Look at the information on Mark's visit to India last summer

Look at the information on Mark's visit to India last summer hay nhất, ngắn gọn giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Look at the information on Mark's visit to India last summer

Quảng cáo

Đề bài: Look at the information on Mark's visit to India last summer. Write a paragraph of about 50 words about his visit. You can start with:

Last summer, Mark visited Delhi in India. He __________.




7 days




- watch a snake performance

- visit temples

- eat street food





Look at the information on Mark's visit to India last summer - mẫu 1

Last summer, Mark visited Delhi which is a city in India. His trip lasted for a week from November 18 to 25. In India, he experienced many interesting activities. Firstly, on the streets of Delhi, he watched snake performances which impressed him a lot. After that, he visited some famous temples and historic buildings in India. Moreover, he had a chance to enjoy kebabs, a traditional food in India which made him fall in love with this place. Although the weather there was very hot, he was happy and pleasant due to the friendly Indian. He decided to come back to India to have more interesting experiences about this beautiful country.

Quảng cáo

Look at the information on Mark's visit to India last summer - mẫu 2

Last summer, Mark visited Delhi in India. He spent seven days there. During his holiday, he went sightseeing around the city. He watched snake performances, visited some temples, and ate street food. The people he met were friendly and helpful. The only thing he didn't like was the weather. It was very hot.

Quảng cáo

Look at the information on Mark's visit to India last summer - mẫu 3

Last summer, Mark visited Delhi in India. He stayed there for 7 days and had a lot of great experiences. He got to watch an amazing snake performance, visit temples and eat street food. He enjoyed all of them very much. The people were also wonderful because they were friendly. The weather in Delhi was hot, but he still had fun.

Quảng cáo

Look at the information on Mark's visit to India last summer - mẫu 4

Last summer, Mark visited Delhi in India. He had 7 days to visit this country. In India, he watched a snake performance, visited temples and ate street food. People in this place were friendly and the weather was hot.

Look at the information on Mark's visit to India last summer - mẫu 5

Last summer, Mark visited Delhi in India. He had 7 days to visit this country. In India, he watched a snake performance, visited temples and ate street food. People in this place were friendly and the weather was hot.

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