Some people think that technological development has made life complex

Some people think that technological development has made life complex. The only possible solution is not to use technology to live a simple life. To what extent do you agree or disagree? hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Some people think that technological development has made life complex

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Đề bài: Some people think that technological development has made life complex. The only possible solution is not to use technology to live a simple life. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some people think that technological development has made life complex - mẫu 1

It has been argued by a few people that technology has made the life of human beings hard. The only solution to avoid this complexity is to lead a simple life without using it. I thoroughly disagree with the statement as it has strengthened their relationships with others, and it has provided a better living standard for people.

First, Automation has made relationships between people and their loved ones. To elaborate, people now have access to social networking sites. They can make a call and send messages to them even while sitting in any corner of the world. Therefore, people remain in touch with their kith and kin. Thus, a long distance fails to weaken their bonding. People feel at ease even if they receive or send a message about the well-being of others. For instance, during the corona pandemic, technology was the only hope for victims to talk with their near and dear ones. Many people rebuilt their faith in life after getting motivation and consultation through social websites. So, without technology, life is not possible.

Besides, it has ameliorated the living standard of the public. To explicate it, now people are enjoying a luxurious life as they have personal cars to move to and from. They don’t need to wait for buses. Even flights have made it easy for them to have lunch in Paris and dinner in London. For instance, earlier people were leading a hard life without technology. They used to go on foot and could not even imagine going Overseas, but now they are leading a comfortable life. They are happier than in their past life. In addition, they have improved their lives with the help of education. Now they have attained high titles. Education was a luxury for some, but now it is for everyone.

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To conclude, thus it is clear that life without technology is problematic as it plays an essential role in making the bonding of people strong and it has also made the life of people better by providing essential facilities, which are adequate to lead a comfortable life such as education, transportation and to name but a few.

Some people think that technological development has made life complex - mẫu 2

Due to the advent of technology, our life undergoes a drastic change. A couple of people believe that life is simple and easygoing without technology, while the involvement of the latest equipment makes our life hard. I disagree that the simple way is the only solution, and this essay will discuss how machinery has made technology and transportation.

The foremost argument to justify my stand is that internet usage has increased, and we use different machines to complete our daily life activities. To explain, when humans go to a restaurant to have eatable items quickly instead of waiting in a long queue. For instance, there are many grocery stores across the country, but numerous people order things with smartphones through the internet owing to the fact that each individual thinks that machines are helpful to save time and effort. As a result, they prefer kiosk machines and drive-throughs to order food.

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Another important factor which has to be considered is that continuous science research has impressed the nation with all its latest advancements and provides feasibility and ease in everyday life, to elaborate, the latest and fastest means of transportation make individual life easy as one can travel without any hassle. Smartphones connect to each other and are the easiest mode to receive information all around the world. Along with that, electronic devices make life heaven, for example, vacuum, electronic blender, coffee machines and electronic stones. Although, it makes the nation lazy, and less activity is performed by each individual, which raises several health concerns.

On the other hand, in the early days, everyone lived their life due to the non-availability of amenities and had more time to spend with family, and ladies performed their household chores manually. As a result, everything was pure and hygienic, as well as free from preservatives. All of the above illustrations clearly state that life was not easy at an early age, and humans suffer and work harder than the present generation.

To conclude, I agree that advanced automation makes everything so easy that you can do anything at your fingertips. However, a person should not depend on these gadgets entirely as this can cause severe health concerns in the long run for future generations. Everyone should balance their routine accordingly and also perform some tasks manually to keep themselves more active.

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Some people think that technological development has made life complex - mẫu 3

While it is true that technological development has brought about many new challenges and complexities, I do not believe that the only solution to these challenges is to reject technology and attempt to live a completely simple life.

Technological development has certainly made our lives more complex in many ways. We are now more connected than ever before, with access to an incredible amount of information and communication tools. This can be overwhelming at times, and it can be difficult to navigate the constant stream of notifications, emails, and messages that demand our attention. Additionally, technology has brought about new forms of distraction, such as social media and video games, that can take away from our ability to focus on more meaningful tasks.

However, I do not think that the answer is to completely reject technology and attempt to live a simple life. While technology can be overwhelming and distracting, it has also brought about many incredible benefits and advancements. For example, technology has revolutionized medicine and healthcare, making it possible to diagnose and treat illnesses that were previously untreatable. It has also made our lives more convenient and efficient, allowing us to automate many tedious tasks and save time.

Instead of rejecting technology altogether, I believe that the key is to use it mindfully and intentionally. We can use technology to enhance our lives while still being mindful of its potential downsides. This means setting boundaries around our technology use, such as limiting our screen time or turning off notifications during certain periods of the day. It also means using technology in a way that aligns with our values and priorities rather than allowing it to dictate how we spend our time and attention.

In conclusion, while technological development has certainly made our lives more complex in many ways, I do not believe that the only solution is to reject technology altogether. Instead, we can use technology mindfully and intentionally, in a way that aligns with our values and priorities, to enhance our lives without becoming overwhelmed by its constant demands.

Some people think that technological development has made life complex - mẫu 4

In the contemporary world, technology has become an irreplaceable part of our lives. While it does offer a lot of advantages, it is an undeniable fact that it has added layers of complexity to our existence. I believe that if one can refrain from being too dependent on technology, it will lead to a simpler life.

Advancements in technology are beneficial, but they have made life much more complex. It has brought this constant need to update skills to keep up with the rapidly evolving technological developments, which sometimes becomes overwhelming and stressful. For instance, the shift from traditional phones to smartphones required learning new skills such as understanding the usage of various applications and managing the usage of data. In addition to this, the digital age has brought a new set of challenges in the form of cyber threats, privacy concerns and the constant bombardment of information. This has led to feelings of anxiety and confusion, acting as a source of distraction from the small moments of life. 

Moreover, an overdependence on technology has led to a disconnection from the natural world. Before the technological revolution began, people used to live a simple life, closely tied to nature. Activities such as farming and fishing were very common, and people used to spend a lot of time outdoors. By limiting the use of technology, people can reconnect with nature and get an opportunity to return to a grounded lifestyle. Furthermore, turning away from technology can lead to improved physical health. The sedentary lifestyle that has come because of the excessive use of technology has caused a lot of health issues such as obesity, heart disease and mental health disorders. For example, instead of relying on public transport, one can choose to walk or cycle to nearby places, adding some sort of physical activity to the daily routine.

To conclude, while technology brings its own set of benefits, it has also contributed to making life more complex. Therefore, by judiciously utilizing technology, individuals can revert to a simpler and more balanced lifestyle. This emphasizes the importance of striking a balance, enabling people to harness the advantages of technology without unnecessarily complicating their lives.

Some people think that technological development has made life complex - mẫu 5

Many are of the opinion that technology has done more harm than good, and we ought to simplify in order to lead more fulfilling lives. I agree that technology has its drawbacks, but I think turning away from technology is impractical.

The main reason that technology has complicated life for people today is that it has made people perpetually available. In the past, a worker might work a 9 to 5 then come home to spend time with their family, have dinner and enjoy their private life. That simplicity is largely no longer the case. Once work ends, you can still get email notifications and phone calls from managers or co-workers. The end result is that you can never be fully present in the moment because work always threatens to pull you back.

Although life has become more complicated and this is a negative development, shutting yourself off from technology would only serve to isolate people from the world. If you want to stay in touch with friends and know about events in your area, it is essential to have a phone. You can use Facebook Messenger to cheaply chat with individuals or make group plans. Email is an indispensable element of nearly every job. Without it, you are filtering out quality jobs and predetermining manual work as your vocation.

In conclusion, although technology has hurt people, turning away from it is not feasible today without making drastic sacrifices. Instead, people ought to seek ways to compartmentalise technology in order to live happier, more satisfying lives.

Some people think that technological development has made life complex - mẫu 6

Admittedly, modern technology has caused so many changes in our lives. With its impact on our lives in recent years, some believe that it has given us a complicated life and others refute this because they believe that it has made life easier for us. These points of view will be discussed in this order.

It is believed by some that new technology has made our lives too complicated because of the modern crimes we have heard these days. For instance, more electronic offences have been committed such as stalking and fraud offences. My elder brother, Fernando Meriales, who is a very busy engineer in Australia, is using an online bank because he thinks dealing his accounts online is way much easier than doing it traditionally to the bank. However, online money transactions have been committed by the fraud offenders using his bank account without his knowledge. In addition to this, social media crimes through the use of social networking sites such as Facebook and Instagram also emerged. An example is the San Roque High school girl student; Jessel Mallari has been fooled by her 30-years-old lover in Facebook and was raped by this criminal and taken her life. Thus, it is clear why some people gravitate towards this point of view.

On the other hand, many argue that modern technology has made our lives easier for the high-tech equipment and transportation facilities public people are using nowadays. For example, in the hospital where I am working, the Urdaneta Sacred Heart Hospital is using the Respiratory Ventilator for breathing support of our critically ill patients. Also, we do have a CT (Computed Topography) scan to diagnose easily those who have brain diseases. These two new technologies improve and prolong our patients' lives. Another example is the computer transportation system such as skyway and subway rail stations such in Singapore where through computers they can see who the transport violators are and ensures the public safety. After analysing these facts, it is clear why many people support this claim.

In conclusion, for reasons related to e-crimes and social crimes as well as high-tech facilities in medical and transportation field, the issue of whether technology has made our lives too complex or easier is refuted and supported by many. However, after analysing these two points of view, it is clear that the argument that technology has given us a more convenient life can be supported and is expected to be realised.

Some people think that technological development has made life complex - mẫu 7

In my view, technology has made life easier and at the same time, it has made our life somehow complicated.

We can't say it has made our life too complex because it is of the person's decisiveness to choose whether they want an easy or a complicated life, but it would fit to say it has made our life complicated in a certain manner to the extent that we have no control over some of its outcomes. For instance, technology has a role to play in air pollution and there is no way we can run away from pollution since it is a worldwide issue and as long as air pollution is there, each and every individual alive on this planet will suffer the consequences of this bad side of technology whether they like it or not.

Although most agree that technology has made our life easier, they have failed to make the most use out of it and its benefits. The benefits of technology go beyond transportation, communication and entertainment. Especially in the 21st century, technology is found in our day-to-day life. It has become an answer to most of our questions and a solution to most of our problems. It creates the atmosphere of comfort in a depressing era. Technological products such as cars, refrigerators, aeroplanes and stoves are some of the good examples to show how technology can simplify one's life.

In general, we can conclude that technology is a way of making life easy.

Some people think that technological development has made life complex - mẫu 8

Inevitably, technology has revolutionised the world. It is argued that the technology has complicated our lifestyle, but it must not be forgotten that it has been beneficial in terms of making life convenient. I strongly believe that the advantages of technology outweigh the drawbacks. This essay will discuss the issue, using examples of the internet and MRI scan in the UK to demonstrate points and support arguments.

Firstly, there is ample evidence to suggest that the technology has made the human life easy going, especially related to connecting with friends and the world. The reason behind this is that with the advancement in the information technology, one can easily connect with their loved ones. For instance, unlike in the past, nowadays people use the internet not only to keep in touch with their friends and family but also to get information from around the world instantaneously. Therefore, it is an undeniable truth that the modern technology such as the internet has made possible to connect with the world conveniently.

Secondly, it is evident that the advancement of technology in the medical field has a positive impact on human life. This is due to the fact that by using modern technology on the healthcare system, people may have a healthy and comfortable life. For example, recent studies by the General Medical Council in the UK showed that after an MRI scan had been installed, the rate of diagnosis of cancer almost tripled compared to the previous year, and this eventually provides people to get an early treatment. As a consequence, unsurprisingly, with the use of modern equipment in hospitals, people would get better health facilities.

To conclude, I believe that the technology has tremendous benefit in our life and had made our life far easier than our grandparent times. This is mainly because of the use of the internet and better health facilities.

Some people think that technological development has made life complex - mẫu 9

It is believed by some that modern technology has made our lives more complicated and it would be wiser to revert to the older and simpler ways of life. I believe that while there are a few downsides of technology, it has in fact simplified our lives, and life without technology is unimaginable.

On the one hand, there are plenty of examples of how life is now much simpler. Firstly, online shopping has made it possible for people to sit at home and buy almost everything they want with just a few clicks. There are other examples such as teleconferences, which eliminate the need to gather people from different parts of the world, and software like Skype and FaceTime, which allow users in different places to communicate "face-to-face". In fact, the goal of new technologies is to simplify people's life instead of complicating it.

Moreover, because of technology people enjoy every device imaginable to assist them in conducting their everyday affairs, from baby strollers to life-support machines. In fact, people are flooded with technological gadgets in this modern world and there is no sign of a reversal in this trend occurring. Imagine for a moment, if there were no television or computers. How would we know who had won the latest cricket match? Or what was going on in the world? What would the weather be like tomorrow?

On the other hand, the problem with modern technology is our increasing inability to tune out from an overload of information and our growing reliance on machines that perform mindless tasks, which we could simply do for ourselves. It is not rare to see people who choose to get away from the online social network for some time. Their feedbacks are generally positive but eventually they all come back because simply living without the technology is not the solution.

In conclusion, it seems to me that the purpose of technology is not to make life complex, but quite the opposite, to solve problems in our life and make life easier. Therefore, giving up technology is not the way to have a simpler life. Instead, we should know where to draw the line so that this technology does not take over our life completely.

Some people think that technological development has made life complex - mẫu 10

Given the rapid expansion of technology inching us closer and closer to complete assimilation with the virtual realm, concerns have been raised over the influence of this invention. Several people assume that technological advances have rendered human lives too complicated, which can be resolved by leading a life without its existence. From a personal perspective, I completely disapprove of this viewpoint due to the pivotal importance of technology.

To begin with, technological development plays an indispensable role in easing people’s lives. Indeed, in former times, communication via letters was not only time-consuming but also risky due to transportation mishaps, which obstructed the interaction process between both writers and responders. With the advent of technology, nonetheless, such a challenge would no longer be encountered since such social networking platforms as Facebook or Twitter transcend geographical boundaries, enabling people from virtually anywhere to communicate more freely and conveniently. Therefore, interpersonal connection would not be nearly as easy and simple as nowadays without the presence of technology, contributing to uplifting people’s life quality.

Another point is that it should be a fallacy to advocate for a return to a technology-absent world. The world has become significantly modernized and transformed thanks to the application of technology in different aspects and fields. For instance, owing to the widespread availability of information within the internet, both students and teachers can approach a wider range of materials as opposed to the previous one-way knowledge acquisition through printed books. Hence, without the assistance of technology, there would be regression in almost all fields, trapping humans in labor-intensive tasks and inconveniences forever, a prospect that nobody would expect. 

In conclusion, the assumption that technology overly complicates human lives is far from justifiable. I personally disapprove of a return to a world without technology due to the consequences for humanity in general. 

Some people think that technological development has made life complex - mẫu 11

The debate surrounding whether we should remove technology from human lives to simplify them has sparked controversy. While technology may have drawbacks in terms of well-being and privacy, I firmly believe that human lives may become more challenging and regress without it.

Without technology, people may have to handle their daily tasks manually, which is unfamiliar in today’s lifestyle. This unfamiliarity can lead to frequent mistakes, requiring more time and effort, and resulting in poorer performance, thus affecting overall quality. For example, the absence of a calculator may strain professions like cashier, secretary, or statistician, forcing them to rely solely on individual knowledge and skills, consuming precious time. Without technological assistance, people may become more prone to errors and inefficiencies, as technology has become an integral part of human lives.

Furthermore, life may regress without technology, as technological advancements are crucial for the development of human life quality. For instance, without genetic modification technology, we wouldn’t have artificial edible meat, potentially leading to increased animal slaughtering for food, with moral and environmental implications. Another example is the prevention of deaths from diseases like COVID-19 or rabies through vaccine generation technology. Without technology, there would be no progress, leading to a regression to a more primitive state.

In conclusion, the notion of leading a simpler life without technology is impractical because people heavily rely on technology for simplicity. The absence of technological assistance may lead to various consequences, including a decline in life quality and human efficiency.

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