Throughout history, people have dreamed of living in a perfect society, but they have not agreed on

Throughout history, people have dreamed of living in a perfect society, but they have not agreed on what an ideal society would be like. What do you think is the most important element of a perfect society in the modern world? How can people work towards achieving an ideal society? hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Throughout history, people have dreamed of living in a perfect society, but they have not agreed on

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Đề bài: Throughout history, people have dreamed of living in a perfect society, but they have not agreed on what an ideal society would be like. What do you think is the most important element of a perfect society in the modern world? How can people work towards achieving an ideal society?

Throughout history, people have dreamed of living in a perfect society, but they have not agreed on - mẫu 1

People have different perceptions of an ideal society. Throughout the history of humankind, many notions have been suggested, yet none appears to be all agreed upon. From my perspective, a perfect society consists in mutual understanding between people, and in order for such a utopia to be attained, it is advisable that people commence practicing inner understanding, after which tolerance and sympathy towards others should be honed.

My definition of a perfect society is one where people, regardless of race, ethnicity, and background, unconditionally love one another without hostility and hatred. The most important attribute of such a society, therefore, is the affinity between people. Animosity, the major flaw that hinders us from having an ideal society, has their roots from irrational contempt for others without actually going through difficulties and incidents their kind might face. Therefore, by seeing the world from the eyes of others, we are able to truly understand each other’s hardship, thereby obliterating hatred and giving rise to an Arcadia where people all live in harmony.

To contribute to building a perfect world, each person should practice understanding ourselves. Seeing that human beings have flaws and eventually accepting them is the first step towards attaining intrapersonal joy. Not blaming yourselves too much, seeking personal solace whenever you have problems, and learning from your mistakes are efficient ways of inner understanding. After the inner soul is embraced, compassion towards others should be acquired. Putting oneself in others’ situations, showing simple acts of kindness and actively communicating with others can create an endless ripple of empathy that reaches out to everyone.

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In conclusion, I opine that the most important element leading to a perfect society is mutual understanding. Loving ourselves and loving others are the two simple yet efficient ways of building such a society. Although it is highly unlikely that such a utopia will become existent in our lifetime, as John Lennon’s wise words, ‘you may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one’, we can always pray and hope and try our very best, and eventually, the miracle might happen one day.

Throughout history, people have dreamed of living in a perfect society, but they have not agreed on - mẫu 2

The best way to improve our society is a topic of understandable concern for all governments and citizens. In my opinion, the key to this is increased tolerance of difference and people can take the individual step of examining their own beliefs in order to not pass ingrained prejudices on to the next generation.

The most momentous shifts in society in the last centuries have involved progress related to tolerance of different types of people. The original pilgrims left England to found new colonies in order to have religious freedom to worship as they wish. Racism and slavery in the 19th century are a direct result of considering one group of people separate. The most recent example is the movement to be more accepting of a variety of sexualities. These have all made society more perfect and their evolution and nascent spread throughout the world will allow the greatest number of people to enjoy a full range of freedom and opportunity.

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To achieve the more open society mentioned above, individuals can closely evaluate their beliefs and try to impart more tolerant values to the younger generation. A good example of this can be seen in the embrace of gay marriage by many in the last decade. In the 20th century, it was political suicide to support gay marriage. However, people began to question the rationale for denying this basic human right. Now most schools and parents teach their children about alternative lifestyles, and it is much more common to see LGBT couples in popular culture. This is one step towards a utopian, inclusive society free of prejudice.

In conclusion, the movement to accept more diverse elements of society is already underway. With continued effort, it is reasonable to expect a generally positive attitude towards all people in the coming years, though this progressivism will vary widely from country to country.

Throughout history, people have dreamed of living in a perfect society, but they have not agreed on - mẫu 3

Living in a perfect society has been a longstanding aspiration for humanity, yet defining what constitutes an ideal society remains a subject of debate. In the modern world, I believe that the most crucial element of a perfect society is equality. Furthermore, achieving an ideal society requires concerted efforts from individuals, communities, and governments.

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Firstly, equality serves as the cornerstone of a perfect society. When all members of a society are treated with fairness and have equal access to opportunities, it fosters social cohesion and harmony. In a truly equal society, discrimination based on race, gender, religion, or socio-economic status is eradicated. For instance, Scandinavian countries have made significant strides in promoting gender equality by implementing policies such as paid parental leave and gender quotas in corporate boards, resulting in more inclusive and equitable societies.

Moreover, to work towards achieving an ideal society, proactive measures must be taken at various levels. Individuals can contribute by advocating for equal rights and challenging discriminatory practices in their daily lives. Communities play a vital role in fostering inclusivity by promoting diversity and creating safe spaces for marginalized groups. Additionally, governments play a pivotal role in enacting and enforcing laws that protect the rights of all citizens and ensure equitable distribution of resources.

In conclusion, while the concept of a perfect society may vary among individuals, equality stands out as the most essential element in the modern world. By championing equality and embracing diversity, individuals, communities, and governments can collectively strive towards creating a more just and inclusive society for all.

Throughout history, people have dreamed of living in a perfect society, but they have not agreed on - mẫu 4

The quest for a utopian society has been a perennial theme throughout human history, with myriad interpretations of what constitutes such an ideal existence. This divergence in vision underscores the complexity of human desires and societal needs.

Central to the concept of a perfect society, in my view, is the principle of equality. The disparities seen in countries like Vietnam, where the gap between the affluent and the underprivileged is stark, illustrate the need for a more equitable distribution of resources. In an ideal society, every individual would have equal access to opportunities, healthcare, education, and a decent standard of living. For instance, the Vietnamese government's efforts to improve access to education in rural areas, though commendable, are yet to bridge the urban-rural divide fully. A society that achieves true equality would have laid the foundation for addressing other critical issues, such as poverty and discrimination.

However, I believe that realizing such a society requires a collective shift in mindset and policies. Governments, organizations, and individuals must prioritize the welfare of the community over personal gain. In Vietnam, community-based initiatives that promote sustainable agricultural practices have not only improved livelihoods but also fostered a sense of solidarity among participants. If this model were adopted on a larger scale, focusing on sustainable development and social welfare, it could pave the way toward a more equitable society.

In conclusion, while the vision of a perfect society is subjective, the pursuit of equality stands out as a fundamental pillar in this quest. By fostering an environment where every individual's rights and opportunities are safeguarded, humanity can inch closer to realizing the dream of a utopian society. It is through concerted efforts and a commitment to social justice that this ideal can gradually become a tangible reality.

Throughout history, people have dreamed of living in a perfect society, but they have not agreed on - mẫu 5

Most people in the world have a dream to live in an ideal society and lead a happy and meaningful life. However, they do not have the same idea about what the perfect society would look like. I personally think that there are three indicators that can measure the perfection of a society in the modern world: social value, proper infrastructure and employment opportunity. This essay discusses these factors and the ways to achieve that ideal society followed by the examples.

Firstly, social value and social bonding among people is the most important aspect of a perfect society. In a society where people have a strong bond and obey the social norms tend to lead a better life. Society is formed with many families. If the family members are close and have a better relationship, they would form a better society. A perfect society must have people with human quality and good social behaviours.

Secondly, having good infrastructures and services can be one of the requirements of a perfect society. People need the infrastructures and public services to fulfil their necessity. Take people living in Melbourne as an example. Melbourne is claimed as the most livable city in the world and the people can be classified to live in a perfect society. This country has so many modern infrastructures, for example, modern public health centre, school, bus stop, and others as well as good services in the airport, local government office, etc. This ideal condition can be achieved if the people pay the tax regularly and obey the rules. The tax payment becomes a resource to build good and complete facilities for society. Furthermore, if the society obeys the regulation, they will not have problems with the services of people.

Thirdly, an ideal society needs sufficient job fields to work in. People can fulfil their needs by having a good salary from their work and have a good career in the future.  For example, people in Los Angeles spend most of their time for working and have a good financial condition. This situation can be created by the society if people can be an entrepreneur. By being an entrepreneur, they can create new work fields for others and reduce the number of unemployed people.

In conclusion, a perfect society has to have good infrastructures and services as well as sufficient job vacancies. Then, this situation can be built by paying tax, obeying the policy, and creating the work fields by entrepreneurs.

Throughout history, people have dreamed of living in a perfect society, but they have not agreed on - mẫu 6

It goes without saying people have invariably desired to build up and live in an ideal society, on which opinions are truly divided. From my own perspective, education is the most pivotal factor in creating such a society and to achieve this, governments and individuals both have a key role to play.

To commence with, education is the most significant element when it comes to the development of a perfect society for it fosters other aspects of society. First of all, the security and stability of a community can be ensured by how citizens are educated. It holds true that only when the citizens adhere to the social norms and regulations can a society be free of heinous criminals. Education teaches people how to respect these ethical norms and behave in a proper way, which is a foundation for the safety of society. Not to mention, education can undoubtedly improve the quality of life by equipping people with an essential grasp of life. With the transmission of knowledge, people stand a better chance to get a decent job to fulfil their demands and head for technological breakthroughs for the betterment of the entire community.

In order to maintain a perfect society, this chief concern should be fulfilled by the central roles of the authorities and the individuals. As for the governments, measures should be taken to elevate the quality of the education system by providing professional training for teachers, allocating resources for infrastructure of classrooms and so forth. Besides, they are integral to the eradication of education inequalities, with the social subsidies and financial aid for disadvantaged children. When it comes to the citizens, they must be conscious of the benefits of education and make the most of the chance to sharpen their perspectives. To be more specific, citizens, as learners, should be active and well-prepared for knowledge exchange, which would gravitate them towards further advancements.

All things considered, I personally place great emphasis on education in constructing an impeccable society. To my mind, in order to attain such society, efforts should be made by everyone to foster the quality of education.

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