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Tuyển tập trắc nghiệm ôn thi THPTQG thì của động từ có đáp án

Bài viết Tuyển tập trắc nghiệm ôn thi THPTQG thì của động từ có đáp án giúp bạn có thêm tài liệu từ đó tìm được phương pháp học và yêu thích Tiếng Anh hơn.

Quảng cáo

Exercise 1. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. 

Question 1. She came into the room while they ………… television.

A. watched                B. have watched                   C. are watching         D. were watching

Question 2. I ………. a headache since yessterday.

A. had                        B. was having                       C. have had               D. would have

Question 3. Peter has been trying for an hour, but his car still ……… start.

A. won’t                     B. wouldn’t                           C. didn’t                    D. hasn’t

Question 4. It’s an hour since he …………, so he must be at the office now.

A. is leaving              B. was leaving                      C. has left                  D. left

Question 5. The girl weeps whenever she ……… such a story.

A. hears                     B. has heard                          C. will hear                D. heard

Question 6. My teacher arrived after we …… for him for ten minutes.

A. was waiting          B. have waited                      C. had waited            D. waited

Question 7. London ……… the capital of the United Kingdom.

A. is                            B. was                                    C. will be                   D. is being

Question 8. Someone …….. at the door. Can you hear it?

A. knocks                  B. is knocking                       C. will knock            D. was knocking

Question 9. I used to swim in this river when I …….. young.

A. am                          B. was                                    C. will be                   D. have been

Question 10. Since they had that big argument, he crosses the street whenever he ….... her.

A. saw                        B. sees                                    C. will see                  D. is seeing

Quảng cáo

Question 11. By the year 2050, many people currently employed …… their jobs.

A. have lost               B. will be losing                   C. will have lost        D. are losing

Question 12. This time tomorrow, I ….. in the swimming pool.

A. am relaxing          B. will be relaxing                C. relax                      D. relaxed

Question 13. What are you cooking in that saucepan? It ……. good.

A. smells                    B. is smelling                        C. smelled                 D. has smelled

Question 14. Fish ……. on the earth for ages.

A. exists                     B. are existing                       C. exist                       D. have existed

Question 15. Firemen ……. to receive an increase in pay next month.

A. will be                   B. are                                      C. have been             D. would be

Question 16. How many times …….. him since he went to Hanoi?

A. have you seen      B. do you see                        C. did you see           D. had you seen

Question 17. I’m sorry for keeping you waiting, I ……. to make a phone call to London.

A. have tried             B. will try                              C. tried                       D. have been trying

Question 18. The train ……. half an hour ago.

A. has been leaving  B. left                                     C. has left                  D. had left

Question 19. I …….. Texas State University now.

A. am attending        B. was attending                   C. attend                    D. attended

Question 20. He has been selling motorbikes ……..

A. 10 years ago         B. for 10 years ago               C. since 10 years      D. for 10 years

Question 21. He fell down when he ….. towards the church.

A. run                         B. was running                      C. runs                       D. had run

Question 22. They …….. table-tennis when their father comes back home.

A. will play               B. will be playing                 C. play                       D. would play

Question 23. I …….. in the room right now.

A. am being               B. was being                          C. have been being   D. am

Question 24. He said he …….. return later.

A. will                        B. would                                C. can                         D. would be

Question 25. John …….. a book when I saw him.

A. is reading              B. read                                   C. was reading          D. reading

Quảng cáo

Question 26. Almost everyone ……. for home by the time we arrived.

A. leave                     B. left                                     C. leaves                    D. had left

Question 27. By the age of 25, he ….. two famous novels.

A. wrote                     B. writes                                C. has written            D. had written

Question 28. After I …… lunch, I looked for my bag.

A. had                        B. had had                             C. has had                  D. have had

Question 29. The man got out of the car, …… round to the back and opened the boot.

A. walking                 B. walked                              C. walks                     D. walk

Question 30. I shall be glad when he ………

A. had gone               B. did go                                C. went                       D. has gone

Question 31. Ask her to come and see me when she ……. her work.

A. finish                     B. has finished                      C. finished                 D. finishing

Question 32. Hnery …… into the restaurant when the writer was having dinner.

A. was going             B. went                                   C. has gone                D. had gone

Question 33. Since …….., I have heard nothing from him.

A. he had left            B. he left                                C. he has left             D. he was left

Question 34. Up to then I ……. such a fat man.

A. never saw             B. had never seen                 C. never seen            D. will never see

Question 35. Oil …… if you pour it on water.

A. floated                  B. will be floated                  C. float                       D. floats

Question 36. I ……. sunglasses today because the sun is very strong.

A. am wearing          B. have been wearing           C. have worn             D. wear

Question 37. I often find things on the beach. I …… this very old botte yesterday.

A. found                    B. was finding                       C. had found             D. had been finding

Question 38. She …… here but she doesn’t work here now.

A. has worked           B. had work                           C. used to work         D. used to working

Question 39. Jack went out, but he …….. anyone where he was going.

A. wasn’t telling       B. doesn’t tell                       C. not told                 D. didn’t tell

Question 40. If he failed to meet us, we ……… without him.

A. left                         B. would leave                      C. was leaving          D. has left

Question 41. He …… up his mind yet.

A. didn’t make          B. hasn’t made                      C. wasn’t making     D. wasn’t made

Question 42. The baby …… non-stop for the last two hours.

A. was crying            B. has been crying                C. is crying                D. cried

Question 43. The beach was so crowded the other day that we ……. difficulty finding empty spot.

A. have had               B. have been having             C. had                         D. have

Question 44. The Olympic Games…………every four years.

A. take place             B. takes place            C. took place                         D. is taking place.

Question 45. …………….you go to the dentist?

A. how often are       B. how often do        C. how often does                 D. how are

Question 46. By the end of next year, Kelvin ………English for two years.

A. will have learned B. will learn              C. has learned                       D. would learn.

Question 47. By the age of 25, he …….. two famous novels.

A. wrote                     B. writes                    C. has written                        D. had written

Question 48. I think the weather……………nice later.

A. will be                   B. be                           C. had                                     D. has been

Question 49. Jack …………….. the door.

A. has just opened    B. open                      C. have opened                     D. opening

Question 50. I have been waiting for you …………...

A. since early morning                                B. since 9 a.m            

C. for two hours                                           D. All are correct

Quảng cáo

Question 51. Almost everyone ……………. for home by the time we arrived.

A. leave                     B. left                         C. leaves                                D. had left

Question 52. He has been selling motorcycles.................

A. ten years ago       B. since ten years        C. for ten years ago             D. for ten years

Question 53. Columbus............America more than 400 years ago.

A. discovered           B. has discovered       C. had discovered               D. he has gone

Question 54. He fell down when he ............towards the church.

A. run                        B. runs                          C. was running                    D. had run

Question 55. We ............there when our father died.

A. still lived              B. lived still                 C. was still living                D. were still living

Question 56. They ............pingpong when their father comes back home.

A. will play              B. will be playing        C. play                                  D. would play

Question 57. By Christmas, I.............for you for 6 months.

A. Shall have been working                         B. shall work

C. have been working                                    D. shall be working

Question 58. I............in the room now.

A. am being              B. was being                C. have been being             D. am

Question 59. I.............to New york three times this year.

A. have been            B. was                           C. were                                 D. had been

Question 60. I will come and see you before I.............for America.

A. leave                     B. will leave                 C. have left                          D. shall leave

Question 61. The little girl asked what.............to her friend.

A. has happened                                            B. happened          

C. had happened                                             D. would have been happened

Question 62. By the end of next year, Geoge............…English for 2 years.

A. will have learned B. will learn                C. has learned                      D. would learn

Question 63. The man got out the car, ........... round to the back and opened the boot.

A. walking                B. walked                     C. walks                               D. walk

Question 64. For several years his ambition............…to be a pilot.

A. is                           B. has been                  C. was                                   D. had been

Question 65. Henry............into the restaurant when the writer was having dinner.

A. was going            B. went                         C. has gone                          D. did go

Question 66. He will take the dog out for a walk as soon as he ............dinner.

A. finish                    B. shall have finished C. will finish                        D. finishes

Question 67. Before you asked, the letter…............

A. was written          B. had been written     C. had written                      D. has been written

Question 68. It was noisy next door. Our neighbors.............a party.

A. had                       B. were having            C. had had                            D. have had

Question 69. Bad driving often............many accidents.

A. caused                  B. had caused              C. causes                              D. has cause

Question 70. The Olympic Games............every four years.

A. take place            B. takes place              C. took place                        D. is taking place

Question 71. What time…..the banks close in Britain?

A. do                         B. did                            C. does                                  D. can

Question 72. Look! That man….............to open the door of your car.

A. try                         B. tried                          C. is trying                           D. has tried

Question 73. When I was young, I............to be a singer.

A. want                     B. was wanting            C. wanted                             D. had wanted

Question 74. They.............me about it last week.

A. was telling           B. told                           C. had told                           D. would tell

Question 75. I.............here at the end of the month.

A. will leave             B. would leave            C. would have left               D. is leaving

Question 76. My grandfather............…many years ago.

A. had died               B. has died                   C. died                                  D. was dying

Question 77. I.........................my son the money for a week.

A. gave                      B. given                        C. have given                       D. was given

Question 78. Yesterday I passed by Peter’s house, but the front door was closed. He ……... out.

A. went                     B. must have gone      C. has gone                          D. had had

Question 79. I.............the dishwasher on when I heard the shot.

A. A. am turning      B. was turning             C. was turning                     D. turned

Question 80. There was a time when watching TV …............family entertainment.

A. were                     B. was                           C. had been                          D. is

Question 81. Last year, they.............22 million TV sets.

A. were selling         B. had sold                   C. has sold                           D. sold

Question 82. At last the bus came.We..............for half an hour.

A. waited                  B. was waiting             C. have waited                     D. had been waiting

Question 83. Daniel............the bus.It doesn’t run on Sundays.

A. did not catch                                              B. have not caught 

C. had not caught                                           D. couldn’t have caught

Question 84. I’m feeling sick.I.............so much chocolate last night.

A. needn’t to eat                                             B. did not eat        

C. musn’t eat                                                  D. shouldn’t have eaten

Question 85. I’m going on holiday on Saturday.This time next week I ............ on a beach in the sea.

A. will lie                  B. am lying                  C. will be lying                    D. should be lying

Question 86. Ted and Amy............for 24 years.

A. have been married                                    B. married 

C. were married                                              D. has been married

Question 87. Tomorrow I…............my grandparents

A. am going to visit                                       B. will have visited 

C. have visited                                                D. visit

Question 88. When the first child was born, they.............married for three years.

A. have been married                                    B. had been married

C. will been married                                      D. will have been married

Question 89. I think the weather…............nice later.

A. will be                  B. be                             C. had                                   D. has been

Question 90. She .............very angry when she knows this.

A. shall be                B. has been                  C. will have been                D. will be

Exercise 2. Choose the underlined part in each sentence (A, B,C, or D) that needs correcting

Question 91. After Mrs. Wang had returned (A)to her house (B)from work (C), she was cooking (D) dinner.

Question 92. Jimmy threw (A) the ball high (B) in the air, and Betty catching (C) it when (D) it came down.

Question 93. Linda has worn (A) her new yellow (B) dress only once (C) since she buys (D) it.

Question 94. Last week Mark told (A) me that he go (B)t very bored with his present job and is looking (C) for a new on (D)e.

Question 95.Having (A) fed the dog, he was sat (B) down to (C) his own (D) meal.

Question 96. When I turned on my computer, I was shocked (A)to find (B) some junk mail, and (C) I delete (D) it all.

Question 97. They are going to have to (A)leave soon (B) and so do (C)we (D).

Question 98. The boss laughed when the secretary has told (A) him that she really (B)needed (C) a pay (D) rise.

Question 99. The telephone rang several times (A) and then (B)stop (C) before I could (D) answer it.

Question 100. Debbie, whose father (A) is an excellent tennis player(B), has been (C) playing tennis since (D) ten years.



Exercise 1.



























































































Exercise 2.











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