goals but also being a part of the cheering crowd to warm the environment, and this eagerness to be a part of the spectacle draws me to the stadium quite often. Secondly, it is a chance to interact with the performers and show our appreciation. I have never forgotten the moment when the audiences, myself included, gave the orchestra an enthusiastic standing ovation for their splendid performance in a live concert I attended last year. Frankly, I certainly find it hard to have the same emotion and experience if watching it at home.

In conclusion, I think liking and disliking vary between people. Some people might find contentment in watching a broadcasted event on TV, but I am delighted to attend events in a live show.

Watching a live performance such as a play, concert, or sporting event is more enjoyable than - mẫu 5

It is believed by some that attending a live performance, whether it be a theatrical play, a musical concert, or a sports match, surpasses the experience of watching it on television. I wholeheartedly agree with this viewpoint and will explain my reasons in the following essay.

The first aspect to consider is the unparalleled atmosphere of live performances. The collective energy of the audience, the spontaneous reactions to what is happening on stage or in the arena, and the overall vibrancy of being part of an event as it unfolds cannot be replicated by television. This live ambiance fosters a deeper emotional connection to the performance, making it more memorable and impactful. For example, the roar of the crowd during a crucial play in a sports game or the immediate standing ovation at the end of a stunning theater performance adds a layer of excitement and community that watching from a couch simply cannot provide.

Furthermore, the visual and auditory experience of live events far exceeds that of the televised event. The nuances of live sound, the detail and depth of the stage or field of view, and the energy and presence of the performers or athletes are all elements that lose their luster when mediated through a screen. Television may offer various angles and close-ups, but it confines the viewer to the perspectives chosen by the director, whereas attending live allows for a personal, unfiltered experience. For instance, feeling the reverberation of live music through your body at a concert or seeing the expressiveness of actors’ faces from the front row offers a level of engagement and authenticity that television simply cannot match.

In conclusion, I completely agree that live performances provide a superior experience to that of their televised counterparts. The unique atmosphere and the immersive sensory experiences of live events create a compelling and unforgettable enjoyment that television viewing cannot replicate.

Watching a live performance such as a play, concert, or sporting event is more enjoyable than - mẫu 6

In the contemporary age of technological advancements, some might argue that watching live performances offers superior enjoyment to televised events. I totally agree with this perspective considering the high level of interactivity and audience engagement at live events.

On the one hand, the experience of viewing a performance on television does come with its own advantages that can augment the viewer’s enjoyment. One of them lies in the convenience and comfort of home viewing, which eliminates the need for travel and aligns with personal schedules to offer a more accessible option. Furthermore, television broadcasts usually employ sophisticated production methods, such as varied camera perspectives, close-up shots, and special effects, to create visually compelling experiences. During televised sports matches, for example, viewers are treated to instant replays and comprehensive commentary, enhancing their understanding and appreciation of the sport’s complexities.

However, despite these benefits of watching televised events, I contend that attending a live performance typically offers a higher level of enjoyment for audiences. For one thing, the physical presence at the venue could enable attendees to immerse themselves in the environment, absorbing the collective energy of the crowd and performers alike. For instance, the experience of a live concert is often characterized by the vibrant beats and the crowd’s enthusiastic response, fostering a lively atmosphere that is difficult to emulate via television. Live events also tend to feature spontaneous and unforeseen moments, such as improvised performances or direct audience interaction, adding an element of excitement and novelty to the occasion.

In summary, while television broadcasts can offer ease and a visually enriched experience, I completely agree with the greater enjoyment for watching live performances as they provide an immediate connection and a strong sense of community.

Watching a live performance such as a play, concert, or sporting event is more enjoyable than - mẫu 7

According to some pundits, the means through which sporting or entertainment events can be watched greatly affects one's enjoyment. Specifically, these people contend that witnessing these activities in person provides more satisfaction compared to viewing them on television. I mostly agree with them, even though the other option deserves some consideration.

On the one hand, watching televised broadcasts has its own advantages. Firstly, the viewing experience of sporting events can be vastly enhanced. Professional camera work lets the audience watch instant replays, while commentary delivers analysis of a certain play. This, as a result, enriches their comprehension of a match in progress. Besides that, televised broadcasts offer immense convenience, as people can witness the spectacle without having to jostle with crowds. Watching a concert from the comfort of one’s home, for instance, is pleasurable, as the audience may view close-up shots while sipping their favorite beverage, far removed from the discomfort of bumping into random people.

However, live performances can outshine television broadcasts. What a live event lacks in comfort, it makes up for with a multitude of sensory inputs. In a concert, for example, not only does the audience enjoy the music, but they also bask in the ambience, the crowd’s vibrancy, and the aura of the performer. This combination provides what many describe as a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Live spectators of a sporting performance, meanwhile, can be eyewitnesses to the true physicality and skill being displayed, thereby enhancing their sense of appreciation for the participating athletes. As the late novelist David Foster Wallace once remarked, watching a live tennis match is unlike seeing it on television, as the camera angles from a broadcast belie the speed of a ball on the court, the only factor to attest the mastery and brilliance of the players who have to hit it.

In conclusion, although both live and televised events are enjoyable, I believe the former option provides a richer, deeper and more exhilarating experience. However, that does not mean witnessing a performance in person is the only way to derive satisfaction from it, as the choice is ultimately down to individual preference or financial constraints.

Watching a live performance such as a play, concert, or sporting event is more enjoyable than - mẫu 8

These days, people tend to attend sports events, concerts, and plays in person rather than watch them on television. In my view, I support the belief that attending live events brings a greater immediacy and authenticity, leading to a more enjoyable experience.

One significant advantage of live performances is the immediacy and authenticity they offer compared to pre-recorded TV programs. Spectators have the opportunity to witness the skill and talent of performers up close without the filter of a camera lens, allowing them to appreciate the subtleties of the performance. For example, they can discern the emotions conveyed by actors on stage, the sheer musicianship of a live band, or the athleticism of athletes in competition. Additionally, the unpredictability of live performances introduces an element of surprise and elicits a diverse array of emotions, from joy and delight to sadness and empathy, which cannot be replicated on television.

Another significant advantage of attending live events is the sense of connection it fosters among audience members. The anticipation, excitement, and emotional reactions to artists promote a shared sense of connection, syncing their heartbeat with the music. Undoubtedly, this infectious energy coursing through the audience creates an unforgettable experience, enhancing the emotional impact of the performance.

In conclusion, while some may prefer to watch sports and musical events on multimedia platforms, I believe that attending live performances offers an immersive and enriching experience that cannot be fully captured on television.

Watching a live performance such as a play, concert, or sporting event is more enjoyable than - mẫu 9

Some people believe that watching a live performance can offer a much more exciting experience than watching it on television. In my opinion, I agree with this idea as people would get the excitement of being in the moment and feeling the energy of the crowd.

First, live events have much more immediacy and authenticity than pre- recorded TV programs. In a play, concert, or sporting event, spectators have the opportunity to witness the talent and skill of performers up close without the filter of any camera lens. This allows them to deeply appreciate the nuances of the performance, whether it is the emotion channeled by actors on stage, the sheer musicianship of a live band, or the athleticism of athletes in a competition. The spontaneity of live performances also adds an element of surprise and evokes a wide range of feelings from joy and delight to sadness and empathy, which simply cannot be replicated on television.

Second, the atmosphere of a live audience adds an enormous effect to the experience. For example, in an enthusiastic concert hall, there is an infectious energy coursing through the audience like a tidal wave of sound and emotion. The collective anticipation, excitement, and emotional reactions of the crowd create a shared sense of connection among them and sync their heartbeat with the music. Therefore, the presence of fellow audience members enhances the emotional impact of the performance, making it a truly unforgettable experience.

In conclusion, even though some people might prefer to follow sports and musical events on multimedia products for some reasons, I believe that live performances would bring an immersive and enriching experience that cannot be fully captured on television.

Watching a live performance such as a play, concert, or sporting event is more enjoyable than - mẫu 10

Many believe that watching live entertainment is better than watching it on television. In my opinion, though the experience of attending a performance in person can be exhilarating, television provides the best viewing experience these days.

Live performances are unique. A good example of this would be in the sporting world. Most would jump at the chance to watch the greats of the game like Messi, Federer and Lebron play their craft by attending one of their matches in person. The recorded versions of those events will last forever but there is a limited window to catch them in person. Experiencing the best players live highlights the speed, precision, and high-level talent required to dominate other professional athletes. This indelible memory of seeing a genius performing in person also applies to varying degrees for concerts, plays, and speeches.

Nonetheless, advances in broadcasting have elevated the home-viewing experience above the live version. The advent of HD televisions in the last two decades and the expansion of channels are the principal causes. These days, an individual watching a basketball game can hear play-by-play and colour commentary, see close-ups of the players, follow the action from the ideal view, and enjoy all this within the comforts of their own home. The memory may be less distinct but the experience itself is more enjoyable. This collective shift away from most major live events and towards home entertainment is evidenced in lower attendance numbers and ticket prices.

In conclusion, the best way to watch a live event is on television. There may be certain exceptions depending on the kind of event and how often it occurs, but this holds true for most live performances.

Watching a live performance such as a play, concert, or sporting event is more enjoyable than - mẫu 11

It is commonly held that a live concert or sports event offers a more enjoyable experience for the audience than a broadcast one. However, in this essay, I will challenge this school of thought.

Admittedly, one might argue that participants in a live performance can achieve a greater sense of enjoyment. This is predicated on the assumption that attendees, especially those at a music concert may relish the opportunity to see their favorite artists in person. However, this line of reasoning is not sound because it does not factor in the issue of seating arrangements in large venues. In other words, achieving optimal visibility typically necessitates securing expensive front-row seats, which renders them inaccessible to many. Consequently, only a minority of the audience can fully appreciate the event, leaving others feeling disconnected and dissatisfied due to their distant vantage points.

To further support my assertion, I note the rapid evolution of the television industry these days, which enables live broadcasts of various performances. An illustrative example of this is the significant football matches in Vietnam, played by the national team. During these events, many Vietnamese people across the nation gather with their families, relatives, or friends, glued to the screen as they passionately support their team playing live from another city or country. They have the opportunity to openly express their emotions, whether through cheering, shouting, or even shedding tears, all while being in the comforting presence of their loved ones. This communal experience often offers more pleasure compared to attending a match in a massive stadium surrounded by unfamiliar faces.

In conclusion, it is a mistake to assume that TV viewers cannot derive as much satisfaction as participants in a live performance. As they can avoid vision-related issues and actively choose companions, I believe that the experience is sometimes even more rewarding and memorable.

Watching a live performance such as a play, concert, or sporting event is more enjoyable than - mẫu 12

Entertainment is an important aspect of life, and it can come in many different forms. Some believe that live shows such as music events, sports, and plays are much more exciting when viewed live rather than on TV. This essay will discuss the differences between live and televised productions.

Firstly, live shows are very exciting to experience. This is because the organizers spend vast amounts of time and money making sure that viewers have a thrilling experience. The whole point of producing a live show is to put on a good show for the viewers. Secondly, live shows allow the attendees to be more immersed in the event than simply watching it on the television. Oftentimes, large events such as concerts involve amazing light shows, dazzling pyrotechnics, memorabilia such as t-shirts, and delicious food and drinks. The next paragraph will discuss some of the drawbacks of seeing performances in person.

Although live shows are great, they do have some disadvantages which television does not. To begin, physically going to an event can be costly. Often times people have to travel long distances and take time off of work or school in order to witness one of their favourite celebrities acting or singing. Also, entrance tickets to these types of events can be quite expensive. On the other hand, television allows audiences to view their favourite acts from the comfort of their own homes for a relatively low price. Furthermore, new technology enables viewers to record the event and watch it at a time that is most convenient for them. Lastly, some individuals enjoy hosting TV viewing parties in their homes. They can cook food for their friends and are not limited by time and money.

In conclusion, the opinion of the writer is that live events and televised events are both enjoyable. Seeing a live performance puts the viewers right in the middle of the action and allows them to experience the show with all five senses. Television, on the other hand, is cheaper and often more convenient. Perhaps in the future, development in virtual reality will allow people to watch from home, while feeling as if they are really there.

Watching a live performance such as a play, concert, or sporting event is more enjoyable than - mẫu 13

It is often thought that being physically present at a venue of a play, concert or a sporting event offers a greater degree of enjoyment compared to watching these events through a screen on television. Although there are arguments in favor of this viewpoint, I believe that it is rather unwise to make such a blanket statement without considering personal preferences and circumstances.

On the one hand, those preferring to watch a live performance emphasize the opportunity to see their idols in the flesh. In fact, it is widely acknowledged that events such as music concerts or matches often attract a sizable number of participants mainly due to the presence of their favorite and admired singers or sports personalities. Being able to meet these famous individuals in real life, whom the public just follows through social media, is the primary factor that makes such an occasion enjoyable as well as memorable. Another justification is that the customization of the venue, such as the topics of songs performed, which can be reflected in the form of lighting, architectural style, and stage design, creates a unique experience that cannot be replicated by watching on television. Indeed, television viewers cannot derive much sense of satisfaction as they just watch through a small screen, are sometimes interrupted by advertisements, and on top of that, the somewhat familiar atmosphere at home cannot be compared to the ambiance of a live venue.

On the other hand, there are those who argue that it would be much more fascinating to enjoy these events by means of television. There is no denying that with the advantages of close-up shots, different camera angles, as well as the advancement of technology involved in televising these events, audiences at home can have a more immersive experience than those who are physically present. Those attending live events often struggle to secure tickets for prime seating, and as a result, the majority of them have to stand far away from the stage and in the middle of hundreds or even thousands of people. This might hinder visibility and lead to physical exhaustion resulting from having to stand and deal with the crowds. By contrast, being able to enjoy these occasions from the comfort of one’s own home and having the total privacy can contribute significantly to raising one’s level of pleasure.

In conclusion, while both sides have valid points to support their opinions, I believe that the debate should not be about choosing one in favor of the other, but the answer lies in taking into account one’s personal preferences. People who seek shared experiences and prefer immersing themselves in the crowded and lively atmosphere may find attending live events more suitable, whereas people who gravitate towards quietness and a private space would have a much more enjoyable experience just simply through television viewing. It is important to recognize that individual preferences and circumstances play a significant role in determining the level of enjoyment derived from these events.

Watching a live performance such as a play, concert, or sporting event is more enjoyable than - mẫu 14

People have different preferences on how they should enjoy their favorite performances, depending on their age, gender and culture. While most people consider watching a live performance a waste of money and energy, I personally think it is a fantastic and exhilarating experience to attend and see any kinds of entertainment activities in the theater or a big stadium.

The biggest benefit that a live event offers is helping you efficiently reduce stress and lift your spirits. Scientifically speaking, the excitement being brought upon from the time you purchase the tickets for a play or a musical performance to when you are actually enjoying has been shown to last for weeks after the actual experience ends. Such emotional boosts are not, on the other hand, evident via spectacles in front of the TV. Take concerts for example, where the atmosphere, the positive energy and the sense of togetherness you get from the crowd when immersing yourself with the songs are undeniable. These cherished moments also give you an excellent opportunity to meet, interact and even make friends with people of the same interests.

As mentioned, it is highly advisable to get out of your busy schedule, take your mind off work and join these live events once in a while to take a break and socialize. Set in relaxed contexts, these are the ideal places not only to meet people from different backgrounds but also to build potential long-term relationships that are beneficial both for your life and career. It is a good habit as the business world requires more than just academic knowledge, it is also your communication, interpersonal skills and, of course, networking that help you strive to the highest status. Besides, having friends in many different places or from different fields keeps one grounded from an input of varied experiences, while ensures that wherever you go, you will have company.

In summary, whether you go to an event because of your favorite artists or the atmosphere, it is still well worth the value and a great way to spend your money on memories that you will carry with you forever.

Watching a live performance such as a play, concert, or sporting event is more enjoyable than - mẫu 15

Some people claim that attending a live performance is more amusing than seeing it on the TV. From my perspective, I partly disagree with this opinion as the level of enjoyment derived from each scenario varies depending on the preferences of different audiences.

On the one hand, showing up at a live performance can be more entertaining for some groups of people, especially extroverted ones. Firstly, they can easily have a sense of excitement and intimacy when they join the event with the others. By cheering, dancing or singing along with the group, they can fully immerse themselves in the event as well as the atmosphere there. Secondly, audiences have a chance to socialise with their idols or different people who may share the same interest or hobbies. This is a great way for them to not only widen their network but also feel a sense of community.

On the other hand, turning on the TV to watch the performance would also be ideal for certain types of people. For those who could not make it to the live show because of their personal schedule or tight budget, they can still witness the same performance through television without being at the place. In addition, home viewers can have a better sight than those who show up at the place. People cannot always pick an ideal spot to enjoy at the event; therefore, they may not have a better view than those staying at home to watch the show.

In conclusion, I partly disagree with the opinion that attending a live performance is more enjoyable than watching it through the television. Both types of entertainment have their own excitement and provide pleasant experience to different groups of audience.

Watching a live performance such as a play, concert, or sporting event is more enjoyable than - mẫu 16

Observing some events in real time in person has a very different impact on human nature than watching recorded or broadcasted version. Liking and disliking vary from person to person, some people are delighted to attend events in a live show and others prefer to watch them while sitting in their bedroom. In my opinion, live programs are more recreational, socialising and provide chances to meet favourite actors or heroes and even one can get autographs.

Firstly, while attending live events we can enjoy more because of charged audience and an amusing environment. Audience clap, dance, shouts and narrates slogan to warm the pleasant environment. At the end of the event, we can meet the distinguished people and even can take their pictures with you.

Secondly, these recreational shows gather multidimensional joys and happiness with them. We schedule the programs with our family and friends and go to some place with food and cameras.  Live shows are the source of socialisation, we can meet our friend and even we can make new friends. The phenomenon of silent learning works, we learn few new things without effortful intention to learn that valuable quality. We may save our sweet memories with people around us by taking video shots.

On the other hand, to join real-time shows is expensive, we have to spend a reasonable amount of money to join them. Moreover, we have to manage time to execute our attendance.  While watching these programs when they are broadcasted it is inexpensive and one can manage his daily routine by working around.

In conclusion, we should join live programs to make ourselves happier and cheerful but not at the cost of duty and disturbance in our daily routine. Before choosing the option of these programs one should consider that expense   of tickets should not disturb the monthly budget of the family.

Watching a live performance such as a play, concert, or sporting event is more enjoyable than - mẫu 17

The issue of whether to attend a live performance or enjoy watching the same event on TV is a controversial one. However, in my opinion, an intermediate position can be taken. I base my suggestion on the following points. But before I begin, I think I need to clarify what kind of live performances I like. I mostly attend concerts and prefer to see sports events on TV.

First of all, watching an event on TV can bring many advantages. One can relax and settle in his favourite chair, eating a cake or having a drink. One does not have to spend time driving to the place where an event takes place. Also, he does not spend money on a ticket. Moreover, sometimes sitting in front of a TV set one is likely to see more interesting parts of a show more clearly with the help of an operator. Second, the weather is no longer of that importance. He does not care that it is rainy or chilly outside.

From the other side, attending a live performance has many advantages too. Firstly, people can enjoy the songs as they are in a real time. Personally, I like to attend a live performance because they give much positive energy and many beautiful moments. Frankly, watching a show at home does not give me that. One can enjoy loud music, the closeness of his favourite stars and shout the songs he likes.

In summary, I prefer to attend live performances in the case of a concert and show. However, in contrast, I prefer to watch sports events on television at home.

Watching a live performance such as a play, concert, or sporting event is more enjoyable than - mẫu 18

It is said that going to theaters, concerts or stadiums to watch live performances is more amusing than watching broadcasted versions of those activities. Personally, I totally agree with this opinion.

Firstly, it is undeniable that live concerts have an atmosphere that audiences can hardly enjoy just by staying at home. As soon as you step in the concert venue, the energy in the house is palpable to anyone in because of the lights, the classic rock sound of the guitars. This energy releases a huge amount of dopamine into your brain, which is the chemical for happiness. Therefore, people will easily release stress and boost their mood. What is more, attending a live concert can be great exercise since you will move your dancing feet every time the DJ is playing music. By contrast, watching TV versions may lead to health hazards such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

Secondly, attending sports matches at the stadium may help people build interpersonal relationships. By going to an actual game, sports fans from all walks of life can gather together and meet people with common interests. While supporting your team you can share the highs and lows of the match with friends and complete strangers, strengthening the bond with other supporters.

Thirdly, seeing live theater may be a healing exercise. In theatre, the sound is placed in one area and is played at a comfortable volume. Furthermore, in theatre, there is a continuous movement of characters depicting a play and delivering dialogues which improve your hearing power. If you watch the same play at home, the sounds from TV may not have the same positive effect as the live version.

In conclusion, I completely agree with the opinion that TV versions of sporting events, plays and concerts are less attractive and less fun than live ones.

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