In the future, it seems more difficult to live on Earth. Some people think more money should

In the future, it seems more difficult to live on Earth. Some people think more money should be spent on researching other planets to live on, such as Mars. To what extent do you agree with this statement? hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

In the future, it seems more difficult to live on Earth. Some people think more money should

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Đề bài: In the future, it seems more difficult to live on Earth. Some people think more money should be spent on researching other planets to live on, such as Mars. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

In the future, it seems more difficult to live on Earth. Some people think more money should - mẫu 1

The future of life on Earth is a topic of much concern with many challenges that will make it increasingly difficult to sustain life on our planet. Some people believe that more money should be spent on researching other planets to live on, such as Mars. In my opinion, this is not a realistic or viable solution to the environmental challenges we face on Earth.

Firstly, investing large sums of money into space exploration and colonization of other planets, such as Mars, is a questionable use of resources. At present, we still lack the necessary technology and knowledge to make such a mission a reality. Even if we were to develop the necessary technology, it would require vast amounts of resources and time to build and maintain such colonies. Given the current state of our planet, we should prioritize investing resources into finding solutions to environmental issues and reducing our carbon footprint to help mitigate the effects of climate change.

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Furthermore, investing in space exploration may divert resources from more pressing issues, such as poverty reduction, healthcare, and education. By focusing on space exploration, we risk neglecting critical issues that are closer to home and impact the lives of millions of people on a daily basis. For instance, many countries have been facing a growing wealth gap, with millions of people living in poverty and struggling to access basic necessities such as food, shelter, and healthcare. By allocating a significant portion of the budget to space exploration, we are neglecting these issues and failing to provide for the most vulnerable members of society.

In conclusion, while the idea of researching other planets as an alternative to Earth may seem appealing, it is not a practical or responsible use of resources. We should instead focus on finding solutions to the problems we face on Earth, such as climate change and poverty, and work towards a sustainable future.

In the future, it seems more difficult to live on Earth. Some people think more money should - mẫu 2

It is true that if present trends continue, it will become increasingly difficult to sustain human life on Earth. While I agree that it is vital to tackle this problem, I believe that expenditure on research for new planets to colonise should be given a low priority, and resources must be used to find other, more practical solutions.

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There are two major reasons why life on Earth is becoming more and more unsustainable. One obvious problem is the uncontrolled consumption of natural resources, which are being depleted as a result. For instance, the extraction of fossil fuels, such as coal, gas and oil to satisfy growing energy demands has serious environmental impacts, and these resources will eventually run out. Another concern is the rising level of pollution worldwide, of the land, the oceans and the air that we breathe. In India, for example, thousands of tons of industrial rubbish have been released illegally into rivers, killing aquatic life and contaminating drinking water.

However, I would argue that the search for a new planet on which humans could survive is a waste of valuable resources. Firstly, a vast amount of funding would be required to finance such space exploration, with no guarantee of success. This money is needed now to improve health services globally and to provide better education for all. Secondly, financial resources should be used to develop advanced technologies that would be more environmentally friendly and provide renewable energy. In the field of transport, to take a simple example, vehicles can now be converted to run on hydrogen or even waste cooking oil – as McDonald’s have done with their trucks.

In conclusion, I consider that the search for new planets on which to settle is a waste of time and resources, and efforts should be concentrated on living more sustainably here on Earth.

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In the future, it seems more difficult to live on Earth. Some people think more money should - mẫu 3

Advances in technology make the prospect of finding the second Earth potentially viable. While I agree that terrestrial life has become increasingly difficult, I do not believe that we should invest money in finding a new planet to live on.

On the one hand, there is no doubt that life is not as easy as it was in the past. The main problem is the growing level of environmental pollution that adversely affects humankind in all parts of the world. The rising consumption of natural resources such as gas, oil and coal has resulted in an enormous amount of carbon emissions being released into the atmosphere, which impairs the air quality and accelerates climate change. The consequences of this are grave. People in many big cities are suffering respiratory diseases; more land is being shrunk due to the rise of sea levels; and there are frequent heat waves in tropical countries. Apparently, human life is now put in danger.

On the other hand, I would contend that spending money on finding another home for all creatures on the Earth is not an effective measure. There is little hope of seeking a planet that has favorable conditions for life while the expenditure can be extremely huge. In contrast, a much better solution would be that we should invest in environmental projects and encourage people to lead a more environmentally friendly lifestyle. For example, green energy should be harnessed and made more available to replace our dependence on fossil fuels, and individuals ought to opt for public transport rather than driving their vehicles. Such actions can cut exhaust emissions and slow down the effects of global warming, making the earth a more desirable place for us all.

In conclusion, although global warming is a global malady, it seems ludicrous to suggest that people should find another planet to settle down on.

In the future, it seems more difficult to live on Earth. Some people think more money should - mẫu 4

It is sometimes asserted that more investment should be allocated to space programs dedicated to researching new habitats for humankind given the possibility of Earth becoming increasingly unlivable. I largely agree with this assertion considering the need for another habitable planet and the possibility of scientific breakthroughs resulting from space projects despite the urge to address immediate issues.

The foremost rationale for my approval of increasing resources for exploring other planets lies in the conditions on Earth becoming more uninhabitable. This might stem from a number of factors such as climate change and natural resource depletion. While shifts in climate possibly lead to catastrophic storms, floods and heat waves, the scarcity of resources including oil and coal might result in the collapse of industrial production. These scenarios underscore the necessity to migrate to another habitable planet to protect humans from extinction.

Another reason as for why I support additional investment in projects researching other planets is the scientific advancements they offer. Specifically, these technical improvements can not only benefit these projects but also elevate people’s standards of living. For instance, the program “Occupying Mars”, which aims to send humans to Mars, has successfully developed novel satellite communication technologies that are being employed to provide internet connection to remote areas, contributing to socio–economic development in these regions.

Nevertheless, I acknowledge the demand to solve the pressing problems of modern society. These issues are diverse, ranging from national conflicts and a booming population to insufficient social welfare. If adequate resources were given to address these fundamental issues, the living conditions for people on Earth could be greatly improved, lessening the need to explore distant planets for an alternative habitat.

In conclusion, I mostly support the idea of investing more in the search for a new livable planet given the future hostile environment of Earth and the technological benefits it provides even though there are urgent issues that need addressing. It is predicted that governments of wealthy nations should allocate greater funds to encourage the execution of ambitious space expeditions, while those of struggling nations should just continue to focus on providing basic welfare to their populations.

In the future, it seems more difficult to live on Earth. Some people think more money should - mẫu 5

Many people believe more financial resources should be allocated to universe studies in order to discover a new habitable environment for humans due to the increasingly harsh living conditions on the Earth. In my opinion, this idea is completely justifiable.

The population explosion is the first urgent matter urging results from space studies which currently are in need of more money to afford facilities and modern machinery. The world is facing the threat from the lack of land and accommodation for the ever-increasing rate of birth. Especially in densely populated cities like Hanoi, it is a common picture of people struggling to find an apartment. This forces humans to resort to alternatives of changing living places to other planets. Such an idea would not be actualized without enough money, emphasizing the demand for sponsorships.

Another thing which justifies the budget spent on discovering a new suitable home for human beings is the depletion of natural resources, such as fuel and water. Unfortunately, fossil fuel and water reservoir are being over-exploited for short-term benefits. In the long term, the essential elements for life sustainability will be used up, and human life will be put at stake since there is no fuel to maintain production or transportation. Therefore, if there is even a fragile hope to discover a new environment, people should value the opportunity and invest money in researches on space to ensure the survival of the human race.

In conclusion, I strongly suppose that financial investments on discovering another planet as a new home replacing the Earth are reasonable.

In the future, it seems more difficult to live on Earth. Some people think more money should - mẫu 6

Some people believe that it is only a matter of time until living conditions on Earth become completely uninhabitable. In light of this, more capital should be allocated to research on discovering alternative planets to populate, such as Mars. From a personal standpoint, any monetary resource allocated to outer space expeditions is a complete waste and, as a matter of fact, can be better spent in ameliorating Earth’s environment itself.

On the one hand, cosmic exploration does not guarantee any positive outcomes on finding a new proper home for human life. The first reason is that astronomers worldwide have attempted to inspect neighboring planets and solar systems and have so far found no planets that have even a slight livable condition for human residence. In addition, the universe is extraordinarily vast and would take tens of billions of years to travel at even light speed, which itself is, in the foreseeable future, far beyond human capabilities. Thus, even when a new plausible alternative to Earth is found, migrating mankind there would take eons and likely be prohibitively expensive.

On the other hand, improving Earth’s environmental standards is an appropriate and effective usage of funds. Firstly, unlike the field of space travel, natural world preservation and protection have yielded tangible and sometimes promising results. For example, just recently the news has reported the invention of bacteria that converts plastic to biofuel, or per-kilowatt solar power cost has been, for the first time, feasible for the average household as a supplement to the national grid. Therefore, it would be more plausible to continue investing in a field that has been proven to work. Secondly, for environmental research that has come to fruition, massive amounts of funds are required to implement and maintain it. For example, Singapore has successfully implemented a very costly, but effective and comprehensive, sewer & waste treatment system, which has contributed greatly to the country’s pollution-free status. If other countries are willing to pay such high prices, this will no doubt pay off in the long term with a cleaner Earth.

All in all, if there was a monetary investment to be made, it would be made into preserving Earth’s sustainability instead of space expeditions.

In the future, it seems more difficult to live on Earth. Some people think more money should - mẫu 7

As interest around interplanetary travel starts to pique, many are proposing the idea that money be poured into studying other planets. In my opinion, despite this being a worthwhile endeavour, it should not be done at the expense of people on Earth as well as their habitats.  

One side of the argument is that space is the final frontier for human exploration, and it can provide intellectual satisfaction for individuals. I argue that one of humanity’s most basic drives is the want to be able to explore new phenomena. Human conceptual and linguistic capabilities point to a high level of inquisitiveness and self-expression, and as such, space travel could be a potential avenue for expressing these drives. This is why, for instance, despite it not necessarily being profitable, organisations such as NASA continue to spend billions of dollars a year in helping to develop space travel. Thus, if we are able to reduce costs enough for people to live on Mars, this will allow a new generation of humans to learn more about the universe and our place within it. 

On the other hand, it could be said that space exploration should not be at the cost of the Earth’s health. Instead of spending money on travelling to other planets that could harbour life, I argue that it is much more important to protect the planet we are sure to contain life, that of our own. Thus, resources that are used for space travel could instead be redirected to things such as poverty alleviation programs.

Ultimately, despite the extraordinary benefits space travel might bring about, I find taking care of the planet on which we are living and promoting its sustainable development a better option. 

In the future, it seems more difficult to live on Earth. Some people think more money should - mẫu 8

The existence of our own planet is becoming increasingly difficult as a result of escalating instability in the environment and culture. A group of people proposes that more research money be expanded so that people can end up living on other planets. I disagree with this viewpoint, and hence the article will demonstrate why more funds should be used for the betterment of the Earth rather than investing in space research.

Many individuals believe that the planet will become unfit for human habitation in the near future due to a large number of social crimes occurring in society as well as the numerous forms of pollution occurring in the environment. It is regrettable that most governments and concerned authorities fail to properly control these man-made disasters, which have a negative impact on the entire human species as the population grows.

Regardless of the few serious challenges that the globe faces, the notion that the earth would no longer be appropriate for human habitation is totally absurd. The rationale for this idea is that all of society's errors and harmful pollutants are caused by males. The social and environmental distresses may undoubtedly be abolished or reduced to a major level if all governments impose rigorous law and order on their people and place a great emphasis on public knowledge in order to prevent the world from further deterioration. To demonstrate, the current global pandemic Covid 19 outbreak is causing people to stay at home, and as a result, all countries are observing a significant decrease in overall pollution; also, very few crimes are occurring due to people's restricted lifestyle. As a result, humans still have the ability to protect and repair the earth through their actions.

To summarise, it is evident that men are constantly endangering their living planet by inappropriate and hazardous behavior. However, rather than investing more money in exploring the viability of life on other planets, we should direct that money toward reducing the existing problems in society and the environment, so protecting the total population of all creatures.

In the future, it seems more difficult to live on Earth. Some people think more money should - mẫu 9

Some people feel that because humanity will become too vulnerable on Earth, people/governments should invest more money in space exploration in order to find a new home. This is entirely my opinion. Not surprisingly, there has been a significant increase in population in recent years. Staying alive on Earth will become increasingly difficult in the next decades. Some argue that large sums of money should be spent on investigating other worlds where humans could reside, specifically Mars. I somewhat agree with this viewpoint, and several of the framework's fundamental points are outside the scope of the following paragraphs.

On the one hand, it is evident that the Earth no longer has the capacity to support human life. For starters, environmental degradation is accelerating, resulting in natural resource loss. One stark example is the increasing severity and insurmountability of the lack/shortage/scarcity of clean water, particularly in developing countries. Furthermore, combating the greenhouse effect, which has resulted in not only climate change but also habitat destruction, is becoming more difficult and expensive than ever. This is due in part to our dependency on fossil fuels: the more we use them, the worse the pollution becomes.

Space exploration, on the other hand, has played a critical role in transforming humanity's society. One reason is that it is unraveling the secrets of the cosmos while simultaneously providing humans with information about planet Earth. For example, information gathered from space, robes assisted people in explaining the beginning of the Earth. Another reason is that space exploration has given rise to a plethora of cutting-edge technologies. One of these is satellite technology, which gave rise to satellite television and GPS gadgets. Apparently, study into other worlds has resulted in a plethora of spin-offs for resolving problems on Earth.

To summarise, I believe that space exploration is critical and deserving of further development because our planet is becoming too unsafe for humans to live on.

In the future, it seems more difficult to live on Earth. Some people think more money should - mẫu 10

Some argue that life on Earth is becoming increasingly difficult. As a result, we must look for another planet on which to live. Although I believe that living on Earth will be difficult in the future, I believe that searching for a new planet is unnecessary.

On the one hand, there are primarily two reasons why Earth's life will be unsustainable. One evident issue is the rising level of pollution in the land and ocean, which results in a disproportionate number of people living in these places. For example, if the ocean is polluted, there will be no fish to catch. As a result, fishermen and those who live near the beach will be forced to relocate. Overconsumption of natural resources is another factor. When fossil fuels like oil and coal are used to supply the world's energy needs, they will soon be depleted. Unfortunately, it takes a long time for these resources to regenerate.

However, I believe that discovering a new planet is a waste of money. We must consider a number of pressing issues that have a direct impact on people's lives. One of these is to enhance agricultural technology and, as a result, lessen the risk of hunger. Furthermore, there is still time to save the planet by replacing fossil fuels with environmentally benign and renewable energy sources such as wind or solar power, which will slow the rate of global warming. Take the Rex Hotel as an example; they are now using trucks that are powered by corn oil to reduce pollutants.

In conclusion, while it is becoming increasingly difficult to live on Earth, I continue to believe that there are other solutions to this problem other than searching for another planet to live on.

In the future, it seems more difficult to live on Earth. Some people think more money should - mẫu 11

As the environmental issues of the Earth are growing more serious, people have started to believe that we should invest more money into the research of other habitable planets. However, in my opinion, such expenditure is nowhere close to being sensible.

Despite sounding promising, the plan of migrating to another planet has numerous risks. In this boundless universe, looking for another Earth would be almost impossible. If in one in a million chance we do find a new home, how will we transport the entire human race and rebuild the society? To make this theoretically possible, we would need spaceships capable of transporting 7.7 billion people, houses and facilities would need to be rebuilt, not to mention the extreme amount of energy needed to launch the spaceships. Also, the fund for this comes from the citizens whose lives are being risked. If the plan were to fail, that would mean we spent time, money and effort just to kill ourselves. By the time things start to go wrong, it will already be too late to turn back.

Instead of risking our lives, we should focus more on saving our planet. With the same amount of money, we can restore the Earth’s habitable nature. We can organize projects and campaigns that increase environmental awareness and produce more environmentally friendly products. Many people say that it is already too late to save the Earth but that is such an irresponsible thing to say. In the past few millennia, this planet has been slowly destroyed by none other than humans themselves. After everything we have done, it is unacceptable to just abandon the Earth.

As previously mentioned, spending money on researching for another planet to live on is not the smartest move. The Earth is our one and only home. Therefore, the only way to sustain human life is to protect this planet.

In the future, it seems more difficult to live on Earth. Some people think more money should - mẫu 12

It is true that there are several discussions about whether authorities in many countries should invest more money in finding other new places for creatures to survive because of the rising difficulties of living on the Earth. While I agree that the Earth is not as favourable as it was in the past, I also believe that the expenditure on space research too much is a waste of time and money as well.

On the one hand, there are two major reasons why I suppose that it is becoming impossible for ordinary people to settle down on the Earth. The first reason is that natural resources are put in danger due to the uncontrolled consumption of people. To generate electricity, for example, the growing amount of oil, gas and coal used to meet humans demand on a daily basis, which has serious impacts on the environment. The second reason is that a great number of countries have witnessed environmental pollutions which affected adversely to humankind. In many factories in Vietnam, there has been thousands of tons of industrial rubbish released illegally into rivers nearby.

On the other hand, I believe that governments should not be encouraged to spend more money on seeking a new planet to survive in the future. Firstly, the expenses of researching the space industry might account for a huge amount of money in the national budgets. It would be more effective if the authorities should use them to invest on many other key fields such as education, health and especially transportation, which raise the living standard of the citizens. Furthermore, the development of advanced technology would be a much better solution to improve the survival of humankind on the Earth. Politicians should run more campaigns to encourage people to use green energy sources instead of natural resources.

In conclusion, despite the fact that there have been numerous problems living on the Earth, I also believe that it is not necessary for governments to spend more expenses on seeking other new planets for humans to survive in the future.

In the future, it seems more difficult to live on Earth. Some people think more money should - mẫu 13

We all have at least once in our lives contemplated living on some other planet. Be it Mars, Venus, Mercury, and so on. To provide food to our intellectual thoughts, let us first study the requirements to live on another planet like air, water, sunlight, and so on. Other than requiring things we must understand the atmosphere of other planets in the solar system. Mars is remote from the sun and also, it’s less bulky than earth. So, the conclusion is that we can survive on Mars but with limited capacity. Mercury is not bulky and most close to the sun. So, it is impossible to live on mercury. Venus is bulkier than mercury and also remote from the sun. So, we can think about it, if there is a possibility of living. The second thing is that apart from it, we also have to know about the temperature according to the different planets. Some planets have a higher temperature due to the less distance from the sun and on these planets, it is impossible to live. This is because the human body cannot survive in the high temperature. Now, if we come to Mars then it is a better option for human habitation than any other planet. One of the reasons behind habitation on Mars is that recently scientists have proved that Mars has water and air which are required to live as humans. Since Mars is the closest to the earth yet 35 million miles away and I think it is the best alternative to support human life. Basically, the journey from earth to mars is about four to six months long but it is very difficult to survive without proper and strict training. Apart from human lives, plants and animals cannot survive the conditions on Mars due to some genuine aspects. Another challenge is the gravity on Mars because it has only 38 % gravity compared to the earth. And due to less gravity, there are many health problems that occur like muscle loss and bone demineralization. Other problems like Solar radiation, Ozone degradation, dust storms, and toxicness are also important to live on the other planets.

In the future, it seems more difficult to live on Earth. Some people think more money should - mẫu 14

Earth is in the perfect position from the sun and due to it, we get the water in the liquid state. Because if it's too close to the sun then we can’t get the water in a liquid state due to warmness and on the other side if it's further from the sun then also we can’t get the water in the liquid state due to coldness. So, the main challenge is that we have to find the true copy of the earth to live on it.

According to the scientist, there are many planets where suitable conditions are available to habitat the humans, and also there will be many moons on them. In recent times, Elon Musk and NASA both are focused on Mars as the alternative to the earth. NASA said that going to the moon takes only three days but going to Mars takes seven to nine months. In this journey, there are many problems that occur like weightlessness, cosmic radiation, and all. And Mars is colder than the earth so on it, we have to maintain the temperature to survive the seven to nine months.

Apart from it, the biggest difficulty is the money because we don’t have much money to spend on accommodation for the humans living on the other planets. If we think about Pluto, then it has minimal solar radiation than any other, but the problem is that it is furthest from the sun and due to this it is the very coldest planet, and human lives cannot survive in this much low temperature. If we guess that we can overcome these problems, then also the biggest issue is that human lives cannot survive without food, and it is impossible to grow food on the surface of any other planet due to some abstract conditions.

So, according to me, it’s not a single issue but there are very many problems during the journey to another planet and we have to understand both sides of the subject and then we can decide something. So, till now Mars is the best alternative to Earth.

In the future, it seems more difficult to live on Earth. Some people think more money should - mẫu 15

Many people are of the view that life on earth is becoming difficult, and the future does not hold much for people living on earth. Accordingly, money and resources at higher levels need to be spent to find ways to settle on other planets like on Mars. While it may be considered effective to find whether life on Mars would be possible, spending too much money on it does not seem like a better idea. First of all, people living on earth are finding it difficult to see a future because of the problems created by humans. This includes the massive and excessive use of natural resources resulting in depletion. Further, pollution of different kinds including land, water, and air is increasing with time because of human activities. Spending large sums of money and resources in order to find life and settle on another planet like Mars is not a great idea. This would imply that humans settling on another planet might even deplete the conditions of that planet as well. Moreover, spending money for finding ways for human settlement without guarantee of success, is just a waste of money. Another important point to consider is that the existing systems on earth in healthcare, education, etc. yet needs to be developed. The countries across the world are faced with immense financial issues and lack of proper infrastructure. Financial resources need to be spent in order to develop the existing living conditions rather than on another planet like Mars. More sustainable ways of living with the use of solar power, technological advancements can be used for enhancing the quality of life on earth. Hence, while it might seem to be quite an exploration for finding human settlement on Mars, it is essential for the development of people on earth.

In the future, it seems more difficult to live on Earth. Some people think more money should - mẫu 16

In the technologically driven world, individuals were believed that, rather than leading an appalling life on planet Earth, it is better to invest in livelihood research on other planets such as Mars. Is it always the case? I vehemently disagree with the statement because studies show that there was a dire situation to live on these planets.

Initially, it is totally true that we are living in an age which starving with leading issues. Primarily after this pandemic situation, people are totally distracted with their life. Many of them lost their lives, a few of them lost their savings, and others lost their employment. In totality, people are facing a drastic situation that was not faced earlier in their life. Researchers may invent remedies in the form of vaccination till an absolute adequate solution is not available. Apart from this, inflation, economic crisis and other natural disasters are also rigorous problems for individuals. Last but not least, our natural resources are limited, and there was no immediate alternative for the same.

On the other hand, spending money for research studies for another planet is a Himalayan task. Only humongous investors or materialists can afford its cost. Still, scientists were on the track of confusion that is humans are able to live in outer space. For surviving on other planets, we required advantageous facilities which are error-free. In addition, we required a mammoth investment for infrastructure, automotive, and health care. Still, there is no security for humans to survive on other planets.

In my opinion, humans should find a practical solution to overcome these situations. Government officials should take initiatives for human welfare.

In the future, it seems more difficult to live on Earth. Some people think more money should - mẫu 17

Numerous individuals advocate for increased allocation of financial resources towards space exploration to seek out a new livable habitat for humanity, given the increasingly adverse conditions on Earth. In my view, this proposition holds merit.

The issue of overpopulation is the primary concern prompting the necessity for advancements in space exploration, which presently require additional funding for facilities and modern equipment. The global challenge arises from the shortage of land and housing to accommodate the continuously growing birth rate. Particularly in densely populated urban areas like Hanoi, the struggle to secure housing is a common sight. This compels humanity to consider relocating to other planets. However, such a prospect cannot materialize without sufficient financial backing, highlighting the crucial need for sponsorships.

Another factor justifying the expenditure on seeking a new habitable environment for humans is the depletion of natural resources, including fuel and water. Unfortunately, fossil fuels and water reserves are being excessively exploited for short-term gains. In the long run, these vital resources essential for sustaining life will be depleted, jeopardizing human existence as there will be insufficient fuel for maintaining production or transportation. Hence, if there is even a faint hope of discovering a new habitable world, it is imperative to seize the opportunity and allocate funds towards space research to ensure the continuation of the human race.

To conclude, I firmly believe that investing financially in the quest for an alternative planet as a new habitat to replace Earth is justifiable.

In the future, it seems more difficult to live on Earth. Some people think more money should - mẫu 18

The existence of our own planet is becoming challenging day by day due to the increasing disorder in the environment and society. For this, a group of individuals suggest that more funding should be given to research so that people can live on other planets. I do not agree with this opinion, and therefore the essay will argue why more funds should be used to improve the Earth, instead of spending them on space exploration.

Many people believe that in the near future the world will become uninhabitable due to the large number of social crimes occurring in society, as well as various forms of pollution occurring in the environment. Unfortunately, most governments and relevant authorities are not able to effectively control these man-made disasters with population growth, which, in turn, adversely affect the entire human race. For example, a study conducted by researchers at Harvard University scholars in late 2018 shows that 44% of Chicago residents feel unsafe to leave their home every day for work due to environmental and social damage. As a result, a significant number of developed countries are working on other planets such as Mars to make them habitable in case the Earth cannot meet their needs. In this regard, some governments allocate a larger budget for space research, rather than spending it on human needs.

Despite several major obstacles the world is facing, the idea that the Earth will no longer be habitable for our lives is downright ridiculous. The reason for this belief is that all the unhappiness in society and the deadly pollution that occurs are created by men. Social and environmental disasters can certainly be eliminated or reduced to a significant level if all governments establish strict law and order for their people and emphasize a strong public consciousness to save the planet from further decay. For instance, the recent global outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic is forcing people to stay at home, and as a result, there has been a significant reduction in overall pollution in all countries; also, very few crimes occur because of people's controlled lifestyle. So, people still have the power to protect and heal the earth by their own deeds.

To conclude, it cannot be denied that humans are constantly harming their living planet with their unintelligent and reckless behavior. However, instead of spending more money on research into the possibility of life on other planets, we should use that money to alleviate existing problems in society and the environment and thus save the entire population of all beings.

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