Nowadays many people choose to be self-employed, rather than to work for a company

Nowadays many people choose to be self-employed, rather than to work for a company or organization. Why might this be the case? What could be the disadvantages of being self-employed? hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Nowadays many people choose to be self-employed, rather than to work for a company

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Đề bài: Nowadays many people choose to be self-employed, rather than to work for a company or organization. Why might this be the case? What could be the disadvantages of being self-employed?

Nowadays many people choose to be self-employed, rather than to work for a company - mẫu 1

Self-employment has become more and more popular in the labor market these days. In exploring this phenomenon, I will first address its causes, followed by possible associating downsides.

To begin with, self-employment is being increasingly prioritized as a choice due to its flexibility and profitability for the employee. Concerning the former merit, it is an undisputed privilege for self-employed people to have freedom in working schedules and workplace choices, which is either at home or the office. This also means they have more control over their leisure time, which can be devoted to personal commitments such as family, health or relaxation. Profitability-wise, both blue-collars and white-collars on contracts can only receive a fixed monthly or yearly salary, with often insignificant bonuses. Meanwhile, people working for themselves can gain far better revenue if their businesses do well.

That said, difficulties in business management and financial risks should also be taken into consideration. Running a business demands a wide range of abilities, from personnel to financial management. Even if one had acquired expertise, the managing of an enterprise would be a challenge with little room for carelessness, due to the unforeseen dangers of market volatility. A person going into self-employment without recognizing the problems at hand will thus face impending failure. Regarding financial risks, once people become self-employed, financial instability and income insecurity will become norms until job connections are well established. To make matters worse, someone borrowing from the bank has to bear the loan pressure or he may end up with unpayable debt from investments, leading to bankruptcy.

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To conclude, identifying the reasons why more people prefer being self-employed is the key to finding related drawbacks. Anyone wishing to be self-employed should think twice before making the decision.

Nowadays many people choose to be self-employed, rather than to work for a company - mẫu 2

Today, an increasing number of individuals choose to work for themselves, rather than working for corporate industries or MNCs. I believe that individuals choose to start their own business because of the corporate world’s little work/life balance or the imposition of rules and regulations. Although there are several perks of being self-employed, a few things about self-employment can cause a lot of stress to an individual.

The primary reason that encourages the youth to opt for self-employment is the freedom that comes with it. If a person is self-employed, he has the liberty to choose his working hours and plan his schedule. Further, a self-employed business can earn a hefty sum of money for an individual, securing the future. But people (employees) doing a corporate job receive only the given salary, which makes it difficult to balance their work and life. Initially, these employees are required to work for eight hours a day, but when the competition increases gradually and becomes fierce, they have to work hard and for longer hours to stay ahead of the company’s competitors. Further, if an employee doesn’t perform well or if the employer feels that the employee isn’t worthy enough, they can be expelled from the company. Moreover, the employee is bound by the rules and regulations laid down by the company or the employer. Not everyone appreciates being bound by the rules.

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However, being one’s own boss can be exhausting and stressful. A self-employed individual should be disciplined enough not to skip deadlines. By missing out on important targets and deadlines, the individual may undergo financial losses, and he must solely bear all the consequences, as a result of which the guaranteed paycheck at the end of the month is lost. Moreover, it takes several years for self-employed professionals to establish themselves in their respective fields. Therefore, there’s no guarantee that a self-employed individual will earn enough to live a comfortable life until then. Thus, there’ll be a huge difference in their daily routine, adversely affecting their mental and physical health.

To recapitulate, I think working for oneself is definitely beneficial as it enables them to work on flexible schedules with their own terms and conditions. But eventually, they may fail if they don’t meet their set targets. Therefore, an individual should be aware of the pros and cons of self-employment before venturing into one.

Nowadays many people choose to be self-employed, rather than to work for a company - mẫu 3

In recent years, there has been a noticeable trend towards self-employment, with many individuals choosing to work for themselves rather than for a company or organization. There are several reasons why this may be the case, and there are also a number of potential disadvantages to being self-employed.

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One reason why more and more people are opting for self-employment is the desire for greater autonomy and control over their work. Working for oneself allows for more flexibility and the ability to pursue one's own goals and projects, rather than those of a larger organization. For instance, freelancers may prefer to work from home and set their own hours, allowing them to balance their work with other commitments, such as family or personal interests. Self-employment also offers the potential for greater financial rewards, as profits are not shared with an employer.

However, being self-employed also comes with its own set of challenges. One of the main disadvantages is the lack of job security and benefits such as health insurance and paid time off. Self-employed individuals are also responsible for all aspects of their work, from accounting to marketing to customer service, which can be overwhelming and time-consuming. Additionally, there may be less opportunity for career advancement or professional development compared to working for a company with established training programs and career paths.

In fine, despite these potential drawbacks, the trend towards self-employment is likely to continue as technology and the gig economy create more opportunities for independent work. Governments and policymakers can help mitigate some of the risks and disadvantages of self-employment by offering support such as access to healthcare, retirement savings plans, and training programs. 

Nowadays many people choose to be self-employed, rather than to work for a company - mẫu 4

An increasing number of youngsters choose to start their own business these days instead of working for other people. Moreover, a wide range of reputed and successful businessmen are also in-support of these young entrepreneurs, and they help these young-ones financially. However, I believe this phenomenon has both merits and demerits and one has to be very careful before taking such a decision.

There are many reasons behind the increase in the number of start-up companies. To begin with, people face difficulty acquiring a job of their preference in the highly competitive market. Individuals who want to work in an esteemed organization or a well-paid job need to possess high academic qualification degrees or years of work experience. Such requirements already disqualify a large section of job hunters. Next, a few people desire to become rich in a shorter period. To illustrate this, a business can earn a person a hefty sum of money overnight as all the profit goes to the pocket of the owner.

However, there are several drawbacks to this. To start with, there is no guarantee that a self-employed person will earn enough to live a comfortable life. When people work for a company, they have the assurance of a guaranteed paycheck at the end of the month; however, when they work for themselves, this guarantee is missing. Another disadvantage is that many self-employed people work day and night and do not get time to spend with their family and friends. Thus, it creates an imbalance in their work and personal life. Moreover, a huge difference can be seen in their daily routine which affects their health adversely.

To recapitulate, working for oneself is definitely beneficial for young people because it enables them to work on their own terms; however, there are drawbacks such as the lack of a guaranteed paycheck that need to be considered before choosing to be an entrepreneur.

Nowadays many people choose to be self-employed, rather than to work for a company - mẫu 5

There seems to be a growing trend of people around the world choosing to be self-employed rather than to work for a company. This essay will consider the reasons for this as well as the drawbacks of working for yourself.

One of the main attractions of self-employment is the opportunity for higher earnings than you might receive when working for a company. In the latter, salaries are determined by your boss and increases are often limited, regardless of how hard you work. If you work hard as a self-employed person, the financial rewards are potentially unlimited, especially with online businesses. For example, using social media advertising can allow a solopreneur to rapidly increase sales.

But money is, for many people, not the main incentive of working for oneself. Instead, it’s the sense of autonomy you receive. You no longer have to do what your line manager tells you to do; instead, you can make your own decisions. This allows you to enjoy greater flexibility over things like working hours and the kind of work you do.

However, there are drawbacks to self-employment. Firstly, there might be considerable financial risk. There is no guarantee of income, unlike those who receive regular pay cheques from their boss, and it’s not unusual to see new small businesses fail due to a lack of money. This is quite daunting for people who have regular expenses such as a mortgage, and so many people prefer the safety afforded to them by working for someone else.

Additionally, working for yourself will usually entail working long hours, sometimes at weekends and in the evening, leaving little time for the kind of recreation time enjoyed by workers who simply stop work at around 5 p.m. Furthermore, it may be difficult to take holidays if you work for yourself, so the work-life balance for self-employed people can be a problem.

In short, self-employment isn’t for everyone. There are clear drawbacks related to money and time, but for many people, the attraction of greater success and satisfaction is worth the risk.

Nowadays many people choose to be self-employed, rather than to work for a company - mẫu 6

Today many people choose to work for themselves rather than for others. I believe this is because the corporate world offers little work/life balance. However, self-employment may lead to even more workloads and stress.

People doing a corporate job often find it hard to balance their work and personal lives. In a world that is changing so fast, a company is unlikely to remain relevant and competitive if its employees work only the standard 40-hour work week. For instance, to compete with the rising social media star Tik Tok, Facebook required its engineers to work during the weekend to develop Reels, which is Facebook's new short video feature. As a result, many people have made the leap to self- employment, hoping they can have more control over their time.

However, workloads can be even heavier for the self-employed. Being the only one in the business, a self-employed person often has to wear several hats at once. They have to, for example, do the marketing and accounting, and be the customer support. An employee, on the other hand, normally has only one job role.

Being one's own boss can also be very stressful. This is because a person's own business is like their own child. They put their heart and soul into it and thus may keep thinking about it every single minute. Take YouTubers for example. Many of them are constantly checking how many views, likes, and comments their videos have gotten, and become super depressed when the videos they spent hours and hours creating do not perform well.

In conclusion, many people become self-employed in an effort to keep their work and personal lives in balance. Nevertheless, self-employment is not an easy path; it can mean greater workloads and stress.

Nowadays many people choose to be self-employed, rather than to work for a company - mẫu 7

In recent years, an increasing number of individuals have chosen self-employment over traditional company or organisational employment. This essay examines the motivations behind this decision and discusses the potential disadvantages of self-employment.

Several factors contribute to the rise in self-employment's prevalence. Individuals value the independence and versatility that accompany being their own employer. They have the freedom to select their own working hours, initiatives, and clients, enabling them to achieve a healthier work-life balance. Self-employment provides the opportunity to pursue one's ambitions or transform a hobby into a career. This creative outlet can lead to greater job fulfilment and satisfaction. Individuals can now work independently because technological advancements and the gig economy have made it simpler to access online platforms and market one's skills or products.

However, self-employment is not without its difficulties. The lack of stability and financial security is one of the main disadvantages. Self-employed individuals frequently experience irregular income streams, which can contribute to financial uncertainty. In addition, they must manage their taxes, insurance, and retirement plans, which can be difficult and time-consuming. As self-employed individuals frequently work alone, they lack social support and teamwork, which can contribute to feelings of isolation and limited networking opportunities.

In conclusion, the rising popularity of self-employment can be attributed to the desire for autonomy, the pursuit of personal interests, and the availability of digital platforms. However, individuals should be aware of the potential drawbacks of self-employment, such as financial insecurity and limited social interaction. Before embarking on the path to self-employment, it is crucial to assess one's skills, financial circumstances, and risk tolerance. In addition, pursuing professional counselling and building a solid support network can mitigate the obstacles and ensure a successful journey into self-employment.

Nowadays many people choose to be self-employed, rather than to work for a company - mẫu 8

Most individuals want to be self-employed in the present economy instead of working for an organisation. This is why they want to work autonomously. Without a doubt, there are benefits to working for yourself, such as more freedom and creative control, but the biggest downside is that you are not promised a steady salary each month.

There are several reasons why people want to establish a business, but the primary motivation is to protect their independence. When employed by an organisation, workers are expected to adhere to the company's rules and regulations. Above all, they are subordinated to a supervisor or boss at work. As a result, the majority of people feel intellectually suffocated while working under constraints and external control. Another compelling argument is that workers lack confidence in their employers. They are often at the mercy of their employers. This gives them perpetual dissatisfaction. Additionally, obtaining proper jobs is challenging in today's competitive industry. Typically, those seeking employment with a major organisation and earning a living income require a solid educational background and significant work experience.

Self-employment, on the other hand, has some significant drawbacks. To begin with, a start-up needs a large sum of money at the outset. Most young individuals find it challenging to have so much money. Second, if a business is to flourish, the whole burden of responsibility falls on the owners' shoulders. Above all, running a company is a dangerous endeavour since most firms are entirely dependent on the market.

In conclusion, although having plenty of free time and a high hourly wage is advantageous as a self-worker, it's essential to consider the possible difficulties and responsibilities of entrepreneurship.

Nowadays many people choose to be self-employed, rather than to work for a company - mẫu 9

In today's economy, the majority of people choose self-employment over working for an organisation. This is why they want autonomy. Without question, there are advantages to working for yourself, such as more independence and creative power, but the primary disadvantage is that you are not guaranteed a consistent monthly wage.

There are several reasons why individuals desire to start their own company, but the most prominent motive is to maintain their independence. When an organisation hires employees, they are required to follow the organisation's rules and regulations. Most importantly, they report to a supervisor or boss at work. Consequently, most individuals experience intellectual suffocation while operating inside restrictions and under external supervision. Another persuasive argument is that employees lack faith in their companies. Frequently, they are at the mercy of their employers. This causes them to be consistently dissatisfied. Additionally, acquiring suitable employment is difficult in today's competitive sector. Generally, anyone seeking employment with a large organisation and earning a livable wage must have an excellent educational background and substantial job experience.

On the other hand, self-employment has some substantial disadvantages. To begin, a start-up requires a significant amount of capital. The majority of young adults find it challenging to have this much money. Second, for a firm to thrive, the whole load of duty rests on the shoulders of the proprietors. Above all, operating a business is risky since most enterprises are entirely reliant on the market.

To summarise, although having lots of free time and a high hourly salary is helpful as a self-employed individual, it is essential to recognise the potential problems and obligations associated with entrepreneurship.

Nowadays many people choose to be self-employed, rather than to work for a company - mẫu 10

There is little room for doubt that being independent, self-sufficient and financially stable is paramount today. Two basic approaches used by people to achieve the above-mentioned goal are being self-employed or working for a company. It has been observed that people nowadays choose the former method rather than the latter.

The freedom of not reporting to a boss is one of the primary reasons people choose to work for themselves. A person can be his/her boss, which means there is no pressure to meet deadlines or work according to someone else's wish. One can work according to their set schedule and pattern. Another reason is the huge monetary gains. For example, if you work for a company, you are bound to receive a set amount of salary, no matter how much profit the company makes in that particular month, but if you own the company, then all the profit goes directly to you.

Aside from the benefits mentioned above, there are numerous disadvantages to being self-employed. There is no financial security. For example, if you invested a huge amount of money in a project but it did not turn out well, then you are left with no money at all, which is not in the case of having a job. In addition to the risk of failure, self-employment comes with a lot of responsibility, less time for oneself and family, hectic schedules and great pressure.

To conclude, self-employment appears to be sweet on the outside with all kinds of leisure, monetary gains and freedom, but it is quite bitter on the inside with no sense of financial security and great pressure all the time due to the risk of failure.

Nowadays many people choose to be self-employed, rather than to work for a company - mẫu 11

There is little doubt that being self-sufficient, financially secure, and independent is critical today. Individuals may pursue the above-mentioned objective in one of two ways: as self-employed individuals or as employees of a business. People today prefer the former technique over the latter.

The independence from reporting to a supervisor is a major reason individuals prefer to work for themselves. A person may be his or her employer, which implies that there is no pressure to fulfil deadlines or perform according to the wishes of others. Individuals may work according to their timetable and routine. Another factor is the enormous financial benefit. For example, if you work for a business, you are obligated to get a certain salary regardless of how much profit the firm generates that month, but if you own the company, you receive 100% of the profit.

Apart from the aforementioned perks, self-employment has a slew of drawbacks. There is no such thing as financial security. For instance, if you spend a large sum of money on a project but it fails, you are left with nothing, which is not the situation when you have a job. Apart from the danger of failure, self-employment entails a tremendous deal of responsibility, less time for yourself and your family, busy schedules, and significant pressure.

To conclude, self-employment seems to be a sweet deal on the surface, with plenty of leisure, financial advantages, and independence, but it is very sour on the inside, with no feeling of financial stability and constant pressure due to the possibility of failure.

Nowadays many people choose to be self-employed, rather than to work for a company - mẫu 12

In contemporary society, an increasing number of individuals prefer self-employment over traditional employment with companies or organizations. They make this choice influenced by various factors, such as the desire for greater autonomy, flexibility, and potentially higher financial rewards. However, along with these advantages, self-employment poses its own set of challenges, such as the absence of job security and benefits, and the added responsibility of managing all aspects of one’s business.

The allure of self-employment lies in the autonomy it provides individuals over their work. Opting to work for oneself enables the pursuit of personal objectives and projects, fostering a sense of independence and control. Many freelancers, for example, value the flexibility to set their own work hours and create a conducive work environment, often choosing to work from home. Another motivating factor is the potential for higher financial rewards, as self-employed individuals retain all profits without sharing them with an employer.

However, individuals should not overlook the disadvantages of self-employment. One major drawback is the absence of benefits such as paid time off, health insurance, and job security. Unlike traditional employment, self-employed individuals shoulder the responsibility of managing every facet of their job, from accounting to customer service, which can be demanding and time-consuming. Additionally, the lack of well-established training programs and career paths may limit opportunities for professional development and career advancement.

Drawing from personal experience, a friend who transitioned from a corporate job to self-employment highlighted the challenges of managing taxes, securing clients, and handling administrative tasks. While enjoying the flexibility of self-employment, the uncertainties of income and the absence of job benefits posed significant challenges.

In conclusion, the preference for self-employment arises from the desire for autonomy and flexibility, coupled with the potential for financial rewards. However, individuals contemplating this career path should carefully consider the disadvantages, including the lack of benefits and increased responsibilities.

Nowadays many people choose to be self-employed, rather than to work for a company - mẫu 13

An increasing number of people today are opting to start their own companies instead of working for a company mainly because of the increased support for young entrepreneurs. In my opinion, the main disadvantages of not having an employer are lack of expertise and its overall effect on businesses.

The number of self-employed is related to young entrepreneurs and has its origin in widespread angel investment across a variety of industries. One well-known example of this can be seen on the popular show ‘Shark Tank,’ where a panel of investors and executives hear product pitches and compete to purchase stakes in budding entrepreneurs’ businesses. This show has launched a number of successful products by securing initial funding, which has led to a trickle-down effect from this show: not only has it turned specific dreams into realities but it also encourages viewers in general to be more ambitious and has therefore been one of the main catalysts for the frenzy of self-run businesses popping up in recent years.

Though there are undoubtedly positives to all these start-up companies, I think that the overall impact is negative because it results in many poorly run businesses. For example, in recent years a number of ride-sharing apps including Uber, Grab, Lyft, Be, Go-Viet and countless others have sprung up. The established companies provide a functioning app with high-quality service to meet the growing demands of this industry. However, the majority of small start-ups find themselves in over their heads with apps that barely function and driver shortages that specialise in inconveniencing customers. It would be better for the people starting these derivative businesses to either work in companies, gain valuable experience, look for gaps in the market, and then develop worthy competitors or simply be content to have a good job in a good company that they do not own.

In conclusion, I feel that the rising number of new companies has led to a cult of overconfidence. If more people were satisfied working for others rather than pursuing unrealisable ambitions, this would likely lead to better consumer products across the board as well as increased national economic prosperity.

Nowadays many people choose to be self-employed, rather than to work for a company - mẫu 14

Nowadays, it is common for people to work independently instead of committing themselves to permanent jobs at corporations. The rise of self-employment can be attributed to a desire for total control of one’s schedule, despite the potential drawback of unstable income.         

When people choose to work for themselves, they are afforded the ability to proactively manage their time throughout the day without being dependent on pre-made schedules given by employers. Such freedom of time management leads to increased productivity as people are able to pick the most effective work hours. In recent years, I have witnessed an increasingly high number of co-workers from large corporations who quit their corporate jobs to become freelancers in their respective fields, all of whom later expressed great satisfaction at being more efficient as well as having much more free time.

Regardless of the considerable freedom that self-employment brings, it is still an unpredictable career due to its often-unsteady income. While companies are responsible for secure stable jobs and salary for workers, those who work without contracts are afforded no such security as their income is dependent on the market, which fluctuates wildly with supply and demand. Freelancers may enjoy great benefits one day only to be unemployed the next. Many of my friends who worked as independent real estate brokers reaped major wealth in the past but later went bankrupt during the housing crisis in 2008, while those employed by housing firms were protected by their organizations.

In conclusion, self-employment provides people with the freedom to work as they deemed appropriate at the cost of steady income. Working independently is a high risk, high reward career choice that is not universally ideal and should be considered carefully.

Nowadays many people choose to be self-employed, rather than to work for a company - mẫu 15

Many individuals nowadays choose to work for themselves rather than being employed in an organisation. The main reason behind this preference is people’s freedom to work solo and independently. Having said that, there are advantages to working for oneself. However, the major disadvantage is that there is no guaranteed paycheck every month.

People doing corporate jobs often find it hard to balance their work and personal lives. In the past, there were not many rivalries among industries. Most workers were only compelled to work eight hours a day, which means they still had plenty of time left for themselves after work. Nevertheless, the competition is becoming fiercer with every passing day, and as a result, many employees have to toil harder and longer hours to help their employers thrive. For instance, at Facebook, engineers are often asked to work during the weekend to deliver new features to stay ahead of its competitors, such as TikTok and Snapchat. Thus, many people have leapt to self-employment, hoping they can have more control over their time. Additionally, being self-employed gives the freedom to pursue one’s passion and experiment with various avenues, which is impossible in nine-to-five jobs.

However, there are disadvantages to being self-employed too. Primarily, there is a considerable risk of failure of a venture at any point in time due to a lack of guidance, abilities, experience, and risk management. Occasionally, people cannot push their bottom lines and lose their entire investment. Eventually, they may end up with a complete failure which further triggers health issues such as hypertension and cardiac problems.

To pen down, I would write that young adults are very inclined to establish their own business to become rich and lead a luxurious lifestyle. Even so, running a successful venture is not everyone’s cup of tea due to the various risks.

Nowadays many people choose to be self-employed, rather than to work for a company - mẫu 16

Many people nowadays are opting to work for themselves, rather than for a company. There is a more palpable shift towards self-employment and a greater detachment from more traditional working structures. This essay will demonstrate how self-employment can lead to financial freedom and more flexibility of one’s output, but it will also show how financial freedom can be risky and the idea of creative flexibility can be illusionary. Whilst acknowledging the drawbacks, this essay will argue how the advantages of self-employment outweigh the disadvantages.

One clear benefit of working for one’s self, is the possibility of financial freedom and creative autonomy. By being self-employed, one has the room to create one’s own salary. Rather than being hemmed in by a fixed monthly amount, a person working for themselves can exceed this and create a salary that is reflective of their work and one that does not impede them by wider company policy. Although some people can see pay rises, this is seldom seen in many industries and despite the extra hours people work, their pay quickly hits a ceiling. Whereas self-employment means you are not determined by someone else’s view of what you should be paid. As well as this, someone who is self-employed has more creative control. This is highly important as being passionate about what you do should be a key characteristic of any job. By having more creative control, we can determine what we produce and the effect we want it to have. Therefore, we are in control and can enjoy the work we ultimately decide to produce.

On the other hand, there are obvious disadvantages to being self-employed. Firstly, it can involve some financial risk where each month does not necessarily look financially the same. There may be dips and troughs where the individual is learning less than the previous month. This could seep into other aspects of their life and make certain things difficult, such as paying bills. Secondly, having to be constantly creative can be more difficult than perceived and its reality not as utopian as it may seem. For example, if someone is starting their own business or creating a course, the sole creative output rests on their shoulders and this can be difficult to routinely produce, rather than having a brief to fill which is passed down from a senior or fellow colleague.

In conclusion, whilst there are disadvantages to being self-employed, I believe the potential possibilities and benefits of being self-employed outweigh working for a company. Whilst working for a company is preferred by some, the working world is shifting to a model that is more innovative, creative and less reliant on the traditional ways of working.

Nowadays many people choose to be self-employed, rather than to work for a company - mẫu 17

There is a famous quote that it is good to be your own boss instead of being someone else’s employee. Due to this, people nowadays are increasingly setting up their own ventures. This essay addresses the reasons for this trend and provides the disadvantages associated with the same.

There are various reasons that many people, these days, drop the idea of getting a job and prefer to establish their own business. First and foremost, they know that in employment, they will remain stuck in the circle of 9-5 just for the sake of fixed income at the end of the month and never become able to increase their earnings. Whereas, when one is self-employed, there are no limits to growing and one can earn huge profits through his business. Next comes the freedom associated with one’s own commerce, since a person can work flexibly according to his/her own will and comfort. Moreover, it is the tendency of the human brain that it cannot work in an obligation. Therefore, folks consider it better to be self-employed.

However, when it comes to the disadvantages of being self-employed, they are significant. Primarily, there is a big risk of failure of a venture at any point of time due to a lack of guidance, skills, experience, and risk management. Sometimes, people are unable to push their bottom lines and lose their entire investment as well. Ultimately, they end up with a complete failure which further triggers health issues such as hypertension and cardiac problems. On the other hand, in a job, there are no such insecurities, and a person receives the regular income invariably.

Although, young adults these days are very inclined towards establishing their own business in order to become rich and lead a luxurious lifestyle. However, running a successful venture is not everyone’s cup of tea due to the various risks linked to it. 

Nowadays many people choose to be self-employed, rather than to work for a company - mẫu 18

Recently, the idea of “self-employment” has become more and more prevalent. An increasing number of people prefer working independently to being engaged in a corporation. In this essay, several reasons for this trend and the disadvantages associated with it will be presented.

To begin with, the attraction of being self-employed lies in flexibility and autonomy. Contrary to their employee counterparts, who have to stick to a fixed and rigid working schedule, self-employed people have full control of their working time and location. Specifically, they can freely take a day-off for relaxation or to spare a certain amount of quality time for themselves and families. Besides, some people feel more motivated generating and implementing their own ideas compared to following orders from their seniors. Another plausible reason for this tendency is the current favorable environment for entrepreneurship. In many countries, there are numerous venture capital fundings aiming at nurturing and promoting interesting business ideas. This, as a result, ignites the aspiration of running a business in the public regardless of their social and academic backgrounds.

Although the concept of self-employment seems intriguing, it comes with certain downsides. The first concern to be mentioned is financial instability. As for freelancers, they could not earn a stable living until they have several networkings in particular industries. When it comes to running a business, problems inevitably arise in the process of raising and accumulating capital. In other words, the possibility of revenue loss cannot be excluded. On top of that, working independently can be arduous and stressful to a great extent. Flexible as it may seem, self-employment makes freelancers struggle to separate personal life from professional one. Therefore, they are more vulnerable to work-life imbalance, which is the root cause of stress and other mental illnesses. As for business owners, the lack of professional expertise and orientation poses them with difficulty in executing and operating. They need to be totally devoted, responsible and determined to shoulder all the liabilities. Otherwise, their business cannot stay, let alone grow.

To recapitulate, people choose self-employment for a number of reasons, with the primary ones being the flexibility and autonomy it brings. However, considering the above arguments of income instability and initial difficulties, this tendency has its own disadvantages that should not be overlooked.

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