5+ Some people believe that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters

Some people believe that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters (such as food, clothes and entertainment) is likely to result in a society of individuals who only think about their own wishes. Other people believe that it is important for children to make decisions about matters that affect them. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

5+ Some people believe that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters

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Some people believe that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters - mẫu 1

Freedom is always a matter of controversy as there is no particular rule or limit to it. Each person has their own definition of freedom. In a similar way, allowing young children to make their own decisions on basic matters has brought up different views from different groups of people. In this essay, different avenues on the given topic will be explored to help us decide on the amount of freedom children should be given without hampering their personality.

It is a common belief that to make one strong, one should be allowed to take their own decisions and fight their fears, even if they do not succeed in the end. In the same way, in the developing years of a child, he/she should be allowed to make decisions, even if they are minor ones, like clothes, food, entertainment. If their decision-making qualities are cultivated from an early age, they will become independent individuals when they grow up. But some people think that the trait of individuality is synonymous with being selfish or caring less about other individuals. This is because they tend to generalize the concept that if one takes own decisions without taking others into consideration, it is selfishness. Being self-centered has nothing to do with making own decisions from a young age. They can be egotistical for different reasons like pampering, lack of guidance, dearth of awareness between right and wrong, among others.

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In some cases, young children tend to get used to making decisions on their own and get diverted in the process. For example, a child is allowed to eat junk food all the time and spend his time idling with friends. If he continues to do this on his own, after a certain time, his health might be affected, or he might end up with wrong ‘friends’. As they grow up, they are accustomed to the idea that as it is their life, all decisions should be theirs alone. This might make them impervious to the needs of others or their needs before others.

To conclude, I would like to say that the role of parents or elders is extremely crucial in the development of decision-making and the amiable personality of an individual. If the child is not properly guided at home, he/she can become narrow-minded. So, it is the close relatives who can mentor the young generation to grow on their own and at the same time instill a sense of responsibility and help them understand the difference between right and wrong. It will not only help them in the long run but also create a better society for everyone.

Some people believe that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters - mẫu 2

One common area of debate among parents is the extent to which children should be trusted to make their own decisions and the potential impact this will have on their sense of responsibility. Although decision-making skills will help in some ways, I believe parents should dictate choices for children in order to make them more aware of others.

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On the one hand, children who have been allowed to make their own choices will eventually develop a keen sense of responsibilty. This can be best seen in two contrasting examples of helicopter parents and more liberal parents. Helicopter parents smother their children with attention and make the majority of their decisions for them. Over time, these kids will likely become dependent on their parents. If your parents always pick out your clothes then you never have to check weather forecasts, make choices about what colours match or concern yourself with trends in fashion. Later in life, these kids will not have developed any of these skills because of their parents. Contrast this with children who pick out their own clothes; they will have to consider these factors carefully and it will make them more responsible when it comes to shopping and taking care of their wardrobe.

On the other hand, I still believe that parents should make the majority of choices so that children will be more responsible towards others. For example, some parents have made the logical and ethical choice to be vegetarians, and they force their children to do the same. This can have a positive effect not only on their individual health but also on the environment. Moreover, it is a learning opportunity for parents to teach their offspring about ethics. Parents can make the argument that industrial farming is inhumane, and animals should be treated with more respect. This may have a carry-over effect resulting in their children growing up to be more thoughtful towards others.

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In conclusion, parents should make most decisions for children to guide them to be more empathetic. They should work with teachers in their efforts to raise conscientous future citizens.

Some people believe that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters - mẫu 3

Critics are concerned that children will be endangered if they are given freedom of choice, while others believe that they will be better equipped to handle the future consequences of their acts if given such freedom. In this essay, I'll compare and contrast the two perspectives in question and express my conclusion.

First, there is the risk that letting kids use their thinking will have undesirable results. Several studies have found that youngsters who are more capable of making their own decisions are more likely to disobey parental rules and expectations. In addition, they don't have the life background or perspective to make some choices. Children will inevitably make numerous blunders if they do not heed parental guidance.

In addition, kids might be able to pick up some useful lessons from this conduct. The experience could help kids learn to be accountable for their actions. If they have been trained by their parents to look out for themselves, they will be able to make good decisions and prioritise what matters most to them. Furthermore, it may help kids learn to make ethical choices as adults. Finally, children may be better prepared to respond correctly when faced with challenging situations. In conclusion, allowing adolescents to make their own decisions may have a wide range of unintended consequences. However, this strategy could be effective if parents take the time to teach their children about right and wrong in the actual world. Students will be able to make informed decisions since they will have access to criteria and resources.

Some people believe that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters - mẫu 4

Individuals in modern societies are given more and more freedom as they mature, including the freedom to decide for themselves how they will spend their time and what they will consume as part of their daily routines. While some may think that this trait reflects a person's inherent selfishness, others may disagree. I see this as a good thing since it has the ability to make them feel more accountable.

One benefit of letting children pursue their interests in their daily life is that they become mature and responsible people. Because of what they've done, they have no choice but to strive for perfection rather than just the highest possible degree and settle for nothing less than world supremacy. The opposite may be true, young people may become more egocentric if they utilise this approach. If people could simply learn about themselves and accept that as the ideal, they would stop appreciating the differences among others.

In my opinion, the formation of such a style makes adults more successful when attempting to take action by helping them see their own bad and positive sides. If they stop to think about their actions and learn from them, they might be able to accomplish more of what they set out to do. It is the responsibility of parents to instill in their children a healthy level of tolerance and acceptance of the needs and points of view of others.

To sum up, allowing newborns some autonomy in the day-to-day decisions that affect their development and success is crucial. However, you should approach this from an entirely selfish perspective.

Some people believe that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters - mẫu 5

Few people believe that allowing children to make their judgments about everyday tasks would lead to our society being more egotistical. On the other hand, some people believe that it is vital for parents to make decisions that will have an impact on their children's minds. The article that follows both supports the viewpoint of individuals who hold the opposing view and presents reasons in support of my position.

First, some people believe that giving young adults greater independence has had a variety of unfavourable effects, including the general public's propensity to think exclusively of themselves and the erasure of the foundation of humanity, which stipulates that we must help our neighbours in need. Additionally, as time has passed, people have grown to have nothing more than respect for the poor, homeless, and orphaned. As a result, the country is in a jungle-like environment where everyone is focused on their family members.

Furthermore, supporters of the idea contend that the implementation of this plan is essential because it would result in the development of children's minds, ideas, and perspectives by relieving them of any concerns that might divert their attention from the activities of their day-to-day lives and the responsibilities they face. In addition, they would be able to exhibit an adequate amount of self-assurance when confronted with challenges in their future lives and when required to make challenging decisions. In addition, the children who take part in this program develop into responsible adults far more quickly than their peers.

In conclusion, I believe that the latter strategy, which was briefly stated above, is preferable since it is incredibly helpful for children's mental and physical health to avoid having too many limits placed on them in their personal lives. So that's why I agree with this viewpoint.

Some people believe that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters - mẫu 6

Some people claim that if children are allowed to make everyday decisions, society may become full of selfish individualists, while others argue that it is important for children to make up their own minds about matters that impact them. I agree with the former viewpoint because children may develop the habit of being self-centered if given the right to decide on mundane matters.

On the one hand, empowering children to make choices in their daily lives hones their decision-making skills. The reason is that if they don't weigh their options carefully and make the right decisions, there will be consequences. For example, children who choose to indulge in ice cream every day may become overweight and be laughed at by their peers. Consequently, they learn the importance of choosing healthy food over short-term pleasure. However, I do not think this is a good way to help children become better at decision-making because they are too young to be mentally strong enough to face the consequences of their bad decisions.

On the other hand, complying with all of children's everyday wishes may result in them forming the habit of selfishness. This is because when allowed to choose whatever they want to eat or wear on a daily basis, they may become accustomed to not caring about other people's preferences when making a decision. This habit will stay with them as they grow up, creating a selfish society. I agree with this argument because I have seen many second-generation rich children raised like this and become very self-centered adults as a result.

In conclusion, although children may become better decision-makers if allowed to decide on ordinary matters, I think this is more likely to lead them to develop the habit of selfishness, thus producing a society of self-centered individuals.

Some people believe that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters - mẫu 7

The question of whether children should be allowed to make their own choices on everyday matters is a complex one. Some argue that giving children too much autonomy will lead to a society of individuals who only think about their own desires, while others believe that it is important for children to make decisions about matters that affect them.

On one hand, some argue that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters can lead to a society of individuals who only think about their own wishes. This can include children becoming picky eaters, choosing to only wear certain types of clothing, and only engaging in activities that they find entertaining. These children may become accustomed to always getting what they want and may not learn the value of compromise and patience.

On the other hand, some argue that it is important for children to make decisions about matters that affect them. This can include allowing children to choose what they eat, what they wear, and what activities they engage in. This can help children to develop autonomy and self-confidence, as well as learning how to make decisions and take responsibility for their actions. Additionally, giving children the opportunity to make decisions about matters that affect them can help them to learn the value of independence.

To sum up, giving them the autonomy and the opportunity to make their own choices allows them to learn and grow, but it is also important to teach them the importance of concession as well as give and take, and not to let them become too self-centered. This can be achieved by setting boundaries and providing guidance on decision making, while still giving children the opportunity to express their own preferences.

Some people believe that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters - mẫu 8

The ongoing debate surrounding whether children should have the autonomy to make decisions on daily matters has raised questions about its potential impact on society. While some argue that granting children this freedom may lead to a self-centered society, others emphasize the importance of nurturing decision-making skills to foster autonomy and responsibility.

Advocates for children making their own choices believe that this autonomy contributes to the development of independent thinkers. Allowing children to decide on aspects like food, clothes, and entertainment empowers them to explore preferences and interests, cultivating a strong sense of self and the ability to make informed decisions. This approach is seen as crucial for shaping responsible individuals capable of navigating life’s complexities with confidence.

However, opponents express concerns about the potential for a self-centered society if decision-making is left unchecked in early stages. They argue that a lack of guidance may result in children growing up with limited understanding of the consequences their choices can have on themselves and others.

In my view, a balanced approach is essential. Providing children with decision-making opportunities is crucial, yet equally important is instilling a sense of responsibility and consideration for others. Parents and educators play a pivotal role in guiding children, offering support and teaching the importance of thoughtful decision-making.

In conclusion, finding the right balance between autonomy and responsibility is key when allowing children to make choices on everyday matters. Empowering them to make decisions can foster independence and critical thinking skills, but this should be accompanied by guidance to ensure the development of a sense of responsibility and an awareness of the impact of their choices on the broader society.

Some people believe that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters - mẫu 9

Allowing children to make their own decisions regarding food, clothing, and entertainment is a topic that is frequently debated. Others argue that it is important for children to make decisions that affect them, despite the fact that some believe it may contribute to the development of egocentric individuals. This essay will examine both perspectives and present my own viewpoint.

On the one hand, proponents of allowing children to make their own decisions contend that it promotes autonomy and critical thinking. Allowing children to make their own decisions helps them develop a sense of autonomy, learn from their errors, and mature into responsible adults. In addition, it encourages children to investigate their preferences and form their own distinctive identities.

On the other hand, critics argue that an excessive amount of freedom can lead to egotism and disregard for others. They believe that guidance and structure are necessary for children to develop a sense of empathy and comprehend the repercussions of their actions. Without proper guidance, children may prioritise their own wants without regard for the impact on others or on society as a whole.

I believe that a balanced approach is essential. Children should be encouraged to make decisions that directly influence them, such as selecting their own clothing and extracurricular activities. This helps them develop self-assurance, autonomy, and decision-making abilities. However, it is equally essential for parents and guardians to provide guidance and establish boundaries when it comes to issues with broader implications or those affect the well-being of others.

Ultimately, enabling children to make their own decisions can foster autonomy and critical thinking skills. Nonetheless, it is crucial to achieve a balance by providing guidance and teaching children to consider the repercussions of their choices. Empowering children while imparting empathy and responsibility can contribute to their development as well-rounded people.

Some people believe that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters - mẫu 10

People have different views about whether children should be given the privilege of making their own decisions. While giving them absolute freedom to make choices in daily life is likely to encourage selfishness, I tend to agree with the idea that independent decision-making is of paramount importance for adulthood.

A common criticism of giving children too much freedom is that they would become narrow-minded and self-centred. Allowing children to always choose the things they want and not have to follow the advice of others may lead them to be too independently minded. This character trait may be a hindrance in later life, in terms of cooperating with other people in a team and especially when leading an organisation. In these situations, listening to and considering the ideas and opinions of others is of great importance. Take, for example, a group presentation in which a team has to work together, meaning a lot of decisions have to be made. Each group member will have to point out the pros and cons of their own ideas and learn to be tolerant and accept other viewpoints at the same time.

However, the possibility of becoming uncooperative does not necessarily mean children’s rights to make decisions should be restricted. Firstly, overprotective parents, who always intervene and dictate every aspect of their children’s lives, would definitely create bad habits for children, making them dependent and even losing the ability to manage their own lives in the future. This is evidenced by the fact that in many fields employers wouldn’t hire an employee who cannot think for themself and use their own initiative. Secondly, effective decision-making skill, which is difficult and involves various steps, such as evaluating situations, considering alternatives…needs prolonged, consistent practice over a long period to master. That is why giving children opportunities to make their own choices is so beneficial.

In conclusion, the advantages of encouraging independent decision-making during childhood are more significant than the possibility of children growing up to be selfish. This includes effective team working skills and being tolerant of others’ opinions. Parents should therefore give up strict control over their children’s choices and play their part in guiding and advising children to make their own informed decisions.

Some people believe that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters - mẫu 11

The question of whether children should be given autonomy to make their own choices on daily matters or guided by adults has been a subject of debate in parenting and educational circles. On one hand, some argue that empowering children to decide on various aspects of their lives is advisable. Conversely, others contend that excessive freedom may lead to self-centeredness and a lack of consideration for societal norms. This essay will examine both perspectives before presenting my own stance on the issue.

When teens are given room to make their own decisions, their brains learn how to make hard choices by weighing both sides of their decision. More importantly, it helps them reduce the stress of feeling helpless or controlled by someone else. In school, teachers boost students’ self-reliance and independence when they allow students to make choices, explain the purpose of an assignment, and seek feedback about the helpfulness of their homework rather than spoon-feeding them. This also fosters a mentor relationship and demonstrates respect, while growing their students’ critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Although parents owe their children to experience everything possible, letting children decide on every decision all the time is an irrational thing to do. Since teens are not mature enough to deal with the true realities of real life, they usually rush to a decision and then encounter many unexpected consequences. A more serious counterproductive effect is they become more selfish because they may never take the benefits of others into consideration. For instance, children who are at liberty to eat, wear and play whatever they like will never think of whether their parents can afford their interests or share the same tastes.

In conclusion, while allowing children to make decisions about matters that affect them can promote autonomy and decision-making skills, it is crucial for adults to provide guidance and boundaries to ensure their well-being and the development of empathy and social responsibility. A balanced approach that combines autonomy with guidance is essential to nurture confident, independent individuals who are mindful of the needs and values of society.

Some people believe that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters - mẫu 12

Children in the current generation are advanced in terms of their behaviour and psychology while their mentality differs from their parent's generation. While some believe that children need to be allowed to make decisions of their own which especially are based on their own lives. However, some people believe that allowing children to make their own decisions would make them selfish. The following essay would discuss both sides of the argument and I would eventually give my opinion.

Some people believe that parents’ involvement in every decision made by children, from the clothes they wear to the food they choose, is essential. People argue that children might grow up to become a person who only thinks about their own wishes and needs if they are allowed to make decisions solely on their own.

However, contrary to this opinion is another argument which considers that children should be allowed to make their own decisions on things which affect them. Whether it's the choice of clothes or the type of entertainment they watch, children should be allowed to make their own choices. This is an important requirement which would help children learn from their mistakes, understand what is good or bad and grow as more mature people. It would make them more confident as a human being who has the knowledge to make their own decisions.

Thus, in my opinion, allowing children to make their own decisions which affect them would make them more confident and the involvement of parents can be considered when necessary for their children.

Some people believe that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters - mẫu 13

People believe that when children are allowed to make decisions on their own in terms of food or clothes or entertainment, they tend to grow up thinking only about themselves. However, some people argue that children need to make their own decisions in places that affect them. In lieu of discussing both sides, I would present my opinion in support of the latter.

People consider that children are young and do not have the ability to make their own decisions. Some people consider that children making their own decisions might end up focusing only on their own wishes. Moreover, people think that allowing children to make decisions in food and clothing might make them self-centres and hence, not consider other’ opinions for their lives.

However, some people argue that making their own decisions by children from a young age would help them become self-dependent and they would be able to grow as confident people. Having an opinion on things is important especially if it affects the person and their lives. Accordingly, having the trait of an independent person makes them more efficient and helps them overcome their fears effectively. However, it is important to consider the fact that children need to be guided by their parents and elders in terms of their choices like food, which needs to be healthy rather than junk and the need for a healthy lifestyle by being physically active.

To conclude, I might opine that children need to be raised in a way that they are able to make their own decisions thereby being independent of their choices. However, it is the responsibility of the parents to allow them to make decisions while simultaneously also guiding them towards making better choices.

Some people believe that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters - mẫu 14

Whether children should make their own decisions is a contentious issue, with some opposing the idea because they believe children may become self-centered, while others argue that children should have a say in decisions that affect their lives. While I would discuss both sides of the opinion, my support would be placed for the latter.

People consider that when children are growing up, they need to be trained and guided by their parents and any decision regarding their life needs to be made by them. From choice of clothes to type of entertainment, people consider that children should not be allowed to make decisions whether big or small. People argue that making their own decisions from a young age would make children self-centred and thereby overlook others’ requirements and needs. However, considering parents’ guidance, children need that to understand the differences between what is good or bad for them. For instance, parents' guidance is required for imparting knowledge about healthy food, exercise and a healthy lifestyle rather than junk food and an inactive lifestyle.

On the other hand, some people argue that children should be allowed to make decisions of their own, especially the ones where their lives are affected. Accordingly, children should be self-dependent and need to know from a young age about how to live an independent life whether washing one’s own clothes, choosing a career field or playing a sport. This makes them not only independent of their choices but also develops their confidence, making them trust themself and believe that their parents respect their choices.

Hence, people might argue that children would become selfish if they are let to make their own decisions, I certainly believe that independence of one’s choices and decisions should be allowed from a young age.

Some people believe that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters - mẫu 15

The goal of good parenting is to empower children to develop well. All humans are required to make millions of decisions throughout their lives, and their capacity to do this has a direct effect on their happiness and success. Certain individuals restrict their children’s decisions because they want to make sure that their kids always go down the right path; others, however, give freedom of choice to their kids so that they develop independence. I believe that a balance of both, whereby parents guide their children’s decisions, is best for children’s development.

Certain parents control their children’s daily decisions on diet, clothing, exercise and learning because they believe that they know better what has beneficial results, and they desire to minimize harm and maximize benefit for their offspring. I noticed that my friend, Andrew, never allows his four-year-old son, Alex, to eat what he desires, instead he is always feeding him with fruits, vegetables and fish; otherwise, Alex would eat chocolate for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Nevertheless, this leads children, like Alex, to lack confidence when needing to make choices.

In light of this notion, many parents encourage their children to make choices for themselves, and to learn from their own mistakes, by allowing them to eat, wear and watch whatever they want. My friend, Susan, lets her eight-year-old son, Tim, watch violent superhero cartoons, because she feels that he enjoys this more than watching educational shows, and that he can learn right from wrong in other ways, and develop a sense of independence quickly. However, at times this can be risky as highly independent children may encounter much conflict during their upbringing in society.

Therefore, I believe that the optimal approach for children’s decision-making process is to give kids the ability to choose withing certain parameters and with feedback. In this way, children are not only kept safe and happy, but also encouraged to develop critical thinking and self-reliance which is of great benefit for them and society. In fact, with my four-year-old daughter Sybella, I always discuss options for food and entertainment whereby she gets to choose from a healthy selection. As a result, I feel that she is confident in making her own choices while developing nicely, both mentally and physically.

In conclusion, there are logical reasons for both parenting styles, those parents that give great freedom to their kids and those that do not. However, an extreme in each case does carry with it negative repercussions. So, it is my belief that a balanced approach provides optimal nurturing of offspring which in turn leads to a confident future society.

Some people believe that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters - mẫu 16

In some cases, it’s a good signal for children to make their own decisions, but everything has both positive and negative effects, none can be done perfectly. We should provide necessary guidance to help them grow up.

I may only agree with the point that children can make their own choices in some matters, and the time goes by, more rights should be given to them, because it’s almost impossible for children to make their own choices when children are 4 years old, and it’s a bit unrealistic, but it can be possible that children can choose what they eat, what they wear when they are in secondary schools, then children can choose what they want to do when they are college students. During the life of their growing up, children usually fail to control themselves like adults due to a lack of experience, a necessary guidance is of great importance to them.

What’s more, I strongly agree that children should learn to make decisions, if every decision is made by their parents, they may lose the ability to make any choices in their later life and become too dependent on other people. What the parents’ responsibility is to help them to live independently, children should acquire most kinds of skills, including decision making.

As for myself, my parents often told me to pay more attention to self-security and healthy eating, but they rarely interfered with my decision making in my daily life. I felt so lucky, because I could do what I wanted to do, but as to my friends, most of them were under rigid control by their parents, they had to study and be at home without caring about other things, I felt sympathy for them. Anyway, we all grow up, I become a postgraduate and continue to study, but they no longer have a chance to be admitted into a university. In a large part, I can do what I am willing to do, but they just can’t master their fate anymore.

All in all, there is no doubt that making decisions in their childhood is indispensable, parents should put much emphasis on it.

Some people believe that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters - mẫu 17

To what extent children should be given freedom of choice on everyday issues like food, clothes, TV programmes, and free-time activities has sparked heated debate. With unlimited freedom, according to many, children are likely to become self-centred and they naturally think of their own desires only. However, others believe children should make their own decisions as it helps grow a sense of responsibility in them. But, in my opinion, parents ought to dictate their children’s choices so as to make them more conscious of others.

Children who have absolute freedom in daily matters start believing that they can do whatever they want. And when those children grow up, they are likely to believe that their own wishes are important while everything else is secondary. Consequently, they become egocentric adults resulting in a society of selfish individuals.

On the contrary, children who are allowed to make their own decisions will naturally develop a keen sense of responsibility. That is to say, they will learn how to take responsibility for their actions. Also, this practice helps them develop problem-solving skills through trial and error. The rationale behind the view is that natural consequences are the best teacher.

However, I firmly believe that parents should often dictate children’s choice as these children are not fully mature and capable of making suitable decisions. Many a time, children’s decisions are not based on experience or knowledge. A case in point is junk food which is detrimental to health, but a favourite for most children. If given the freedom, many children would prefer to eat fast food all day long. If parents allow them to eat such junk food regularly, children will become morbidly obese, which in turn will increase the risk of heart disease and reduce their lifespan. Therefore, parents should give dietary advice and often control what their offsprings eat.

To conclude, how much liberty children should be given on everyday matters is a controversial topic. Although decision-making rights help them in some ways, I think parents ought to dictate their choices to some extent so that they can make the right choices and they can learn to honour others’ opinions and decisions.

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