Some think that people should not change their jobs while others think they should because

Some think that people should not change their jobs while others think they should because it brings advantages for themselves, company, and society. Discuss both views and give your opinion. hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

Some think that people should not change their jobs while others think they should because

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Some think that people should not change their jobs while others think they should because it brings advantages for themselves, company, and society. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some think that people should not change their jobs while others think they should because - mẫu 1

Apart from people who long for a stable and long-term job, many want to experience different occupations as they assume it is beneficial to themselves, company and society. Personally, while both have their own merits, I believe it is better to have a job change for reasons including self-enhancement.

On the one hand, committing to one job can ensure financial stability for employees. As people work at one place for a long time, they will have a stable income and other benefits such as health or social insurance, plus promotions considering their contributions. These rewards and policies are usually applied to full-time employees or those who have worked for over a year. Applicants frequently job-hopping stand a lower chance of getting accepted into a new workplace and are more likely to face unemployment in the future. Most employers would reconsider hiring candidates with a background of switching jobs regularly as this behaviour is often associated with the stereotypical image of an unreliable and easily dissatisfied worker.

On the other hand, changing jobs once in a while can help people, especially the young, have the opportunity to develop a broader knowledge base and learn new skills. Many are put under new challenges such as fitting in or learning new procedures when working in a new environment, significantly enhancing their communication and problem-solving skills. Moreover, job hoppers can achieve career advancement without spending years for promotions, but they are often required to adapt more quickly and showcase their ability. Their efforts to outperform can potentially create better business outputs and build a skilled workforce for a country's competitive economy.

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In conclusion, while working at one place can offer employees a more stable income and career prospects, switching jobs can boost their skills and benefit the company they work for and the country's economy. However, I believe that it is better to have a job change occasionally to foster personal growth from new challenges.

Some think that people should not change their jobs while others think they should because - mẫu 2

People have opposing opinions about whether we should frequently change our jobs. In this essay, I will analyse both sides of the argument before arriving at my conclusion.

There are certain reasons why people think that it is a good idea for employees to change their jobs. The most important reason is that this is believed to help employees to have a diverse range of knowledge and experience. When they take up employment in a different company in the same industry, or a company in another industry, they have the chance to learn new knowledge and skills. For example, a lawyer working in a law firm can learn a lot by starting work in the legal department of a manufacturing company; this is because the nature of the work at the two companies is different. The diverse skill set that a person who frequently changes his/her job has allows this person to perform better at work and be entitled to a higher salary and better job-related benefits.

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However, I do not think that we should change our jobs frequently. First, I believe that having specialised and solid knowledge and skills in an industry is more valued than having a diverse range of knowledge. Tasks at work are best performed by employees who have done the same tasks for years and know how to perform them the most productively. For example, a doctor who masters a certain field of medicine is more valued by patients than the one that knows a lot of fields but does not specialise in any field. Another argument against frequently changing jobs is that when we change our occupation, we have to learn how to adapt to a new working environment. This is a time-consuming and sometimes stressful task.

In conclusion, although there are certain reasons why people advocate changing jobs frequently, I support the argument that we should stay in the same job for as long as we can.

Some think that people should not change their jobs while others think they should because - mẫu 3

The topic of changing jobs can be a sensitive topic, with some believing that doing so equips workers with a more expansive skill set and allows companies to save on training costs. I, however, contend that it is more disadvantageous to change jobs since it can hinder an individual’s career and companies may continually struggle to hire new employees.

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A key benefit of workers changing jobs regularly is that they can be equipped with a more diverse skill set. As different jobs utilize different knowledge bases, employees may be able to acquire a wide-ranging variety of professional skills. Therefore, in the future when a new job is offered to them, employees will be better prepared for the work entailed at any given position. For companies, when their employees switch occupations, they can save time and money on training. Firms can do this by hiring someone with equal or more experience than the previous person in the same field. Therefore, the quality of the products or services being offered by these firms will remain consistent.

However, switching jobs can hinder a worker’s career as companies may be reluctant to hire such individuals. Employers understandably may hold a prejudice against those who frequently alternate between occupations as they think a so-called ‘job hopper’ will not be able to contribute to their company long-term and thus it would be counterproductive to commit resources to them. When it comes to how companies themselves can be negatively affected by job hopping, they may continually struggle when finding new employees who can meet their requirements. This is evident with how international accounting firms have a higher-than-average turnover rate at the junior level, meaning that they are in a near-endless cycle of hiring new people.

In conclusion, while changing jobs can help workers acquire vital skills and companies save time and money for training, I would assert that the drawbacks are much more substantial, as it can impede one’s career and companies can suffer from potentially high turnover rates.

Some think that people should not change their jobs while others think they should because - mẫu 4

In this modern era, switching jobs now and then is no longer something unfamiliar, especially to the millennials. This present-time tendency has posed a debate of whether job-hopping or life-long employment would be more beneficial for the employees, the employers, or the public. This essay will look at both standpoints and suggest its favor for the long-term employment of one workplace.

It is understandable why someone advocates job changing. The first reason is that switching to a different job keeps employees busy and helps them develop valuable professional skills. When a person starts a new job, he is kicked out of his comfort zone and forced to learn new systems, new routines, new names, and new people’s skills. A staff who has flexibility and willingness to enter the unknown will be an asset to companies that require a mobile and malleable workforce. Moreover, it is difficult to significantly increase the annual salary while staying at the same company because a wage raise is usually calculated as a percentage of the base salary. Therefore, employees often switch between jobs to enjoy such financial gain.

However, there are more sound reasons to believe that aiming to stay at the same job career-long seems to be a more holistic solution. Firstly, while I acknowledge a major downside of a one-workplace career is stagnation, this issue can be solved by training programs offered either internally or externally. This means remaining at the same job can still secure one’s professional development. Secondly, a company may operate more sustainably if it can keep the turnover rate minimal. This comes down to the fact that a firm appears to suffer from significant financial loss if their staff leave too often, as they would have to pay more for recruiting and training processes. Also, failing to maintain loyal personnel would affect its reputation, leading to more difficulty in attracting talented workers and maintaining a strong workforce, which is a key factor for the healthy development of an organization.

To conclude, it is persuasive that encouraging people to stay at the same job would have more gains than losses at all levels rather than doing the other way around. Nonetheless, an employee should feel free to consider a shift in occupation if it is more suitable for their situation.

Some think that people should not change their jobs while others think they should because - mẫu 5

Whether employees should jump from one job to another, or they should work at the same position throughout their career has been a controversial topic. In my opinion, while changing jobs can be beneficial to a certain extent, being in a similar position is more advantageous to both the individual and the employer.

On the one hand, career changes can benefit employees in many ways. First, job hoppers can hone diverse skills and possess an expansive knowledge spanning across different fields. As each position requires unique abilities, when switching jobs, employees can master a new skill, which can be of importance to positions that entails cross-department communication and cooperation. Moreover, individuals who change jobs often will be less likely to become jobless, as their diverse skill set can be applied in any post. For instance, during the Covid-19 pandemic, people who had additional knowledge in a field different from their job can find new positions once personnel reduction took place.

On the other hand, advocates of working constantly in one post have firm grounds to argue that this trend has numerous positive effects. Concerning individuals, being loyal to a position means that their incentives are high, including seniority bonuses as well as labor insurance. Whereas job hoppers can never expect this as their short-term work will always put their benefits at a new employee level. As for companies, having faithful employees can help them cut training costs and avoid problems that can arise from newcomers. When a new member joins the team, the company has to pay for their lack of efficiency and experience. This is not the case of longtime employees, whose incentives are only tools to motivate them to achieve greater success, not a retribution on the company for their senior employees’ mistakes.

In conclusion, while it is fair to argue that jumping between jobs can help individuals broaden their skill set, working in one position constantly can have numerous positive effects on both the employees and the employers.

Some think that people should not change their jobs while others think they should because - mẫu 6

Several people believe that they should work for the same company for the remainder of their lives, while others believe that their jobs should be varied. This paper would examine both viewpoints and explain why the latter is, in my opinion, more favourable.

On the one hand, individuals who believe that staying at the same job makes it simpler to work argue that it is more convenient. In other words, if someone has worked for an organisation for a long time, he or she will be at ease performing any task because everyone knows who they are. For example, a member of my extended family has worked for a financial organisation for over a quarter of a century because he enjoys and is content working there. As a result, many people, particularly the elderly, are hesitant to change careers since they are perfectly satisfied with their current position.

Opponents of this viewpoint believe that a person should be able to change jobs at any time, which means that he or she should be able to transfer to different faculties based on their preferences. Furthermore, job variety not only makes a person happy, but it also allows them to get new experiences and expand their capabilities. For example, according to recent research, the majority of employees are quitting their jobs in order to advance in their careers. As a result, nowadays, young people choose to change jobs in order to further their careers and accumulate wealth.

In conclusion, it is apparent that staying in the same career is joyful for those who oppose change; nevertheless, those who change their profession on a regular basis have a high chance of advancement. As a result, I fully believe that a person should bring variety to their future career path.

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