The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider; the rich are becoming richer, and the poor

The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider; the rich are becoming richer, and the poor are even getting poorer. What problems can the situation cause? What can be done to reduce this gap? hay nhất giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu tham khảo để viết bài luận bằng Tiếng Anh hay hơn.

The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider; the rich are becoming richer, and the poor

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Đề bài: The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider; the rich are becoming richer, and the poor are even getting poorer. What problems can the situation cause? What can be done to reduce this gap?

The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider; the rich are becoming richer, and the poor - mẫu 1

Unequal distribution of wealth is one of the common problems faced by developing nations. There is no doubt that the gap present clearly today between the poor and the rich is getting wider by time and is affecting our way of life. This affects the economy causing disparity and hinders the overall economic development of a nation. The government should always strive towards minimizing this gap.

The main problem caused by unequal distribution of wealth is that education has become inaccessible to the poor. Quality education has become very expensive. There are schools and colleges which are very costly and not within the reach of the poor. Due to this, a certain population of people are not able to compete for high paying jobs and it becomes a fundamental disadvantage for them.

Another important issue is the increase in crime rates, as marginalized groups most often do not make enough money to meet their basic needs, they resort to heinous acts like burglary, theft etc.

However, there are some measures that can be taken to tackle inequality. Firstly, the government should develop schemes by building new government schools for children and providing scholarships which will help people from the poor section afford quality education.

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Reserving seats for marginalized groups or quota systems can also be one of the solutions. This will give them a fair chance to compete with rich people.

Governing bodies should review their policies in regard to the tax sector and should update them to remove the economic disparities in the country. This will help enable the increase in development of the life standards of the poor and will develop the nation as a whole.

The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider; the rich are becoming richer, and the poor - mẫu 2

In today’s materialistic world, economic inequality, also known as the gap between rich and poor, is one of the most prevalent problems. It can be characterized by the aphorism “the rich get richer while the poor get poorer”. Undoubtedly, the wealth gap is expanding over time, affecting the economy, causing inequities, and limiting a country’s overall economic success. As a result, the government and authorities should take the required actions and enact laws to solve these pressing problems. The following essay will discuss the problems and possible solutions for this escalating situation.

To begin with, there are a multitude of problems caused by economic disparity. The inaccessibility of education, increased crime rates, and deteriorating public health are the main concerns caused by the spreading inequality. The high levels of economic inequality are associated with increased crime and poor public health, both of which impose a burden on the economy. It is becoming more difficult for the less privileged to pursue higher education since quality education has become increasingly expensive. As a result, they are denied employment opportunities, ultimately leading to squalor and poverty. Furthermore, the rising crime rate is a significant source of concern, as minorities who lack the financial means to meet their fundamental necessities resort to delinquency.

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However, some steps can be taken to address these unsettling concerns, such as the government allocating more resources to overcome the economic divide. Firstly, the government can provide financial help to economically disadvantaged people. Second, governments should ensure that individuals have access to high-quality education and job opportunities. This will surely assist in reducing poverty and enhancing the living standards of financially disadvantaged households. Thirdly, developed countries should make more efforts to reduce poverty worldwide.

To sum up, economic disparity is a major concern for growing countries since it leads to lower levels of education, greater crime rates, and poorer public health. It may be tackled if the government passes legislation and enacts laws. I believe that everyone has an equal right to higher-quality education and a better life. Furthermore, education is the most powerful weapon for overcoming poverty. In this regard, the government and higher regulating bodies should join hands and make joint efforts to bridge economic disparity.

The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider; the rich are becoming richer, and the poor - mẫu 3

One of the most widespread issues that developing countries have to deal with is unequal distribution of wealth and there is no denying that this wide gap of wealth that separates the rich and poor today is widening. It has a great impact on our standard of living. Nevertheless, there are numerous factors that led to this predicament as well as potential remedies for it, and each one needs to be carefully considered.

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First and foremost, there are plenty of issues brought on by economic inequality. The main issues caused by the increasing inequality are the lack of access to education, the rise in crime, and the decline in public health. Because of the rising cost of education, it is becoming increasingly difficult for those from lower socio-economic backgrounds to pursue post-secondary education. The high rates of economic inequality are costly because they contribute to an increase in crime and a decline in public health. The underprivileged groups are increasingly turning to criminal activity to meet their basic needs.

To address these serious issues, governments must increase their efforts to close the wealth gap. To begin with, governments should make sure that all of their citizens have access to high-quality education. That will undeniably aid in alleviating poverty. Moreover, it's time for developed nations to step up and shoulder a larger share of the burden in the fight to end global poverty. Some African countries have already seen the benefits of these kinds of efforts, which have helped a lot of people improve their standard of living. Those who are struggling financially should have access to government assistance programs.

To sum up, the disparity between the rich and the poor in today's society is drastic. But we can't turn a blind eye to the problems this creates, such as the rise in crime and illiteracy. The government can take steps to narrow the gap by making wise choices.

The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider; the rich are becoming richer, and the poor - mẫu 4

It is a fact that the gap between the wealthy and the poor is growing wider in today's society. On the one hand, wealth is expanding, while the poor are falling deeper into debt on a daily basis. However, if the government takes the right action, these issues are not insurmountable.

One of the primary causes of the unequal distribution of wealth is costly education. It's inevitable that costly education results in the poor being unable to afford school. As a result, their future is at stake because of their lack of a good education. Because of their poverty and lack of education, they are more likely to engage in chaos and violence. Another serious concern is the fact that people with low incomes get sick and this is because they are forced to endure extreme poverty and a lack of basic necessities such as adequate nutrition and clean drinking water. This makes them vulnerable to conditions like cancer and gastrointestinal illness.

The problems caused by wealth disparity require immediate action. Solutions could necessarily mean raising taxes on the wealthy. More taxes will help the country's economy but will also have the unintended consequence of reducing people's wealth. However, more aid for the poor class could help alleviate the issue even further. As a result, they will be able to improve their financial situation and enjoy a higher quality of life. For instance, the government should provide free or heavily discounted education and food for all citizens. Consequently, bridging the gap through better benefits for them is essential.

In conclusion, illiteracy is a major contributor to the gap between wealthy and poor nations and closing it will require significant effort on the part of government organizations.

The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider; the rich are becoming richer, and the poor - mẫu 5

A number of people today believe that the gap between the wealthy and the rest of society has widened dramatically in recent decades. However, in my opinion, this is mainly due to the fact that not enough resources are being made available to everyone. Deterrent action on the part of the government is the only option. This essay will explore possible explanations for this phenomenon using examples from advanced economies, before turning to potential remedies.

Due to the wealth gap, it has become very costly to get a good education these days. Top-tier universities and colleges can be out of reach for low-income families due to their high tuition rates. This places them at a severe disadvantage in the job market, making it difficult for them to land well-paying positions. The rising crime rate is another critical issue. In order to survive, members of marginalized communities often resort to criminal behaviour such as burglary, theft, and so on.

The government could do a better job of addressing the issue at hand by providing free lectures to the underprivileged. Therefore, these unfortunate people are able to improve their social and employment-related knowledge and skills. As a result, the disadvantaged will have a better chance of finding gainful employment and raising their economic standing, contributing to increased social stability.  Higher levels of education do have a positive effect on reducing violent and property crime.

In conclusion, if the government takes action by enacting laws, it may be possible to address the problem. In my opinion, everyone should have access to better educational opportunities and improved living conditions. And learning is the best defense against economic hardship. There needs to be a concerted effort from the government and higher regulatory bodies to close this gap in economic opportunity.

The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider; the rich are becoming richer, and the poor - mẫu 6

As the world progresses, the gap between the two classes of society is widened because the rich become wealthier while the poor are living on the breadline. Such income inequality could lead to several problems, and some suggestions to improve this situation will be analyzed in the following essay.

Wealth concentration within a handful of individuals and institutions might result in two major issues. Firstly, the rich-poor gap could be the breeding ground for social unrest and political instability. The poor might perceive that the rich are the principal force of hindrance to their occupational and service opportunities. This might be the precursor to discontentment, which potentially is the onset of social anarchy. Secondly, as poverty restricts the capacity of the underprivileged to access services and other life-sustaining matters such as education, employment and medicine, they might resort to violence and opt for the life of criminals.

There are several initiatives to reduce economic inequality, including progressive taxation and minimum salary legislation. Higher taxes should be levied on the rich, which could reduce the amount of income inequality in society. On the other hand, governments could use this money to supply free goods and services for those who struggle to make a living. Also of great importance is the increase in the minimum earnings of the poorest workers. Although it cannot be denied that the current system places much importance on individual competence to determine the amount of money one might earn, unskilled workforce who usually are from the lower class should be, still, provided enough to live sufficiently.

In conclusion, chaos and the acceleration of crime rates are the two severe repercussions of the unequal distribution of wealth; and governments could impose heavy taxes on the rich and heighten the minimum amount of salary for the disadvantaged.

The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider; the rich are becoming richer, and the poor - mẫu 7

Inappropriate distribution of wealth is a major challenge faced by developing nations globally. The gap between rich and poor is getting wider by time and affecting one’s way of life. This has also impacted the economy of nations causing disparity. Moreover, it has hindered the overall economic aspects of a nation. Thus, there is a necessity for the government to work towards reduction of this potential gap.

The major issue that is faced due to unequal distribution of wealth is lack of educational opportunities for the poor. Provision of quality education for the poor has become very expensive. There are several schools and colleges that are very costly and are out of the reach or capabilities of the poor. This is the major reason behind individuals being unable to compete for high paying jobs, creating a fundamental disadvantage for them.

Another significant concern is the rise in crime rates. Because marginalized people frequently lack the financial means to cover their basic requirements, they turn to horrible activities such as burglary and stealing.

There are, nevertheless, some steps that can be taken to address inequality. To begin, the government should implement schemes that include the construction of new government schools for children and the provision of scholarships to allow people from low-income families to afford quality education.

One alternative could be to set aside seats for underprivileged communities or implement quota systems. This will allow them to compete on an equal footing with the wealthy.

Governments should evaluate and update their tax policy in order to reduce economic inequalities in the country. This will aid in the improvement of the poor's living standards, as well as the development of the country as a whole.

The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider; the rich are becoming richer, and the poor - mẫu 8

There is no doubt that the gap present clearly today between the poor and the rich is getting wider by time and is affecting our way of life.

That was only observed in the past in some communities where the wealth of a country was restricted to a few powerful and connected people. They used to own more than eighty percent of the resources and income, while the rest is barely enough for the common people. Nowadays, the difference is significant but not limited to societies’ finest. Society is divided into groups, the rich, the poor and the few managing to enjoy some of the rich’s benefits but struggling to keep this level, they are bouncing between the limits of each of the other groups.

As a result of today's situation, a broadband of the poor is striving to get a fair share of prosperity with no actual hope, the fabric of the society is getting weaker and therefore each group is more colonised to itself forming new habits and customs. Bridging this gap can only be done if equality was achieved in basic needs like education and healthcare. If acceptable ease was managed for the common people in their daily routines like public transportation and business facilities, that would also be helpful. There must be transparent laws to manage the use of wealth and the equality of sharing it and monitor any possible corruption. The sense of equal opportunity has to be delivered and believed by all people.

Briefly, no community can prosper and evolve safely unless the gaps are bridged between people in all aspects giving a fair chance to everyone to live in comfort if they worked reasonably hard to achieve it.

The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider; the rich are becoming richer, and the poor - mẫu 9

The amount of income of people is always an important topic in social sciences. The equilibrium of society depends on how this income is shared among the people. Sadly, with the start of the 1950s, the gap between poor and rich has become wider and nowadays this gap has reached its peak point.

The reason for this situation is the structure of the business system we have constructed over the years. This economic model is called ‘Capitalism’. Needless to say, the word Capitalism is the derivative of Capital and obliviously, one who has capital has the chance to improve his business and obtain welfare. On the other hand, poor guys are less likely to build a business because of the absence of capital. One of the ugliest results of this system is that this system makes people simply greedy. The community has started to think true happiness can be reached only with more money. Another problem we face in this system is consumerism, which means to have a good stable mood it is obligatory to consume more and more. In future, if this economic model preserves itself, it can lead to anarchy which may result in disasters and deaths of many innocents.

To improve our lives, to beat this endless unhappiness, we should teach our children the importance of social justice. This problem is not going to be solved in the following several years. In the long run, we should change the way how we understand life. We must alter the roots and dynamics of our community. Nevertheless, we should preserve our hope because human beings had solved much more difficult problems in history. There are a great number of people who are aware of this problem.

A modern social and economic structure should be formed to address this issue. The government policy to help the poor should be more emphasised and education in a country should be free so that poor people can make their children educated. This educational opportunity can play a huge role in mitigating this eminent gap.

In conclusion, the social and economic formation and revolutionary changed in current capitalism is required to eliminate the gap between the poor and rich. More than three-fourths of wealth is owned by only 15% of the total population in the world. This is an unfair distribution and if not addressed carefully would only create chaos in the future.

The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider; the rich are becoming richer, and the poor - mẫu 10

It is true that nowadays the difference between the wealthy and the poor is increasing: the wealth is growing, while the poor are going deeper into debt.

We must acknowledge that life for some categories of the population is extremely hard. It does not mean that they are people who have never worked in their life or those with anti-social behaviour like drug or alcohol addiction. I read in "Gold Coast Bulletin" that 700 households in Queensland had been disconnected from electricity in the past 3 months because they had not been able to pay the bills. It is true that it is more complicated for these citizens to survive and adapt, as the cost of living is unreasonably high.

On the other hand, 1% of Earth’s population owns as much money as the rest 99%, which is absolutely unfair. I doubt that all of them have inherited their wealth or have been working hard for decades. The names of the two wealthiest families – the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers are known to everybody. The ways of getting such enormous sums are not always legal, but society prefers to ignore such facts.

Moreover, these people do not only live in multi-million mansions, drive luxurious cars, eat in sophisticated restaurants, but they constantly show off their money, which many people find offensive and irritating. Instead of spending a fortune on useless things, why are they not involved in charity more? If they have billions of dollars and do not know what else to purchase to attract others' attention, why do not share half of their wealth? They will not become poorer, while the lives of less lucky ones can be transformed, and these people can at least get a chance.  The whole society would benefit because of that as the crime level would descend.

Overall, the gap between the rich and the poor is becoming more dramatic, if the governments do not take immediate actions, it is going to grow in future as well.

The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider; the rich are becoming richer, and the poor - mẫu 11

The economic differences in society create inequality among people. The differences between rich people and poor people’s income are increasing in recent years. The reason for them can be classified into improper government policies and the individual's talents.

Tax policies introduced by the governments are favourable for the high-net-worth people to evade the tax. For instance, entrepreneurs have different tax slabs that make them avail tax exemptions like, opening an office in a special economy zone can result in good savings and an increase in profit. However, we cannot discount the individual talents in making enormous profits.

Talent is something that can be acquired by experience or inherited from the family. There are several startup companies created by talented individuals who make it to the rich people category in a matter of a few years. In addition, there are few interesting people from the wealthy segment who use their talents to bridge the income gap between the rich and poor.

For example, companies like Microsoft and Google are spending hard-earned money for the betterment of society by investing in child education and infrastructure. If all the organisations and the individuals spend a fraction of their enormous income on the country's infrastructure, education and economic growth, then there are bright chances to fill in the gap of the income difference.

I firmly believe that rich people spending the money on improving the lifestyle of poor people and better government tax policies will increase the chances of closing the income difference between the rich and poor.

The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider; the rich are becoming richer, and the poor - mẫu 12

It is true that nowadays rich people are getting even richer and poor people have become poorer, especially in developing countries. This situation has presented a wide variety of problems to the community, and it has negatively affected a country's developments. To tackle these problems, I believe that governments and authorities should take necessary steps and implement laws to improve the living standards of financially poor people.

To begin with, studies have shown that poverty and crimes are correlated owing to the fact that people are committing crimes for earning a living. Furthermore, children of poorer parents are often not able to access higher education even though they may have talents in their studies. As a result, they are not hired for a wealthy job. This means that probably they will live their lives under uncomfortable circumstances and poverty. That will present uncertainty in one country. Moreover, the public health of one country would deteriorate if people in one country are living in extreme poverty.

To tackle these worrying concerns governments should need to do more works to minimising the gap between poorer people and richer people. Firstly, governments should provide financial support for people who are living under uncomfortable financial circumstances. Secondly, governments should ensure the quality of education for all of their citizens. That will definitely help to reduce the poverty as well as increasing the living standards of financially poor families. Finally, developed countries should take more responsibility and efforts to eradicate poverty from the world. These efforts already have been seen in some African countries and that have helped many people to increase their living standards.

To conclude I believe that we as a human everyone has the right to get access to education and quality life. In addition, education is the most useful weapon to fight against poverty. In this sense, governments should ensure the quality of education for all of their citizens. That will certainly help to reduce the gap between richer and poorer people.

The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider; the rich are becoming richer, and the poor - mẫu 13

In this day and age, the gap between affluent and destitute is becoming increasingly wider. This surging wave of differences among people leads to some problems, which are elucidated below. However, these are not insurmountable problems if the government takes some suitable measure.

The most significant problem is that the rent of crime will increase because in wretched families both parents should work outdoors and cannot pay enough attention to their children. As a result, these kids will grow up in an improper way and almost all of them are serious dangers for society in the future. In addition, these poor families always think that wealthy families spoil their rights and so they want to revenge with theft or harshness from them.

The next problem in this situation is that illiteracy will be common since the needy cannot afford the cost of education. Therefore, their future becomes blurred as they do not get a quality education. This deprivation (lack of education) causes their tendency to lawlessness and violence to become more common.

As for the problems mentioned above, there are some solutions that can be taken to reduce the problems. Firstly, governments should impose a heavy tax on affluent persons and spend this gain money for improving the destitute lives. Also, governments can prepare the facilities of education, free of charge for poor children.

In conclusion, today it is apparent that the gap between poor and wealthy is dramatic. However, this situation should not be ignored because it creates some serious problems such as a surging rate of crime and illiteracy. The government can reduce this gap with some proper measures by taking prudent decisions.

The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider; the rich are becoming richer, and the poor - mẫu 14

It is true that the gap between those who are rich and poor is becoming greater in many parts of the world. While economic inequality can cause several problems, there are solutions that can be adopted to tackle these issues.

To begin with, the increasing gap between rich and poor people might bring about some negative consequences. Firstly, this can lead to great disparities in the level of health care and education services that people can access. For example, while young people who come from wealthy families can afford to study abroad, poorer ones tend to find it harder to approach high quality education. As a result, life seems unfair for individuals who live below the poverty line. Secondly, since impoverished people are getting relatively poorer compared to others in society, it is more difficult for them to cover their basic needs such as needs for food or accommodation. Therefore, they could be more likely to be involved in crimes such as robberies or burglaries, which leads to higher crime rates.

Fortunately, there are some effective solutions to these problems. The first one would be to provide special educational opportunities for people coming from an impoverished background. For instance, universities can offer grants for poor students, which helps these students become competent workers in the future and earn a living. Additionally, the government should apply tax and pension systems which favour poor citizens. To be specific, those who earn more money should be required to pay higher tax than others. This would help minimise economic inequality in society.

In conclusion, while greater disparities between rich and poor people can contribute to several issues, there are some good measures that can be taken to deal with these problems.

The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider; the rich are becoming richer, and the poor - mẫu 15

Nowadays, wealth disparity is a common phenomenon, and this issue tends to worsen as the gap between the haves and have-nots is being increasingly widened. In the following essay, the consequences of this problem will be examined, and some measures will be suggested with a view to resolving it.

There are various challenges that wealth inequality can pose to the development of a nation. Firstly, this issue can fuel social unrest and political instability, as the poor may feel indignant with the concentrated material power of the rich, as well as the government’s favoritism towards them. To illustrate, the Poor’s People Campaign, a political demonstration, was held by the American lower classes in 1968 to aggressively call for the authorities' solutions to the lack of basic needs among them. Secondly, most of the disadvantaged do not have sufficient access to quality medical and educational services. Thus, the mortality and unemployment rates among this group have risen considerably in recent years, placing a burden on the economic progress of a country.

Taking the above problems into account, a variety of measures should be taken by the governing bodies to curb the increase in wealth inequality. Most obviously, they can raise the taxes incurred by the upper classes and subsequently invest these huge sums of money in upgrading the public infrastructure, such as public transportation and sewage treatment facilities, which serves the masses. Furthermore, numerous social welfare programs could be introduced to help the people in need with free healthcare assistance, hygienic water and food provision together with access to formal education. If these solutions are extensively and properly applied, the living standards of the underprivileged will likely be significantly improved, contributing to a narrowed gap between them and the wealthy in society.

In conclusion, wealth disparity can lead to several problems in relation to social instability and shortages of basic life needs among the poor. In order to address these issues, the authorities could impose increased taxes on the upper classes’ income and conduct more social welfare programs aimed at the disadvantaged.

The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider; the rich are becoming richer, and the poor - mẫu 16

The increasing gap between affluent and destitute people causes a grave issue for the nation’s development these days. This is mainly due to inflation which can be tackled by spreading awareness by the government and reducing the amount of tax from the backward individual.

Commencing with there are a plethora of reasons why poor people are becoming poor. First and foremost, inflation makes it challenging for backward people rather than rich people. This is because it is arduous for poorer people in order to cater for their daily requirements, and due to this, underprivileged masses have become victims of inflation. They spend their whole income to fulfil their needs. Take epitome as an example, which shows the gap between poor and rich people is increasing daily as poorer people expend their whole income daily. As a result, it is a destructive development for the development of mankind.

In order to tackle this problem, the administration should commence an awareness program to decrease the amount of poverty, which can be beneficial not solely for the development of the nation but also fruitful for the holistic development of mankind. Besides this, the authority should eliminate the tax amount from underprivileged people for growth because this individual can preserve it for the future. Also, poorer people become affluent. For instance, lawmakers should reduce the amount of tax on people to reduce the gap between rich and poorer people. Consequently, it is beneficial and brings drastic improvement in individual life.

Having concluded, although it is detrimental for the regime to reduce the tax burden, this constructive approach can easily reduce the gap between poorer and rich people.

The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming wider; the rich are becoming richer, and the poor - mẫu 17

The gap between the wealthy and the destitute is getting wider in recent time as the rich people are getting wealthier while the poor are suffering even more. This essay discusses the problems that might arise due to this ever-widening gap between poor and rich, and solutions that could resolve the poverty problems to a great extent.

The extensive differences in social classes could cause many severe problems for a country. When the elites get richer and the low-income people get poorer, crime, inequality and violence rate increase significantly. This issue could be a threat to the country's sovereignty and stability as there might be widespread protests and riots. One of the examples is the French Revolution that was primarily caused by social and economic discriminations. During the Revolution, the gap between the rich and the poor was extensive, and it had caused the unstoppable riot. The gap is responsible for bringing political instability and dissatisfaction among the mass people. It hinders the progress of the country as well.

The government could take numerous initiatives to resolve the issue and alleviate poverty. Firstly, the authority should make proper regulations in terms of business practice and create more job opportunities. Any monopoly and nepotism in important sectors should not be allowed. Secondly, the government must provide subsidies for low-income people. The fund for these subsidies could be allocated from income tax collected from the rich people and larger organisations. With the subsidies and job opportunities, it is hoped that the poor classes could improve their economic conditions.
In conclusion, it is undeniable that the majority of global resources are controlled by a fraction of the population, and this could become a serious threat to most countries. Creating more jobs and eliminating corruption could be effective measures to address the poverty problems.

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