Modern technology now allows rapid and uncontrolled access to and exchange of information. Far from being beneficial

Modern technology now allows rapid and uncontrolled access to and exchange of information. Far from being beneficial, this is a danger to our societies. To what extent do you agree or disagree? hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Modern technology now allows rapid and uncontrolled access to and exchange of information. Far from being beneficial

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Đề bài: Modern technology now allows rapid and uncontrolled access to and exchange of information. Far from being beneficial, this is a danger to our societies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Modern technology now allows rapid and uncontrolled access to and exchange of information. Far from being beneficial - mẫu 1

It is true that with the rapid development of technology, people have unlimited access to various information and exchange database freely these days. Despite all the benefits, some people believe that it is harmful and dangerous for our communities. To a certain point I would agree that it could be dangerous, but if we have proper control over technological use then it would be useful in many aspects.

On one hand, the advance development of modern technology has allowed people to gain access to so many websites, databases, and information hubs and to exchange them. All governments and companies are using computer technology to store and maintain their confidential information these days. Certain people believe that the development is dangerous for our societies as it could be misused for any crime activities. For example, a computer hacker might have access to a bank information system and use a person's credit card number. In another case, the hacker might steal top secret information from the government and sell them to the terrorists.

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Despite all the treats, the easy access to information system has brought countless benefits to the humankind. Firstly, with the development of internet technology, scientists could effectively perform their research. By having access to so many websites, it has saved a lot of the scientists’ time when they have to investigate things, rather than to go to the library and search for books and journals. Secondly, with the easy access to information system, it also helps students in learning new things. In the past, students only got information through books, but these days they can learn from various platforms. For example, when they want to learn new things, they can also learn from another format such as video. There are thousands of free video websites such as YouTube and Vimeo, where they can access them and find some informative lessons. Having central databases of citizens is a great way for the government to tackle illegal immigration, crime and social problems.  

In conclusion, to a certain extent, I would agree that the easy access to various information and exchange of database could be harmful to the humankind. However, I also believe that this development also brings a lot of benefits to the societies, as scientists have become more effective in doing their researches. I personally believe that the government should have a strict regulation about the access and design a proper control system which would prevent the misuse of the information.

Modern technology now allows rapid and uncontrolled access to and exchange of information. Far from being beneficial - mẫu 2

With the invention and widespread use of computers, mobile devices, the internet and other latest technologies people can now access to a range of information very easily. The communication technology enables them to contact anyone and exchange the information they desire. Though many people consider it as a great uplift towards a flexible and advanced era, many people believe that it a serious threat for us. I completely disagree with the idea that the disadvantages and threats of free information exchange and communication outweigh the advancement it has bought for us.   

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First of all, there are very few people who might misuse the easily accessible information and can try to do harms to others. But consider the rest of the mass people who form more than 99.99% of the total population who would access information to enhance their knowledge, contact with people they care and contribute towards making the society a better place. Students, research people, teachers, professionals or even kids and mums access a various source of information for their daily needs and blocking their access from the fear of an unknown hacker or terrorist is like locking us at home 24 hours because there might be an accident on the road.

In reality, the facility to exchange information and easy communication made it possible to shorten the distance of the world. The distance learning, online education, online business, email and websites like Wikipedia have made it possible for someone in a distant village to grab the potential to contribute to a greater enhancement. The sensitive data are always protected by the authority, and they spend a huge amount to ensure the data protection and misuse. No matter how lucrative it sounds, hacking a bank’s website and getting information about the customers’ financial statement is as tough as walking to the middle of an ocean.

Whenever we refer to the term modern world its underlying meaning refers to technological advancement, information availability and flexibility of communication. Restricting the access and exchange of information for fear of danger is like living in the cave in fear of the earthquake. The technological advancement has made the world a better place to live in, has increased the transparency of government and authority and has enhanced the potential for more advancement and flexibility.

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Modern technology now allows rapid and uncontrolled access to and exchange of information. Far from being beneficial - mẫu 3

It is a fact that with advanced technologies, we could easily access and exchange information about an individual or an organisation through the internet. Although some people think that it is beneficial, others believe that it brings more threat to every individual's safety. The following essay will discuss it in detail.

It is true that we are living in a high technology era, whereas information about persons, companies, states and even countries is stored online. With this technology, people could easily obtain and swap information with others. For certain people, they believe this advanced technology is beneficial for them, as it has assisted them in accomplishing their projects. For example, when a secret agent needs to investigate a murder case, he might need some personal information about the victim's relatives and friends. And with online technology, he could easily get all the required information, which will help him in solving the case.

Despite all the benefits, uncontrolled access and exchange of information have some negative effects on our lives. It is reported that it has been frequently used by certain people for criminal activities. One of the common examples is about credit card databases. Many credit card pins are stolen and used inappropriately. And then, sometimes an individual database is also hacked, as his personal database is used for any illegal acts by the hacker himself.

In conclusion, to a certain point, I would agree that easy access and exchange to information have some advantages for our lives, but we should never forget that it has many disadvantages as well. I personally believe that there should be some clear regulation about it and the government should monitor it strictly.

Modern technology now allows rapid and uncontrolled access to and exchange of information. Far from being beneficial - mẫu 4

Technology has made astonishing progress. Internet search engines answer almost every question in our mind. Connectivity is possible from every nook and corner of the world. There is quite a lot of information available on the internet on practically every subject on earth. Some people argue that this is dangerous. I understand their concern but don’t agree with it. It is a problem which can be solved. In the following paragraphs, I shall put forth the arguments in favour of my opinion.

Gone are the days when we were searching for a book in the library to find out that important information about the ancient Romans. The internet has made our lives easier. We have everything at the click of a button. Technology has facilitated research activities and thereby helped in the scientific progress of many nations. Earlier, government officials had to keep their ledgers safe because they contained confidential information. With the advent of technology, all the data is stored on the computer and can be retrieved easily. It is easy for the police officials to trace the criminals and to maintain their records. Almost all banks have gone online, and e-shopping has eased the tensions of many office-goers.

Technology has not only given too much information but also made it possible to regulate it. There is a separate entity operating to monitor and control online crime. It is easy for an investigation officer to find out from which email id, a fraudulent transaction has been made. It is possible to trace a convict through devices like mobile phones. There are many instances where information about terrorists has been identified, and their attacks prevented by using technology. Every action on the internet can be monitored. In fact, technology helps in controlling anti-social activities. 

Although some people argue that information on the internet can be mishandled, we can rely on regulatory bodies and do not have to deprive ourselves of our right to access information.

In summary, modern technology has gifted us with information at our fingertips. It has also enabled policing on the internet. So, we can enjoy the facilities without any skepticism.

Modern technology now allows rapid and uncontrolled access to and exchange of information. Far from being beneficial - mẫu 5

Technology undoubtedly has led to vast development and progress. Take for example the internet, besides connectivity it has helped us to access information about any given topic in seconds. We can access information about anything in the world with the click of a button. Even though technology has been a boon some people believe that it is more dangerous to society. I don't agree with this as with cons there are over-powering pros to technology. In the following paragraph I will illustrate some pros of technology. Gone are the days when we had to search for a particular book in the library. We now have access to a wide repository of information through the internet. The internet has made our lives so much easier. The Internet is a small fragment of technological advancement. The other advantage of technology is that it has facilitated research activities that have helped in the scientific progress of several nations. All important and confidential information can now be stored on the computers with an ease to control the access permission of the same. From police officials to banking officials all have transferred most of their work on computers. Police officials can now easily trace the criminals and safely maintain their records on computers. Banking officials store the data of their customers on computers and access it when and if required. As online crime is increasing exceedingly, it has also now become easier for authorities to detect fraudulent transactions. Terrorist or anti-national activities can easily be tracked with the use of technology. Owing to these advantages I believe modern technology is a boon for us. I do not agree that it is dangerous to society as we can rely on competent authorities to regulate it accordingly.

Modern technology now allows rapid and uncontrolled access to and exchange of information. Far from being beneficial - mẫu 6

With the advent of technology there has always been a divide among the masses as to its dangers. Modern technology poses dangers to society is what some fraction of the people believes. However, I do not concur with it as if technology provides us with a rapid and uncontrollable access to information, it also has ways to regulate it. Undoubtedly, the internet provides access to a gamut of information. From access to tons of data to exchanging important information everything has become easier with the advent of technology and specifically the information.

If modern technology has provided us with the means to make our life easier. It also has thwarted the negative aspects by regulating the information shared or accessed. From online banking, online shopping to accessing information online, modern technology is definitely a boon for society. The shift from offline to online definitely surfaces more unethical activities like cyber crime, cyber bullying etc. Although we must remember that the competent authorities are constantly working to mitigate these activities by passing stringent laws and policies. Cyber crime cells can now easily track fraudulent activities online. Besides, using social media websites, like Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, the big companies advise not to share anti-national or derogatory information. Thus, we must not forget that even though with the advent of technology we have access to an information hub, we also have means to regulate it. I completely agree with the dangers that an uncontrollable access to information can provide but we do have the means to manage it accordingly. Thus, we must not be resistant when using modern technology, but ensure that it is being used in an effective manner.

Modern technology now allows rapid and uncontrolled access to and exchange of information. Far from being beneficial - mẫu 7

Rapid development in technology inadvertently poses certain dangers. People are still resistant when using modern technology as they wouldn't want their personal information to be leaked online (i.e dark web). I concur that modern technology entails danger. An uncontrollable access and exchange of information is somewhat dangerous if not regulated properly. Hackers can easily access a company’s or government confidential data for their benefit. Hackers can subsequently steal an individual’s data like their credit card or debit card details which can further lead to fraudulent transactions. I believe that the regulatory authorities are constantly working to manage and control such activities. It is not easy for hackers to access information as it has layers of security before the hacker can breach information. Besides, big companies, the government sometimes use ethical hackers to access information. Moreover, all big companies and governments now store their data online with layers of protection. It allows them to easily access and manage the data. We are using the internet on a daily basis to access information. Students can easily prepare reports, projects etc. with the use of the internet, and need not visit the library to search for a particular book. Besides, they are able to carry on their research and carry on substantial scientific development. Scientists and researchers all are using the internet on a daily basis to aid them with their scientific development. Connectivity is another major advantage of modern technology. People all across the globe can now interconnect with their friends or families across the globe. Thus, modern technology has both advantages and disadvantages. However, the disadvantages can be mitigated by stringent policies and laws against any misuse of technology.

Modern technology now allows rapid and uncontrolled access to and exchange of information. Far from being beneficial - mẫu 8

Modern technology has revolutionised the way we access information and has given us unprecedented access to all kinds of information. With the ease and speed of information retrieval, some argue that it poses a danger to our societies. In this essay, I will agree with this viewpoint, highlighting the potential risks associated with uncontrolled access to information in many countries.

Rapid and uncontrolled access to information also gives rise to the proliferation of misinformation. With the rise of social media and online platforms, false information can spread like wildfire, influencing public opinions and actions. For instance, the spread of fake news during election campaigns can manipulate voters' choices and undermine the democratic process. The absence of proper checks and balances can allow malicious actors to exploit technology to disseminate false or misleading information, leading to social unrest and instability.

Moreover, uncontrolled access to information is a threat to privacy and security. In the digital age, personal data has become increasingly vulnerable to breaches and misuse. Cybercrimes, such as identity theft and hacking, are on the rise, jeopardizing individuals' financial well-being and personal safety. For example, unauthorized access to personal banking information can lead to financial fraud and loss.

Finally, unrestricted access to information can also have adverse effects on social interactions. The excessive use of technology and digital media can lead to decreased face-to-face communication and a lack of genuine human connections. For instance, people engrossed in their smartphones during social gatherings may miss out on meaningful conversations and shared experiences. This can hinder the development of strong social bonds within communities.

In conclusion, while modern technology has undoubtedly revolutionized access to information, the rapid and uncontrolled nature of this access poses significant dangers to our societies. The spread of misinformation, privacy and security concerns, and the impact on social interactions are all valid reasons to be cautious.

Modern technology now allows rapid and uncontrolled access to and exchange of information. Far from being beneficial - mẫu 9

In this digital age, modern technology has provided us with rapid and uncontrolled access to information, and some argue that this poses a danger to our societies. I firmly disagree with this view as I believe that the benefits of such access are far more significant. 

Unrestricted access to information through modern technology empowers individuals and expands their knowledge base. With a few clicks, people can access educational resources, research articles, and online courses, enabling them to learn new skills and enhance their intellectual capabilities. For example, online platforms offer free educational content, allowing individuals from all walks of life to acquire knowledge and pursue their passions. This democratization of information has the potential to bridge educational gaps and empower individuals to reach their full potential.

Moreover, unrestricted access to information fuels innovation and societal progress. By providing a platform for the exchange of ideas and knowledge, technology stimulates creativity and encourages problem-solving. Entrepreneurs and researchers can access a wealth of information, enabling them to develop groundbreaking solutions and contribute to scientific advancements. For instance, collaborative platforms and open-source initiatives have revolutionized software development, allowing global communities to collaborate and create innovative solutions.

Finally, modern technology facilitates global connectivity, fostering cultural exchange and understanding. Through uncontrolled access to information, people can explore different cultures, traditions, and perspectives from around the world. Social media platforms, for example, enable individuals to connect with people from diverse backgrounds, promoting dialogue and mutual understanding.

In conclusion, while some argue that uncontrolled access to information is a danger to our societies, I strongly disagree. The empowerment and knowledge expansion it offers, along with the facilitation of innovation and progress, and the promotion of cultural exchange and understanding, are all significant benefits. It is crucial to embrace and leverage modern technology to harness its positive potential.

Modern technology now allows rapid and uncontrolled access to and exchange of information. Far from being beneficial - mẫu 10

The rapid dissemination of information facilitated by modern technology has transformed global access to data, offering unprecedented speed and scale. This essay contends that such uncontrolled access poses significant risks to societal stability and public order. The following discussion will analyse potential threats to privacy and security, alongside the erosion of authoritative knowledge.

One primary concern is the threat to individual privacy. In an era where personal details are commodities, rapid technological advancements have dramatically outpaced legal protections, creating significant gaps in data security. Instances like the unauthorized data harvesting by major tech companies underscore the vulnerability of personal information. Such breaches not only compromise personal security but also erode trust in digital platforms. For example, the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal revealed how easily accessible data could be exploited to manipulate voter behaviour, demonstrating a profound security risk that extends beyond individual privacy to threaten democratic processes. This manipulation of data illustrates not only a breach of trust but also how technological exploitation can have far-reaching effects on society's political landscape.

Additionally, the deluge of unvetted information undermines the credibility of established knowledge. The internet, awash with both valid and spurious data, allows misinformation to proliferate alongside fact, often with more allure due to sensationalism. This environment creates a fertile breeding ground for "fake news," which has been influential in pivotal events like elections and public health responses. A pertinent illustration is the widespread misinformation during the COVID-19 pandemic, which led to public hesitancy towards vaccinations, severely hampering disease control efforts. The resultant confusion not only jeopardizes public health but also diminishes the authority of expert institutions, impairing informed decision-making. This erosion of trust in credible sources and expertise leads to a populace that is less equipped to make critical decisions based on factual, reliable information.

In conclusion, the uncontrolled spread of information through modern technology compromises personal privacy and the integrity of democratic systems, as evidenced by notable data breaches and election manipulations. Furthermore, it dilutes the reliability of expert knowledge amidst the surge of misinformation, as seen during major public health crises, challenging the societal trust and decision-making frameworks.

Modern technology now allows rapid and uncontrolled access to and exchange of information. Far from being beneficial - mẫu 11

Modern technology's capacity for rapid and unrestricted dissemination of information poses undeniable risks to society. This essay argues that such open access can endanger social cohesion and public safety. The ensuing discussion will explore the potential for increased vulnerability to cyber threats and the social divisiveness fueled by information overload.

The first significant risk associated with unfettered information access is the increased exposure to cyber threats. As technology evolves, so do the methods employed by cybercriminals to exploit vulnerabilities. The vast amount of data circulating online without stringent checks makes individuals, corporations, and governments susceptible to attacks. For instance, the WannaCry ransomware attack exploited weaknesses in outdated systems, affecting thousands of computers worldwide and disrupting essential services such as healthcare and banking. These cyber threats not only cause immediate harm but also foster a climate of fear and mistrust among internet users, potentially stifling the open exchange of information that is vital for societal progress. The long-term consequences include decreased online engagement and a reluctance to share information, which could stymie innovation and global collaboration.

Moreover, the unchecked flow of information can exacerbate social divisiveness. In societies where everyone can freely post and share content, there is a heightened risk of creating echo chambers and fostering polarization. This is particularly evident in political or social discourse where biased or false information can rapidly circulate, reinforcing divisive opinions and escalating conflicts. The role social media played in political polarization in recent U.S. elections exemplifies this, where misinformation and targeted content deepened societal divisions. Platforms like Twitter and Facebook became battlegrounds where curated feeds isolated users from diverse perspectives. Such environments undermine social cohesion, making it difficult for communities to collaborate on common issues or engage in constructive dialogue, ultimately threatening the fabric of democratic societies.

In conclusion, unrestricted access to information via modern technology significantly raises the risk of cyber threats and enhances social divisiveness. The prevalence of cyber attacks, such as the WannaCry incident, and the deepening of societal rifts, illustrated by political polarization, highlight the dual threats to both security and unity within our communities.

Modern technology now allows rapid and uncontrolled access to and exchange of information. Far from being beneficial - mẫu 12

Digitalisation and the coming of internet have surely changed the way world operated. Some people are of the opinion that the free access to information is quite dangerous for the individual, however others are of the opinion that we have benefited more from technology advancement.

With the availability of every data on click, surely has posed some serious threats. Firstly, the data is no longer secure. For instance, most companies now store their data in a particular server or a database. Although some people regard it as safe, if this data gets hacked, the company can get broke.

Secondly, it has opened a new way of crime. Most people are now very comfortable putting their personal lives on the internet, especially social sites. If the wrong person gets access to the site, he/she can ruin the person’s life as has often been seen.

Looking at the positive aspect, technological advancement has surely made our lives easier. Firstly, with the coming of internet banking and other services on the internet, people can easily do their work without getting into the hassle of waiting in long lines. Secondly, learning was never this much fun. With every piece of information on the internet, people who are not financially strong can even study at the best universities and make their career. Example, Harvard University offers several courses online for free, helping millions of people worldwide.

Overall, in my opinion, every coin does have both sides and technology surely has some negatives. But the advantages offered by it, outlook the issues caused.

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